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Latest revision as of 02:30, 26 October 2017

A Casual Chat
Date of Scene: 17 June 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Wonder Woman, Troia

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana had been visiting with a group of young women who were about to embark on a world tour of charitable deeds. They'd come to the Consulate here to meet with Wonder Woman to show (and tell) their inspiration having come from her and they'd setup a tour with a prominent charity group. There were photos had, much conversing and no little amount of smiles and laughter. It had been a fun afternoon gathering.

Now, however, things were calming down and Diana was in her office yet still, sitting at the sofa and chairs 'lounge area' and talking with one of the Consulate's employees, a young woman who worked in the kitchen as an understudy to the Head Chef of the building. The Themysciran Consulate held many fancy dinners for a wide range of reasons and they had a fantastic dining staff on-hand for such things.

Diana was currently wearing a sleeved red dress that went down to her knees, she had on a pair of simple black heels and her hair was tied back into a bun at the base of her head.

It seemed to be a very casual discussion going on, informal kind of thing as the Office's doors were still open.

Troia has posed:
    Even as things calmed down, there can be unexpected guests. A familiar face leans her head into the doorway of Diana's office and knocks on the doorframe. "Knock knock, Diana." The familiar voice of Donna Troy lets out as she steps into the room. Being very casual as she's simply wearing a black T-shirt, loose blue jeans and sneakers. She's still wearing her vambraces. No respecting amazon would go without them. "How're you doing, Diana?"

Wonder Woman has posed:
When the verbalized knocking came, both of the women at the small seating area looked over to the door. They both rose up at the same time as well and smiled toward Donna.

"Donna." Diana said. "Come in, please."

The Understudy would turn toward Diana and excuse herself, then would move toward the door and offer Donna a pleasant smile and a little nod of her head.

After she'd left, Diana would motion to the sofa beside her chair. "Please, sit. Its good to see you." She told her with a genuine smile.

Troia has posed:
    Donna nodded her head to the understudy as the understudy left, and Donna walked her way into the office to sit next to Diana and give Diana a hug around the shoulders. "It's really good to see you, Diana." She says after letting DIana go. "I'd have visited sooner after the banquet, but I'm still attempting to form the Titans. Robin keeps.....disappearing."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana would return the embrace and she'd then lower down to the edge of her chair to place her hands atop her knees and her blue eyes upon Donna. After hearing the other's words she'd summon a smile on her red painted lips. "Gothamite..." She'd reply initially. "Disappearing and being overly dramatic... it is what they do best. And most."

A gentle dip of her chin then and she continued. "I am glad to see you, whenever and as often as you are able to be here, Donna. I understand you are busy, I do not look to pressure you. You are your own woman and I know that you are out there, making us all proud." She'd show another softer smile then.

"Is there anything I can do to help you though?" Diana would then ask.

Troia has posed:
    "That sounds like Robin all right. Just seems that, whomever comes from gotham is either growly and quiet, or overly dramatic and showy." Donna then sighs, sitting upon the couch and relaxing a bit. "I'll be here as often as I can Diana, but...the titans....."

She then tilts her head. "Well....Do we have any reliable connections to help with building a tower for the Titans? It's....really high tech though....not like the security we had on Thymscira."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana would consider that question for a moment. "A full... city skyscraper you mean?" She asked, drawing in a breath as she looked a little off to the side in thought for a moment. "Those are quite expensive to build from scratch..." Diana's eyes would soon return to Donna's own and she'd tilt her head softly toward the right.

"It is possible that I could look around for buildings that are looking to be sold. Perhaps retrofitting one to the needs of the Titans would be sufficient?" She asked. "Afterall, Metropolis is filled with buildings... surely there is one that is... not doing so well financially... and wishes to be bid upon."

Troia has posed:
    "That is the positive side to it. Nightwing said that price is no object. We have an island in the outskirts of Culver County to build on. It's just a matter of what builders we can trust, how the members wish to build their rooms, and more. It's a nice place too. Access wouldn't be easy for thieves and the like, but it would be a noticeable monument for the city.....and a beacon of hope." Donna seems to be convinced....for the most part. "On the negative side, it's highly visible from the city...."

Wonder Woman has posed:
"Which makes it a target for villainy." Diana replied to her sister, softly nodding her head. "So it needs defenses and high security, while not looking intimidating to the public." She was clearly formulating ideas within her mind's eye.

But a moment later and her focus was re-centered upon that of Donna. "I will contact you with names soon. I know of some people... but if money is of no concern, then they will be more than happy to take the job." She said with a slight grin. "You will still want to have them do a little bid-war with one another... Afterall, you do not wish to overpay."

Troia has posed:
    "I do believe so, And you were the first I came to. Money may be no object, but trustworthiness is." Dona then tilts her head. "Bid War? What do you mean 'Bid War'?"

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana smiled softly. "I mean... That I will supply with the names of several people who will be qualified to build a place that will match the design ideas that you and your team have in mind. From there, you will have these Contractors give you a price for the job... and you will essentially want to choose the one who proposes the best job for the least amount of cost... but also the one that you get along with best. For something like this, having a good back and forth with the Contractor is of paramount importance. It will make the whole job much more easily bared."

Diana would stand up then and move to the small bar not but a few steps away. "Would you like something to drink?" She asked. "Water or juice?" She went to grab a glass for herself. "Oh, we have tea as well..." She went to pour herself a glass of tea.

Troia has posed:
    "That sounds good to me, Diana. And juice is fine." DOnna says to Diana as she goes to the bar. "And, I'm sure a good contractor would be willing to work with us rather than simply bull through the job." She says softly as she waits for Diana to get the drinks. "Have you met some of the titans?"

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana poured a glass of red juice for Donna and she offered it over with a smile, then gathered up her own of dark tea. "I met Kara." She replied, standing there now next to the bar facing her sister. "She seemed to have all the same charming personality that her cousin, Superman, has." Diana would gently shake her head. "I have not met any of the others, however. Though I am very eager to. They seem to be a wonderful collective of young heroic... future leaders of this world even." She smiled to Donna. "By the way, do not mention 'money is no object' to any of your employees, future or present." She said with a sly grin. "They will lose all sense of reason, swiftly there-after."

Troia has posed:
    "Oh yes. Like giving someone a coin of gold. They let greed take over. Which is why I came to you first. I trust you." Donna says as she sips the juice. "Mmmm...so much better than the sodas Beast Boy decides to try and give me. So much sugar....." She says softly. "And yes, Kara does seem very nice. We went to Star Labs....and we found something rather....disturbing...."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana would lift her glass up for a small sip of the tea and she'd grin softly at the sugary soda part. "Yes, stay away from that." She'd quietly comment back to her sister. When the Star Labs part came up, Diana's head gently tilted in curiosity. "What did you find?" She asked.

Troia has posed:
Donna Troy looks to Diana. "While the Titans were in a training session, Kara was hit by a Kyryptonite missile. naturally, I was suspicious, but I found out myself that she had a clone in Star Labs....."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana would level her gaze at this information. "A... kryptonite missile?" She asked, her dark eyebrows lofting up above her blue eyes. "And a clone, in Star Labs?" An exhale escaped between her lips and she lifted her glass up. "I think I might need something stronger than tea." She muttered as she stepped back to her chair in the seating area and lowered back down to its edge, crossing her legs at the knees.

"Was the missile's point of origin also from these labs?" She asked then.

Troia has posed:
    "Yes. Turns out that the one who created it.....was the clone. She's a scientist in Star Labs, and she's not really 'targeting' Supergirl, as much as making Supergirl and the Titans, learn to working without her being the 'Ace in the hole' for them all the time." Donna sighed a bit. "Freaked out the rest of her team though...."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana would listen to this and she'd gently nod her head two times. "Well." She said. "If you would like me to look into this Lab, then I would be more than happy too. It would seem as though they are conducting business that should not be conducted." She'd lift her glass up for another taste of the dark beverage and then refocus her gaze onto Donna. "Thank you for keeping me appraised, as well. But... is this something You do wish me to assist on? Or are you tending to it?"

Troia has posed:
    "I don't think you have to, Diana. From what it sounded like, despite how hostile this person seemed, she seemed to have intimate knowledge of Supergirl's physilogy." Donna says softly. "if you wish to look into it, I won't stop you. But, it seems to be handled."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana showed a faint smile then when theo ther said it was 'handled'. "I don't wish to pry into your affairs unless you are in need of me." She responded, nodding once toward Donna. "You every bit as capable of a... problem solver, as I am, sister." She showed a warmer smile for the other then. "I am just glad you have given me insight into this situation, communication is an important thing afterall."

Troia has posed:
    "Extremely important, Sister." Donna says softly. "If I need you, Diana, I'll ask for your help, but I'm also not going to stop you if you decide to step in. You have more experience in this than I do. So I value your judgement...."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana would show a smile to Donna then and after a second of thought she would dip her chin once in a singular nod. "Perhaps I will do a little digging online, see what I can find there first. Should I feel compelled... mmm maybe... I will swing by their location and make a surprise visit." She showed a soft grin then. "People love it when I show up unannounced."

Troia has posed:
    "oh yeah. I'm sure they'll love it when you show up unannounced." Donna says as she finishes her juice and starts to stand. "I'm glad I visited, Diana. It's always good to see you. Feel free to come by and see to the Tower as it's going up. And Robin tried so hard to get me to play video games...."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana would rise up as well and she'd offer another hug to Donna. "I will send you the information for the Builders of said tower." She said with a little smile. "I look forward to seeing it already, your team will create something beautiful. I am sure of it. Hopefully Robin reappears soon, or I might have to go looking for him as well."

Troia has posed:
    Donna gives Diana a fond hug in return. "Thank you, Sister. And I am sure they will. And.....as I said, I trust your judgement, Sister. If you go looking for him, I'm sure you'll find him." She says before she walks for the door. "I shall visit often, Sister. I promise."