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Latest revision as of 21:50, 26 October 2017

Training Time!
Date of Scene: 17 June 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Melinda May, Singh, Black Widow (Romanoff)

Melinda May has posed:
On the less than common days that May isn't busy on some mission or other, she makes a point of helping new recruits with physical combat training. After all, it's a decent workout at at the very least and the recruits get a taste ef exactly how far they need to progress in their skills.

Standing in the center of the sparring mats waiting for the recruits to return from their outdoor training exercises, May possibly looks a bit out of place. She's warming up with a routine that is a mix of yoga stretching and Tai Chi forms, and it might resemble slow motion against the other people around the perimeter of the training area.

Singh has posed:
Its been a few weeks since the events with Hydra and their attempt at firing off a rocket at a rather nasty target. A few weeks where one person who was involved in that event discovered the hell that goes on after an operation like that. Namely Paperwork. Lots of paperwork. ENDLESS PAPERWORK!!! If thats not enough, she's had a lot more of that horrid paperwork. She's been doing the paperwork that will get her started on her way to becoming a full agent within SHIELD.

Today, however is a very important day. Training day. While she found out what kind of punishment she can take, and has had minimal firearms training, She needs proper training. Right now, she wouldn't last very long in the field, at least not without relying heavily on her abilities. So, down to Security she goes to find Agent Melinda May.

"Hello, Agent May. A pleasure to meet you. Heard stories that you are amazing at the job so, looking forward to learning from ya." She smiles a little. At least she didn't call her the Cavalry.

Melinda May has posed:
That's one thing done right. May finishes the slow motion movements and turns to look at Ginger as the group of recruits arrive from outside. Their drill instructor is still working with them, so she focuses on the young woman that addressed her directly.

"Ms. Singh." She refrains from commenting on the compliment. Because. "Have you warmed up yet?" She knows only too well that in the field agents don't get the luxury of stretching before a fight, but she's not here to destroy this kid before her hand to hand skills have been properly evaluated.

Singh has posed:
Ginger Singh makes a little face, "Its fine. Honestly stretching doesn't do anything for me. Not since the accident." She moves onto the mat and gets into position. She doesn't have much in the way of fighting ability. Her stance is a bit sloppy, like she is mimicing what she seen in a movie or something. She simply does her best. "Okay so umm, is this right or, what do I need to do?"

Melinda May has posed:
May simply stands and watches Ginger's attempt at a combat ready stance, mentally berating TV and movies for giving so many people such BAD ideas over the past couple of generations. "Bring your feet a bit closer together and center your weight. Are you right or left handed?" She paces a slow circle around the young woman as if evaluating her visually. Somehow.

Singh has posed:
Ginger Singh nods and does as she is told. She carefully does as she is told. It feels a little better to have her feet at that stance. She feels a bit more stable and much more able to move around. "Umm Left. I can use the right a little bit but left is definitely my dominant hand."

Melinda May has posed:
"Then why did you choose a stance that puts your dominant hand in blocking position?" May knows the answer -- damned TV -- but she wants to see if Ginger can figure it out on her own. Finished circling the young woman she again stops in front of Singh and waits for a response.

Singh has posed:
"Because I thought that was how its done. I mean, my dominant hand would be able to block faster right?" Ginger winces. "I remember seeing it on TV and stuff like that." She comments and removes all doubt about where here flawed teachings have come from. She adjusts herself and resets her stance putting dominant hand back and her off hand forward.

Melinda May has posed:
"It actually depends on which discipline you're studying. Now that you've changed your stance, which one is more comfortable for you?" Because ultimately, that's what matters. And yes, she called it, this kid is emulating TV. "The most proficient martial artists are ultimately ambidesctrous, whether innately or by training."

Singh has posed:
Ginger Singh nods as she listens carefully. She is definitely taking this serious. "This stance feels a bit more powerful. Like I have more room to swing. Maybe a little slower but definitely stronger. I think this is more comfortable." She smiles a little, "Are there any martial arts that require a lot of flexability?"

Melinda May has posed:
May considers that question. "Most of them do, but some more than others. Shaolin is one of the most demanding." It also happens to be one of the ones she's mastered. But again she keeps that comment to herself. "People are usually discouraged from trying to learn Shaolin Kung Fu unless they intend to make it a lifelong discipline. What sort of flexibility are you planning on?" Is it possibl that May doesn't know what makes Ginger a unique contributor to SHIELD?

Singh has posed:
Ginger Singh takes a deep breath. With a quick motion she twists her body at the torso several times around. "Thats why stretching doesn't help. The accident destroyed my car but gave me abilities. Oddly enough, the crazy abilities saved my life." She untwists herself and resumes her posture. "I know there isn't exactly a lot of martial arts that are designed for people in my situation."

Melinda May has posed:
Well. That IS different. May considers this new information. "Are you able to stretch as well, or just basically ignore your skeletal structure?" She's in a sparring space near the center of the main training floor, alternately watching and circling Ginger Singh, likely trying to get a feel of where to start with training the young consultant. "If you're able to move fast, you might be a candidate for Snake Form." But, that's still only an 'if'.

Singh has posed:
Ginger Singh shrugs. She stretches her arms wide like she is going to hug someone. They keep going and going until each touches a wall. There is definitely some disfigurement from stretching but she doesn't seem to be in pain. Not in the least. "ta-da." She states almost sarcastically. It would be funny, if she didn't look flustered by the whole thing.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
She always arrives at the most interesting times it seems.

Natasha comes in dressed down in workout gear. Sweat pants with the word SHIELD down one leg, sports bra, and slip on shoes. Her hair is pulled back in a ponytail. She has her hands taped and was heading toward one of the heavy bags hanging at the edge of the training area. Seeing the arms stretched across the room, her steps slow and she pauses near the bags, watching the goings-on at the mat with interest. Seeing Agent May is the trainer, she nods vaguely in acknowledgment of the other woman. The last time they saw each other didn't go so well on Natasha's part but she'll wait to speak when the session is over.

Melinda May has posed:
Okay, then. This will definitely require some creative thought. May nods to Ginger then notices Natasha's arrival and offers the rehead a brief nod as well. "All right. We'll start simple, with some ways to block attacks." She waits for Ginger's arms to return to her already accepted ready stance. She then proceeds to start demonstrating for the young woman to follow along, and it's likely very reminiscent of the original Karate Kid movie. Just... without waxing and painting and sanding.

Singh has posed:
Ginger Singh releases the stretch she has going on and her arms quickly retract, returning to normal. She doesn't notice the other Agent's arrival. She watches May's moves, studying them. She starts mimicing them, doing her best to coppy those blocks. Part of her wants to comment about that old movie but, Better to just study the movements and keep quiet.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
Keeping to the side, Natasha begins to stretch a bit before she starts a light workout on the bag. She focuses on upper body, punches, jabs. The rhythmic thud thud of her fists soothing as she works on getting her heartbeat up before she'll start working harder. She's keeping a curious eye on the recruit in the center without looking like she's doing so.

Melinda May has posed:
Once May feels that Ginger has at least the basics, she starts teting her. "Okay, I'm going to throw punches, I want you to use one of the blocks you just learned to keeps yourselffrom getting hit."

She is of course NOT doing to be throwing punches at full speed or strength.

Singh has posed:
Ginger Singh catches sight of Natasha. She gives a slight nod but her focus stays largely on May. Then its time to test what she learned. Quickly she begins using the blocks, doing her best to deflect the incoming strikes. She can tell this isn't a full on attack. After all, she's heard stories about how awesome May is. Other recruits talk a lot.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
Although Natasha should be working up to faster punches, she's keeping her rate slower so she can continue watching. May is one of the best. In Natasha's opinion, she's better than many agents who might be ranked higher than she is. It's always a joy to watch her in motion, even at slow speed. The respect of one fighter to another. Finally she just stops bothering with faking it and leans against the bag, watching openly again.

Melinda May has posed:
After a few minutes and several thrown punches, May starts to speed up her swings to see how good Ginger's reaction time is. She's fully aware that the young woman is still just barely starting to learn so is having to consciously think about the blocks, so she doesn't speed up too much, but enough to make it feel more real.
And, then perhaps to really test the kid, she strikes out one at full speed and strength. She will be able to stop her hand before actually striking Ginger, but she wants to see her reaction.

Singh has posed:
Ginger Singh quickly begins blocking as best she can. The speed is a lot more then she'd expected right now. Still she is doing alright. One of the punches knockes her off balance. She quickly steps forward, Right as May delivers that full power punch. The strike connects hard with her torso. She doesn't give the feedback that a normal person would. In fact it its much more like punching a rubber. Her body takes the hit and softens the impact, distributing it over a wider area. She blinks a few times and looks down, "That was different." She does wince a little but she can handle it.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
As the blocks are going on, Natasha continues to watch quietly. She sees the moment, the shift of body language, the regaining of balance. But it's far too late for anything to stop what's to come. As the fist hits, she manages not to look surprised at how the impact is absorbed. A lot more to this woman than appearances would hint at. At that moment, the practically invisible earpiece goes off. She frowns and turns to the door, exiting as quietly as she entered. Duty calls.

Melinda May has posed:
The instant May's hand hits Ginger in the chest her eyes widen and she steps foward, reaching as if to try and catch the younger woman in a fall. It actually takes her about a half second to realize that not only is Ginger still standing, she's completely unharmed. And now that she mentally rewinds, hitting the kid didn't feel like hitting flesh and bone. More like... a rubberized floor mat.

"Singh, are you okay?"

Singh has posed:
Ginger Singh nods, "Yes I am. That was different. I knew what happened when I caught a few bullets recently but, I've not been hit like this before. Nice to know I can take a beating. Gods. Everything is just so weird now. You know up until the accident I was never in a fight?! Now everything goes crazy. I'm taking orders, working my way into a military organization. Things I never thought I'd be doing! I was just going to be a cook for gods sake!" She shakes it off. "Sorry. Just shocked is all."

Melinda May has posed:
May steps back again and offers a tiny bow as if that were a habitual thing to do. "I think that's enough for today. Keep practicing those blocks and next time we'll work on attacks."

That's about when the drill instructor with the gaggle of recruits calls out that he's ready. "Until next time, Ms. Singh."