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Latest revision as of 22:53, 26 October 2017

A Scandalous Encounter
Date of Scene: 18 June 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Damian Wayne arranges a test for a potential ally in his feud with his mother, Talia al-Ghul. Things go largely according to plan - but unbeknownst to him, his chosen target was once challenged to a duel by Talia: Scandal is left perplexed by the dramatic differences in approach.
Cast of Characters: 1017, Robin (Wayne)

Scandal Savage (1017) has posed:
Scandal has come to China Basin in pursuit of something non-Chinese - but definitely Asian. Newly returned to Gotham after some time overseas, she is in pursuit of rumours of a restaurant that has been set up by Bangkok natives. Lacking visible armament, clad in tight black jeans and with her hands thrust into the pockets of a waist-length leather jacket, she looks like an inoffensively curious visitor to the area. Indeed, the lack of fear she shows as she explores might be taken for naive cluelessness, should an observer fail to recognise (or believe) the confidence underlying it.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
unfortunetly this day not all people are observerant enough to realize that confidence. Two men are pushing their way through people, before one of them nods to the other and points in her general direction. With the nod of the other he starts moving towards the person that has gotten their attention pushing some homeless kid out of his way, as they move forward towards her quicking their pace. Of course, as he looks broke, and homeless he is ignored as he just falls backwards out of their way though strangly the cloak he is using to cover himself doesn't fall away just holding to cover his appearance.

On the other hand they are quickly making their way to her now since at least here at first she is just wondering around. Finally when they get within speakable range one of them shouts.. "Hey you.. lady.. hold up a second.." as the two continue to approach ignoring the others around them now.

Scandal Savage (1017) has posed:
It takes Scandal a moment to register that she's actually being addressed as 'lady' - and when she realises, she does indeed pause, focusing upon the approaching duo. Her shoulders and hands shift a little, adjusting the lie of her jacket, though her hands remain out of sight for the time being. She flicks a glance behind, in case there are others moving to surround her, then arches a brow at the pair. "Yeah?", she asks, non-committally.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
As the two men approach, they end up being actualy much bigger then they appeared a moment ago. Totally human, but from their overall appearance at least they put some work into looking oposing. The first one smiles, and comes cloer.. "Listen lady.. I am going to need your money, your phone, and anything of value.." the other one laughs like a goofball, but he draws a firearm half-out more to scare her then anything. Though he is looking around making sure no-one else is approaching them. Though neither look much intimidated by Scandal at the present.

In the shadows of the alley they just left under a cloak a boy smiles to himself, though he watches quietly using the shadows to approach as far as he could dare without being seen he watches what is about to happen. He could help, but he doesn't for now waiting to see what kind of response she may give to them. Though he is there.. watching quietly he makes no sounds it is like he isn't even there sound wise, as he is on guard just incase.

Scandal Savage (1017) has posed:
Scandal exhales a low sigh, eyes narrowing a touch... before she steps closer, narrowing the distance. "You'd be the guy in charge, right?", she asks the one with the gun - though she takes care to keep both in view. One hand comes out, moving around to dip into the interior of the jacket as if going for an inner pocket to comply with their instructions.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
The men nod, and the front one advances on her, thugs have so much issue with personal space though he is still brandishing a knife. The other, happy they aren't being watched just stands back and watches his partner in crime with a goofy smile on his face. The boy from the shadows, sighs.. He hoped she wasn't going to just give in like the others, he thought for a moment he saw something in her, and was hopping he was not wrong, but you never know till you put it to the test.. To quote Mike Tyson.. Everyone has a plan... till they get punched in the face.

Scandal Savage (1017) has posed:
Ah, well. Scandal *had* hoped to draw the gun-wielder in close as well. As it is, he's being uncooperative... so she says "Here you go" - and steps right in towards the knife. One hand comes up beneath the thug's wrist, while the other holds his elbow in place as she works with the natural mechanics of how his arm is intended to work. Still holding the hilt of his weapon, he finds the blade slamming into his own shoulder, before it's used as leverage to propel him rapidly back towards his buddy. Now snarling - both in facial expression and (quietly, but audibly) out loud - Scandal drives her assailant straight back towards the gunman, using him as cover. She's no Jessica Jones, tossing people around like rag dolls, but she's certainly displaying a lot more power than her build might suggest she possessed.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
As she moves the first person had no idea she was coming and yells out in pain. Though not even that lets him fall as she uses him as a human shield. Thankfully, maybe just for him his buddy doesn't try to shoot through him rather isn't sure what do do as she roars past him... quite litterally in this case. As the first man hits the ground a small coin falls out of his pocket.. A black coin with what looks to be a large fish of some sort on it. The second man looks at it just for a second before she is upon him too.

From the shadows, the boy walks out of the Alley a good few feet from them. He looks short, like a little over four feet tall, though most of his features are covered by a black cloak as he approaches. It looks like he is heading her direction, but slowly letting her finish the last guy, as he gets closer. Again his footsteps, make no sound, heck one might not be sure if he is even breathing in that gitup. Though even though she is fighting.. He just calmly approaches like nothing is happening.

Scandal Savage (1017) has posed:
Scandal's approach to fighting is slickly mobile, but doesn't seem to conform to any of the better-known schools of combat. Upon discarding her human shield, she keeps moving - snaring the other man's gun and twisting it down and back as she slips behind him, tangling his fingers in the metalwork as she guides his arm up behind his back. Holding it there, she prises the pistol from his grip... then tries to calm herself, at least a little. And Damian becomes, at least momentarily, the new focus of her gaze. Cloaked midgets don't exactly bode well.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
The man with the gun to his back now looks at his friend.. "Don't shoot.. don't.. what the heck." he forgets about the pain for a moment as he too see's the short person walking torwards him. "Listen lady.. I don't know what your into just let me and my friend go.. We don't mean any trouble... We are sorry okay promise!" his tone does raise a little as the pain comes back, though he doesn't seem to reconize the person approaching either. The person walking up stops for a moment a good distance away as you focus your gaze on him.. He sighs, and puts his hands up to show they are gloved in black hard leather.

The figure doesn't speak though as he gives you and your 'friend' a wide berth so if he was a danger he would have to do multiple things to put her in danger from where he is at, though he just walks around them to the fallen object. There he stops and looks at it, and he for the first time speaks, though his voice is serious, it does hold a light tone of someone young. "Interesting.. It seems you have gotten the attention of someone very dangerous." he picks up the coin and looks at it. "Shoot him, or let them go, they are dead either way.. One does not fail her, and walk away." then he falls silent again as he turns his attention from the coin to look at her. "You are gifted.. I think I would give you even odds of making it through her wrath.. Though I would warn you to be cautious."

Scandal Savage (1017) has posed:
Scandal blinks, as the short figure turns out *not* to sound remotely like any of the scary midgets she's previously encountered. Instead, it frankly sounds like a kid. "So... this wasn't a random mugging, then?" She gives her current captive's arm a tug, to encourage him to respond - preferably honestly. "Were you looking for me in particular?" The notion seems to be one she finds a little tiring, rather than terrifying.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
The one she twists his arm yells a bit.. "I don't know some lady paid us! She told us to attack you, and if we beat ya up a little we would get paid thats all I know!" the boy sighs, and looks at the coin.. "Did she have black hair?" he asks as he looks at the coin to which he man nods in confermation. The boy takes the coin, "Look.. I don't know why but the person is from the League.. If she is coming after you this is either just a hello there will be more coming way better then these two." he points down a different way. "I would suggest we do not stay here for them to find as they have numbers." he backs away heading the way he pointed not waiting for you. "I can not have her find me yet. The conditions are not optimal, the question is... are you coming or staying?"

Scandal Savage (1017) has posed:
Scandal sighs, closing her eyes for an instant. "Get your friend to a hospital. Ask for police protection. You might live. That, or leave the city without going home," she instructs her captive. She lets go of him, but keeps the gun as she moves to have a quick peer at the fallen coin, perhaps seeking guidance on whether or not the stranger might be telling her anything close to the truth.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
The man thanks her, and grabs his friend running for it. It doesn't look clear where he is running looking like he is just running to get away. The boy stops, but does not look at her. "The fish is a whale.. called Leviathan. It is a new group that was started by a woman named Talia Al' Ghul I thought her only target was the hound.. wait.. no The Hand, but it looks like whoever you are you just got on the list." The coin itself looks like what he is describing, and if you know the League it does look like it was made by their hands. As far as confirming or denying what he has said.. It does confirm that it is a whale like creature, and what group made it not much else can be told as the coin looks new.

After giving her a proper moment he starts to walk away again.. "So.. I guess the question now is, are you just a target?"

Scandal Savage (1017) has posed:
Scandal opts not to pick up the coin, lest it be either a tracking device or covered in poison. Instead, she cautiously follows the cloaked stranger... and lets slip another sigh. "Talia? We stabbed each other once," she says dryly. "To send those two after me... I suppose it might count as a warning. She certainly couldn't have expected them to succeed. Perhaps she simply sought confirmation I was here. But you? What's your involvement in this?"

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
The boy stops, and looks up.. "My time here has come to its end.. I must go. Though I will say this, I will see her group destroyed for what she has done to me. It was like I said why I am here, but I did not expect such things as to find a possible ally in that cause." he turns to look at her. "Think about what you do next carefully, if you do nothing, she will come after you seriously next and that will do neither of us any good." he walks into the alley. "And her relation to me is simple... She is my mother." and that is the last thing he says as he breaks visual contact turning into the alley.

There is no noise, but if you go look into the alley he is gone.. Where he was he just isn't anymore, it is like as soon as he broke visual contact he just disapeared into thin air!