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Latest revision as of 00:27, 27 October 2017

Subway Spiders
Date of Scene: 24 June 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Emma Frost, Rogue, Iceman, Tygra

Emma Frost has posed:
It's getting late Saturday night, and the Brooklyn subway has become the stomping grounds for a young mutant, looking for a place to hide and having been scared away from the Coney Island Pier, and from the buildings not too far from there by a woman looking to punch her lights out.

Rose has secluded herself into one of lesser used and traveled subway lines in Brooklyn, still only eating the strays and animals of the city. Having taken to the large rats for their abundance of meat and numbers. She still is incredibly new to her body and isn't the best hunter as of yet so she's gotten even messier and less hygenic than the last time Rogue saw her, and skinnier.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue came to Brooklyn out of sadness for having lost the girl spider the other day at Coney Island, she found Bobby and made him go with her... he was a few years older than her, but they always had gotten along well enough, and Remy wasn't around... So here they were, taking an uber out to Brooklyn and then using the public transportation system to get around.

"Charles wouldn't say where she was, he said that the others were gonna handle it. But..." Rogue shook her head, waling down the steps from the street up above with her gloved hand sliding down the metal railing. "I heard online about a giant spider hangin' around in places like this, in this area." She told Bobby, looking back at him.

Iceman has posed:
Bobby enters behind her.. He is wearing a rastafarian hat with a beard, he follows in Rogue looking around. "I tell ya Rogue you need a disguise, you don't want to be noticed in these parts." and grins nodding... "Wait... did you say spider? Ohh... Rooogue you know that means we are going to have to go to some deep dark place." he grumbles a bit. "Why can't I get the ones in the fancy loft with the power to make money."

He looks like a normal young adult as he hurries up to catch up with Rogue, as she climbs down. Following her he lands carefully, "Be careful of the electricity.. I would create a slide, but water plus third rails are no good!" though he does have a smile he waves his hands at some invisable webs. "Dang it... Go with Rouge.. It will be fun." he mocks himself.

Tygra has posed:
Tygra has taken to either remaining invisible while in the city or skulking around with a hood on and up, works for Ninja Turtles and the Beast. Not the X-Men one but a creature the Thunderian seen on the television.
Inquisitive is a key word of Tygra, he's been studying the city architecture, human habits, speech mannerisms, operating hours... acting in general as a scout and spy, intel. Intel is important whether it is used by his fellow refugees or not.

The subways have drawn him in this night, his most recent act of exploration, hes been able to wander most of these without need of a hood, gleaming yellow-eyes visible if light hits them but he generally sticks to himself.

Emma Frost has posed:
The young spider-mutant has burried herself in the shadows near a platform and didn't do too good a job as the blood from her latest kill is still dripping blood as she drags the lifeless dog back and into her 'lair'.

There's a swell in cross webs as the three main protagonists approach the shadow veiled home of Rose.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is 5 years younger that Bobby Drake but somehow in this situation, she looks like the more mature one of the two of them. "Ah don't need no ice slides t'get around, Bobbeh." She said to him, accenting his name in her best Hank Hill impersonation.

Rogue silently glided her way off of the train platform when nobody was looking and she passed by him on the way down. "Sides, I don't want ya electrocatin' me."

She DEFINITELY couldn't see any invisible Tygra's, but if he saw her, he might find it interesting that a girl in jean shorts, a leather bomber jacket, green gloves and a black tanktop, just 'floated' down into the train tunnel

"We need someone with extra senses." Rogue said, frowning once she was on her feet again on the track, a second later she flipped her cell phone light on and the tunnel was filled with a bit of bright white light. "Cause... this might turn out t'just be a needle in the haystack kinda thing, ya know, Icey?" She said to her friend.

Iceman has posed:
Bobby sighs at the Hank Hill impersonation, and shakes his head. "Well... no-one is looking so.." he adds as he glances around. He holds up his hand, and snaps his fingers, as the area around them gets suddenly colder. "You see.. if there are webs here it should start gathering condensation. Though it will get kinda cold, hope ya don't mind." He wags a finger at Rogue, "Remember the professor told us, you must think of your powers as a tool, not every problem is a nail... Or something." giving her a wink. He remembered what he said, but it was Bobby he didn't like acting like he paid attention.

The area drops in temp some more it doesn't go far, but for the local area it starts getting kinda cold. Bobby doesn't seem to mind at all just standing behind Rogue, he just looks around for webs.. "We can move forward like this, but it will be slow if your spider friend is down here that is."

Tygra has posed:
Flying humans? Tygra's first encounters involved Jean Grey, Invisible Woman, Cyberdragon and Superman of all people. He has come to grips with 'humans' being rather extraordinary. Much like himself in a sense, he has 'mind powers' such as the ability to turn invisible.

As Rogue's flashlight sweeps the tunnels his eyes reflect back yellow, the first thing visible before the broad shouldered man in a hoodie steps out, a light smile on his features, he looks human enough in this amount of illumination.
"Careful, I mean no one any harm but there is a blood scent here, fresh." His voice is deep, mature, polite enough though. He is trying to be 'friendly' and Tigra did convince him to make the translator sound more 'human' and less Steven Hawkman; whoever that is.

Ironic that Rogue would desire enhanced senses right now, such a gift a creature of his outlandish origins does possess.

Emma Frost has posed:
The place get more and more stuffy, like an old attic, and cob webs begin to fill the air along with true spider webs, there's this oddly THICK webbing, twice as thick as any other in the area.

From the roof of the tunnel an odd slurping sucking sound can be heard along with a few heavy clicks as Rose devours her prey's internal organs that had be liquified through out the day and a few drops of blood splatter to the ground. She moves idly, her eight large spider leg clacking against the roof as she has a meal.

Rogue has posed:
"Is it racist t'assume she even spins webs?" Rogue asked Iceman, glancing back at him as he started to make it colder down here, it was already cold... Rogue hated being cold.... She had her bomber jacket on so she zipped it up to midchest and then shined her light forward right as Tygra appeared.

"Jesus." Rogue said. "Ya scared the crap outta me!" She eyed Tygra up and down then. "Who are you and what are ya doin' hidin' down here? We're lookin' for someone, a big... spider... person... ya know, creepy crawly kind... Not that dork in the tights that keeps leaving his webs all ove'ah skyrise buildin's makin' the city have t'pay for the cleanup."

Rogue's light then started to shine around the tunnel and there was web visible. "We bette'ah get movin' before a train shows up... I think she's been here... but how the hell can't we tell her webs... from regular webs, if she even makes any again... ya know, cause I'm totally not racist for thinkin' that."

Iceman has posed:
Bobby laughs, "I mean maybe, but can you name one hero with spider in their names that doesn't in some form?" he gives a shrug, then jumps back as the guy comes out of no-where. "A friend of yours Rogue.. sneaking.. around a sewer?" he says thinking about it as he explains it out. Well he puts his best foot forward, "Hey, names Bobby nice to meet ya." as he approaches though so does the cold.. Sure it is cold in here for a night, but it goes from a cold night to a winter night.

Bobby facepalms.. "Sorry, forgot!" as the cold goes away, though he waves a hand in the air to help disperse it a bit faster before he offers the hand again. "Do you say Bub too? I mean it would be cool and you kinda look like him without black hair!" he talks fast as he approaches forgetting the situation they are in. "How do you know Rogue? She is a bit stand offish sometimes, but don't let her fool ya she is super nice as long as you don't hide her stuff.

Tygra has posed:
"Apologies, I did not mean to spook or scare crap out of you. Though it is difficult to fully smell in here you do not carry the scent of refuse."
Tygra at first does not notice the cold but then its stronger as Bobby nears, causing the Thunderian to step back until a hand is offered. A quick shake, just as he was instructed. Grab, lift up, lift down, repeat. Release. Mechanical of it going away as he gets used to the custom.
"I do not. I was on my own... adventure but meetings can wait, Bobby, we should look for this possible threat, if you listen closely... " The man's head inside the hoodie cranes to the side, "Above us perhaps... " The tall man trails off and then there is the *CRACK* of a whip form nowhere, a four pronged lash sails up and strikes a clump of the webbing above them and wraps around a piece of rebar there, "There! COME DOWN FIEND!"
Maybe he is a bit exhuberant but thats the way of Thundercats. Even the stealthy one.

Emma Frost has posed:
Not too far off from them Rose gets startled and again, drops the food she was sucking on, the body of the dog landing with a wet and crunchy slap as it hits the rocks below. She chooses to stay silent again, still terrified and a solo creature as of now, not sure what to do other than start to back up slowly and stay as quiet as she can.

Rogue has posed:
"Neve'ah seen this guy in my life before, Bob." Rogue said at the Iceman, and she clearly wasn't all that interested in making greetings right now as they were in a tough spot quite literally... searching for this girl.

When the whip came out and the stranger shot it up at the top of the tunnel, Rogue shouted and ran at him waving her hands and that cell phone light. "She's just a girl, who's been mutated!" She frantically said at him. "She's not a threat t'us!" She wanted to try to stop him from scaring her off, sending her phone light up just in time to see the dead animal fall which made the 18 year old Anna-Marie jump backward and even yelp in fright! (which was very rare for her to do).

Rogue's light went to the carcass, then back up to the dark shadowy ceiling. "Hey!" She shouted up toward where Rose must be.

"Its me! From Coney Island! The... Bunny Ear girl!" Which would likely make NO sense to Bobby, let alone Tygra. "I'm here t'help ya!" She said all of this with her head back, her two-toned hair ddrapined down her back.

Iceman has posed:
Bobby helps as he knows kinda it is Rogue's friend.. well kinda friend, but still he has seen many mutants in this situation. So as Tyra whips he moves to stop him. Hoping that with Rogue warning him this guy won't try to hurt him in a misnderstanding. He lets Rogue speak, and whispers to him, "It is okay she might be young, but she has a good head for this.", and smiles to him. He falls silent, and doesn't approach yet, as he does not want to scare whever it was that he saw when that light hit.. Her?"

Tygra has posed:
Tygra's hood has fallen back with the quick motion of launching that whip out. His features are revealed to be that of a striped Tiger veneered human. He is far from human of course.

The Thundercat looks hesitant about them saying shes harmless especially when a corpse 'splorts' and 'squelches' at their feet from the fall. "Doesn't appear harmless to dogs." A look down, Tygra studies the victim while furling his whip up, "I'll stay my hand then... " A casual look to Bobby then Rogue, he doesn't see bunny ears. They don't make a lot of sense sometimes. A step back and he puts the whip away, a passive looking stance as his fingers tuck in to his hoodies front pocket. "Should you require my aid, I am here." He'll observe.

Emma Frost has posed:
Hanging upside down from the roof of the tunnel, Rose's many eyes lock onto Rogue, then Bobby and then Tygra, before looking back at Rogue, her six hands all squirming at her now blood stained hoodie, and her hair dangles in matted splotches with dirt, blood and webs sticking in many spots. She's almost feral looking at this point. But her eight eyes bely her intelligence. "I- I don't want to hurt anyone..." She whispers, still using her lower giant spider half to back up slowly.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue glanced down at Bobby and then at Tygra, she did a double-take at Tygra because she wasn't sure if he was REALLY a cat-like man, or if he was like... wearing a costume or something, (hey its dark) but she seemed to think it was real, so... thats neat.

Rogue looked back at Bobby then and she elbowed him. "Charm her... do that thing you do where people see you're nice and not a doucher." She flashed him a grin and then looked back up as Rose spoke.

"I totally believe you too!" She said loudly up to the frightened mutant. "Ya gotta come with us though, we'll take care of ya... so ya don't have'ta eat..." Rogue glanced down at the dog, but that was too 'gross and sad' for her to really process it, so she had to ignore it.

"Ya can totally eat normal food at our place, I go out and help buy groceries with the teache'ahs all the time!"

Iceman has posed:
As Bobby gets elbowed, he smiles and moves forward just a step.. "Hi, my name is Bobby, whats your name?" he doesn't give a patranizing, or scared tone it is his normal friendly tone. He hoped if she though of personal details it might help bring her back, or at least closer. From behind him Tygra would see ice hands, it points to the exit, and makes a bending motion. He had seen that look before, and usually that were about to take off. He doesn't look at the dog either, he knows if he does it will show on his face. He had to keep that smile as he tries again, "How do you know rogue? Did you say she had bunny ears.. Like this." and snow gathers on top of Rogue's head in the form of small bunny ears.

He chuckles a bit, "Aww... look at that. That is funny right?" he looks at her in the shadows, "Come with us, where it is safe.. We only want to help.. It will be okay." he adds reaching out a hand.

Tygra has posed:
"What is a doucher?" Tygra inquires as the spider-mutant reveals herself. He stares at her curiously, the the curious actions of Bobby Drake and Rogue have an eyebrow inching upwards, the stripes on the man's face going lopsided from the action. The Wilys would be able to make sense of this much faster than him or at leas find it way more entertaining. Humans be weird.

Emma Frost has posed:
"I... I'm still scared of you." She whispers blinking her eight eyes out of order, but individually so at least half are open at all times. "I'm scared of everyone." Rose's voice is mousy and honest in a faint whisper.

Her hoodie doesn't fit as well as it did list time as Rogue saw her. She then looks at the cat man and blinks at him and Bobby, nervous and trepidatious towards the two of them. "How would we get there?" She asks... obviously she isn't going to take a bus, or a cab.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue quickly looked down at Tygra when he asked that question. "Pricks, assholes, dickheads, buttwads, dipshits, meanie faces... ya know, them." She said at him with a soft sigh before glancing over at Bobby and then her eyes went up and she looked up at the 'Ice Ears' he put on her which made her grin all happily, She loved those ice sculptures he did, they were so pretty!

Rogue looked up again, when Rose talked. "Ah can fly!" She told the girl spider. "LIke... I can fly us all back there, if I gotta... I can lift a lot weight, like a whole damn bus! But... ya can only touch my hands, can't touch nothin' else cause I got my own mutation that is a bit weird too." And Rogue definitely didn't want to become a spider!

"Or, I can just leave the address and you can find your way up there if ya want on your own, just so you know you have options... Its just like thirty miles north'a Manhattan."

Iceman has posed:
Bobby looks at her, "Hey it is okay to be scared, I mean we all get scared once in a while right? But you see I am not scared right now right? It is because I know the place we are taking you in safe, and a place you can be accepted." he pauses for a moment to think about her question. Without thinking he adds, "Language Rogue, and we aren't going to make you walk I have a plan.. a good plan!"

He holds up a hand slowly.. "It is okay don't worry.. this is to help us." from the ground comes a ramp of ice, "We slide.. all the way home! How bout it how long has it been since you have been on a slide? I assure you it will be safe, and we can slide waaay above people like we are birds." he actually wanted to go higher to where it was more damp to make the ramp more solid, but that was just details.

Nodding in sastisfaction to his plan, "Rogue, you can carry ice correct? I know you love the cold, but you can deal for that long right?" he asks just to make sure. He might need her help since it was just ice in the air, but he was sure she could do it no-one he knew was stronger then her! "So lets go, if we hurry we can catch the movie.. It has tons of ice puns!" he adds a bit excitedly

Tygra has posed:
Rogue's words make the Tiger-man's eyes widen, "Anatomy in so many 'colorful' combinations. I see." These are likely things Tygra won't be repeating anytime soon until he can exercise them in his mind a bit before they leave his mouth.
"Impressive powers, Bobby. I was going to offer to simply mask her presence and make her invisible." Tygra manages a grin, "We would just need a vehicle large enough to fit such a crea... person." He winces at his own slip of phrasing. Its not his place to offend or judge on looks. An apologetic smile is offered.
"Your options are both much more entertaining and likely less time consuming though."

Emma Frost has posed:
"I... Both sound scary! High, in the open..." She mumbles before gasping and recoiling from Tygra's slip and taking a long step backwards, moving her top hands to hide her hideous 'creature' face. A deep frown welling up from inside her as tears begin to build from eight separate tear ducts.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue delivered a firm backhanded knuckle slap to Tygra's chest when he pretty much let the 'creature' bit slip and athen she glanced over to Bobby. "Ah she's too young t'really be comfortable with mucha anything like our powers." She told him then. "Ah can just go find a van or somethin and... ya know, steal it... for just a little while, bring it back late'ah tonight."

Rogue looked up at Rose then. "Hows a van sound? And I mean that entirely in a non 'creepy pervert' kinda way..." She winced at herself and sighed. "This X-Men shit is harde'ah than it looks." She glanced between the two guys with her. "Ah'm not sure she's eve'ah gonna trust us."

Iceman has posed:
Bobby sighs, darn tears his only weakness. He steps forward like it isn't a big thing, he takes the chance walking over there. He steps over the dog carefully, and takes a seat on the floor looking up. He pulls out, a single hankerchief.. "Comon kid it is alright don't cry, listen.. We will find a way, but you have a choice to make.. Stay here, and well you will lose yourself, you already feel it don't you." he pauses letting that sink in. "Or you could come with us, I won't promise you anything because I won't lie to you, but I will say your chances are way better then inside this train tunnel." he points at Rogue, then Tygra.. "there are many different people out there in the world, some cats, some unable to touch really anyone, and some like me just ice walking and talking. Sure you look different, but big deal.. Let us help."

He looks at Rogue as he dusts off his pants. "The decision is hers after all. I know it is a tough one, but I won't force her to go if she doesn't want to go." he smiles a bit glancing back at the spider-lady.. "But if you decide to trust us, we will move mountains to get you back." with that he walks back towards Rogue, letting Rose decided if she wants to join them or not.

Tygra has posed:
Tygra appears surprised as a knuckled backhand strikes him in the chest, the thunk of muscle and his chest underneath the clothe gets a grunt, it's almost a strike that would encourage violent reaction but so casual was it and shes carrying maybe it's a human thing or a Rogue thing. His eyes narrow to slits, the odd talking vulgar one will be a learning curve if he wishes to linger, "Noble in the way you wish to help her. It is commendable."

"If I am not required in aiding you further I can be on my way." Tygra also has no clue what a 'van' is yet.

Tygra is actually listening to Bobby's promises and talk, it's mildly educational, however.

Emma Frost has posed:
"I don't know if I can even fit IN a van..." Rose whispers weakly, backing up as Bobby comes closer and steps past her food, causing her to tense up as she worries he's going to keep her from eating in some way but then he backs off again, and yet she stays on the roof, her six hands before her fidgeting at her jacket, wanting, needing an answer that isn't coming. "I- ... I don't know... I'm scared... h- h- help?"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue listened to Bobby and nodded her head at him, encouraged by his words. She then looked over to Tygra and she frowned. "Sorry about the... love tap, sometimes my strength is hard t'control." She told him, showing a faint smile. "This is a strange event you've stumbled across... so yeah... thanks for helpin' us with it, yeah?"

Rogue would then start to walk forward, moving with a wide berth around the dead dog, eyes up to toward Rose. "Okay, here's the thing." Rogue pointed down the tunnel. "I'mma go get like a bench... or somethin'..." She then pointed up at Rose. "I'm gonna fly it back here, right up unde'ahneath ya, you drop down on it and just sit an' relax an' enjoy the view... as I fly ya back to Westcheste'ah with us where ya can have all the good food in the world, and a whole place to yourself to just relax."

"Sound good?" Rogue asked, starting back down the tunnel toward the station. "Good, great, lets do this." Apparently she'd made her mind up now, her boots crunching on the gravel in the tunnel as she started on her Rogueway.

Iceman has posed:
Bobby stops, and he puts a hand to his chin, and thinks. As rogue heads off, and the other person heads off he is now alone in a dark train tunnel with a spider-lady that was just eating a dog. He sits down again though, and thinks.. He just watches her for a moment he doesn't get it, so thinks. Does she want help with her jacket is that what this is, he watches quietly, thinking. He snaps his finger, and takes off his jacket.. "Here.. I am bigger then you so it should fit better." He holds up his jacket, and if she doesn't come over he waves it a bit, "Comon I am a nice guy here it should fit better, maybe at least for a little bit." He wears his shirt with a scientist looking man with a speak bubble saying 'I was Frozen Todau!' he would look like a farm hand as he practices everyday in the Danger room. "How bout before she gets back you tell me whats wrong? I get you want help but I am missing something?" He looks out and shrugs, "Either way keep the jacket it gets cold down here at night okay?"

Tygra has posed:
"It is quite all right, you are surprisingly strong." Tygra grins, "I'll mask your activities here until you are out of my range. I will be near until you are finished making sure you remain unseen." He'll have to concentrate and do nothing else but he can at least keep their actions 'hidden' from bystanders, randoms or the curious until they're done moving the unfortunate mutate.
"It is good to see noble souls at work, you've renewed some bit of my faith in you Earthers." With that that the Thunderian is stepping back in to the shadows of the tunnels where he can make sure they have proper overwatch then he'll depart.

Emma Frost has posed:
"Th-- that's nice..." She says but then lifts her middle hands away, showing they don't have sleeves on them and are just poking through the torn holes in her own hoodie. "I don't think it would fit me." She says with a frown but a faint smile towards Bobby and a glance over towards Tygra as Rogue runs off she seems to tense up again, her eight legs pulling her body closer to the ceiling as if she was about to bound off in another direction at a moments notice.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue shouts "We prefer Earthlings!" back to Tygra from down the tunnel, her phone light bobbing up and down in the dark as she walked, whistling 'Desperado' loudly echoing through the tunnel.

Iceman has posed:
Bobby chuckles, "Oh your right, come over here then let me see if I can fix it for ya." he looks at the jacket, and her.. He cuts a few holes in his jacket, tossing it back over to her.. "That should fit if you want it.. I think I got them in the right spots." he glances where Rogue went.. "She won't be long, put that on, and lets get out of here.. I have one last idea." his body grows as ice packs around him. His shape changes into something that looks like a giant ice spider.. "Now if they are going to point.. they will have to do it to both of us." he smiles at her, "Ya know this is pretty handy" he adds as he skitters sideways into a wall.. "Ouch.." he says and grins, "Lets go!"