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Latest revision as of 00:07, 27 October 2017

Play ball!
Date of Scene: 23 June 2017
Location: Uknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Dragonfly (Arazello), 319

Dragonfly (Arazello) has posed:
    Home game. The Yankees play with the support of their fans. They lose. Disgruntled fans leave the stadium, itching for trouble.
    Some of the fans corner a person who apparently supported the other team. Well, wore colours that weren't Yankee colours and if you squinted right may have shared one or two tones with the other teams' uniforms. If you were really pushing it. They crowd the hapless bystander into an alley with an eye toward committing violence.

Sebastian (319) has posed:
    This sort of thing is right out. It's the sort of thing that intrudes on the important job of tracking down alien refugees and bringing them to justice. So it's the sort of thing that needs to be dealt with quickly. Usually when he's out and about he's got Harpe there to play the heavy and do the intimidating that needs doing, since she was pretty tall and had that mouth that would melt steel if she was angry enough.
    But Sebastian... his way is a bit different.
    "I said ahem."
    "Police." He holds up his badge pointedly, "I am detective Greene, you are about to engage in assault and battery."
    There's a beat, then...
    "So you should leave."

Dragonfly (Arazello) has posed:
    "Do you know who I am?!" shouts the alpha male of the pack, rounding on Sebastian, flexing, posturing, and generally reminding his crowd that he's the leader. "No? Good. Then you can't do anything about me. Now piss off before you get added to the list."
    One of his fellows nervously tells him, sotto voce, "Dude, he's a cop!"
    "Yeah, but he's a wimp cop, in't he? Just ignore him and he'll go away. Pigs got no balls in ones. Always gotta move in gangs."
    The irony of someone moving in a gang saying this appears lost.
    The ugly group turns back toward their victim of choice.

Sebastian (319) has posed:
    "Well," Sebastian reaches a hand into his coat and withdraws his service revolve. "I do happen to have a gun." He draws the hammer back with a click that would probably be entirely ominous on its own even if it wasn't being held by that tall weird guy.
    "I'm only supposed to use it when I feel endangered or in the service of protecting another who is endangered." He lifts his voice, "Sir do you feel endangered?" But then he lowers his voice again, "I mean I certainly do. So really it doesn't matter if he does."
    He brings the gun up, "So really, am I going to have to hold you at gunpoint while the back up comes, and then fill out all the paperwork... or are you going to let this go?"
    For some reason as he speaks he seems to not really have a huge opinion one way or the other, but then again maybe he just doesn't.

Dragonfly (Arazello) has posed:
    A silhouette forms at the other, closed end of the alley. One that comes from above.
    "Detective Greene," Dragonfly drawls, stepping forward into a pool of light, "I definitely feel threatened and endangered." She stands near the target of the gang's ire, slightly in front of the hapless kid. "I mean paperwork terrifies me."
    She smiles Sebastian's way, completely ignoring the ruffians. "Is there any way to just have them walk away?"

Sebastian (319) has posed:
    "Well, I mean, if they do." He rubs at his chin thoughtfully with the pistol's barrel, then points it again. "I don't think anyone's been assaulted." He then lifts his voice, "Have you been assaulted, sir? Or ma'am? Now that I come to think of it."
    But he starts to step into the alleyway, moving towards the group of people who are menacing their chosen target. He then starts to change his voice a bit, taking on the pattern of what Harpe always sounds like to him.
    "Alright, party's over you miserable man. Off you go. Go fornicate with a family member of some sort and then suffer a bowel movement of ill repute." He gets close enough to the people to eyeball if they're paying attention or not.

Dragonfly (Arazello) has posed:
    Dragonfly pinches the bridge of her nose as Sebastian tries to talk tough. "Man, I thought I was bad at threats," she mutters. She adds her own special brand of incompetence to the mix.
    "Look, guys, here's the thing. I haven't really had a good day. I mean didn't you notice? The Yankees lost. I'm out some money and I've got a few people who're going to be rubbing that in for a week now."
    She reaches out her hand to a nearby dumpster, grabbing it by a corner. Her fingers tighten. The metal of the dumbster starts to groan in protest as she turns the corner's 90 degree angle into something closer to 45 degrees. Over this she continues talking.
    "So, could you do everybody here a favour and just leave before things get unpleasant? There's nothing you can do to me. I can tear of your limbs and beat you to a pulp with the messy ends, on the other hand. And he ... well, he scares me, even."
    The ruffians start go look nervous, trapped as they are between a weirdo cop who talks strangely and the weirdo woman who so pleasantly discusses dismemberment.

Sebastian (319) has posed:
    "Here, you can run past me." Sebastian says as he clicks the hammer down on the pistol and slides it back into his coat. He steps back and away to stand against the wall, giving the ruffians a suitable path of egress. The tall red-headed man urges them on with a hand pointing in the right direction. "Come on, depart quickly or suffer some form of reproductive mishap inspired by your confusion about your genitalia."
    That having been said, he gets out of the way and then tries to reach the person they were threatening, already telling them. "Sorry about that, sir or madame. I hope you are not in need of any medical assistance."

Dragonfly (Arazello) has posed:
    The pack look to their leader for guidance. The leader looks like he's sucked a lemon. The thoughts in his head are almost audible, so clear is the gear grinding going on.
    "If I leave, I look like an asshole. If I don't leave that chick and that weird dude make us look like dead assholes. But if I leave I gotta..." Then it clicks.
    "We'll go!" he snarls, "but it ain't 'cause we're afraid. We just don't think the punk is worth it!"
    Yeah, that'll cover for backing down.
    The thugs sullenly file out of the alley. Their target, a boy who looks like he couldn't possibly have even reached 14 yet, looks at Sebastian, eyes wide.
    "I'm ... fine?" he says. "You guys stopped them before they did anything."
    Dragonfly, for her part, messes up her image a bit as she struggles to put the pinched corner back to 90 degrees.

Sebastian (319) has posed:
    "Alright, you should wait here for a time and then leave from another direction. Do you have a telephone on which you can contact you parental units or perhaps a guardian of some sort? I have endeavours that require my attention and will not be able to be around to fully support you through your intimidation life phase."
    That said he steps away from the youngster and walks over towards the super heroine. "Dragonfly. Are you following me now? Did I not tell you that I am incapable of chemically imbalanced emotional states?"

Dragonfly (Arazello) has posed:
    "No," Dragonfly says with a bit of a sheepish grin. "I'm not following. I was at the game. I wasn't lying when I said I was out some money. I was just heading home when I saw the drama breaking out. I thought I'd drop by and offer a hand."
    She looks over at the kid. "Bad colours to wear today of all days, kid. Cardinals just beat the Yankees. Red is ... not a very good choice. I'd take that jacket off if I were you."
    She turns back to Sebastian. "Uh, look, you know, I'm not the greatest with threats in the world but you? Wow do you take the cake. You should probably leave threats to the pros. Hell, *I* should probably leave threats to the pros for now."

Sebastian (319) has posed:
    Perking up, Sebastian seems to spend entirely too much time reseating his pistol in its holster, adjusting it, readjusting it, trying to make sure the little leather strap clicks into place. He finally gets it just right and then sweeps both of his hands down the length of his overcoat, trying to get himself back to his normal majesty. Which, all told, is lacking.
    But then he looks to her, eyes widened a bit as he murmurs, "What is wrong with my threats?" He starts to walk down the alley away from the kid in the cardinals jacket. He's looking sidelong at the superhero, "I strike upon the primary areas of importance, sexual incapability, bodily digestion operations, and physical imperfections. I also remembered to invoke the connection to genetic relatives and went so far as to speak ill of their prospects for the future."
    He stops walking and rests his hands on his hips, "I have made a study of this."

Dragonfly (Arazello) has posed:
    "The tragedy," Dragonfly says as they walk away, "is that I believe you. I truly believe that you did study this. Only someone who's done academic study could get all the factual elements correct while missing the point entirely."
    The words may have a hint of rebuke, but the tone of voice and the face are more oriented toward amusement. If you could see her eyes, and if they were actually human, they'd be twinkling right now.
    "All of waht you said is correct, but very specific vocabulary has to be used as well. You can't just substitute synonyms." She looks over at the dumpster wryly. "I mean I'm not one to speak. I have to use physical demonstration because I suck at sounding threatening. But I *know* I suck at that. It's why I use muted displays of violence."

Sebastian (319) has posed:
    "Well, physical examples are out of my sphere of influence. I would not want to give away aspects of myself that you are privy to." He keeps walking, then purses his lips as his thoughts distance, turning her words over and over in his head. He looks at her sidelong, "Perhaps if I were to take up smoking?"
    But no, that wouldn't help.
    He instead continues on with that same somewhat shuffly stride that would have mothers across the world hollaring at him to pick up his feet. But then he continues, "I could transcribe my partner and then just use them at the required points. Just I believe the difference of her gender would make some of my statements erroneous."
    He stops walking and looking towards her, "In any case, were you looking for me for some reason?"

Dragonfly (Arazello) has posed:
    "No, I just spotted you. But now that I'm here, let's ... I don't know ... tighten our social bond through the near-ritualized consumption of nutritious chemical components whose patternings over assorted sensory tools are viewed as desirable."
    "By which I mean, let's have a chili dog or something. I should probably switch out of spandex, though, so you don't get hassled. You game?"

Sebastian (319) has posed:
    The strange detective eyes her sidelong as if expecting her to go on and elaborate, as if there was some sort of social transaction that was in the offing and she might seek to cash in some of that relationship capital that she has accrued with him by aiding him in his endeavours. But no, sometimes a chili dog is just a chili dog.
    "Very well that is acceptable." He looks around, "The ones inside are considered fondly by the patrons here but I haven't been able to discern the difference one nitrate compared to another." He resumes the stroll, "There are a few food trucks in the parking lot, however."