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Latest revision as of 23:57, 26 October 2017

Encounters in the Danger Room
Date of Scene: 22 June 2017
Location: Unkonwn
Synopsis: A danger room battle scene letting Lorna show off her mad skillz.
Cast of Characters: Havok, Polaris

Havok has posed:
FOOOOOOOOOOOOOM is the sound of the hour. It's heard resonating from within the Danger Room into the control booth. Another FOOOOOOOOOOM is heard and then a subsequent explosion that causes the control booth windows to rattle.

    The source, Havok, AKA:Alex Summers, is in the basin of the Danger Room. He wears his black costume with a large X on the torso in white. His face is partially covered and he has a bright glow about him - especially down his arms and hands. All around him are robots - 6 of them. 2 flying, 4 ground based. They dart around and fire lasers at him, causing pain when hitting. But he does his best to dodge around. He moves quickly on his feet. Between various hiding places that appear to be general construction objects (concrete walls, metal walls, etc).

    The control room is empty and on autopilot.

Polaris has posed:
Walking into the control room, Lorna had been hoping to get some training in. The green haired woman has her locks up in a pony tail. She wears the simple black training suit rather than her greens or a X-Man suit. Looking through the window she grins. "And I worry my power is destructive." She muses before pressing the intercom button. "Hey Summers, having fun down there?"

Havok has posed:
The voice gives him a start. He wasn't expecting anyone around. He leaps to the side, rolls and moves behind a barricade. "Shit!" he calls out and then gets zotted three times by robots. Then the scene fades and Alex is left sitting against the only barricade left, a concrete wall that stands just over 3feet in height. He looks up at the control booth window. He pushes his head gear back and narrows his vision, "Dane?" comes his response as a query, not knowing the voice fully.

Polaris has posed:
"Usually." Lorna answers and leans into the window a little with a grin. "Can't believe you lost to the robots. I thought you had more focus than that, Summers!" She says and releases the button before opening the door to the Danger Room so she can lean in. "Mind a second? Wanted to get in some training before the young hot heads started pestering at me for some coaching."

Havok has posed:
"Not everyone has total control over every metal object on the planet." Alex says with a smirk while his chin remains lifted and his eyes on the booth. Then when she enters the Danger Room proper, he pushes himself off the floor and the concrete barricade fades. It was his support, now that he no longer leans on it, it's gone. He brushes himself off and says, "It'd be a welcome change. Come on in. What are you in the mood for? Giant Lizards, Three Headed Monsters, Brotherhood Villains. Oh wait..." he stops, smiles and could be teasing.

Polaris has posed:
Putting her hands on her hips, Lorna shakes her head a little. "Wouldn't mind a little mutant on monster brawling." She suggests, stepping in and rolling her wrists a little to loosen them up some. "Let's avoid the whole brotherhood thing. You know Genosha doesn't officially condone terrorist organizations." She can't speak for unofficially however. "Besides, you should see what I can do with electromagnetic fields lately-I get the worst headaches but golly are the terrorists in for a surprise."

Havok has posed:
Alex doesn't really know Lorna all that well, so he doesn't comment on things which could be construed as off limits. He was just teasing at first, but now seeing her reaction, he figures it's best to avoid political discussions or terrorist activities. Instead he lets her take the lead with her ideas and will say, "Cerebro, reset last session. Add 10 more robots of varing levels, do not exceed level 6."

    The room reforms the last combat setting. Construction like environment with various fixtures for defense and obstruction. He moves to a nearby corner wall (two sides, 6' tall each). He puts his back to it and says to Lorna, "You might wanna take cover." The robots can be heard off in the distance. Rolling or flying in. They sound mean. But aren't seen just yet.

Polaris has posed:
"Robots? My kind of fight." Lorna smiles and moves to the opposite wall. She sinks into her power, eyes going white as energy builds around her hands and arms in a faintly green shifting light. "So...how do you want to do this? I stall them, you blast?" She asks and looks over at Alex. "Or are we picking individual targets?" There's just something about Summers boys that make people look to them as leaders so Lorna gives him the same treatment as Scott, letting him call the shots.

Havok has posed:
"I wanna see that electromagnetic stuff. Oh, and don't break the Danger Room." chides Havok with a grin. "Let's start off with you taking the lead. I wanna see what you can do. I'll watch your back. You should clean these up fast - based on what I've heard."

    Alex moves to the edge of the wall to look around and peer for targets, "Youv'e got three coming from thirty feet up, behind that building."

Polaris has posed:
"Up, up, and away, then." Polaris murmurs and pushes off lightly, sky bound as she closes her eyes. "I feel them. Hopefully you've heard good things." She tells Havok with a crooked smile. As the robots come over the building, Polaris focuses in on the middle robot. That green energy covers it and stops the robot before she rips her hands apart from each other with a cry and tears the robot to shreds, sending the shrapnel into the others to do some damage to them.

Havok has posed:
Havok sees the result of her power as she rips and rends the three robots without an issue. He calls out, "Four, to your left, 40 yards." There are 4 coming between the obstacles, they all stand just over 8 feet in height and have tracks for feet. They fire at her with death lasers - which will hurt a bit if they hit. Pew Pew.

    In other news, Havok releases a blast in the opposite direction. Shattering one of the three in his range.

Polaris has posed:
Bringing her arms up, Lorna takes cover behind her forcefield to weather the lasers coming her way as she considers how to tear apart the four robots. Dropping behind cover she pushes two of them in front of the others and releases a small range emp to short them out and block the robots behind them to buy herself a moment as she looks back to Havok. "You good?!" She calls over, drawing a breath and shaking out her arms lightly.

Havok has posed:
Havok replies with a smile on his face as he starts to move about, but still near Lorna, only drawing a bit closer with his back toward her. "It's great... Watch your sides. There will be more."

    He blasts again and takes down another. While on her side, she is able to short out three of the four. The fourth presses on but dodges to the side and behind metal. Other robots do indeed descend upon them and the battle will become more intense.

Havok has posed:
And the battle waged on for nearly an hour and our heroes eventually came up victorious.