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Latest revision as of 23:38, 26 October 2017

Sumo Slammers vs Mecca Strike VII: FIGHT!
Date of Scene: 21 June 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: 142, 233, 143

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Videocon, 2025!

Okay. It's not a real actual video game convention. That's PAXEast and that's a few months away yet. But a local video game store, hyping the release of both Sumo Slammers and Mecca Strike have made it An Event! The games, sold on competing consoles, drop on the same day, TODAY. And all the gamers have come out.

Two gamers such as Marinette and Adrien.

Getting here was a mild arguement. Car? No. But! People. Exactly; traffic. Sidewalks! But, people. Grr...

The pair walk up, having strolled in from the Upper East side and enjoying some street food on the way - OMG, Mari! That taco was so greasy! I know, but it's okay, mon amour, you'll work it off. =>.>= *bap!* Ow. - just as the store is doing last call on a mini-tournament sign up.

Grand Prize: Win a copy of either Sumo Slammers OR Mecca Strike VII!

Ben Tennyson (233) has posed:
Allegedly famous and powerful hero: BEN TENNYSON has arrived at Kidd Video without any of his usual fanfare. Okay, maybe just a little bit of fanfare. The DX Mark 10 is parked right in front of the video store in an attempt to make his popularity even more popular. It's almost as if he's promoting himself at the same time as he's here to make sure that he kicks so much butt in this tournament.

He needs Sumo Slammers Megastorm EX Championship Edition V so bad. They have FIFTEEN alternate costumes for all 35 Sumo Slammers in the game. It's so Fetch.

Yes, even Ben Tennyson is going to make Fetch happen.

Anyway, the heroic zero finishes scrawling his name on the dotted line of one those clipboards and even slaps five with a couple Sumo Slammers fans and there's even a Ben 10 fan out here that gets a high five too.

"This is it, everyone! The moment when I prove to the entire world of gaming... or at least this store and the block over... that Sumo Slammers is THE single greatest video game series to ever grace the Re-Generation consoles! And that's not just because Mecca Strike sucks nasty goose eggs made out of street meat. Because it does. No, it's because Sumo Slammers ROCKS!"

Annnd cue the mixed reaction but either way Ben smiles.Trash talk is kind of his thing,

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
At Adrien's side, Marinette blinks at the ruckus. A brow quirks over at Adrien. "Americans are... " There's a lot of words she could use to fill in the blanks and so she just lets it trail off.

By the way, fetch is never going to happen.

A shrug is given. Trash talk isn't her thing really. Chat does puns... Is that the same thing?

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Yes. Chat puns are how he trash talks. Sadly, Chat's not here right now. Adrien is, if a slightly more relaxed than normal version of the Agreste heir. Thus, what comes out is:

"So... you're going to prove that you're the best at the worst game ever created for the clunkiest console in existence?" Adrien pauses, and applauds. Each movement meant to look perfectly mocking. "Brava. Can't wait to see it."

Ben Tennyson (233) has posed:
Is this the part where the entire crowd of nerds and geeks do that Oooooooooooh thing?


Guess so.

Ben Tennyson turns in enough slow motion that Zack Snyder's probably taking notes. Somehow he manages to turn at the same time the mini-crowd parts to show the path directly to the one that has decided to speak much ill of the greatest game series ever. He cocks his head to the side and tosses some of his hair from his face as he locks eyes on the target.

"I'm sorry, what?" Ben takes a threatening step forward. "Did you just say brava? Who says brava? What is that a new drink at the Daily Grind?" This means nothing but is just a lead up to the next words out of Ben's mouth.

"And I'm gonna' give you, oh about three seconds, to take that back before I knock you down as far as the sales on Mecca Strike 3D."

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
Mari smirks up at Adrien. It was polite(ish) trash talk. She's almost certain that's not how it goes.

The challenge from Ben has Mari shaking her head and leaning up to kiss Adrien's cheek. "Don't humiliate him -too- badly, mon amoir." And then she steps back crosses her arms over her chest just as she glances at her watch, counting down until someone actually recognizes Adrien.

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Cue smirk. Marinette would recognize the smirk. Seems as if relaxed Adrien's found his Chat groove.

Unmoved by Ben's mocking of a more refined upperclass way of saying 'Bravo', Adrien actually laughs, arms folding over his chest, hip jutting just so. Take your pictures for Twitter, people. Adrien will look just off a magazine cover. His eyes slip toward Marinette, winking back at her for the kiss to the cheek.

"Not going to happen, mon ami," Adrien retorts calmly, letting his french accent sound out more clearly and more strongly than is usual. Was that said to Marinette? Or to Ben? Cue the first murmurings in the crowd.

"You could try to take me down that far, but it'd still leave me looking down at your.. ooh I'm sorry, didnt' that year's release date get pushed back? Again?" asks the blonde, head tipped ever so slightly, ever so perfectly to catch the sunlight. He knows where it is, how to tip his head and lif this chin jus tthat tiny amount so that his eyes look a far brighter green than they really are.

"Oh my god, that's Adrien Agreste," is heard from the crowd. Because Public Figure.

Ben Tennyson (233) has posed:
Ben Tennyson has green eyes too! But he's not at all accustomed to having the light and the modeling skills work for him. He looks more like some kind of run down street kid with a loud and obnoxious green jacket on than anyone that could stand toe to toe with the fame of Adrien Agreste.

"Adrienne who?" Ben tosses over his shoulder to the crowd that's probably no longer on his side. "Never heard of him. He certainly hasn't been on the news for stopping dangerous supercriminals from taking over the city or the world every week." Ben shrugs helplessly as he struggles to keep /some/ fans on his side. "Just sayin'."

The fame battle takes a back seat to the debate of video games, though, as Ben refuses to back down. "Here's the thing, Pretty Boy Annoying, Sumo Slammers delivers perfection. Every time." Even Ben knows that's a lie but he has to keep his feet firmly planted in the reality that Sumo Slammers is the best or all this falls apart. "We don't throw any old crap together to rush it out by Christmas to try and make up for loss moolah the rest of the year. Since, y'know, Sumo Slammers actually has replay value. It's not a One Playthrough Dude." A quick glance is given to Mari as he says this before turning back to Adrien. "Like some games."

Shots Fired!

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
"That took longer than expected. We may have found a hiding place for you," is teased gently.

The boys continue to posture and measure... Mari smirks and pushes away from where she is, and through the crowd. A random shoulder is tapped and she motions towards the games. The girl she tapped laughs and nods.

The boys posture about the games.. The girls actually play the games.

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
"Because -that's- a reason t get in the news," Adrien retorts while managing to keep a handle on the way his inner Chat Noir wants to laugh at Ben in a 'done that since I was fifteen' sort of way. Marinette needs to be proud of her Kitty! Though, he IS the same boy that was in the news a few weeks ago for being a superVILLIAN. Just sayin'.

Called out for being Pretty Boy Annoying, Adrien grins again, unfolding his arms and moving to close the distance between himself and Ben. Green eyes to green eyes, Adrien walks like this little path of cement is his own little runway. And Adrien owns runways.

"Here's the thing, Pretty Annoying Boy," he says, voice almost silky before he catches Marinette moving over to play with another girl. His lips twitch and he ends up chuckling. "We're probably still going to get our butts handed to us by the girls."

Ben Tennyson (233) has posed:
Ben Tennyson has been doing this since he was TEN! But nobody gets to like those apples because he doesn't volunteer that information. His posturing is calmed down though when he can't keep up with the runaway battle. He has none of that body language ability and just decides turning and smirking with the Mecca Strike lover is probably a better way to call it a truce.

"First thing you've said all day that makes sense. Well, second. I am pretty annoying." Ben grins and finally extends a hand to the much more famous person that he has no idea about because he news is BORING. "Ben Tennyson. Superheroic Sumo Slammers Lover extraordinaire? Du jour? I dunno. Whichever word is French enough for you to understand." Ben is really bad at this making friends stuff. It is so far out of his wheelhouse. It is so much easier to punch stuff.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
Which girls? The ones currently playing Ben's Sumo Slammer and laughing? Probably.

"Are you sure you've never played before?"

"Nope. Never even heard of it," Mari replies.

She's awfully good for a girl who hasn't heard of the game before.

"Just time amd coordination though. Most video games are." Marinette shrugs again.

"So who are you?"


"C'mon... You're hanging out with a supermodel."

"Wha.. Oh. Me? No one."

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
"Adrien Agreste," replies the blonde, runway alluring falling to the wayside, replaced by a warm and genuine smile as he shakes hands with Ben. "Not at all superheroic model. I was just teasing. Sumo Slammer is a decent game. I own it too. I just like the Mecca Strike series better," he offers as a truce before laughing at the bad french.

"Technicially, they are both french words. America is a British colony running amuck, and the English stole so much of our language I'm surprised they didn't just give up and speak French," Adrien quips motioning for Ben to walk with him to cheer the girls on.

"But good luck in the tournament," he adds, not having signed up himself. He moves over to stand just behind Marinette, watching her play. He knows exactly how good she is at these things, having been partnered up with her in high school for an esports tournament. He hears the exchange, and Marinette's comment that's she's no one. It bugs him - pun NOT intended!!! - since she's always so keen on telling him she doesn't CARE who knows. He ponders.

To distract or not to distract. How is this a question for someone bonded to a feline spirit thus ending up with cat-like qualities?

Adrien leans forward to plop his chin on the top of Marinette's head, hands clasped behind his back to that the only thing touching Mari is his chin. The motion was slow, like a cat slowly reaching out a paw, and then soft thump; chin on head.

"Did you want me to sign you in, Mari?" he offers to the girl as he watches what his chin on her head does to her play style. ....it's called intelligence gathering! Because he will beat this girl in Mecca Strike someday!