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Latest revision as of 23:44, 26 October 2017

The Camp of Summer
Date of Scene: 21 June 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Ares, Wonder Woman

Ares has posed:
    To the West of Queens and far to the North Raquette Lake Camp lies just off the lake of the same name, curled into the Duck Bay with a rather modern looking array of buildings that have just enough decor to them to look like the imagined log cabins one would associate with a summer camp. At a glance there are all the amenities such as canoes and paddle boats off the lake, a myriad of tents, a baseball field, and more exercise equipment than one can shake a stick at.
    Yet what is such a camp, nestled as it is in the bosom of nature, without the children. So many of them are busy in the middle of the day, rushing about and shrieking and screaming, enjoying the contests that are set before them. There are half-circles of camp counselors teaching the children lessons in camping. There's even a trail with horses being led around as the beginning lessons of equestria are being taught.
    Yet even with a crowd of kids mostly enjoying themselves, there are always a few who keep to themselves or who are having a hard time fitting in...
    Alexander is one such a child.
    He leans against the small phone booth, holding the receiver to his ear as he grimaces. "C'mon, Dad." He twists the cord and seems to /leean/ so hard against the wall as if trying to push it over.
    "I'm booooored. Nobody here knows how to fence."
    He pauses and frowns, "They're all dorks. I don't care, /they are/."
    He grimaces and rolls his eyes upwards, then murmurs quietly. "Yes, sir. Ok. I'm sorry."
    "Seeya, Da."
    The phone is hung up with a click.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana had come to the camp to speak with the boy, though she'd publicly come ot the camp to speak those in-charge. She'd told them who she was and that she wanted to observe how operations went here, for the children and for the prospect of recommending more children TO this site... She also requested that the Camp Leaders not publicly tell anyone that she was coming, she wanted to see the place as-is without any interruptions for the children to make a big 'deal' out of her arrival.

Diana had arrived about thirty minutes ago and she'd spoken to the Camp Leaders, she had two of her Sissters with her as well, one was a redhead and the other had golden blonde hair. Each woman was dressed in nice civilian clothing, no armor... not Amazonian cultural items glaringly visible.

Diana had left her sisters with the Camp Leaders and she was wandering the grounds by herself now, dressed in a casual black tshirt and blue jeans with black leather shoes on her feet, holding a pair of sunglasses in her hands in front of her lap.

Diana heard the boy's words on the phone and she paused a moment to listen to him, without staring at him, instead she just stared out at the camp itself and watched the horizon.

Ares has posed:
    In that time she'd seen him talk to a few kids and ran around for a time playing a version of tag where it only counts if you're balancing on one foot when you tag the person. They're all wearing the blue and yellow shorts and t-shirts, the uniform for the camp, and were rushing about lie mad lads all wild and shrieking their heads off.
    But when the clock hit 1:30 he stopped everything he was doing and /rushed/ over to the first of the line of telephone booths and made that call.
    From afar she can see him as he is, that wild-maned blonde child with vibrant blue eyes and a certain rambunctiousness. For a moment a counselor had come by and talked to him briefly.
    "Alex? Do you want to go fishing? We're taking a few kids out to the island."
    Alex perked up, "What kinda fish, how big're they?"
    "Oh about this big," The counselor held her hands out to the sides a few feet wide.
    But Alex crinkled his nose and shook his head, "Nah, I'm good."
    But then another youthful voice called out, "Hey Alex, Billy's got a WII hooked up for free time, c'mon!"
    Now /that/ seems to get the young man's attention and he starts to run off with all the wild abandon of a child. Only for some reason he pauses.
    His footsteps falter as he catches sight of the tall woman standing near the docks and watching the slow creep of the sun drifting off behind the mountains. He tilts his head and he looks at her, really looks at her, for some reason something about her...
    "I'll be there in a bit! Maybe. Ok? Ok!"

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana would turn to watch the conversation about fishing and the boy not seem all the interested in it, which would make her smile faintly. AFter he'd shrugged them all off about it and he looked over at her, she had her blue eye son him.

"You do not like to fish?" She asked Alex then, her voice laced with that thick accent that might seem even stranger to a young man like himself, than it did to the adults of this country. "A fine day like this, a little bit of fishing can be very relaxing."

Diana turned toward him and took a step toward him she offered her hand. "I'm Diana. I'm a... potential investor in this camp. I have come to see what the camp might need to make it more of an enjoyable place for its visitors. If it needs anything." She smiled again and looked around.

"It seems to have a lot to do already!" She said with a soft grin.

Ares has posed:
    "He...hello." Alexander steps towards her, a little warily for some reason but then she can almost see him push himself not to be afraid and then he walks over directly towards her with stern small steps. Closer to her now she can see he's a little lanky, most likely will be a tall young man when the growth hits him. He's clearly energetic, still in that phase where if he needs to get somewhere he'll run at full tilt.
    But right now he's watching her with that mix of intrigue and wariness that is so common in the eyes of a ten year old. "No, fishing stinks." The opinion of youth, often loud without care for giving offense.
    But then he nods, "Oh this place..." He looks around and hms, "It's pretty fun. I guess. If you like boring stuff." Again that utter lack of diplomacy.
    Looking back to her, "Me, I'd like some more actionny stuff. Needs more swords." He says with a certain aplomb as his head bobs and he looks back at her.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana would stand there then and hold her sunglasses between her hands in front of her stomach, she smiled at his words and her presence overall was just friendly and warm, she seemed like a nice person to most people... most people.

"I grew up with swords." She tells him then. "Lots of them." She showed a light grin on her lips then. "But even I got bored of it sometimes, and would want to seek other entertainment. My sisters and I would go down to the beaches and hunt for little crabs that we could collect, and then put them all in lines and create little crab armies." Unfortunately for Diana there was no camps of this nature, she grew up the only child on her island and the sisters she spoke of were all far older than her.

"But when you say swords, I imagine you mean... in a video game?" She asked, gently dipping her chin as she awaited his answer to that.

Ares has posed:
    "Oh, no." Alexander shakes his head quickly, "I like to fence." He tells her easily enough, seeming to puff up with what could be considered pride. "My Da taught me, and we run around the house and stuff and outside and he teaches me all the ways to make sure nobody hurts you if they're being angry for real and not blustery angry."
    He nods to her though he looks away for a time, but then he looks back to her. "You know how to fence?" He asks as she speaks of her own upbringing. "We should fence then too sometime." Then he holds up a hand and seems to puff up and she might actually see a bit of his father in him, "Don't worry. I'll go easy on you." He nods again to her but his smile shows that he's merely teasing.
    "Oh, well... yes sometimes in video games. But that's make believe. Da says video games aren't real and I know they're not, but they're still fun."
    He then looks around and says as if confiding a secret, "He doesn't like video games. He's /terrible/ at them."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana would show a great deal of amusement at the things that the boy said to her then and she'd gently nod her head toward him. "I appreciate the notion that you'd go easy on me. I would hate to be run through by your superior fencing talents, young one."

Diana would turn her back to the lake and she'd walk up the grassy hill a bit toward the base of a tree's trunk. She gathered up two sticks that were laying in the grass and she turned back to him and offered him one.

"You have challenged me." She tells him. "I must defend my honor from you!" She would say to him then and step back into a proper fencing stance with the stick in her left hand held out and her right arm back behind her with hand up in the air!"

Ares has posed:
    At first he's watching her warily as she starts to walk up the hill, but gamefully he follows after her and walks with that prideful step, as if he were playing at a role. Which he is. But then she picks up the sticks and she'll see his face just light up, a smile reaching his eyes as he grins towards her and says, "Indeed. I have challenged you!"
    He accepts one of the swords and nods to her sternly, "We should have seconds my dad says, but I'm ok with not." He then steps back away from her and as she takes stance... so does he.
    Side on to her with that smile in his eyes and his wrist rather light and at ease, he looks... like he really knows what he's doing.
    But there is such determination in his eyes and it's clear he's going through some sort of list in his head... she'll see him look at her eyes, look at her feet, her legs, her arms, taking her measure as if he were considering all the possible ways she might last out at him.
    He takes a deep breath, focuses, then says. "En garde!" His voice breaking a little with a squeak. But with his hand at his back and his 'sword' at the ready he /charges/ for truly the son of Ares is an aggressive child.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana would deflec this charge after grinning at his words. When he charged her she would simply flick her wrist to deflect his incoming attack and then she'd move forward and spin around, now having switched places with him! Diana would openly laugh they. "You are quick!" She said to him. "But an aggressive fighter leaves himself open for many more offensive attacks, you should try to seek balance between offense... and a proper defense."

Diana would clash her stick against his and she'd then lunge forward and poke at his stomach!

"Learning your opponents weakpoints is the quickest road to victory." She'd add with a smile. "But I can tell you have studied, your stance is of quality, young one."

Ares has posed:
    "Thanks!" He seems to respond strongly to positive reinforcement, but he's still focusing on her sword and in keeping her busy with the click and clack of their 'blades'. He keeps on her and is able to mount a good defense, even when she makes her poke at his stomach and he makes this little quick wrist turn of a riposte that might surprise her for someone so young. Oh nothing she can't counter, assuredly, but if she had to rank him...
    Well he might very well be performing as well as some college students of the world.
    But then he meets her eyes and he tries to affect an accent that she may or may not recognize. "Ah but I know something you don't know."
    He hops back and pauses with his little sword touching the toe of his sneaker.
    "I, am not left-handed."
    And he swaps hands and /Back at her!/

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana would dodge the returned attack after he swapped hands and she'd show signs of struggling to keep up with his assault while laughing with a fair amount of amusement lacing her voice.

"There is something I have to tell -you-." She said to him then, now backed up toward the docks. "I am not left handed, either!" And her sword would suddenly be tossed into her right, a fancy flourish was had through the air causing a 'whizzing' noise to emit from the stick and she'd return the fencing attack back at him, laughing a little more.

"That is my favorite movie." She tells him. "I have not seen too many, not as many as most people, but that one is at the very top of my short list."

Ares has posed:
    "I have seen a bunch!" Alexander says as he laughs and keeps up the steady engagement with their little sticks clicking against each other. At times he'll dart forwards a step, two, then she'll push him back. He spins around and hops onto a bench's seat and now he's able to be the same height as her if only for a moment for when her sword /whooshes/ through the air at his legs he _hops_ off and lands back on the ground, retreating a few more steps.
    "My dad says the fencing in it is good and more authentic than people know." He then /lunges/ forward in a try to get a touch on her, but as he comes close but not close enough he heaves a heavy breath and grins.
    "Ok, wanna call it a draw?" He brings up his stick and looks at it, and they've given their weapons a right good beating, that's for sure.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana would grin at the display of bench-hopping and when he came back down she would hear his request to a draw. "A draw?" She said. "No no, I do believe you won, you had me there at the end." She said to him, flourishing her sword again and then offering a bow of respect to him.

"You fight well." She tells the young man. "I hope that this will help entertain you a bit more and maybe encourage you to go and try soime fishing with your friends next." Diana would pause for a moment and then look out toward the lake.

"So are there no recommendations on how I can help improve this camp?" She asked, her blue eyes returning to him then. "Is it already perfect as-is? Or do you want fencing classes included?" She grinned. "Maybe you could teach them."

Ares has posed:
    When she bows to him he returns the bow, formally and precisely executed as he lowers his head and his eyes to her with his hands tight at his sides. If she has trained in some of the Eastern styles of martial arts she may well recognize the movement, honor granted an opponent at the end and beginning of a battle.
    But then he straightens and smiles faintly, "Oh thanks. I mean I know you prolly coulda had me a few times there. But it's great to play with someone that's almost as good as my dad."
    He hops over towards her and sits down on the bench neat them, pulling his legs up to his chest and looking wide-eyed up at her, "Oh I suppose. Fishing is alright I guess." See, she has earned his reassessment of life's enjoyment.
    But then he smiles, "Fencing classes would be good, but oh no... I wouldn't want to teach them. I know how hard that is..."
    He looks a little pensive as he leans on the bench and takes a few deep breaths, "I don't have the patience."
    Say what one may about Alexander, he at least is a touch aware of his self and the person he wishes to be.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana would grin at the boy's response and she would gently dip her chin in a gentle nod. "I understand then." She tells him. "I thank you for the little sparring match, it was fun, it has been some time. I am sure your father must be quite impressive at the art." She would glance back toward the water and then return her eyes to Alex. "Well, I should return to my walk and consider the options ahead for me. It was good to get to spend time with you, young one, I hope the rest of your stay goes well here."

Ares has posed:
    "Ok," Alex smiles to her and hops off the benchseat and thrusts his hand towards her in farewell. But then his eyebrows furrow and he says, "I'm sorry, I forgot your name." He bites his lower lip looking a little worried at that faux pas because he knows you're supposed to remember, it means you think the other person is important. So you remember their name.
    "But it was a lot of fun to meet you." He then seems to draw into himself, pulling in a deep breath and telling her in a tone of voice with tinged formality. "I was honored by your efforts and training. I will go on to make sure I do not dishonor such a gift."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana would turn to leave, clutching that fencing stick in her right hand she reached up to her head to take her sunglasses off of her forehead. "Diana." She said back to him with a smile, placing her shades back over her eyes she offered the boy a little wave with her right hand then before moving along down the pathways leading back toward the camp's main buildings. The Princess of Themyscira did not care if the boy told his father that he met a woman at the camp named Diana who fenced with him, she did not care of Ares knew she'd come out here to meet his child.