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Latest revision as of 00:08, 27 October 2017

Another Check Up from Momma Hen Aspen
Date of Scene: 23 June 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: In which Aspen goes fishing for Adrien's hobbies because he matter. Multiplying by the speed of light squared will come later.
Cast of Characters: 251, 142

Aspen (251) has posed:
Someone like Adrien Agreste is easy to find. Of course, almost anyone is easy to find for Aspen, but that's beside the point!

The point is... It's been a while since she's seen the kid. So she tracked him down. And wasn't taking no for an answer. Which meant that Adrien was buzzed and after a moment to confirm that, yes she was known to him, she was given directions and sent up to the proper floor.

Dressed in a a tee that says 'Eat Me' with a picture of a cupcake on it and a pair of jean capris and low cut sneakers, she knocks. And waits. And when he answers, she grins. "Long time, no see." She's tempted to reach out and ruffle his hair. She resists. Barely. "Bad time?"

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Adrien is wet. And using a towel to rub his hair dry as he opens the door in a pair of black jeans that, and the towel.

"Not really? I was swimming," he says though his jeans are dry. "What can I do for you Mademoiselle Matthews?" he asks politely, stepping aside so Aspen can walk in.

Aspen (251) has posed:
Stepping in, Aspen snorts. "Just... Aspen. Or should I just call you Mr. Agreste?" A brow is arched, her tone playful and matching the smirk.

She takes a moment to look around before letting her eyes settle on him. "Nothing, really. Just thought I'd drop by and see how you were doing. I'll admit, I had hoped to see you drop by the lab by now. Although, Biology isn't one of the more ... Fun .. Sciences so..." But it keeps her near the water if not in it most of the time. Which is what matters to her.

"Have you considered plants?"

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
"Uhh... No. Adrien is fine... Aspen. Thank you," Adrien replies, attempting not to tense up at the knee jerk Mr. Ageste is my dad moment that gave him. Still rubbing his hair, Adrien leads the way into the living room, which is clean and neat as always. On the back of the sofa, in a shaft of sunlight, a tuny black kitten sleeps, one paw hugs a TY Beanie Baby that is about the same size as his body. His tail is wrapped about it as his forehead is pressed against the back of the plushie's black-polka dotted red body. It's bright teal-blue eyes and happy smile stare out contently as it is hugged by the kitten. (OOC: http://imgur.com/6bgUNOz )

"Yeah. Things have been busy. I haven't been able to get it into my schedule, but I'll work on that this week," promises the blonde as he moves into the space.

"Plants? Oh. Umm... Not yet. Marinette is working on redesigning the apartment with me. We're still agreeing on things we like."

Aspen (251) has posed:
"Aww. You have a kitten!" Kitten is spotted (Ha!) and Aspen makes her way over towards him. "No rush. I imagine things are pretty busy for you this time of year." She looks over at him and then turns her attention back on the kitten. "What's it's name?"

"Marinette? That's the girl I read about? The fiance?" What? She reads. Just because she doesn't dress in high fashion doesn't mean she isn't away of it. "Glad you're working on it. Definitely need something going on in here. Aside from the couch... Which is big enough to fit a football team... Where did you find this and is there still one left?"

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
For a moment, Adrien is confused.

Kitten? What? No. I don't have a... oh shit. Plagg! Adrien's eyes widen a bit but he manages to school his face into a smile while hurrying to try to intercept Aspen before she can pick up Plagg and surprise him awake.

"Uh... Umm... It's... I don't know? Marinette hasn't..." Don't panic.

Plagg's ear twitches in his sleep. Marinette may have fed him before she left.

"Yes! Yes. That Marinette. She got the couch. I don't know. I can... ask her?"

Aspen (251) has posed:
"Aww! He's so cute." She reaches out to pet him, ever so lightly, down his back with just one fingertip. "I haven't owned a pet since I as a kid. Dad got it for the year before..."

Her smile falters a little and her hand is withdrawn, full attention turned on Adrien. "I'd appreciate it. I'm going to need one at least that big soon, I think."

She chuckles and then turns, continuing her exploration of the house. "This place is huge. And there's just of you here? Wow." Her apartment is high end, certainly, but this is just BIG. "Not that I couldn't manage to grow into it, mind you. Plants, books, water features..."

A shrug. "So, what's new with you?"

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Adrien holds his breath as Aspen reaches out for his kwami. Adrien's expecting Plagg to wake up, see the stranger, panic, and try to scramble away while dragging the ladybug plushie protectively and failing miserably owing to the fact that the plush was the same size as he is.

Aspen runs a finger down his back and Plagg stretches into the touch, before his limbs curl tighter and pull the doll in closer. His long tail curls more protectively about the doll, covering its smile and one of its eyes as Plagg's tail curls about the doll's nose. A body-sigh, and the kitten sleeps on.

Adrien lets out his breath.

"Uh. Sure." Pause. Should he ask? Something... sad? flicked across her face. But.. it was gone just as quickly, and Aspen was once more chuckling. Adrien lets the moment pass.

"Umm... Thank you. Yes. Just the two of us," Adrien replies, even though there are five bedroom doors up the stairs.

"Uh, nothing? Not really. Started classes, so that's keeping me busy again. Gearing up for the next round of summer runways before the fall photoshoots. ..we went on a date?"

Aspen (251) has posed:
And that, that last bit, is what makes Aspen laugh. "You say it like a question. Are you not sure it was a date or what?" Kitten is left alone for now. Breathe easy Adrien. "So how'd you meet her?"

"Classes are... Not something I can say I miss. I loved learning but they were so slow about it. I was done with the material half way through the semester." And then she blinks. "What are you studying?"

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
"No. I mean, yes! I mean... We went on a date! I took her to see a Broadway play," Adrien says, finding his groove somewhere, towel draped around the back of his neck.

"We.. uh, we met in ...college..." Only that word is clearly french, not the English college, and it takes Adrien a moment to translate. "High school? I was taking gum off her chair that someone else had put, but she thought I was putting it there and then going home it started to rain, so I gave her my umberella." Never got that back. Huh. Weird. Adrien dwells for a moment, before offering Aspen a seat, but not a drink. Boy does not know how to host, apparently.

"I'm studying business.."

Aspen (251) has posed:
"Wow! Very nice. Ya know, that's something I haven't done yet. That, Cirque de Soleil or ice skating in Central Park. And I've lived here a while now."

Aspen shrugs, taking the offered seat. "That's really sweet of you. I didn't come across many guys like that in high school." And then her head tilts. "Wait. Business? From someone who seems as excited about science as you did? Why?"

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
"Cirque de Soleil? That's here?" Adrien asks, green eyes widen with an idea. He pulls his phone from the side table to make a note for himself as he nods to Aspen's next question.

"My father wants it. I suppose so I can take over the company for him when he retires," Adrien says, tone even and flat and really free of anything remotely like passion.

Aspen (251) has posed:
Aspen snorts. "My father wanted me to a be a weapon and bring subjugation to humans. Just because that's what they want, doesn't mean that's what they get. Do what makes you happy and what you're passionate about, Adrien. Because you're the one who's stuck doing it the rest of your life. Not him."

And then she nods. "Yeah. Ovo is the one I think they're showing now. Why?"

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Aspen talks about how evil her father is so easily. It's unnerving. But so is the 'pep talk' about doing what he wants, and so Adrien just half shrugs noncommitally.

"Because I saw them when I was little, in Paris. They were amazing. I'll have to find tickets... see when mari and I can make a showing.."

Aspen (251) has posed:
"Don't like talking about it, huh?" Aspen leans against tje arm of the couch where she sits. "It's completely up to you. Just remember, that girl you've asked to share your life with? She has to watch what doing that will do to you. I bet you don't like seeing her sad or upset or empty. Funny thing about marriage... It's between two people wjo want to spent tje rest of their lives making each other happy. You keep putting dad first and..." She shrugs.

"I'm sure she'll love it."

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
"No. I really don't," Adrien admits, eyes troubled as he watches Adpen lean to the arm of the couch, and Plagg sleeping peacefully in the sunlight not so far away. Adrien brings a corner of towel to rub his hair again.

Mari has to watch what leading the company will do to him? It's not a passion, sure but.... he'll let her take over the designing. That'll make her happy, doing what she loves, and with him running the back end of it, she won't have to worry about business decisions? Adrien says as that plan doesn't really seem all that solid.

"You're right. I don't like seeing her upset..." Then he hits him. "Wait. Empty?" what? Yeah she'll love. Adrien shaakes his head. Too many topics at once. "What?"

Aspen (251) has posed:
A brow arches. "Here's the thing... I've sone stuff I hate while trying to figure oit what I wanted to do after the Olympics. It drains you. Especially if you have something you love and are passionate about and would rather be doing. It pulls the joy and passion from you. Is that what you want her to spend the rest of your lives together seeing?"

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
"Well... no. But... I don't really have anything that I'm super passionate about..." that I can talk about, because Aspen probably doesn't want to hear about how amazing he thinks Marinette is.

Aspen (251) has posed:
"I call bullshit," Aspen notes with a laugh. "I saw the way you lit up at the idea of being able to be in the lab. Which part of science causes that for you? Biology? Chemistry? Physics? Engineering?"

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Cu the faint blush of Adrien getting called out.

"I just... I liked those classes in school," he tries to excuse before clearling his throat when he realizes he's failing. He scrubs at his hair one more time, the gold locks ending up in unrully angles, roguish and carefree.

"I never liked the cutting up of things in Biology, though plants were okay, I guess. Chemistry was interesting, trying to guess by the compounds and potential bonding geometry, what was going to happen. I'm not very good at... figuring out ways to put stuff together, but.. toying around with equations to figure out how to explain how something was done. That's pretty really interesting."

Aspen (251) has posed:
"So it's the physics." Aspen smirks, watching up.

Her head tilts off to one side, eyes narrowing faintly. A moment later and she's right back to smiles. "Do yourself, and your fiance, a favor Adrien... Do something you love. Find something your passionate about... Be it physics or something else, and do that."

Pushing up, she grins. "You barely know me and I get that so take this as an outsiders pespective who has been right where you are. It has to be about you, okay? That girl... She isn't marrying your father... She's marrying you."

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
While talking about physics in general, Adrien was already pondering the momentum and force needed for Ladybug's yo-yo and string to deflect projectiles like a shield does. He's seen it so many times. He's been save by it. It cut through the side of a bus once when he realized there wasn't a way to grab her and leap clear before one of them got hit. But then Aspen's eyes are narrowed and Adrien works to bring his mind back on topic in time for him to hear her words of wisdom. He pushes himself up as she does.

"yeah... thanks, Aspen. I... I'lll keep it in mind," Adrien murmurs faintly.

Aspen (251) has posed:
A couple heartbeats and Aspen finally nods before she actually steps in to hug Adrien. "Here," is offered as she pulls back and reaches into her back pocket, pulling a card free. "My cell number is on the back, okay. If you ever need anything..." She lets thw swntence trail as she heads towards the door. "And Adrien... I don't know what it is that so clearly weighs you down... But let go of it, alright? Stuff like that... It can turn toxic quick."

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Hugged. It's a complete surprise. Aspen is still, to his mind, mostly a stranger. Not complete, but.. he just doesn't know her as well as he does Mari whose hugs he craves. To be hugged by this woman, who had been offering what can only be described as motherly advise is...

Adrien returns the hug quickly, and steps back when she pulls away. He takes the card without looking at it.

"Yeah. I'll call," he promises. Having been looking away, he lifts his gaze to Aspen.

Clearly weighs him... Adrien draws a breath and seeks to find the faint smile that convinces the world that nothing is wrong.

"Thanks again."

Aspen (251) has posed:
"And stop that." Aspen winks and then opens the door. "No problem. I'll see about arranging some time in the physics department of Stark Industries for you." She gives a little wave. Literally. A tiny ocean wave appears in her hand, ebbs and flows and then disappears. "Later." And then she's gone.