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Latest revision as of 23:35, 26 October 2017

Solemn Oaths
Date of Scene: 21 June 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Brainiac 5, Wonder Woman

Brainiac 5 has posed:
It is well after midnight, when the Slip-Gate opens in the heart of the Museum of Justice, and a solitary figure steps through. Querl tilts his head, as he regards some of the displays, before he pauses in front of one, and looks up.

The exhibit is simply called 'BRAINIAC', and it includes photographs of the Skull-Ship taken by Jimmy Olsen, along with carefully neutralized and reproduced pieces of Coluan technology, along with a full size wax statue of Brainiac 1.0, Vril Dox, in his eminent, cybernetic glory.

After a moment, Querl says, "It's true what they say. The Abyss gazes also."

Wonder Woman has posed:
About a second after he spoke came the sound of metal sliding against leather... and then a voice.

"I very much hope that you have a good, peaceful, reason to be here." A female voice says in a quiet and calming tone of voice. About ten feet behind where Querl is, stands Diana Prince in a dark blue hooded cloak with a gleaming gold and silver sword drawn and pointedly aimed at Querl. Diana's hood is open, but her black hair is cascading out of it on either sides of her face and her sky-blue eyes sternly watch the uninvited visitor closely.

Brainiac 5 has posed:
Brainiac 5 doesn't turn around. "You were exactly who I was hoping to meet." He says, "As the Leader of the Justice League, the historical archives of my era record that you wield a technological device called the Golden Perfect, or less correctly, the Lasso of Truth. Is this correct?"

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana hesitated in her response, she watched the man closely but she held her sword at the ready and kept it aimed at his neck. "Yes." She replied to him in-short, needing to say nothing else to his question as it was a simple one, with a simple answer.

Brainiac 5 has posed:
Querl looks down, and then back up. "Very well. If the historical records are correct," He turns, and holds his wrists together, "This is the position of submission. My name is Querl Dox, and I am called Brainiac 5. I come in peace, and I mean no harm, and as the recorded leader of the Justice League, Wonder Woman, I submit to you, and to the power of the Golden Perfect to compel the truth from me. I seek to dispell all doubt as to my intentions."

Brainiac 5 has posed:
He does NOT, however, appear overly comfortable with the act. Quite the contrary, the green-skinned young man appears somewhat irked.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana witnessed these acts and his behavior and she stood silently watchful for several seconds before her free hand moved beneath her hooded cloak and she then drew out a line of golden rope. Her wrist would flick forward and the rope was sent slipping through the space between them, half way there it suddenly came to life with a golden glow magically iminating from its core. The hooped end of the rope lasso'd around his offered wrists and she gently pulled it taught, the lasso was very hot... not to the point it would cause unbearable pain though.

"Tell me your name." She spoke then. "Tell me why you are here."

Brainiac 5 has posed:
Querl closes his eyes, and takes a slow breath. "My name is Querl Dox. In Coluan, Querl means either 'Idealistic' or 'Naive', depending on how you inflect it. I am a descendant of Brainiac 1, Vril Dox. I am also a Brainiac, and the 5th to bear that title. Ergo, it follows that I am also called Brainiac 5."

"I am here in specific, to demonstrate my peaceful intentions and my goodwill. In a broader sense, I and my comrades are here due to the machinations of three of our enemies: the lunatic Mordru, the time-witch Glorith, and the being that they call the Time Trapper. I and my allies, the Legion of Super-Heroes, have been exiled to the 21st century and we are unable to return to our home in the 31st."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana stood motionless as she watched him and listened to his replies. When he finished she stood silent for a second or two before continuing. "Are you a threat to the people of this world?" She asked him then, her eyes looking him over more carefully now that he admitted to be from the distant future.

"Where are your companions?" She asked then. "What technology did you bring with you into our point of time?"

Brainiac 5 has posed:
"No. Harming the people of Earth through action or inaction would be a violation of my oath as a Legionnaire." Querl says. "And some. My cybernetics. Some equipment. Handheld computers, our flight rings. Some other devices, none of which are currently on Earth that I am aware of. Technology on par with them is rare on Earth in this era but it does exist. My companions are currently on the ship that we constructed *here*, in the 21st century, which is currently in high orbit around the Earth."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana would lower her sword down to her side then finally, though it would stay outside of the cloak she was mostly hidden beneath, but at least its deadly tip was aimed down toward the ground in front of her armored boot.

"Your ship needs to stay in space, away from the people of Earth." The lasso was not able to enforce this command, but she stated it anyway.

Closing the distance to him, Diana's non-sword-holding hand would remove the lasso from his wrists and she'd step back once more. "This is no longer necessary then." She said, tucking the length of gold rope back beneath her cloak at her waistline.

"What can I do for you and yours then?" She asked him. "Are you seeking the League's assistance with your troubles?"

Brainiac 5 has posed:
"Unfortunately our enemies are very powerful. I am an expert on time travel - one of only a handful of individuals who reliably calculate time travel equations - and whatever they have done, whatever... magic they've used to prevent us from returning home, it's going to take considerable time to find a solution." He flexes his wrists.

"Thank you for being circumspect with your questions, the potential for that device to solicit embarassing answers must be tremendous. I simply wanted to come to you and make sure that the Justice League knew that though I am a Brainiac, I am on the side of the righteous. I ask for nothing, but this seemed the wise course of action. Even now, at a fraction of its full strength, the Legion is powerful, and I am their leader, so I must advocate for them."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana stared at him while he said these things, watching him and standing there like a statue. "In the future..." She said, no pun intended. "Please do the more proper approach, and reach us from the lobby... Your method of entering our property triggered security protocols." Diana released a light breath then, her face was devoid of emotion. "There are members of this League who are... far less pleasant than I."

And with that said, Diana's sword disappeared into her robe and the sound of it slipping back into the sheath could be heard and her robe opened enoubh to show off her armored form and that the sword was latched onto her back by a leather harness around her.

"Keep all of your technology out of the hands of the people of this world as well. Enough alien technology has changed the course of Earth, technology from the future... would not be any better for us. Especially any weapons you may have."

Brainiac 5 has posed:
"Ah. Forgive me." Querl says. He quirks his mouth. "It would seem that I missed one." Then he holds up his hand. "We have no interest in affecting the development of Earth to the negative. I can make arrangements to make sure that our technology remains safe. However, we are the Legion of Super-Heroes, and our mandate is to do good. You understand the philosophical Logos, the power of the spoken pledge over the mind and the will."

"So let me recite mine, and perhaps I can convince you above and beyond even your Golden Perfect that we are here to be your ally."

He holds up his right hand. "To the Legion of Super-Heroes, I make this solemn pledge: to use my powers for good, to fight for justice, and to protect the innocent. To aid my fellow Legionnaires in times of peril, and to protect their secrets. I am Brainiac 5, and I am a Legionnaire."

Wonder Woman has posed:
After he finished his recited oath she would gently dip her chin in a singular nod toward him. "By all intents, you appear to be of honest intentions. This is why I won't show aggression any further toward you. I will ask, however, that you make arrangements to meet with Superman while you are here. He will very much be interested in interacting with you. And... if you are a space based group... we are in the midsts of constructing a grand tower in orbit of Earth, from which we will better serve the people of the planet in its protection."

Diana paused for a moment, spared herself a breath through her small nose and the spoke more. "Should you remain here long enough, you and yours may be able to assist with operations aboard said orbital tower."

Brainiac 5 has posed:
"The Watchtower." Querl murmurs. "One of the twelve wonders of Earth. I always wanted to see it!" His enthusiasm shows for a moment, before he stills himself. Then he says, "We met, briefly. He was wary of me, and understandably so. I am well aware of what these," He taps the glittering chrome implants in his head, "Represent. I am a Brainiac, and I bear the title as a reminder of what I am capable of. The power of my intellect can move worlds, Wonder Woman. But WHY I choose to move them... that's what matters." He flicks a gaze up to the image of his forebearer, but his expression is impassive.

"We won't put the cart before the horse, there. Your League's democratic ideals helped inspire the Legions, and not everyone may be so open to our help. That's your right. But if you would like our help, we would be happy to offer it. Please, extend the offer to the Justice League to visit the Legion Cruiser, we'll receive them as our honored guests."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana would nod her head softly yet again to the man's words to her. "I will make that extended offer to them then." She said in response to him. "And please, if you are up in the skies and you witness anything that you feel warrants our attentions... contact us here... but yes, come to the lobby." Diana would then show him a soft smirk, indicating a sense of amusement now at the man who appeared to be a friend, rather than a foe... as she'd first expected upon hearing the security protocol warning.

"And I will speak to Superman, to ensure he knows what I have learned here of you now."

Brainiac 5 has posed:
Querl Dox gives a small smile. "Thank you. I'll come back to look at the museum while it's open. I admit, I have never been accused of humility, and even in the 31st century, we enjoy a dramatic entrance." He holds up his hands. "Thank you, Wonder Woman. The Legion won't let you down." He taps his ear. K.O.K.O., please open a Slip Gate on my position."

He nods his head. "Good night, Madame Ambassador. It was my honor to meet you."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana would afford the man a gentle bow, though not a full one, and she'd show a faint smile. "Goodnight, sir." She said to him in response, assuming he was to leave the same way as he'd come.