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Latest revision as of 23:29, 26 October 2017

After the Non-Interview
Date of Scene: 20 June 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: 142, 143

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
The Fantastic Four (minus one), as promised, helped the lawyer distract Ms. Lane long enough for Adrien, Marinette, Nathalie, and Gorille to make their way to the working elevator then down to the lobby and into the parking garage. Gorille opens doors, with Adrien helping Marinette into the back before getting in himself and Nathalie slidding into the front seat. Adrien, having taken Marinette's hand, hasn't let her go, and as the car starts toward the apartment, he leans toward Marinette to murmur something into her ear.

"You look amazing. You looked amazing. You are amazing."

Chat caught his tongue.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
That confidence had been born of pure anger and kept in place by Reed's behavior. One might think it woulf dissipate the moment they got into the car, and it probably does some, but not entirely. She's finding it oddly easy to keep that confidence wrapped around her and in place. Especially with those whispers in her ear.

A blush dances to her cheeks as a smile curves her lips and she looks over at him. "Really? I couldn't get my heart to quit racing."

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
"Fur really reals, m'Lady. Your were pawssibly the most amazing thing I'd evfur laid my eyes on," Adrien replies, again in a soft murmur-whisper against Marinette's ear, hand letting hers go only so he can wrap his arm about her shoulders to pull himself closer to her side. Gorille glances once into the rearview mirror at them, then flicks a glance at Nathalie who levels a quirked brow at the man and pointly looks away and out the front window. Gorille returns his eyes to traffic.

"Plus, I love when your heart races."

Yup. Chat totally caught Adrien's tongue, and has taken over.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
Which is precisely what he's making do. "Yeah?" A brow quirks and she smirks, cutting her eyes over to him.

A slight shift and she's looking at him a little more fully, fingers coming up to run through his hair. "I think you kust enjoy seeing me put people in their place."

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
"How is this news again?" Adrien retorts on a smirking grin, arm falling between her and the seat as she shifts toward him. His other hand start for her opposite hip with Nathalie comments just loud enough to be heard.

"The windows are not fully tinted."

Adrien huffs faintly, but doesn't withdraw. Not since that means pulling himself out of Marinette fingers in his hair.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
Did Marinette hear Nathalie? Yep.

Does it stop her from leaning in even as she pulls Adrien down to her? Nope.

A teasing brush of her lips ans then Marinette smirks up at him. "Something I will mpst definitely have to keep in mind from now on." That he seems to enjoy it so much only bolsters that confidence in her.

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Nathalie gave her warning. If the Agreste heir wants to risk a making-out-in-the-back-of-a-car-at-a-red-light Twitter pic that's completely on him. Especially when Marinette teases Adrien with her lips and pulls him down to her. It's invitation and permission enough for him to lean further, hand on her opposite hip seeking to pull her tighter against him so his lips can find hers.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
It's a short kiss, yes, but one full of fire. Mari really doesn't care if people gawk. He may be heir to the Agreste brand and fortune but they're young and in love and the world can kiss her ass.

Her fingers run through his hair one last time as she pulls back.

"Did you need to get back to work or is dinner then home possible?"

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
That gives-no-fucks attitude, so easy to find while in a mask, is found now in the 'mask' of Marinette's alluring self-confidence. There is no lack of heat in his own kiss, althought further advancing on her is stayed by her fingers through her hair. Response is also delayed as he has to try to replay what she just asked of him. It gives Nathalie all the time she needs to pull up Adrien's schedule.

"You have fencing at 3pm, piano at 5pm, and a conference call with Tokyo at 8pm," she states so helpfully. Adrien sighs lightly, then smiles at Marinette.

"Dinner between piano and phone call?" he asks, a hopeful note to his voice.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
A soft chuckle comes from Marinette and she nods. "Perfect." She's learning, slowly, to work his schedule.

Her position shifts once more so she can press herself against his sode and reach for pne of his hands. "How's the meeting go before you got called away?"

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
If Marinette ever teamed up with Nathalie on his schedule...

"It was okay," Adrien replies, settling into being leaned upon. "Father had me sit in and listen to sales projections for next season. I really wasn't doing much except sitting there looking attentive and trying to check their math in my head without knowing what equations they were using," replies the blonde, fingers weaving into hers.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
Mari giggles, her eyes dropping to theur hands where her fingers toy and play with his. "Did it add up?" He amuses himself in some of the oddest sometimes but it's part of his charm. "Would you like to go out for dinner or stay in?"

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
"No idea. But Father seemed not upset, so they must have been alright," Adrien replies, happily watching her fignertips toying with his own. as for dinner...

"Well, if we go out, I may have to rush or call from the car... If we stay in, we can curl on the sofa and play video games or watch a movie until the last minute...."

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
"Mm. You make a very convincing argument for staying in..." Bluebell eyes dance and sparkle as she looks up at him. "Take out?," is whispered very quietly and in such a conspiratorial manner. "I think Playstation Now just refreshed their line up so there's new games available on it now."

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
"Oooh! Yes. Take out. I will work for it at fencing," Adrien says, nodding to the naughty-diet thoughts in his head. Because there's fencing AND 'parkour' tonight? He grins that Chat grin as he says 'fencing', brows giving a suggestive hop.

"Yeah! Playstation Now and lo mien. I am so looking forward to this," he states.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
Marinette beams up at him. "It's a date then." She laughs warmly, settling down and resting her head against his shoulder for the rest of the drive. Well... Right up until, "I'm sorry if I overatepped today by bringing the lawyer..."

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Smiling, Adrien drops his head to hers, happy and content to just sit by her.

"What? Oh, no. Not at all. That was... I think I stopped thinking straight for a minute..." Whew. Maybe more than a minute. Hello, woman!

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
The car had dropped Marinette off and then taken Adrien off to do what had to be done for the day.

She had barely gotten into comfortable clothes and had time to put the jewelry up when there was a knock at the door. What happened to Mari next is ... A whirlwind if you ask her. It was a gang of friends from school who got bored and decided they would visit. And then the two 'closets' were discovered and what happened next was... Well...

When Adrien gets home, the laughter can be heard out in the hallway. When the door opens, he'll be greeted with, "Oh my god, Marinette! How do you not how to... It's heel to toe not toe to heel!" It's followed by another round of laughter from the gaggle of girls in the living room.

There's hair products, brushes, makeup cases... Things Adrien would well recognize. "How did you lot talk me into this again? And I don't walk in them because I never wear heels!" At least she's giggling.

"You have -Agreste- designs here, Mari! I'd kill for some these dresses! Like, I'm not even kidding. I'd cut a bitch." The voice is clearly teasing.

"There you go! You got! I so demand pictures of this!" -- "Wait! Pictures?? No no, Amber!" *SNAP!* "I hate you." And again, through laughter.

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Walking into the sound of laughter was not something he was expecting. At all. It was warm and wonderful and so completely unfamiliar that Adrien closed the door carefully, and set his fencing bag down by the door. Eyes on the makeup, he looks it all over. Marinette's skin tone, he's sure of it. Golds, reds... what on Earth? Laughter again draws his eyes up and toward the living room so there he goes, moving quickly and quietly under the cover girlish giggles. And Marinette giggles. But giggles were good, so Adrien steps in fully to see what's going on.

It's when he spots Marinette that the Agreste model freezes, lips parting slightly.

Adrien.exe has stop-

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
"Strut, Mari!" A blonde near Marinette giggles and bounces. "I've seen you get sassy at school!" Which causes a redhead's eyes to widen. "Right!? I thought Miss Entitled was going ti have a tantrum right then and there!"

Meanwhile, a girl with pink and purple hair is walking back amd forth with Matinette, coaxing that attitude out od her until she's sashaying with her friend, the attitude of 'I so own and make this hot' clear in the way she walks, twists, and her eyes.

It has them all disolving into a fit of giggles.

"I'm gonna geab drinks," says a brown haired girl who turns, spots Adrien and freezes. "M-Mari... Adrien Agreste is in your apartment.."

Despite gow softly it was said, almost every girl snaps their attention around. "OMGee! HE'S your roommate!?" The blinde from earlier looks like she may faint.

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
All of this Adrien watches. The blonde that is like a photography director. And the pink and purple haired girl whose the runway coach. And the caterer brunette who spots him!

Oh shit?

A beat. Adrien collects himself and grins that runway smooth grin which Marinette hides the fact that he has no idea what the hell is going on, but there's fashion and make up and high heels and runway walking happening so he might as well just model it up. Knowing that he's Chat too offers the tiniest glimmer of that cool cat glibness to mask the hope that he's not asked for an autograph or a selfie. He hates having to do them for publicity stunts, and it's frustrating to get chewed out for doing them because he's being nice to a fan.

"Yes. We're roommates," he confirms, wondering if any of them got the rumor about him being engaged. Green eyes trail to Marinette, the tiniest bit of cat-like mischief glinting in the green.

"If you cross your feet over a bit more, you'll get more of a pop on your hips, Mari," offers the experienced runway model. Oh that grin! She's gonna let him have it tonight, isn't she?

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
The girl beside Mari smirks, meets her friends blue eyes, nods and steps back and all while announcing, "I can't be the only one who read he's engaged... C'mon guys..."

Oh Kitty... What have you done?

The other three girls who were looking back and forth between model and designer seem to realize exactly what he did as they catch that glint in Marinette's eyes. It has them all stepping back to clear a path between the two and snickering. "She never told you, huh?" The redhead smirks.

"Pop in my hips, hm?" That glint and tone... The acceptance on a challenge.

Mari uses the clear space between them to walk over to him, crossing her feet as suggested which does, indeed, make her hips pop. She ends the strut just in front of him, pops one hip out, winks, and then twist while giving a small hair flip and strutting back to her original position only to turn and smile at him. It was perfecrly exexuted really. "Like that?"

"Holy hell! You're engaged to Adrien Agreste!?" The brunette.

And it makes Marinette smirk. "Ladies... I have a date tonight... I'll see you this weekend, okay?"

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Hello Ladybug smirk. In a Ladybug red dress with gold trim and heels that brings her nearer to his lips and Adrien just nods at Marinette's acceptance. Three steps in and he forgets that he was supposed to be evaluating her walk. She winks and his eyes flutter a bit, wanting to blink to protect from the hair flip, not wanting to close on the vision in front of him. His eyes had followed the line of the back of the gown, meaning to watch the hem but getting lost somewhere on the way down. Her voice brings his eyes back to her face.

Ladybug: 1
Chat Noir: x.x'

"Very important date," Adrien adds, not hearing the slight bit of husk to his normally smooth and even tone of his voice. He is likley the ONLY one to miss it.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
The 'runway coach' snickers and shakes her head. "Yeah. I can tell." It has the rest of the girls giggling as they pack up. "Enjoy your evening, Marinette," giggles the blonde.

Mari has taken her eyes off Adrien. "Later girls." And then they're leaving with the brunette calling, "You so owe us an answer!"

The door closes and Marinette grins, a brow arching. "Cat got your tongue, mon amour?"

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Adrien's head shakes as he moves over to Marinette. His turn to 'runway' strut toward her. But without all the people, it's much more Chat's smooth lolling gait.

"Cat would rahter have yours," he retorts, against with that faint growlly note to his words.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
Mari's eyes slide over head to toe and then back up. Her chin lifts as he walks up to her, lips slightly parted.

Her hand comes up to his chest and she takes a playful step back. "Would he now? I'm terribly sorry but I have a date to get ready for." She smirks, eyes twinkling. "A very important date. Remember?"

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
"Tell me you're wearing that or less," Adrien retorts withtout thinking, stepping forward as Marinette steps back. Because this is a dance, and oh god is she intoxicating right now.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
Mari wets those perfectly painted lips and smitks, taking another step back. "I guess you'll just have to wait and see, won't you?" Her eyes linger on him. "Why don't you call and get dinner ordered. I'll go change. You're hungry, right?" See what you did, Kitty?

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
"I could help you change," Adrien offers. Because as good as the dress looks ON her, it'd look better on the floor. She licks her lips. He does too, because now he wants to lick hers too, and he steps after.

"Famished," is the reply that is not eve remotely talking food anymore. See what you did, Bug?

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
"That would ruin the surprise..."

Another step back takes her up onto the first stair. "Order us dinner, hm? We'll curl up, watch a movie, eat dinner and have dessert..."

Leaning down, the kiss she gives him is light and teasing.

"All good things to those who wait. So be patient. It'll be worth it."

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Is that a whine? A faint kitten sounding whimper of a mewling whine?

No. Of course not!

Adrien leans forward, chasing after the kiss, and nearly falling forward when she takes another stepup the stairs and out of reach. His feet stumble on the stairs and gives her plenty of time to get away.

"As you wish, Purrincess," Adrien purrs, grinning and watchign Marinette go before he turns to order dinner. Take-out. Hmmm.. what to get?

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
Mari's gone long enough to change out of the dress and set it aside for dry cleaning. the jewelry is removed and and placed back in its case. The heels are moved and put back. Stockings are removed.

The lipstick is take off and a light gloss put on. Simple combs are used it pin back the sides off her hair without undoing the thick waves and curls. And the 'lounge wear' is slipped on. Then she makes her way down the stairs, still dressed is bright, Ladybug red.

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
She's gone long enough for Adrien to get his order placed and to toe off his shoes and put his jacket up and for Plagg to roll his eyes and fly off to find Tikki and when Marinette is half way down teh stairs Adrien looks up with a smile that dies. The expression falls into complete brainless stunned wonder.

It covers everythign important. But the lacy neckline under the spaghetti straps highlight the silk ribbon bow that's between her breats, begging him to tug at it and unwrap a gift. The skirt is so light and airy and flirty that he can imagine the shape of her hips and legs beneath.

Ladybug caught his tongue: 2
Chat: =X.X=

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
He stops and she finishes making her way down the stairs, a smile on her lips. She walks over to him, hands tucked so innocently behind her back. Coming to a stop directly in front of him, she lifts those bluebell eyes up to his green ones. "Did you get dinner ordered, mon amour?"

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Her words don't register, at first. But when they do, Adrien is blinking, and working to form a coherent answer.

"Yes. Yes I did. Lo miau noodles, I mean..."

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
A playful smirk curves Marinette's lips as she takes another step is and eeaches up to wrap her arms around his neck. "Did they tell you how long it would be until it got here?" It's asked as turns, arms still around him, and starts walking bavk towards the couch.

She'll have yo figure out later where the confidence came from because she's thoroughly loving his reaction.

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Her arms around his neck has his arms curl about her wait. She steps back, he steps forward. Where are they going? He doesn't know. He just goes.

"Thirty to fortyfive minutes," Adrien repeats, verbatum.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
Mari nods slowly, unable to wipe the smile from her face. Curling one leg up, she slips back on the couch, cuerling the other up and inching back a little more and pulling him onto it with her. "Good."

The remote for the television is picked up and then her arms wrap around him again.

Finally, she leans in and kisses him, fingers toying with the bottom of his hair.

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
There are so many mixed signals here! First there's asking about food. Who needs food at a time like this?! Adrien sets a knee to the sofa at Mari's side.

Then, there's grabbing the remote. Why do we need a remote?! Adrien lowers down to the sofa, one hand on the back of the couch the other arm wrapping about her waist. Whatever other objections he had flee with that kiss.

Now, we're talking.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
He sits and wraps an arm around her waist and she stretches out, half laying in his lap.

Lips part and she hums softly at the taste of jim, letting the kiss draw on and linger for some time. They can find a movie once food actually gets here.