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Discoveries In The Park
Date of Scene: 20 April 2017
Location: Central Park - NYC
Synopsis: Mercy Thompson, in coyote form, is being tormented by some kids. Violet O'Mara helps a Coyote out.
Cast of Characters: Mercy Thompson, Insect Queen (OMara)

Mercy Thompson has posed:
It's mid-afternoon within the park. The typical types of people can be found within the area; people on their lunch, people walking to someplace or home, joggers running by and even those walking their dogs. There's also one group of people that aren't typical, however, and they they look to be up to no good.

Four boys can be seen and they look to be within their late mid-to-late teens. They have a medium-sized dog cornered against some bushes and while the dog doesn't necessarily look 'scared', it's clear the boys are taunting it.

The 'leader' of the pack boys sneers at his 'friends' even as he says to them and the dog, "Stupid dog. All by yourself out here. Bet you wish you weren't." In his hand he holds a broken off branch, one end jagged and pointy and with that sharp end he'll lash out towards the dog. He's intending to hurt the poor thing, but this particular dog is swift enough to dance aside and away from the stick.

And while the dog avoided that particular blow it's still four against one. Eventually something will connect.

For those that are familiar with the wild 'city' animals they'll easily be able to tell the 'dog' in question isn't a dog, but a coyote. A seemingly docile one, so far.

Insect Queen (OMara) has posed:
A not-that-impressive young woman sits at a bench, focusing violently on her sketchbook. Her hand zips past, etching strokes at breakneck speed, in a manner which would be graceful if it wasn't for some underlying tension in the gesture. Her knees touch together, her heels point away from each other, as opposed to the tips of her feet. When her glasses slide down dlightly, she doesn't stop drawing, she just pushes them up again. She seems to be mumbling something to herself, quietly. Until it is time to look up again at the scene. She notices the boys. She freezes.

Still like a statue, eventually the only movement is her glasses sliding down her nose again.

"Hey." she says, finally closing her sketchbook and fumbling to put it away in her satchel. "Leave that poor creature alone." She does not raise her voce above what is necessary to make herself heard to the boys. When the sketchbook is safely stored in the satchel, she starts towards the group. "He did nothing to you, just leave it alone, the poor thing."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
There's another swipe of the stick and while it doesn't hit the coyote it was near enough that the wild animal's ears flatten against her scalp. Or perhaps the dog is just getting tired of playing this game -

- Either way, almost all the boys laugh when the leader lashes out with that second swipe. Only one boy doesn't and while he looks quite uncomfortable he doesn't say anything; he's just too nervous and scared to against the rest of the group. It's definite pack mentality.

At this point, Mercy, who is the coyote in question, can't help but offer a faint huff-of-a-sigh. That human sounding sigh is lost thanks to Violet suddenly speaking up. Her words which carry over to the small group are heard and it causes all of the boys (even the scared one) to whirl about. They're not used to anyone calling them out, even adults, thanks to their aggressive manners. Upon seeing who spoke up and out against them, the Leader can't help but narrow his eyes. "What's that? A girl?" His voice goes from sneering to hard-edged, as he points his stick towards Violet now, "Little girl you better go home and pretend you ain't seen anything here."

The coyote upon hearing Violet's voice immediately cocks her head to the side, her ears returning to a forward facing position. With a slight side-step, the coyote will peer between the legs of her would-be torturers to see just who spoke. If dogs, or rather coyotes, could frown she would. She wasn't necessarily worried about herself, but now she's concerned for Violet.

Insect Queen (OMara) has posed:
Violet O'Mara may be the "Why Can't We All Get Along" hippy type, but when you are the "Why Can't We All Get Along" hippy type that walks up to violent groups and tries to talk them into peace and love, at the ripe age of 23-ish you either have gotten beaten up so many times you've learnt when the endeavour is going to end up in you being beaten up, or you are too dumb for your own good. Or perhaps you've been beaten into brain damage. In any case, Violet pulls back, winces, and chokes a small gasp while her arms dart up on their own to protect her face. She, it appears, is one of those who learnt.

Her face peers sideways, behind a slightly trembling hand, when she suddenly gulps, turns, and runs away like the wind, disappearing from view behind a corner.

Now out of sight from the group from earlier, she continues with her run until she enters a slow maintenance building which happens to be unlocked, closing the door behind herself. Away from the prying eyes of the crowd, she slumps with her back against the wall, and clutches the egyptian scarab amulet she's wearing around her neck. She pants as she slowly slides down, until she's sitting on the ground. "Ok... *pant pant*... last time it... didn't go well. But it certainly was because I was scared. Yes, y-yes, that must be it. it was a surprise. This time... *pant* this time all I have to do is c... concentrate. I can control it. I... can control it."

She opens her palm, and, with a determined expression, places her hand against her amulet. After she gives it a firm push, she winces, and doubles over...

Mercy Thompson has posed:
When Violet brings her hand up to cover her face the young toughs just laugh, well, all but that one. He just winces. He totally gets why she's afraid; he feels the same way, he just uses the group for protection. It may not be the best answer or the correct one, but it's the only one he has.

"That's right little girl, run! Run!" The Leader says, while the majority of the group offer catcalls and hoots to the fleeing young woman.

While their attention is turned, the coyote will narrow her yellow eyes and with a silent snarl, the thirty-plus-pound animal suddenly darts forward. She's far faster than any of her real brethren and she uses that speed (and Violet's distraction) to step up behind the leader and sink her pearly white teeth into his calf muscle. The bite is strong enough to tear through his pant covered leg and sink into flesh. As soon as Mercy's bite sinks home, the leader LOUDLY yelps. "ARGGHH!" He shouts and he'll quickly try to shake the dog free, but Mercy keeps her jaws locked for a few more seconds.

Those few seconds are enough for two of the other toughs to step forward and aim two hard kicks at both of her sides. While she avoids one with a quick dodge of her paws to the side, that second kick isn't quote so easily avoided and it hits home. The yelp she offers is quite muffled for the first note and while she could have continued to hold onto the leader's leg, she finally disengages her teeth and scuttles backwards. She'll offer a growl and a yip towards the four young men so they focus upon her, even as she glances around their legs to make sure Violet made it completely out of sight and hopefully safe.

Insect Queen (OMara) has posed:
Nobody is probably going to pay attention to insects buzzing by. There are plenty. Flies, bees, gnats, wasps, bumblebees... so nobody will probably pay attention to a tiny extra one flying in from the building Violet had run into.

Until, that is, having gotten close to the team, it expands into a massive six-foot-one redhead with six arms, a chitinous armor, and wings. The transition between flying towards them and stomping towards them is seamless... and it is soon clear that she is no loger heading for the group, she's heading for the one who mocked Violet earlier. She doesn't deign the others of even a glance, she doesn't seem to care about the poor coyote, or about the young man having been bitten. She just stares down at the far smaller human in outraged contempt, as she pushes her arms out to grab him by the lapel, lift him up and slam his back against the wall.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
With the Coyote's bite the group definitely doesn't notice the extra bug mixed in with the general flies, bumblebees and gnats. In fact, they don't realize they're in trouble until it's far too late and the red-headed woman appears. It takes the leader even longer to realize what's going on as he's trying to deal with his torn pantleg and bleeding leg and the coyote who did it.

It's only as he rises upward to shout orders at his thugs that the shadow of the Insect Queen will finally alert him to the trouble approaching. He'll have enough time to whirl about and open his mouth to utter a short, "What the?!", before his shirt is grabbed and he's hoisted upward into the air. Soon there's the sound of air escaping his lungs as he's slammed harshly against the wall. His legs will lash out to try and kick at Insect Queen's legs, as he tries to free himself from her grip.

At the sight of the Insect Queen his three remaining thugs immediately take a step backwards, their hands rising upward in front of them. Much like how Violet had her hands in front of her. The Coyote, for her part, will pause as the scent of the Insect Queen (and sight) swirls around her sensitive nose. Her head will again cock to the side as she looks at the very tall red-head. A tentative step will be taken towards the Insect Queen and her prey.

Insect Queen (OMara) has posed:
Insect Queen 's two upper hands are pushing the young man hard against the wall. The leg will impact against Insect Queen's leg alright, the part to be covered by chitinous armor, but it will end up feeling like kicking a marble pillar. Her green eyes glare at the face in front of her, which she is holding up with her upper two arms, while her lower arms spread behind her. "You folks, back there, don't get any strange ideas." The young people will the see insect starting to group, as if for forming the Insect Queen's own gang of no-goods. It will be lost on the humans, but the coyote will be able to pick up a telepathic message from the Queen. A very simple warning for animal-like minds: danger, do not attack. The Insect Queen is probably thinking the Coyote is a mere animal, and casting a telepathic warning.

"Now, you listen here, /vermin/" she growls at the leader, not even seeming to register the kick she just got. "I saw what you did earlier. First of all, you don't treat... " She hesitates for a moment. Despite /burning/ from the desire of hissing a '/me/' at the boy, she eventually decides that it is better strategy to keep her identity secret.

"...a /lady/ that way. And you address her as such. Not as /girl/." She pulls up one of her lower arms, holding her forearm vertically, and a bayonet-like blade of chitin grows in a short time. "You need to be punished for your affront. The only question is... hmmm... /how/." A clear, whitish liquid starts to percolate from the tip of the pointy growth, covering the rest of it.

[A FEW MOMENTS BEFORE...] Violet opens her palm and, with a determined expression, places her hand against her amulet. After she gives it a firm push, she winces, and doubles over. While writing in pain and sweating, she manages to gnash, through her teeth, "...concentreate... concentrate... save the coyote... save... the... coyote.. JUST save the coyote... don't... hurt... mmghhhjnnnn.... anyone....."

At this point she's pretty much on her knees, back arched, hugging herself, her forehead touching the ground. Then, the transformation is almost instantaneous, she straightens up and expands Insect Queen's mighty form, with a barely suppressed scream (can't alert people of her presence!), which ends up sounding like an angry groan. She stands up, slowly, majestically. She puts her hands on her hips, crosses her other arms, and turns up her chin. "...wait, scratch that." She cracks her knuckles. "I'm /so/ going to bust that idiot's head!"

Mercy Thompson has posed:
When the Leader's foot meets that chitinous armor and feels the pain of kicking something so hard, his eyes begin to water. He'll offer a shout of pain too, but with shoved so hard against the wall, the sound comes out more like a little groan, as he can't quite catch his breath.

As for the folks 'back there', all three jump at the sound of her voice and the fact she's addressing them. All three begin to stutter and shake their heads, "Nnn-n-no. We won't. Ww-er're sorry." Their hands still stay in front of them, even as two of them start to try and edge further away from the Insect Queen and their Leader. Clearly loyalty isn't large in this particular gang.

While Mercy's mind is fully human there is a part of her that holds the instincts of a Coyote and so, when that telepathic message is broadcast, her furry head will cock slightly the other way. The message is heard quite loud and clear, but that doesn't stop the Coyote from focusing upon that chitinous blade that's been extended by the other woman. Her words are likewise heard and while Mercy agrees that the thug needs punished, her worry now is that punishment will equal death. Carefully, the Coyote will prance forward and offer a quick high-pitched yip to Insect Queen. If she could talk that bark would say 'no killing!'.

The Leader, for all his gumption and bravery, can only offer a whimper of fear as his face goes white as a sheet. With trembling words he says, "P-p-p-lease don't hurt me. I p-promise I won't hurt anybody."

Insect Queen (OMara) has posed:
Insect Queen smirks. "Why, my poison was almost ready. Sweet, sweet poison." She says, raising the bayonet covered with the strange chemical. She then holds the sharp edge against the young man's neck as if threatening him with a knife. She seems to have picked a very non-dangerous position to do so, oddly enough: while the random person on the street might think she's about to cut a vein or something, she's actually showing a remarkable command of anatomy by holding it in a part that's pretty much skin and bone. "Well, since you seem such a nice guy," she says, in a playful voice, "...I'll poison you just a little!" She abruptly pull the blade sideways, leaving only a superficial cut in the boy's neck, within which the poison did, indeed, penetrate. "Don't worry, you won't die..." she remarks, with a mischievous grin, "...but starting in a few hours, you'll just feel exhausted for a few weeks." She abruptly pulls the young man away from the wall and tosses him away in the opposite direction. "Frankly, " she scoffs, "you're a waste of youthful energy. The less you're able to do, the better." And that is when she glances down at the dog. "Oh, right. You're here too. I was supposed to do something with you? I think? Oh well." She gives a barely perceptible shrug. "Seems like the point is moot now."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Another yip is offered by the coyote when the poison is introduced to the young man's bloodstream. Yes, she caught the fact that Insect Queen wasn't going for the jugular, but still - poison. That's serious stuff!

It's only when the Insect Queen explains it won't kill him that the Coyote's agitated movements will slow. Sure, she could still be upset about the whole thing, but she grew up with lessons that typically ran the mill of 'hardknock life'. You reap what you sow, after all. And the leader surely sowed a lot of bad karma from his actions.

The young man drops to the ground with a thump and another one of those whimpers and while he looks around for his friends, he only finds one of the boys still around. The other two quickly exited stage-left. The only one that remained was the timid one; and while he still looks quite scared, he'll scuttle over to the Leader and start pulling him up. "Come-on man, we gotta get out of here." And with a quick look at the Coyote and Insect Queen, the omega of the group quickly adds, "I'm so so sorry. Really." Then he's tugging the wobbly Leader away from the area and the scary scary woman.

Once the group of haters has finally dispersed, Coyote-Mercy will turn her yellow eyes back to the Insect Queen. Her head will tilt (again) ever so slightly with what the red-haired woman says, before the four-footed animal finally leans towards the Insect Queen. The Coyote is going to offer a nose-boop in thanks, should the other woman allow it.

Insect Queen (OMara) has posed:
Insect Queen will certainly not refuse the boop. "...you are the most sensible creature I have met today," she states.