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Revision as of 00:32, 27 October 2017

Central Park Booster
Date of Scene: 25 June 2017
Location: Central Park, New York City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Booster Gold, 1075, Spider-Woman (Drew), 1034

Booster Gold has posed:
THE SUPERBUDDIES-- a heroic duo, for all ages!

That's what it says on the relatively cheap banner behind his little booth, and the buff blonde hero in the future armor looks a little put out by both the lack of interest in his display and the notable lack of the guy in the other chair; Booster's face on the right, and Blue Beetle on the left.

Looks like Blue couldn't make it, and Booster starts glumly scraping his piles of fliers, merchandise, and stickers back into a duffel bag to roll the entire thing back out to home base.

"Stupid Ted, stupid late Ted being... stupid Ted," he grumbles and mutters.

Elsewhere in the Park it's a fairly normal day; a little ad hoc intramural frisbee golf game is going strong, and Shakespeare in the Park is doing a mini-showing of Hamlet in an auditorium. Several alien visitors shaped like a rolling torus with eyes in the center hub are gibbering at a hot dog stall, and like any good New Yorker, the man slinging brats focuses on moving product rather than staring and gawking.

Graydon Creed (1075) has posed:
Carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders can leave a man stressed and tired but while most senators relax with a nice hot cup of coffee and an evening of DigiFlix. The Senator from New York is out doing what only the most foolhardy of New Yorkers do: Jogging in central park, alone. Why? Because he so enjoys it when people try to mug him. Passing laws against the scum of the world is one thing, but beating them to a bloody pulp with your own bare knuckles, breaking them, making them beg for their lives, that is what the son of Sabertooth finds relaxing.

Wearing one of those, black skin tight pair of jogging shorts, a pair of white shorts over them with a red stripe and a cotton t-shirt. He runs along the jogging trail like anyone else in the city, soaking in the sunlight, just a normal New Yorker who most people won't even recognize unless they are an Anti-Alien extremist, work for the government or pay close attention to politics.

Graydon keeps himself in great physical condition so as he jogs his movements are effortless, relaxing, and graceful. He's ran this circuit many, many times and seen many, many strange things but a super-hero booth, that's a new one even for New York and what is that guy wearing? The Senator jogs past looking at Booster but not directly because he didn't bring his sun-glasses. Stranger and stranger...

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Jessica Drew, an ordinary every day citizen of New York City is making her way through the park, wearing a pair of yoga dress, a backless light blue summer dress with a halter neck that comes down to mid thigh, and a backpack slung over her shoulder.

Of course, her path brings her down along the way where Booster Gold, one half of the Supper Buddies, has his little display set up.

A look of surprise briefly flashes across the tall dark haired woman's features, her attention resting on the man as he's packing up. "Why so blue?" she asks, an eye glancing up towards the big Blue Beetle on the banner, then back down at Booster.

Atlee (1034) has posed:
Meanwhile, a young lady dressed in a black tee sporting a anime kitten with deelybobbers and short jeans is wandering down the street, currently involved in rearranging the messenger bag she's got slung over her shoulder. Mostly stuffing what looks like a waitress's apron that's been neatly folded up back inside. Thus, completely defeating the purpose of folding it in the first place.

As she draws up closer to the booth Booster is sitting in, she pauses near Jessica, blinking a bit as she looks over the sign with great curiosity.

Booster Gold has posed:
"Oh, har, har har, is that some kinda dumb joke? 'cause, y'know, Booster Go--" Booster turns around and blinks at Jessica, a bit cut off at the leggy brunette addressing him and takes a second to clear his throat.

"Er, I mean, y'know-- haha," he says, flashing his most debonaire grin and resting his hand on the table with a cocksure lean. "Well, y'know, that's just the superhero life-- my partner Blue Beetle is off saving an orphanage, or teaching kids to stay off drugs. Someone's gotta man the fort, though, y'know-- keep up the public relations angle."

"I'm BOOSTER GOLD," he says, aiming a thumb at his broad chest. "Famous athlete from the 24th century. World class blitzball. Superhero. Bon vivant. Ladies love me, men wanna be me. Autograph?" he inquires, already scribbling his name on a photo and handing it to Jessica.

Graydon Creed (1075) has posed:
Looking between the Aliens that Creed really wants to tell in a very friendly way to get the hell off his planet and the spaz in the costume he watched on TV that clearly, clearly needs help, the senator chooses the later. Driving away two aliens is a small victory but gaining a super-powered pawn to do his bidding is a large tactical advantage.

Graydon stops to get a drink of water from the public fountain then jogs back towards Booster Gold and his booth. It's the folding table all over again. So sad. At least he's got someone talking with him. A family member supporting him in his new lifestyle choice perhaps? Jogging up to the stand there listening to his introduction. Athletes from the future? "Excuse me, I couldn't help overhearing, you say you are from the future? Do all people have super-powers in the future or are you a meta-human?" he asks as he stands there glistening with a light sheen of perspiration, his body a sculpted, refined, tanned, muscular work of art. The kind of optimal man who might make someone with self-esteem issues jealous.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"Uh thanks.." Jessica says as the photograph is handed to her so quickly, without even asking for it, "I'll treasure it.. forever." She adds. "So if things were so good up in the 24th Century, Sports, women, men, all that, why come back here to the 21st century? That's got to be what, 4 centuries before Blitzball's even popular and carried on the holotubes and such, right?" she asks, "Or just trying to get an early jump on the competition, maybe establish some trademarks or something?"

She takes a look at that Photograph, a single brow raising as she unslings her bag and starts to unzip it, "And uh.. sorry to hear your pal was so busy, I'm sure it's important stuff though if it takes him away from y'alls Stall of Justice."

Atlee (1034) has posed:
The girl standing next to Jessica perks at Booster's explanation, turning her gaze from considering the booth's banner to Booster himself. "You are a hero?" she says with interest. "From the future? I have seen you on the news programs...I'm sure your friend is behaving very bravely." She pauses in her gushing as Graydon steps up, distracted by...well, he is...so very, very glistening. Yes. There may be a faint flush involved.

Booster Gold has posed:
Booster looks confused. On the one hand, Jessica Drew is so very obviously into him. She's talking to him and everything! What more proof could a person need?

On the -other- hand, Terra's appealing to his vanity for the news visibility; and Graydon's asking questions about the FUTURE.

Booster almost starts preening, and he stands as if he's facing into a heroically-blowing wind, hands on his belt.

"Ladies, gentlemen, please! One question at a time," he tells them, chuckling and holding his hands up. "Yes, I am indeed from the far future-- the 24th century, to be exact. In fact, I was born-- will be born-- just over the river in Gotham City," he says, proudly. "And I played Blitzball for the Gotham Knights!"

He looks a little uncomfortable at how close to the mark Jessica's guess is, but drives on. "But, y'know-- I realized that I had so much more to /offer/ than as a famous athlete. I wanted to give something back, and decided-- hey, the Justice League? 20th century superheroes? I wanted to go back and show them how an old-fashioned, home-grown human with the right guts and gear could keep up with the best of 'em!"

<<Mister Booster is a real, bona-fide hero!>> chimes a tinny eletronic voice. A golden drone-- gleaming in the sun like Booster's ostentatious armor-- pops up near his shoulder. <<He's battled pyromaniacs, a cabal of violent strippers gone wild, and even a vampire car!>>

A little blurbling version of the Canadian National Anthem plays behind Booster, and a strange mishmash of the Canadian and US Flags rendered in hologram hovers behind him.

Confusing, but uplifting!

Graydon Creed (1075) has posed:
Home grown human? He really does seem like the perfect fool. Graydon says, "I can see you're busy with your fans but give me a call." as he reaches into his pocket and takes out his wallet. He slides out a card and offers it to Booster, Sen. Graydon Creed of New York with his office number, "Tell them I said to put you in touch with Jerry and to get you an agent." he says offering the card as he puts the wallet back into his pocket. Then with the now free hand he motions to the booth, "You deserve much better than this. Jerry will help you get connected to the movers and shakers of this time period. We'll get you in the big time again. After all, humans gotta look out for each other, right?" he asks with a wide, shark like smile.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"So how does immigration work when you're from the far far future?" Jessica asks, hands coming to rest on her hips as she slings her bag over her shoulder again, glancing over towards Terra with a little look, then over towards Graydon as he rolls up with a business card, then back to Booster, "Like, are you an illegal alien, do you have to get a green card? Do they take birth certificates for births that haven't even happened yet?"

Atlee (1034) has posed:
The petite girl giggles at the drone. "Hi there! Is that so?" She looks dutifully impressed by the hologram and anthem, but also by the drone. "Are you a hero too?" she asks it, distracted from the wider conversation temporarily, though the conversation turning to immigration hits home to her own, ah, issues with citizenship she's gone through in the past couple years. "I think there are special applications for that sort of thing." she says to Jessica. "And maybe a written test...." She seems to remember having to take one.

Booster Gold has posed:
<<Me? A hero?>> The drone flickers at Terra, then whips around in a tight little circle. <<Heavens no! I'm Skeets, Mister Booster's faithful AI assistant! I manage his schedule and handle all his administrative work-- the minutiae of the day to day that is simply too burdensome for Mister Booster to worry himself about.>>

"That's right! I do the heroing, Skeets does the leg work," Booster confirms-- and he takes Graydon's card, clearly very slightly unsettled by Graydon's oily smile and the comment about humans-- but 'Sen. Graydon Creed' makes Booster boggle a little, and he holds it up for Skeets to scan the card before offering Creed a gloved handshake.

"Well, I do dese-- I mean, that'd be swell, Mister Creed," Booster says. "Er, Mister Senator. Senator."

Skeets hovers behind Booster's ears, buzzing something alarmed sounded, and Booster flickers the droid away with his hand and a vaguely irritated expression. He looks at Jessica, finally, having stalled on how to answer her question.

"We-- well, you'd have to take that up with Gotham City, but... it's a /valid/ birth certificate, y'know, and I can't really help that the dates are inconvenient-- but I'll be born, sure as shootin', right over the river there. Also, c'mon! I'm a national treasure!" he grins at her, striking a pose and flexing. "Who WOULDN'T want Booster Gold dazzling the locals?"

Graydon Creed (1075) has posed:
The politician shakes Booster's hand then pats it with the other before letting it go, "Don't worry about all that paperwork. You provide a valuable service to the community. Your assistant and I can work out all the details. If you want just send him to my office and I'll make sure you don't have any problems." Creed offers then he says, "It was nice meeting you, a real honor. Keep up the good work!" before he starts to return to his jog.

That A.I. alone may be worth more to America than the idiot in the costume. DARPA would love to get their hands on that. Creed's smile lingers as he starts to walk away thinking of all the wonderful things he could do with 24th century technology... So many, many things...

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"I'm sure someone's thought of how to handle that all anyway, and you've got your handy secretary." Jessica says with a glance towards Skeets, grinning faintly at that, "And yeah, dazzling the locals.. so.. you got any offers from 21st century sports teams or anything like that yet? Or are you moving full time superhero here, helping fight these old fashioned villains?"

Atlee (1034) has posed:
"Oh! Well, that is very important too, if you are helping him be better able to help people." Atlee says seriously to Skeets, apparently not wanting the little AI to feel he isn't contributing! She watches Creed pass off the guard, blinking a bit at the exchange, then smiles. This will certainly be helpful to Mr. Booster in being able to focus on helping people as well! When Jessica asks, Atlee adds. "Are you joining the Justice League?"

Booster Gold has posed:
Booster watches Graydon jogging off, brow furowed as if unsure of how his good luck could have swung his way so suddenly-- but the girls distract him again, and he pockets the card.

"Huh? Oh, no, I'm just heroing full time," he tells Jessica, with that smarmy grin coming back. "Leave the sports to the younger folks who just wanna be the best they can be. I'm here to save lives, kick butt-- and look good doing it," he says, snap-pointing at Terra and Jessica with a wink.

"I might consider the League, y'know," Booster says, nonchalantly. "I've had offers from a lot of different superhero teams, some public, some /covert/, y'know," he says, tapping the side of his nose, "and I can't really talk about it."

<<Really, sir? That's great! Our current list of job offers is empty!>> Skeets says, brightly.

Booster's jaw slacks a little and he coughs violently, waving Skeets off. "Er, well, y'know, these things take time. Anyway! I should go-- ladies, it's been real, come by my offices in Gotham sometime, we're sharing an incubator with the Dunder-Mifflin Paper Extension offices for now," he remarks, slinging his duffel on his shoulder.

"Let's go!" he says-- and he shoots skywards with a *whoosh* of wind and no visible appartus for flight in place.