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Latest revision as of 00:22, 27 October 2017

VR Dress Up
Date of Scene: 24 June 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: In which Marinette's friends convince Adrien and Tommy to play dress up. Or this is what happens when fashion students get bored.
Cast of Characters: 142, 143, 87

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Recalling that Tommy said that his AC was out, Adrien called up Tommy on his way back to the apartment from fencing. The invitation was simple: Video Games and pizza? Adrien had to rush to get it out that he was in his car and pullling up to Tommy's apartment building.

With Tommy safely in the car, Adrien chats with his friend, asking for an update on things. It's just small talk, the happy conversation of friends, all the way to the parking garage and then the lobby and the elevator and...

"Mon Dieu. Again?" Adrien asks as he opens the front door to the sound of girls giggling and make up all over. He turns to Tommy, smiling lightly.

"I guess... video games are canceled for a is she baking croissants?" And Adrien is making his way to the kitchen; Croissants are to Adrien as Catnip is to Cats.

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
Early to mid evening, near enough to dinner time, and the penthouse once more has the sounds of laughter ringing through it. And again, when the door is open, there's makeshift tables for hair and makeup set up as well as tall, portable cases for each. Clothes, both male and female, lay across the back of the couch. Some of Mari's newest designs.

The laughter comes from the kitchen. At least four girls, all trying to chatter over one another. All asking questions about Adrien and how long they've been a thing and when they got engaged and how they met...

And the house is full of the scent of fresh bake croissants and other such yummies. There's already pitchers of juice and tea sitting on the coffee table and glasses with ice in them ready to go.

"I thought you guys were here to work on homework," Marinette can be heard saying. Which starts a whole new tangled talk about male models and if only they knew any that knew what they were doing and... All Mari can do is laugh.

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Recalling that Tommy said that his AC was out, Adrien called up Tommy on his way back to the apartment from fencing. The invitation was simple: Video Games and pizza? Adrien had to rush to get it out that he was in his car and pullling up to Tommy's apartment building.

With Tommy safely in the car, Adrien chats with his friend, asking for an update on things. It's just small talk, the happy conversation of friends, all the way to the parking garage and then the lobby and the elevator and...

"Mon Dieu. Again?" Adrien asks as he opens the front door to the sound of girls giggling and make up all over. He turns to Tommy, smiling lightly.

"I guess... video games are canceled for a is she baking croissants?" And Adrien is making his way to the kitchen; Croissants are to Adrien as Catnip is to Cats.

Vorpal (87) has posed:
Tommy obligingly put on the human guise, as it wouldn't be wise to rile up the paparazzi further by having the Agreste scion seen in public with a C-list superhero. Daddy Dearest Agreste would certainly consider that not too fitting a company for his son, after what he went through.

Tommy wasn't quite sure how to summarize what his week had been like, so he recounts disparate events... although as they go into the apartment, a curious look comes over him and he half-grins. "Saaay... do you remember what you and Mari did when you both got drunk?"

Inquiring minds want to know.

At the sound of the giggling, Tommy raises an eyebrow, "Has Mari brought some of her classmates alo- hey, wait for me. I call dibs on the first croissant!" He reaches out and tries to yank Adrien out of the way, playfully, so he can get there first. Because Vorpal and Plagg share more in common than they'd like to admit.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
Mari remembers! She's also very thankful her furniture no longer moves.

The boys head for the kitchen just as the girls turn to start out. This means that Marinette actually ends up spinning around whoever is in front just so she doesn't drop the tray of baked good. "Tommy! Wonderful to see you!" And then a bright smile is given to Adrien. "Bonjour, mon amour."

The girls all start to giggle except the pink and purple haired one who actually laughs as she speaks, "You guys act like you never saw a model before." However, both men do get a look from her. "Hey, Mari... They're about the right size, yeah?"

Which has Marinette nodding. "Of course." What? It's not like she designs clothes with Adrien's measurements specifically in mind or anything*ahem*. "But! They just walked in the door so let them breathe and have some space."

By now, the little blonde is attempting to cuddle up to Tommy, the redhead is pouring drinks and the brown haired girl is helping out with moving their things out of the way. "Sorry we took over. We didn't know when you'd be back."

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
"When we got... uh, noo...?" Adrien replies to Tommy just before they both get side tracked by baked goods. Not paying much attention, Tommy gets a clean grab at his elbow, and the taller blonde gets yanked back.

Tommy: 1
Adrien: 0

Reaching the kitchen after Tommy, Adrien smiles that polite model's smile at the room at large before it cracks into something far more real at the sight of Marinette's smile.

"Bonjour, mon couer," he replies stepping over to brush a kiss to Mari's forhead.

ABout the same size... what?

Adrien looks about before spotting Tommy's blonde issue and trying to catch his friend's eye on how to help.

"Nono. It's fine," Adrien is saying.

Vorpal (87) has posed:
Blonde at four o'clock. Damnit. Under his illusion, Tommy was only wearing his customary pair of cargo shorts and modified vibrams. If that blonde cuddled up to him, she was going to feel fur where there was none, and then secret identity compromised!

He was starting to hate summer.

Thinking quickly, he dashes forward to grab a croissant- good, but that only buys him a few feet. He needs a permanent deterrent. And what could that be?

Brain, think!

"Hey ladies! Good to meetcha- HEY, Mari, guess what?" he says, in the strained voice of someone totally making a casual announcement of casualness because, "Garfield Logan and I are dating- I have a boyfriend now!"

No. He does *not*. They have just barely begun to know each other, and there's been talk of going on a double date with that Conner friend of his. But desperate times call for desperate measures, and nothing says 'not on the market' to someone than 'Hey, I have a romantic interest!'... and nothing says 'not even a chance you could sway me away' than stating you're exclusively interested in the other type of equipment.

And, just because Tommy is nervous and looking for something to say, he adds, "And he's a totally better kisser than Adrien, too!"

And then he realizes what he just said.


Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
And silence falls over the entire room. Except for the sound of liquid hitting the table where the redhead seems to have forgotten she was pouring drinks and it's now overflowing the glass. Even the level head girl with pink and purple hair seems to have stopped everything.

Marinette had started to reply to Vorpal about Gar and then... that. Her eye widen in surprised she has to fight back the urge to laugh.

"Hey! If you let him play with others, can I borrow him a night?" The blonde. Of course.

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Casual announcement is "Hey! That's great," Adrien chirps happily, hand reaching for a croissant. An inch from his prize, Tommy continues on and-


Adrien turns his gaze toward Tommy, eyes growing a bit wide.

Marinette fights the urge to laugh while blonde just makes it worse. Adrien's cheeks darken and he looks over at Marinette.

Tommy: 2
Adrien: -1 (Dammit, Plagg! You and your bad luck!)

Vorpal (87) has posed:
Tommy's eyes meet Adrien's. It sort of, just slipped out. He needed to fix this.

"I didn't, I mean-" Tommy says hurriedly to the blonde. "He didn't kiss me back, I kissed him. Here. And Mari ended up watching-"

He is telling this all wrong. In an attempt to save whatever friendship he has, he grabs the croissant and SHOVES it into his outh. See? I can't talk, or crumbs would fall out.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
Marinette snaps back to herself. "Get a towel and clean that mess up. And be thankful I haven't had the floors redone yet. The rest of you stop gawking and guessing. It was a misunderstanding that happened very early on. Signals got crossed."

Then her eyes narrow at the blonde. "First, I don't control him so 'let' is the wrong word. Second, you touch him and I'll make your life hell. I don't control him but I don't share either."

Mari looks back at the rest of them as the blonde shrinks back, nodding quickly. The redhead is rushing into the kitchen to get paper towels, the brown haired girl is snickering but has gone back to moving stuff out of the way.

"Dude! You thought he was gay, didn't you!? Damn, that musta been hella awkward!" The girl with two-tone hair laughs and shakes her head. "Croissant taste better than you foot?"

The her eyes go over to Adrien and she smirks. "Breathe, dude. We getcha."

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Marinette: 1000
Tommy: 2
Adrien: -1

It just sort of slipped! What the hell is wrong with you? Look, it's fine that you like guys, really. It's not a problem. I work in an industry with all the gay guys.......

Adrien clears his throat lightly at the continued hurried explanation that really just make it so much worse. Right up until Marinette Ladybugs the situation and makes it clear that she doesn't share. He is so okay with that, let me tell you! The very thought of how defensive Mari can get is... reow!

Adrien reaches to collect his croissant finally, as Two Tone addresses him. He smiles lightly, but takes a bite from his own croissant to stall a moment.

"So... what were you ladies talking about before we barged in?"

Vorpal (87) has posed:
Tommy nods emphatically. Croissant much better than foot. Totally.

He quickly types something on his phone- a text to Adrien:

<<Sorry Dude, totally panicked. Blondie mcBlondie looked like she wanted to hug herself some ginger, and I'm not wearing a shirt. I didn't mean to throw you under the gay bus like that.>>

"Yyyyeah" omnomnom "We're the right size for what?"

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
"Oh! Marin has new pieces she's made and we were talking about having them tried on." Two-Tone (who will be named at some point, I swear!) laughs. "We've all kinda grouped up and shit at school so... Mari designs and models... I coach her, blame my mom and sister, and help her get dressed. Brandy," The redhead comes back out just as her name is said and waves, "does makeup... never let her touch your face when she's bored at school... I ended up with the mad hatter on one eye and the Queen of Hearts on the other and didn't even know it. Ashley," And now the blonde waves, "does hair... We try to minimize the glitter and flowers she wants to weave in. And Amy," Cue the brown haired girl waving, "does stage setup. I help with that as I can. My main focus is photography though."

Mari blushes and the smirks as everything is explained. "I'm.. Not entirely certain of their final design yet... I may pull them apart and redo them..."

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
"New pieces?" Adrien asks through half a bite of croissant. Slightly warm and flakey. The best ever. At each introduction, Adrien nods to each, the smile growing. Mari's already pulling together her final design team. She's going tobe unstoppable.

"I'm sure they're perfect, and I don't mind trying on any thing you make... If Tommy's okay with video game night later?" He turns his green gaze to his friend.

Vorpal (87) has posed:
Tommy smirks, "Yeah, like I totally would object to playing dress-up. Just as long as no makeup is involved," the redhead raises a finger, "I'm allergic to most makeup. My skin is incredibly crazy sensitive. Otherwise, I would totally have loved to have you practice your make-up magic on me." He can't use makeup because fur, obviously. But he wants to come up with an excuse that doesn't hurt her feelings.

"And the Queen of Hearts is totally overrated. Cheshire cats are where it's at, right Mari?" GRIN.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
"Of course!" Mari beams at Tommy. "No makeup."

Her eyes flit over to Adrien and she blushes. "They're far from perfect. I'm still trying to figure them out really but Tonja has an amazing eye so she's been great in helping me."

The girl with the two toned hair shrugs. "After years with mom and my sister, I better." Still, she's grinning. "Alright then... So, you boys wanna do this tonight or do we all chill and play video games and we'll come back for you bright and early tomorrow. Cause... I gotta say... I'm loving' the game system. I half expected VR and AR to be setup in here somewhere."

And Mari snorts. "God, don't give them any ideas...." Which has all the girls laughing.

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
"Either way. Or all at the same time. The VR headset wasn't working right, so I had it returned. The replacement should be in next week or so, and with Marinette looking to redecorate I thought the AR should wiat until after. I read that getting the cameras and projectors set up is a bit of a chore," Adrien says. Because this wasn't giving him ideas. The ideas were had.

"At the very least, I should go upstairs and drop my gym back off... maybe change my shirt and hang up my jacket." So Plagg can go find Tikki.

Vorpal (87) has posed:
"Then I guess you can get started with me while Adrien goes and pretties himself up. I'm always pretty, so I don't need extra preparations." Tommy grins.

He doesn't mention that he could, technically, be Mari and Adrien's own VR system. After all, his illusions were far more realistic than anything current VR could do. He could even ceate smells.

Which is why he always smelled faintly of cinnamon. To fool any noses that might smell cat.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
Marinette blinks. "All at the same... You cannot play games while... Oh dear god." You can see the mental facepalm happening. "We're getting AR installed?" When did this happen? Did she miss the memo? "What room do you plan on..." She'll wait until he's come back downstairs.

Meanwhile, the girls have all gathered on the couch, another croissant and a drink held out to Tommy. "I vote games and then dress-up. Do you have any idea how rare it is for us to get to hang with real people? Like... outside of school real...?" And Marinette chuckles at Tonja's tiny rant.

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
"Of course we're getting AR installed. Cause it's cool," Adrien says, like that's the best reason ever. Of course, this is after he grins at Tommy. Not going to comment. Nothing you have to say will sound appropriate.... Adrien makes his exit, headed to the bedroom with his clothes... and to argue with Plagg. No, i don't kow where Tikki is. No i wasn't going to ask Mari in front of everyone...

Vorpal (87) has posed:
"Games and dress-up it is. Also, I think that's one of the contests in RuPaul's Drag Race. Don't quote me on that, I'm not sure, but if it isn't, it totally should be."

He heads over to the consoles and hms, "OK, what's the best kind of game to play while playing dress up? Fighting games? I could totally fight in a dress. Heeey.... RuPaul Drag Race fighting game. One of the segments would require you to maintain perfect balance while executing a crane kick in high heels... someone call Nintendo, I've got a game idea to pitch!"