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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2017/06/25 |Location=Unknown |Synopsis=Summary needed |Cast of Characters=251, 22, 142 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:251|Aspen (251)}} h...")
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Latest revision as of 00:35, 27 October 2017

Date of Scene: 25 June 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: 251, Iron Man, 142

Aspen (251) has posed:
It's been a bit since Aspen's last visit. And she got the feeling that Adrien could use getting to know a male who didn't have a still so far up his... And Aspen had a great deal of respect for Tony. Which showed... In her own personal way. It was an odd relationship but they worked well together and seemed to understand one another well.

She had, of course, talked to Tony about the visit. Informed him that Adrien still blamed himself. That the boy loved science but was too busy trying to make an absent father proud to follow his own passion. Little tidbits here and there. He needed some sort of guidance but didn't seem willing to accept it from Aspen so maybe... Someone he could look up to...

After Aspen's last visit, Adrien had been sure to add Aspen to the 'wave through' list and when she shows up with Tony Stark... well, let's face it... Who in their right mind is going to deny Tony Stark anything? So... An elevator ride up to the penthouse, a short walk down the hall and then Aspen knocks on the door.

Today she wears an purposefully faded 'retro' shirt with a pinwheel on it that says 'Blow Me', jean shorts, and a pair of sandals. A quick glance up at Tony and she sighs. "He's a good kid... He's just really lost, I think. And dear dad doesn't seem to want to be around to offer anything beyond 'go do this'."

Iron Man has posed:
Casual Sunday. Tony's in dark t-shirt, jeans, sneakers, though there's a faint hint of a glow in the center of that bit of cotton. (One would have to know it's there, or he'd have to be in the dark for it really to be detected!) He's got a ball-cap on, Dodgers, and a pair of sunglasses. Just outside, at the curb under virtual guard, the new Chiron. He'd agreed to the visit with the words, 'You had me at absent father'. Not that he has any desire to //be// anyone's father, but there is at least something of a basic understanding. And when encouragement was requested?

Sure. Why not?

It is true; no one denies Tony Stark much of anything, and the ride up to the Penthouse is anything but eventful. Sunglasses still sit upon his face, hands are in his pockets as he looks around the small enclosure. "Huh..." is all he says before he looks to Aspen and gives her a quick, tight smile. Then it's back to looking around.

Stepping out of the elevator, Tony's got his face forward now, with each step, getting back into 'character', or what people honestly seem to expect from Tony Stark. Today, it's Tony Stark the 'adult', which, truth be told, is one of his hardest roles yet. "Yeah. Gotta know the why's if you want anything good to come back."

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
The short hallway from the public elevator to the 'front' door of the penthouse is well appointed with carpet and paintings found in very high end hotels. From the other side of the door the sound of classical piano can be heard.

Rachmaninoff Piano Concerto #2 - no orchestra.

Aspen knocks and the music stops. The sound is not of someone hitting pause on a recording, but the slightly delayed missed a note of someone playing the piano being surprised and then stopping.

A moment later, and Adrien opens the door to see Aspen and ...Tony Stark. The man from the video on YouTube of one of Adrien's akuma rampages where a high end car was pushed into his face by a really tall muscled blonde guy while Supergirl tried to turn him into a popcicle. The look of faintly guilty recognition flicks across the model's face before he schools his face into a smile that would look so perfect for the cameras and the press and the paparazzi. It's warm and genuine and open in every way that a camera would detect.

"Aspen. Monsieur. Please, come in. To what do I owe this visit?" he asks, french accent easy to hear as he steps back, pulling the door with him as he goes. The living room is elegant with a way too over stuffed, overly comfortable sectional that's large enough for practically all the Avengers to sleep over on it. Maybe not Hulk unless he was Banner... But everyone else though....

There's a baby grand in the corner, the cover on the keys sitting open and sheet music on the stand. On the sectional is a black kitten (https://www.pinterest.com/pin/493707177892254981/) curled up around a ladybug stuffie (http://imgur.com/6bgUNOz).

Aspen (251) has posed:
The want to facepalm is strong in Aspen as she watches Tony slip into Responsible Adult Mode. "Or you could just be yourself," is said quietly with a good natured roll of her eyes before the door opens as the last bit of music dies.

She smiles at the young man. "Hey, Adrien. How's it going?" Without preamble or hesitation, she strolls in. "Just thought we'd drop by and see how you were doing?" Did she warn the poor kid? Nope. Not at all. "I thought it might be nice for you to have someone to talk physics with since that's way outside of my field." She shrugs and walks over to drop herself down onto the sofa.

Cerulean blue eyes flick up to Tony and she smirks at him and then looks back to Adrien. "And I don't think you were really hearing me so... I thought maybe you'd hear Tony a little better."

And it's said all so nonchalantly. Aspen tends not to mince words.

Iron Man has posed:
Tony has the courtesy to pull his right hand from his pocket to extend to the younger man, his eyes narrowing slightly at that flicker of guilt. His own expression, overall, doesn't change as he offers the introduction, "Tony Stark. Adrien, is it?" Once that's done, he's ready to move into the Penthouse so the door can be closed behind him.

Aspen's murmur isn't lost on the man, and there's a soft chuff of air that exits. "Physics, huh?" He looks around the immediate area; the cat, the piano.. the stuffed animal. Turning around to face the younger man, Tony gives him a quick, appraising look before, "Not your fault, by the way."

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Adrien accepts the hand, shaking it briefly. He caught the slight narrowing of Tony' eyes. Adrien just isn't going to say anything about it. Instead, he nods.

"Nice to meet you, Monsieur Stark," says the tall blonde before turning to face Aspen while he walks the door closed.

"It's going okay, Aspen. Thank you. I... To talk, physics? I.. It's fine, Aspen. You didn't have to..." But it's a futile arguement. The woman is here, with one of his victims, and she's plopped herself down on the sofa next to the kitten who grumps, tail twitching in aggitation. His tiny head starts to lift when Adrien speaks up, sounding a little dilberate.

"Yes. So thanks for coming by, again." The kitten blinks his large green eyes open and looks about, at Adrien then Aspen then Tony then Aspen again. Ever had a cat? Ever seen a cat JUDGE someone with a look? This kitten does just that. Judges Adrien, with a look. It adds weight to Tony's next words.

"Eh... I ....Of course.. not," Adrien stumbles a bit, back going straight, hands at his side. He knows it wasn't really his fault, what he did to Tony. But maybe he could have fault it longer? Probably not. Six hours was up. Her time was up. And his nerves were so badly frayed, all it would have taken was someone saying the wrong thing to him and Adrien is pretty sure he would have akuma'd into something much worse than I-touch-you-you-coma-now Flatline.

Aspen (251) has posed:
Oh look! Kitty is awake!

Aspen smiles at the kitten. "Hey, kitten," she practically coos at it and moves so she can pick the little kitten up and pet and cuddle and scritch. "Have you named him, yet?"

"Welcome. Gonna keep pestering you until you quit hiding and blaming yourself." Eh. At least she's honest. "And nope. Didn't have to. But I did. Cause you need it. And I've never seen Tony officially geek out before. It should be funny as hell."

A pause and she looks back and forth between the two. "Geek or nerd... I can never remember the difference..."

Iron Man has posed:
Tony's here and he's in now, and once the preliminaries are done, he finds himself a seat on the couch, and leans back, his eyes still obscured by the sunglasses. Finally he takes them off and just holds them in his two hands. "I'm not sure it's either. I think it's more 'holding intelligent discourse about topics that are so far above most people that they have to find some disparaging word for it just to make them feel better about themselves'. I guess that's 'geek'?" Leaning forward now, he cants his head. "I understand you're pretty good. That you're good enough to introduce to me... and yeah, the way I said that made it seem pretty egotistical. But it's the truth. Tell me why she thinks that."

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Oh look. Kitten is awake, and being coo'd at. Coo'd at? The kitten starts to push himself up, moving a bit uncoordinatedly, definitely slowly enough for Aspen to get her hands around his small furry frame. Plagg is lifted up and away from his plushie with a tiny squeak. About to struggle, she pets and cuddles and scritches. The cat goes boneless, eyes closing again, tiny body rumbling with its too-loud for his size purrs.

"Coal," Adrien replies to Aspen, green eyes rolling as Plagg hams up receiving attention. "It was that or Gluttonous Little Wretch, but Mari figured Coal was easier to monogram." Moving to another part of the sofa, Adrien settles.

"I'm not hiding. And... I blame myself just enough. It was..." Risky? A damn gamble? He sighs lightly and looks at Tony.

"Tell you why... she thinks... you sounded egotistical?" Adrien asks, voice almost holding a squeak. 'Coal' opens an eye to peer at the blonde boy. His tail curls up and his face almost looks like it could be smirking at Adrien's really stupid question.

Aspen (251) has posed:
"He's so adorable. I should get a cat. I don't think they'd care for all the water features though." This as Aspen picks up the little plushie and lays beside the kitten before going back to petting and scratching.

"It was egotistical but, eh... You've earned. Physics isn't my thing. Although, I did enjoy my astrophysics class..." And then she snorts at Adrien. "I disagree. On both counts." Which is all said before she arches a brow. "Seriously?" She tosses a look at Tony and then looks back at Adrien. "Used to having the girl around, huh?"

Iron Man has posed:
"No. Tell me why she thinks you needed to be introduced to me." Tony leans forward and speaks each word clearly. "She thinks you're smart. Smart enough to talk to me. I want it in your words as to why. In other words," he stands again and looks at Adrien, "What makes you special, out of all the people she knows."

The cat gets Tony's attention, but only briefly. He's not an 'animal person', at all. Never raised with anything, he's not kept dogs, cats.. or even birds. No time.

Tony takes a slow stroll to the back of a couch, puts his sunglasses into his back pocket and leans. "I don't have all day. Businesses to run, businesses to take over, you obviously have an idea here that time is money. Out with it. What do you want to do? What do you think you could do?"

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
"Getting more so every day," Adrien answers to Aspen, a tiny grin playing on his features as Plagg... er 'Coal' hugs his stuffie to himself, closes his eyes, and just lets the human love on him. This is why Ancient Egypt was his favorite time, yo! Cats were Gods. For reals.

Attention drawn back to Tony, Adrien was again straightens up, green eyes settling to Tony's with a look as if he is far too used to getting grilled by an adult.

"You would have to ask her what she finds special. I'm just a model," Adrien replies with that noncommittal talking to the press. The other questions are clearly ones he struggles with as so it's the canned answers that get given, the ones that make the 'adults' happy so he can continue doing what he was doing and slipping out at night to galavant across the roof tops as a superhero.

"I'm working toward being able to take over my Father's company upon his retirement."

Aspen (251) has posed:
"See?" Aspen looks up at Tony, flopping back on the couch and letting Plagg curl up on her chest where she pets him. "It's a beautifully rehearsed answer." Her nose wrinkles. She never really understood that BS but, ya know, whatever. "Tell him about your equations, Adrien." And more loves on the kitty.

Iron Man has posed:
Tony knows that look so very, very well. He is intimately familiar with 'the face for the press', as it were, giving stock answers as expected. Always the dutiful one, never making waves...

"Bullshit." It's given flatly, and Tony stares at the younger man. "That crap could go over in a press conference. Hell, it could even pass a Board meeting. They're usually as dumb as they come. But you can't put that over on me. I'm not asking her. I want to hear something from you." He begins a slow crossing towards the young man, "Because if you don't give me anything as to why you deserve talking to me, I'm out that door." Tony twists around and gestures towards the front door, "And you can stay in your pretend world, thinking you're getting one over on the world. As long as you think you're a 'just', you're nothing."

He looks over at Aspen, and exhales a chuffed breath. "I think we're almost done here."

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Kitty is more than happy to except the pets. One eye opens at Adrien's rehersed answer and the tiny feline peers at Adrien over his plushie. Though he is all sorts of happy and relaxed looking, the very tip of his tail shudders in annoyance and aggitation. Adrien is all too aware of everyone's disappointment, and he draws a breath as Tony called him out so roughly.

"it doesn't matter about being deserving to talk to anyone. If you don't want to be here then go. No one is forcing you to be here, Monsieur Stark. I don't know you outside of knowing what I did TO you," he says, shrugging back half curling away from Tony, chin dipping down, shoulders coming up.

Iron Man has posed:
Tony looks back at Aspen and shrugs his shoulders. "I hope something kicks him in the ass and he gets 'it' before something makes the decision for him." He taps the center of his chest before he looks back to Adrien. "No, you're right. You don't know me. There aren't many people who do. But I'm pretty sure you've seen my name plastered on magazines all over the world. Newspapers. Television. My guess is, your father buys things from my company. I was wondering if you'd man up and actually take some pride of who you are, instead of 'just'. That doesn't get stock futures to rise. That doesn't get you hired for modeling jobs, if that's what you're into."

Turning around now, Tony begins to head for the door, and he looks at Aspen once more as he crosses the short distance, pulling his sunglasses out to set them on his face once more. "See you in the office tomorrow."

Aspen (251) has posed:
Aspen sits up and swings her legs free, gently sitting the kitten down and standing. She frowns slightly before she sighs and looks over at Adrien. "I'll call you some time in the next few days. He's right you know... You can't be 'just' your entire life... Shadows are cold and dark things... Do you really want her to live in those with you?"

One more scritch is given to the kitten and she's starting for the door with Tony.

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Talked about, like he's not in the room. It happens way too often where his father is concerned. It makes Adrien's shoulders tighten and the cat on Aspen's chest to tense and stop purring.

"I'm fairly certain a fashion house needs very little from an American government contractor and extravagent playboy pretending at being a superhero," Adrien snaps finally, pushing up to his feet, eyes angry. The kitten's head has come up and his green eyes are staring at Adrien, tiny body tensed to move even as he is set down to the sofa. Adrien's eyes turn to Aspen and he just nods once, not really giving an answer to her question. Though at his side, his right hand as curled into a fist. The cat sits perfectly still, ears forward.

"Good day, Monsieur Stark. Mademoiselle Matthews." Get out.