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Latest revision as of 23:30, 26 October 2017

Date of Scene: 20 June 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Rogue, Emma Frost, Beast

Rogue has posed:
Coney Island, its morning, its like 7am in the morning no less.

Charles had contacted Hank, Hank had bumped into Rogue in the hallways and he'd chosen HER to be his Pokemon on this adventure.

The two had driven out to the Amusement Park and used their amazing X-Men skills to easily get inside the un-opened park. There were park workers around, but they seemed to be ignoring the two.

"We're lookin' for someone near the docks?" Rogue asked Hank. "Ya know what hangs out down there right, beneath them?" Rogue had her hands in her jacket pockets and she smiled at Hank. "Vampires... Nasty ones too. Its this whole dirty Vamp cult, they prowl on folks who go unde'ah there, like Hobos that wanna bang each othe'ah. Its nasty, but its effective food supplies."

Rogue paused at a stand and she picked up a floppy eared costume bunny hat. "Ooo..." She said, smiling after putting the bunny eared hat on her head. She dropped down a $10-spot on the counter (having no idea if that was the price of the hat or not) and started walking on.

"What are we lookin' for anyhow?"

Emma Frost has posed:
Beneath the dock, the rays of the sun are just starting to rise over the horizon of the ocean waters. The sounds of the ocean breaking on the soaked pillars holding much of the park up and level off the beach. The dirty, mossy wet sand stretches out from the cement, as the tide rolls out, connecting the two beaches into one long area with a lot of shade and some awkward smells.

Hank was told by Charles there's a young woman, beyond frightened and has been hiding out at the dock for many days, not moving places much when the sun rises, staying put generally until night fall.

So they know their target is a young woman, likely a recent mutation, and nocturnal. So they might be able to catch her sleeping or getting ready to sleep with the dawn breaking.

Beast has posed:
Pokemon indeed. Hank doesn't even know what a Pokemon is. Nope. And he totally doesn't have a copy of Pokemon Go on his cellphone at all. Nope. Thats why it is totally not beeping right now in his pocket as they arrive at the Boardwalk where he parks the school's SUV. It is ALSO not the reason at all he has been somewhat ignoring Rogue as she peruses the stalls, staring at the screen of his phone while getting odd looks from passerbys.. because he is a blue Cat-Man in havard tweed wearing wireframe spectacles. Not the /weirdest/ thing on Coney Island, but..

"Excuse me?" he asks, looking up from his screen and seeming embarrased (and thumbing the Pokemon app aside. he WILL get you one day, Charmander!) "Vampires? There is no such thing as Vampires!" he says as he opens a specialized app on the even more specialized phone. "And even if there, I do not seriously believe they are using 'banging hobos' as a sustainable food source." he checks the new app.

"And we are here because the Professor asked me to come down here and see what was going on. He was getting anomalous readings and conflicting information about a young frightened woman who is apparently in hiding here... He was rather vague because he couldn't pinpoint it..I'm waiting for a response from him now.." he looks over the phone at the young woman. "/You/ are here because you are one of my more, I hate to admit this, responsible students." he looks pained admitting that. "Also, because you need some experience with outreach field work. And a scared young woman will probably find it easier to talk to you than to myself.."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue hopped her way up beside Hank in classic bunny-fashion and then she grinned at him with her new hat on, gaint white/pink fuzzy ears at the top of her head. "Hey!" She said at the larger man beside her, pointing at him. "You ain't neve'ah lived on the STREETS man!" She accused him with a big grin. "You don't know how much Vampire Hobo Bangin'n Feed'n goes on out here!" She waggled her gloved finger at him accusingly and then dropped her hand back to her side and did a few more bunny hops. "I'm like, one'a the BEST students at the school. Its a damn shame I'm gonna be graduated in two months time though! Cause the rest'a the kids ya'll got?" Rogue slowly shook her head and sighed dramatically. "Bad buncha weeds... I'm afraid."

"So the docks are there." She pointed. "Ramp goes down t'the beach undahneath'em right ove'ah there."

Emma Frost has posed:
The underneath the dock, the woman is hanging from the underside of the platform up against the back retraining wall, where the shadows are the deepest, and her eyes are starting to lazily drift closed, tired from crying and having such a tough time since her mutation.

The young teenager is unaware of the two approaching X-men headed her way and is bundled up in the darkest part of the pier.

Beast has posed:
Hank ois and reaches up, pinching the bridge of he suedo-feline snout, massaging it as he does when he is a little exhasperated. "Can we /please/ get off the subject of the homeless' reproductive rituals and how they impact the vampiric food chain?" he pleads, then drops his hand with a sigh.

"And yes, as much as it sometimes pains me to admit, You are definately one of our best students, your eccentricities not withstanding. if you can keep them under check you will go very far, Rogue. And I will freely admit that you have much more.. street sense.. than I have. But I am not naive. I may come off as a learned intellectrual but underneath this furry academic exterior is the heart of a farm boy. And farm boys are not as innocent and much more.. erathy.. than media portrays us."he assures her, then eyes the hat... shakes his head...

Thats when his X-Phone beeps and he comes to a stop. "The Cerebro App has picked up something.." he tells her.. another reason he brought her along.. She is in the know about Cerebro and the X-Men. He starts to slowly turn, looking at the readings as they overlay on video taken by the phone's camera.. sort of like an augmented reality overlaying what they are seeing...

The phone makes a creepy pulsed tone as he triues to triangulate where the reading is coming from, walking around some more but then he stops and scratches his head, frowning as he looks at the screen, then peeks /over/ the phone at the mostly empty boardwalked before then. "Five meters? But.. There is no one there!"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue grinned all big and huge at Hank. "I grew up on a farm too ya know... I just ran away from it and totally went all Hobo myself t'get the street smarts that I got." She said all of this while they came up on the docks and then looked around underneath them. "Hellooooo... Vampires! Its me! The one that beat you up a few weeks ago...." She called into the morning shadows.

When Hank said that no one was here, Rogue just reached a gloved hand over and lightly shoved his arm. "We're not alone, Silly Head." She said, pointing upward at the hiding teenage mutant girl... who was also half... giant... spider...

Rogue waved at her a gloved hand. "Heya, sugah." She said up to the hanging spider.

Emma Frost has posed:
Rose's eight eyes snapped open, looking up to the cement she was hanging onto and quickly raises (lowers) her head to look down at the bipeds on the beach sands below. She instinctively tenses before her flight reaction kicks in and the sound of many, terrified clicks can be heard as her many new legs attempt to scramble backwards, away from the invaders and finds herself in the corner opposite Rogue and Beast.

"Who are you? What do you two want?" She asks, her voice trembling with fear and sorrow.

Beast has posed:
"Miss Rogue, Please!" It ALMOST comes out as whine now. "Enough with the Vampires. If there were any Nosferatu nearby they would probably be in the sewers or a basement, not under a dock. Even with the shade there is enough refractive ultraviolet radiation that they would be severely hindered if not outright harmed by the intensity of the reflected photonic emmisions off the quartz and silicates of the beach's sand...".. Of course his diatribe comes to a halt when Rogue points out the obvious and he looks up, susprised (and a bit chagrinned since he /is/ an experienced X-Man and should have been looking upwards. Thats where /he/ would attack or Hide from, after all). But his beastial visage softens and he offers the young woman a friendly smile (which he somehow does with ease, considering his sharp fangs) and a wave of a blue paw.

"Hello there, Young Miss. Please, do not be afraid. We are here to assist you. My name is Doctor Henry McCoy and this is my student and associate, Miss Rogue. We are from the Xavier's Academy for Gifted Youngsters and, like you, we are Mutants.. Though I suppose that is more obvious in my own case than of hers.." he chuckles, making light of his own animal form compared to Rogues normal one as a way to try and defuse any tenseness. Also he doesn't seem put off at all, not a single iota, but her own mutative form. "Please, we are here as friends. You can relax. No harm will come to you."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue just grinned at Hank's long winded speach about Vampires and Photonics, she shook her head lightly but watched as he looked up to the spider-girl as well. All throughout what Hank said to the scared young teenager with the 'tough' mutation she would nod her head slowly.

"Yeah." Rogue commented after Hank. "What he said." She then reached up and took the bunny ears off her head and lifted them up toward the underside of the dock. "You want Bunny Ears?" She asked. "They're totally rad!" She even gave them a little wiggle side to side as though that would make them more enticing. "We're here to help ya, Missy. So's ya don't gotta be afeared and hidin' down here. Helpin' is what we do!"

Emma Frost has posed:
the multi-limbed, segmented bodied woman keeps as deep into the corner as her enourmous body will allow. she's wearing the remnants of a pair of denim jeans, meaning there's just a hoop of the material around her waist, something she had on when the change occured, and it seemed to have been rapid by the state of it. She had on a hoodie that has holes ripped into the sides so her new arms werent trapped under her top. And everything about her is dirty, her hair is messy and filled with sand and some stray webbing, her eyes are all red and her cheeks are stained with the countless dried tears.

"Y- you are mutants too?" Rose asks, her voice is still trembling as she's still coming to terms with her self, her many human hands wringing at the hem of her hoodie keeping it pulled low to hide her belly as she's beyond shy and scared though she looks at Rogue's offering, her many eyes widening with a smile that fights to break through her sad visage. "Yo- you'd do that. You don't even know me." She says, her voice mousy but warming up.

Beast has posed:
Ah, the heartfelt and goofy sincerity of a young woman. Hank /knew/ bringing Rogue along would be a good idea. He foresees a very bright future for the younger mutant, even with her.. quirks.

"Yes. Totally.. uhmm.. rad indeed." he agrees then squints upwards.

THank's mutation is not skin.. er.. fur deep. His senses are as beastial as his form and that includes his senses of both smell and sight. He can scent her lack of hygene /and/ her fear.. and he can see just how bad off she is wardrobe wise.

"Yes.. We are mutants." he finally says, but his voice has become more.. raspy? "Oh my dear girl... We may not know you but we do know... We know what it is like to be different." he takes a deep breath, steadying himself, because he is now angry for somereason. That animal inside of him mixed with human perspective. That a young woman has to hide herself away like this.. like she is an animal... His whiskers quiver in rage, something that is rare for anyone to see, even Rogue..

"Please," he whispers.. "Come down. You.. You do not need to hide anymore." Why is his voice almost breaking.. "Not like this. You do not deserve this. We have a safe place where you do not need to be afraid any more. Where there are people who are different can.. be themselves."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue listened to both of them and nodded here and there, she'd look from the girl up above down to Hank and then pointed at him, then up to her. "I know it sounds supe'ah creepy!" She said. "Like some kinda damn Cult or somethin', but I swear t'God its on the level." She lowered her hands down to her sides and then glanced at Hank and pointed at him. "He's a doctor, he can tell ya all about your mutation, He did for me with mine!" She looked back up and would smile again.

"Ya can hang out at our place, its gonna be like hot as hell t'day and we got the best air conditionin' too, video games, music... intrnet access... You can totally chill with us, don't gotta hide down here with the Vampires come at night." Rogue lifted her hand up again and held out her hat. "And, bunny ears!"

Emma Frost has posed:
Rose lifts her middle right hand to her face and brushes away some of the tears welling in her many eyes with the butt of her palm, "Wh- why. Why are you off- offering to help me?" She asks, still looking at them upside down and her back left leg starts to reach up into the side of the pier, as if she's still wanting to retreat, but where. In the middle of the day, looking like she does, she doesn't have many options.

Rogue's offers are tempting and she does start to reach for the hat extended to her with the same hand that she wiped her tears with. She feels there's a catch, but something about these two are really disarming her worries and fears, at least of them. Her furry spider portion still doesn't seem to ready to climb down, though the large legs are mostly bunched up close, preparing to spring and flee if Hank or Rogue or anything else triggers her.

The sound of the waves lapping at the pier and the early families to the beach ring out and fill the air as it's opening time for the park above their heads.

Beast has posed:
Hank returns Rogues smile with his own, even though as sincere as it is it is also a bit forced as well because.. he is mad that anyone whould have to live in a state like this AND feels guilty about all the times he himself has wallowed in self pity because of his own mutation. Despite all his hardships, even today, he sometimes forget how LUCKY he is and how unfortunate others have it.

"Thank you for that.. stunning summation of the schools.. finer points." he says in deadpan, then sighs and looks back to the spider-girl (or girl-spider, if one wants to avoid copyright infringment), with a truly sympathetic look.

"We offer you this because.. Someone was there for us..." There is almost a hint of a pause where he might have said 'me' instead of 'us'. "I.. /We/ know how hard it is for Mutants. Even today, with things changing for the better.. There is still along ways to go. But everyone, human and mutant alike, deserve a chance to be accepted as they are, judged by /WHO/ they are and not what. Especially the children..."

He closes his eyes. "You deserve that chance. Thats a promise we have made.. That /I/ have madce. It's why I became a doctor and a teacher. To educate.. To empower.. To make sure every child, every teenager, every /person/ has a place to be safe.. to be loved.. to have a family. And to allow them to learn to be who they WANT to be."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue would nod along with Hank's speach and then she'd point at him. "He also has this fixation with twinkies... Ah mean, he hides them ALL ove'ah the place, and they're supe'ah easy t'find." She grinned up at Rose. "You just say the word and you can pal around with us. Ah mean, there's really no better place t'learn about what caused this mutation in ya and how ya deal with it than comin' with us. We're the bestest!" Rogue threw up both of her hands then in a triumphant fashion, punctuating her motions with a big smile.

Emma Frost has posed:
Rose was beginning to lean forward with two of her right hands outstretched for the hat, listening to Hank's words intently when Rogue's tosses her hands up in a big happy motion. This startles Rose along with a loud clang from above, of the gate to the park opening with a heavy THWANG. All of this and Rose's flight reflex is triggered and the back left leg secures, pulling the rest of her large spider body and much smaller human half up into the light of the sun and a rapid run towards the parking lot, towards the roads and the countless sky scrapers on the other side.

Beast has posed:
They were so close.... So damned close. He could FEEL it. They were swaying the young mutant, together.. But Rogues boistrous motions, while no fault of her own, with teh sudden noise triggered what he would suspect later to be an almost genetic level fight-or-flight response.. Something he is sure the young woman wasn't used to as of yet considering, with her tattered jeans around her lower torso, probably indicated she hadn't changed them since she herself changed and thus her mutation was somewhat recent.

"No! Please!" he pleads, starting to follow after her.. bounding, really, like with a graceful (if somewhat desperate) psuedo quadrapedal/knuckle run like something between a jungle cat and a great ape. "Please don't Run! We want to help you!"

But stops short of the end of the dock as she skitters and leaps away, her speed fueld by fear. Hank curses, punching the ground like an enraged gorilla a few times, though his voice is pained.. almost heartbroke. "Damnit. DAMNIT!"

She's gone.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue sighed too as the girl-spider made a run for it and she trailed after Hank, but just shook her head. "Can't really blame her..." She said then. "Its kind of a hard thing t'sell... 'mutant paradise'... Ah mean, we're almost guaranteed t'sound like a buncha pedos or somethin..." Rogue put her hands on her hips then and watched off in the direction that she fled. "We should do a introduction video and bring it along on an ipad... Oooo, Jubilee could be the host! She makes everyone feel comfortable and at-east. Its somethin about the bubble gum and fireworks... its just so damn invitin'."

Rogue glanced back to Hank then. "We can maybe try again once the sun goes down, maybe it'll make her more comfortable t'move around with us if the sun ain't up spot lightin' her?"