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Latest revision as of 23:24, 26 October 2017

Two Kinds of Scandal
Date of Scene: 20 June 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Batwoman, 1017

Batwoman has posed:
    The world is relatively quiet at this time of night. It's a good time of night to go to work if you wait in a bar or perhaps give exotic dances at one of the locations in Old Gotham, not too far away. It's pretty boring, however, to be the clerk in a grocery store. The place smells faintly of antisceptic. All the walls and floors are white, though the wear of feet against the floor have worked indelible grooves and cracks that show off the gray of cement underneath.

It's a well-stocked store, all the essentials organized into neat aisles and the placed based on how to make someone most likely to reach for expensive products. Placement 101. Right now the only clerk is reading a romance novel while she fidgets boredly at Checkstand #3- two and one are closed for cleaning. The only customers present are a little old black lady with thick white hair who is checking out cantaloupe near the back and a tall, slender woman with short red hair who is currently making her way up the cereal aisle, yawning as she walks.

It's a good night to be shopping if you want to be in and out fast.

Scandal Savage (1017) has posed:
An insistent little electronic chime announces that the front door has been opened once more, allowing another woman to enter. Her auburn hair tone probably came from a bottle, her race rather exotically indefinite. Clad in tight black jeans, calf-high boots, and a leather jacket worn open over a low-cut top, she has a small pack hitched on one shoulder. A quick, wary survey of the shop precedes her heading towards the cartons of fruit juice.

Batwoman has posed:
Another electronic chime follows a couple minutes later.wo young women enter the store and begin to rummage through a small shelf of discount DVDs kept not far from the registers. One of them stops at the 'Red Box', which is a tall red kiosk advertising DVD rentals at '$1 A DAY' if you let them take down your credit card number.

The juice is relatively uneventful. Someone left a carton of orange juice in the refrigerator with a small hole in the bottom, slowly leaking over the other cartons. Some them are probably clean. Somewhere. The apple juice, cranberry, and various others are thankfully spared this fate on a shelf nearby.

At this point the woman with the bobbed crimson hair is headed toward the juice as well. She's pushing a small cart with a couple boxes of raisin bran, a carton of one dozen eggs, dry pasta, and a couple cans of sauce in it. Kate is about the auburn-haired woman's age, dressed in a dark 'Tegan and Sara' t-shirt, blue jeans, with a thoughtful expression on her lips. Someone won't be happy when they see the state of the orange juice cartons.

At the front the girls are talking rather loudly, arguing over some movie they found. Meanwhile, the little old lady is pittering about in front of the check stands. "In my day they kept the breakfast foods at the front..."

Scandal Savage (1017) has posed:
Scandal grimaces, surveying the sticky mess for a few moments... before taking a step to the side and opting for apple juice. She cradles a couple of cartons in the crook of one arm, while eyeing the rest of the display with the half-dazed look of someone trying to remember if there's anything else she should be buying.

Batwoman has posed:
The old lady at the front has settled down finally. As the two girls check out she watches the stand. Briefly she adjusts her glasses, which glint as they catch the light. Eventually the clerk calls, "Ma'am, may I help you with something...?" as the teenagers depart, a movie in hand. The electronic bell sounds again.

"Well, let's see. Milk first..." Unaware, Kate approahcess the refrigerators. She carefully pulls down a gallon of milk and settles it into the cart before mvoing on to the next shelf. Orange juice. the woman takes a step forward- and loses her footing in a puddle of orange juice. A cry of abrupt alarm follows as she skids toward the shelf of apple juice- "Look out!" She seems pretty calm but that won't keep her from running Scandal over. Thankfully, Kate catches the edge of the shelf and steadies herself. "Ah- that was eventful. Hello. I'm sorry about... Whatever that was.:

Scandal Savage (1017) has posed:
Scandal's free hand whipped out to catch the near end of the cart, the motion accompanied by an instinctive shift to a more balanced stance - and by a ferocious glare. Then she relaxes, taking a slight breath before offering a wry smile. "Beware of the orange juice," she says dryly, eyeing the tall redhead.

Batwoman has posed:
"...Apparently." Kate arches a brow and then glances back at the juice slick before shaking her head. She takes a deep breath and moves past Scandal to pull down a bottle of apple juice of her own. The ferocious glare clearly drew notice. The redhead apparently didn't find it too terrifying, at least. "Were you looking forward to it too?" A wink follows. "I should probably go let someone know-"

"...I know you have at least three hundred dollars in that register, sonny. You should just open it up before someone gets hurt!" The older woman has her hand jammed into her purse and the fabric is tented like she might be carrying a gun. She waves it at the clerk and scowls.

"I was supposed to be in bed at 8. I'm missing 'Colbert'! Don't make me go back there and get it myself."

Scandal Savage (1017) has posed:
"I'd been going to mention it when I paid," Scandal says, tone absent-minded as she, too, focuses most of her attention upon the unconventional stick-'em-up. "Do you think that's a disguise, or is she just senile?", she quietly wonders, seemingly intrigued far more than perturbed. "It's hard to imagine she'll get away with it if that's her real appearance."

Batwoman has posed:
"Probably a disguise," Kate observes, agreeing with Scandal as the conversation continues. "I mean, she might make it pretty far. The staff isn't supposed to try to stop her..." She deposits the bottle of apple juice into her cart and breathes a soft sigh, shaking her head. "I guess we'll find out in a moment." She does start to work in the direction of the stickup with careful steps. The better to get a look.

Indeed, the clerk looks both bored and befuddled but she is handing over the cash as requested. The 'little old lady' is stuffing it into her conspicuously empty large purse. The clerk adds in a dull monotone, "You know, I can see you don't have a gun."

"Does that change anything?"

"Not really. Here you go..."

Scandal Savage (1017) has posed:
"Hey, don't get yourself shot or anything," Scandal cautions the stranger - though she doesn't sound overly fearful. Indeed, after a moment's thought, she heads closer to the counter as well... also moving quietly, and putting a bit of distance between herself and Kate, just in case gunfire does start and separation of targets becomes advisable.

Batwoman has posed:
Scandal would recognize the way Kate moves. She's been in a firefight before. The shelves are used to screen her from visibility as she shifts closer to the register. "I'd tell you to be careful too.... But you look like you know what you're doing." Kate peeks past the corner she's against to see what is unfolding. "Anyway, I... Think we're safe."

A little old lady with a purse full of cash is walking toward the doors of the store while clerk behind her is slappng the alarm button to summon security.

Yes. Granny actually got the cash. With what was likely a finger for a gun.

Scandal Savage (1017) has posed:
Scandal slowly shakes her head, eyeing Granny with mild disbelief... before quirking another wry smile in Kate's direction. "And to think that some people think this city has a few problems," she murmurs.

Batwoman has posed:
Then reality ensues. Three cars slam into the parking lot and halogen lamps go on in all directions as Granny is surrounded by security. This isn't a slum grocery store. There are people on call late at night. The capture of Bandit Granny is going on in real-time outside. She is screaming something about liberating the elderly from their financial prisons.

...Why is someone recording all of this? A bored news chaser is watching from a red muscle car at the edge of the lot. This'll be on if nothing more interesting has happened.

The wry smile is returned and Kate gives Scandal a brief nod. "My name's Kate, by the way. I try to get the names of people I'm almost in a firefight with... Even if it's as dubious as this would've been."

Outside, a security guard advances on Granny. She hits him in the face with her purse and kicks him. Hard. He goes down. Kate even winces sympathetically.

Scandal Savage (1017) has posed:
"Scandal", the smaller woman provides rather absent-mindedly. Even with her impressive track-record of getting distracted by tall redheads, she's finding it rather hard to look away from the bizarre scene outside. "What *is* this place? A testing-ground for some sort of anti-crime initiative? Or a crime syndicate's headquarters? And, ahh, yes. It's a pleasure to meet you, Kate."

Batwoman has posed:
"It's a pleasure to meet you too, Scandal," Kate replies quietly, tilting her head slightly as she does. She offers another smile but is busy being openly quizzical regarding the scene outside. "I mean, the word is that the Penguin has some interest in the local neighborhood but would that really cause all of *this*?" Kate asks. She finally blinks a few times. Slowly.

"Well, there it goes. They've subdued her and that's... Pretty much that, I think. Or will be in a moment. If we want to get out of here before the commotion comes inside we should probably check out." Kate isturning to walk back to her cart. "And to think I usually shop at night because it's less eventful."

Scandal Savage (1017) has posed:
"I'm only in here to grab something for my wife before her shift finishes," Scandal responds, flashing a smile at Kate before moving towards the counter. "Hi. I'm here to deposit some money rather than withdraw it," she informs the cashier.

Batwoman has posed:
"And found an adventure." The smile is returned and then Kate moves to stand in line behind Scandal patiently. There's only one after all. The clerk gives Scandal a brief, albeit vaguely bored smile, and nods. It doesn't take long to check out for either woman. Outside the commotion is still continuing, lights and all. Granny put up quite a fight.

Scandal Savage (1017) has posed:
Scandal pays cash for her apple juice, before stashing both cartons inside her pack. She loiters near the exit for a few moments, to be sure that there's not a camera pointed in her direction, before slipping out into the cool of the night air - holding the door for Kate to follow.

Batwoman has posed:
Kate is just grabbing her bags- of which she has two- when the door is opened for her. She glances a Scandal, then at the store and nimbly makes her way to the exit. "Thank you," is offered in muted tones. She moves the way an assassin might- smoothly, silently, and with a minimum of fuss. She probably wasn't caught on the security cameras, if nothing else. Kate follows the auburn-haired woman in front of her without hesitation.

Scandal Savage (1017) has posed:
"You're welcome," Scandal answers politely, eyeing the assembled security (and the media presence) with wary suspicion. "I have the impression that I don't need to offer to escort you safely home after this. But I'm heading that way, myself." She nods in the direction of the Superiors Club... and about half of Gotham, of course.

Batwoman has posed:
"You're right. I probably don't need an escort but I wouldn't mind the company. I'm heading the same way." Surprise, surprise. Truly. The lean, six foot tall, statuesque redheaded woman is scanning over the array of vehicles criticallly as she steps into place with Scandal. She then points along the building toward a small set of stairs leading to a little path that cuts between the store and the warehouse behind it. Kate makes to head in that direction.

Scandal Savage (1017) has posed:
A dark alley in Gotham, accompanied by a combat-capable stranger? Scandal accepts without hesitation and only a slight twitch of amusement on her lips. "I take it that you live locally, then?", Scandal ventures - tone amiable and gait relaxed, even as habit ensures that she scans her surroundings for threats.

Batwoman has posed:
It's that or the news, after all. The parking lot is getting pretty full of people. Kate walks alongside Scandal with long, easy strides, nodding as the woman speaks to her. "I live up the hill," she notes, vaguely indicating a stretch of Old Gotham with the edge of her hand as she does. "It's a ways out but that gives me time to think." She doesn't seem any more worried than Scandal- which is to say every corner and wall is examined as a possible source danger without her so much as twitching a muscle to show worry. The path between the buildings exits before long onto the next street over. Not that anyone else is really about... Not by the grocery store anyway. Further down the street are business more suited to night life. These are booming as always.

Scandal Savage (1017) has posed:
"I've spent a bit of time here in the past, but certainly can't claim to be a native. Still... enjoying learning the city's details and surprises." Scandal flashes a swift, wry smile at her taller companion.

Batwoman has posed:
"The first thing you leanr about Gotham is that something is always happening. It's not always visible but it's there." Kate's smile settles on her features while she gestures to the broad street infront of them, brow furrowing dellicately. "Which direction are you headed from here....?" Shhe ask then, reorienting herself a bit more firmly on her newfound friend. "Lead the way. And... Where are you from then? If you don't mind me asking."

Scandal Savage (1017) has posed:
"It certainly seems so. And I'm going that way." Scandal nods again, in the direction of some of Gotham's more vibrant (if not necessarily respectable) clubs. "And I was born in the Acre region of Brazil, of which you're unlikely to have heard unless you have an interest in obscure corners of South America. Brazil only conquered it a little over a century ago."

Batwoman has posed:
"I have to confess that the only Acre I am familiar with is in Francce," Kate responds, nodding slowly. "I was born here. I've lived a couple other places but I always end up coming back..." She shrugs her shoulder lightly and then turns in the direction of the clubs in question. "Brazil, though? Hm. Let's see..." SHhe starts to speak in a careful, fairly fluent Portugese. "How badly am I embarrassing myself so far?"

Scandal Savage (1017) has posed:
"Not bad at all," Scandal answers in the same language, laughing - her own accent smoothly educated Brazilian. "I don't think I've ever visited Acre in France. I've been in the historic city in the Levant. But I've not toured France so much as I might."

Batwoman has posed:
"...Oh, right. And the city in the Levant. Of course," Kate responds slowly. "I paid attention in European History. Crusades..." She shifts her weight slightly from left to right. "I learned a lot more about Jerusalem than the others when I visited Israel, but- still." She gives a light shrug of her shoulders. It takes a bit of thought to pick her way through the words but it seems Kate's Portuguese is conversational, at least. "Have you done a lot of traveling?"

Scandal Savage (1017) has posed:
"A lot, yes," Scandal agrees, amusement again tinging her words. She seems happy to stick with Portuguese for as long as Kate chooses to. "Though I admit that I don't know a great deal about *that* Acre after the period of the Crusades. My father was quite keen to educate me in some areas of history."

Batwoman has posed:
"Acre's an important port right now," Kate rewsponds with a light shrug. "There aren't a lot of natural ports in Israel." She seems content to walk, letting Scandal settheir pace and traveling along with her as the clubs become more glaring. They are nearing their destination already. "My father was the one who took me to Israel as well, actually. He wanted to make sure we understood our history. Where else have you been? Feel free to tell em to stop asking questions. Otherwise, who knows? I might not."

Scandal Savage (1017) has posed:
"Oh, *many* places. Bohemia. Siberia. Bangkok is quite possibly my favourite city in the world, at least to visit. A number of places in the Caribbean. Some more obscure ones...." Scandal shrugs slightly, then nods ahead. "My wife works in Superiors. If you wanted to come in and meet her, I think she'd be amused to hear how we met. And the bouncers'd wonder why *two* of us were showing up with groceries."

Batwoman has posed:
Kate quirks a brow at Siberia but the rest of these answers seem to be ones that aren't too surprising. She nods once, canting her head slighty toward the club head and taking a deep breath. "Sure, I'd love to meet her," Katherine agrees immediately. "It'll be fun to see how she reacts to all of that.." Then Kate starts forward toward the club in question. No fear at all.

Scandal Savage (1017) has posed:
Scandal cracks a swift grin, then ushers her companion into the club. It's clear that she's known to the (male) bouncers, greeting a couple by name as she leads the way inside. Within, it proves to be the kind of establishment that some might consider to epitomise Gotham: nicely-appointed, comfortable, and a strip joint... with dancers portraying overtly sexy versions of an array of 'supers', both heroic and villainous. Not, admittedly, that some of the costumes on show are *very* far from the ones worn by the originals.

Batwoman has posed:
Kate walks throug hthe club with a great deal of grace and aplomb, finding nothing whatsoever shocking about what she is seeing around her. That thoughtful smile rests gently on her lips as she surveysher surroundings, brows slightly knit as she studies the dancer- and others present as well, in fact. Watching everyone isn't a habit she's dropped because she's come with a brutally violent potentially villainous ex-convict to a strip club, by any means. Kate really has nothing to say about it, however. So she continues to look.

Scandal Savage (1017) has posed:
The clientele are predominantly male... and this being Gotham, it's safe to say that many patrons of this sort of establishment will be rather less than respectable. But the staff appear amiably protective, and though there's a lot of attention being paid to the new arrivals no one (yet) dares to harrass them.

Scandal moves to greet a blonde - clad in a very minimalist version of a Green Lantern costume - who is tending bar, receiving confirmation of something with a smile and a nod towards the stage. Looking back to Kate, the Brazilian offers a smile. "My wife'll be out shortly, if you want to see her on stage. But don't feel that you have to stick around. I know this isn't exactly the sort of place everyone's happy in."

Batwoman has posed:
"Seems nice enough and it isn't like it isn't pleasant to look at," Kate responds with a laugh. And like I said, I wantto meet her." That smile is returned and Kate casts around for nearby seats. Rather than take it, however, she stays close to the Brazilian standing beside her. Not too close, of course, but they are clearly here together. "If I was going to spook I probably woud've stopped at the door," she conclludes with a shrug. "There's nothing wrong with stripping anyway." One of the drivers is flashed a smile and Kate speaks with them briefly like they might know one another. Justthat, however, and she nods."

Scandal Savage (1017) has posed:
Scandal cracks another grin, then gestures an invitation to one of the bays of seats. "We can grab somewhere to sit, if you like. Or lurk at the bar for easier access to the drinks."