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Latest revision as of 00:02, 27 October 2017

The Chat, the War God, and the Clothing Designer
Date of Scene: 22 June 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: In which there is discussion about Broadway plays.
Cast of Characters: 142, Ares, 143

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Midtown, Manhattan. The Big Apple. The City that Never Sleeps.


The show was lovely. A bright production of CS Lewis. And Adrien was more than pleased to have taken Marinette to see it. He was more than pleased about her choice of clothes.

The red and gold dress (https://www.pinterest.com/pin/842806517737094609/) was stunning on her, as stunning to him as the formal attire she designed for him was for her, no doubt. Intricate embroidery ran the outside lfength of his leg. He steps with Marinette out of the theatre, still finding the way the gold lacework glints against her skin breathtaking.

"Well, Mari? Did you like it?" asks the tall blonde in French as he walks at the brunette's side, one of her arms looped into his own.

Ares has posed:
    Outside of the theater the crowd is slowly filtering out into the rest of the city. Some of the people are wandering off towards the garages where they left their cars, or being picked up by a service, some might even be heading towards the subway if only to run off into the night. But there on the sidewalk outside of the brilliantly lit theater, some of the people are lingering and enjoying a moment's reflection.
    Cigarettes are being lit and a few animated conversations are being held even as the beautiful couple is making their way out of the theater. At a glance they'll probably see the more privileged of Manhattan society, all enjoying the night. Most are older people, or those closer to middle age. But distantly, near the curb is a tall man dressed in a fairly decently tailored black suit, at his side is a youth of about ten years of age with a shock of brilliant blonde hair who is animatedly explaining the show he just saw to the taller fellow.
    "That lion was super cool!" Alexander gestures with both hands, making faux jaws with them and 'roaring' as he hops around John Aaron.
    "Yes, it was done well."
    "And that woman was super scary!" The kid mugs an evil looking face and then waves a hand around as if he were casting spells.
    "But did you recognize the message of the story, Alexander?"
    "Umm... no, what was it?"
    "Take a moment and think." John squints at his son.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
The young woman, with hair so black it's almost blue looking is piled in curls on the top of her head with a braid wrapped around the base (https://www.pinterest.com/pin/842806517737144659/), nods her head and smiles. "I loved it. I read the book when I was younger but seeing it like that was amazing!" Those bluebell blue eyes, enhanced by smokey eyeshadow (https://www.pinterest.com/pin/842806517737144309/) are alight with excitement.

"I had heard broadway plays were absolutely amazing but..." Marinette gives Adrien's arm a smile squeeze, her replies have been in French as well. "Did you enjoy it?" Because that's just as important to Mari as it is to Adrien that she enjoyed it.

"The tickets are... Insanely priced but... Could we go back and see something else some time? Maybe?"

Her eyes are drawn to the antics of the young man near the curb and she smiles warmly. "It's wonderful that he's so excited. I don't know that I could have sat through it at that age." Of which, she's guessing. "I was all over the place energetic..."

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
"I really did. More so because of your face at some parts," Adrien replies fluidly in his and Mari's native language as they drawn nearer to the man and his excited young son. Of her question about the price, Adrien smiles, his green eyes dancing in amusment.

"They really aren't, Mari. And yes. We can come see any show you like, anytime we can schedule. I'll have Nathalie purchase a season pass," he's saying, green gaze following blue to the man and his son again.

"Yeah. It really so... wonderful to see that," he says, voice softening into something bittersweet as he regards the little family and the warmth being shown father to son.

Ares has posed:
    Eventually, Alexander grimaces as he tries to undo the knot of his tiny bow-tie, frowning to himself. "I dunno, Da. Maybe? I dunno, don't die unless you know you're gonna come back to life?"
    At that John Aaron snorts and pushes off of the bus stop bench seat he had been leaning against and steps over to kneel down beside the much smaller young fellow. He reaches in and start sto undo the knot for him and says, "One that can be learned is that adding an element of the new can end stagnation and lead to change. The world is winter, then the children arrive and what happens?"
    That's right. But then the tall man gains his feet even as his son keeps fidgeting with his tie. His gaze falls heavily upon the beautiful couple, Adrien and Mari standing out rather well amongst the rest of the crowd.
    For some reason John tilts his head towards them, inclining a brow at each in turn then lifts his voice. "Good evening to you, did you enjoy the play?"

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
"They really are, Adrien." What's expensive to Mari and what counts as expensive to the Agreste model are -clearly- two different things. Her jaw drops slightly. "A season pass? Adrien, we can't. All that money... And there's no way we'd attend every show..."

Her eyes flit back to the small family at Adrien's tone and she smiles. Addressed, Mari bows her head before straightening and nodding. "Oui. And you?" Her accent is somewhat thick but not enough to make her hard to understand. Her eyes drop down to the boy. "What about you? Did you like it?"

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
"They really aren't, Marinette. Besides, season passes mean the theatre is bringing in funds to keep the shows going. I know we can't attend every show, but it would be nice," he says before the family has his attention and the father is speaking to them. Marinette answers, and this seems okay with Adrien, and so he remains queit at her side.

Ares has posed:
    The young boy looks at the woman and eyes her warily, "Ehn, it was okay."
    But then John Aaron sort of jostles him with a knee and he brightens up, "I mean it was great!" But he makes a 'hrmf' at his father followed with a smirk.
    "I am afraid I have not allowed myself to indulge in the theater in some time. I felt it would be best for myself and the boy to take it back up together." At that he ruffles Alexander's hair which causes the kid to crinkle his nose all over again.
    But then the incognito Olympian steps past his son, extending his hand towards Adrien and says, "John Aaron, a pleasure." He introduces himself and then gestures towards his son. "This is Alexander, my son."

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
Mari giggles warmly at the boy. "Have you seen many? This was my first one." She seems to still be talking to the young man. She's always loved kids. Though Manon tried her patience something fierce at times!

As introductions are being made, Marinette's full attention returns to John and she smiles warmly. "A pleasure to meet you, Monsieur Aaron. And you as well," is said to the boy before she looks back at the father.

"I'm Marinette. And this is Adrien." And yes, there's a distinct lack of last names for a reasons. Even if, chances are, he's already been recognized by more than a few people. "Did you enjoy your return to it then?"

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
It's an automatic, the way Adrien reaches out to take John Aaron's hand when its offered. The blonde inhales to reply with his name when Marinette beats him to it, and just gives their first names. Adrien turns his head to look at her, for the surname exclusion was not missed.

Not missed and not remarked upon.

"A pleasure to meet you both," he says then, in English. His accent is noticeable but not as heavy as Marinette's. There's a lilt of the Queen's English in his tones.

Ares has posed:
    "Adrien," John gives a nod to the man and when they shake it's not an aggressive thing, just a short double pump then done. He turns back to include Marinette in their triangle of discussion, even as Alexander leans upon his dad's leg. "Marinette. Well met,"
    But Alexander leans forwards enough to tell her, "I saw this one and Lion King. But just these two. They're both pretty good. I guess." But his reticence is clearly more nervousness at talking to strangers as opposed to a lack of enthusiasm.
    John, however, looks between them and smiles. When he speaks there's a certain pattern to the words, almost a formality to them. "Well, this was the first modern production I've witnessed in person. The technology is quite something. The costumes and animated aspects." He lifts a hand to the side as if casually brushing past his own words. "Though I have never been too knowledgeable of the theater, I am perhaps... an enthusiastic new-comer."

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
There's a slight shrug of Mari's shoulders at the look from Adrien as well as a grin.

Marinette smiles at the boy. "Is it as good as the movie?" Yes. She still watches Disney movies. Wouldn't know who to blame for that, would we, Adrien?

Eyes back on John, her head tilts at the sentence structure and wording. Something she'd like comment on if he hadn't shinied her.

"Me too. I lilely won't get to see as many as I'd lile but I hope to catch another one soon." Which, for her, means within the year. She won't even begin to guess how Adrien will translate it. "It really is exciting!"

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Mari? Watching Disney? Totally is not his fault! No! He... doesn't have a profile on Netflix that's named Mouse and is nothing but ALL the Disney. No. Really.

Adrien too catches the old world cadence to John's words, but he doesn't comment. Not with Marinette speaking.

And hoping to see another soon. A mental note is made to have Nathalie schedule another night like this... next weekend or something.

Ares has posed:
    "You see, Alexander." John Aaron rests a hand on the young boy's shoulder, "Everyone loves the theater."
    But then the boy looks up at his father, then smiles towards Adrien and Marinette, he gives a small shrug. "This is pretty great, but when we go to the movies I get popcorn."
    "Ah," John shoots a glance towards the beautiful couple in the exquisite clothing. "Well perhaps we will go get pizza then, and things will be all the better." Yet with that having been said he gives them each a nod. "Well, forgive me for having taken up your time. It was a pleasure to have encountered you." His eyes narrow faintly as he looks between them, and then begins to set off down the sidewalk with the child at his side.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
Another giggle escapes Marinette. "I've never been to the movies."

Okay! That time in the park doesn't count. Someone wa akumatized and she got stabbed...ish...

Her eyes go back to John and she grins. "Nothing to forgive. It was a pleasure to meet you both and I'm sure Adrien enjoyed the break from me trying to get him to pick a countertop or hardwood." There's another dip of her head. "Enjoy your evening."

And then she's looking back up at Adrien. "Which reminds me... I'd like to hire someone to come in and knock a few walls out.. And add a halfway or two..." And she's back to spending his money. Which will make her wince, a lot, if she thinks about it.