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Latest revision as of 01:25, 27 October 2017

Is This a Mob Shakedown
Date of Scene: 27 June 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: 1075, Jillian Holtzmann

Graydon Creed (1075) has posed:
The life of a Ghost Buster is hard but you know what is harder? Saving the planet from alien scum! Graydon Creed does this by playing smarter, not harder and looking for advances in technology in unusual places. There is no place more unusual than the strange firehouse his armored limo pulls up in front.

Stepping out in his nice, clean, perfect, designer suit the Senator motions to his security detail, "Take a break guys. If anything attacks me in there, I doubt bullets are going to help." he says having his detail just secure the building from the outside shoo away the lookie loos. No doubt there will be news articles tomorrow about the senator having a ghost problem.

Sen. Creed walks into the firehouse past the sign forbidding tourism. He isn't here for sight seeing. He's here to save the future! Looking around for a receptionist or someone to point him in the direction of the woman he is looking for. He's tall, he's handsome, he's got perfect teeth and muscles that fill out his suit so very well...He looks too good to be true. Is he a robot? An android? A ubermensch created in some secret lab? Maybe? Someone should ask these important questions!

Jillian Holtzmann has posed:
The receptionist desk sits about halfway into the Firehouse, past the team's iconic car that is parked just within the front doors. The hood of the Ecto-1 is open and there's a toolbox sitting on the edge of the car's exposed interiors. At the receptionist desk there's nobody there, and there's a sign sitting on the desk that says 'Gone Fishing!' with a cartoon drawing of a dog with a fishing pole and a tackle box at his side. Infact, the whole place seems oddly empty and quiet... its filled with stuff that looks like anyone could walk right off with it if they dared to come inside and attempt to rob the place. On the eastern wall there are boxes and boxes of Ghostbusters tshirts, hats and other such knick-knacks. The rest of the main floor is filled with random car parts, filing cabinets and the row of eight wooden fireman lockers with the names of the eight ghostbusters assigned to this station. (Though most of them were traveling abroad setting up new branch stations across North America and Canada).

Up above though, above Creed's head, the sound of music can be heard filtering down from the 2nd floor staircase and through the open Fireman's pole portalway.

Graydon Creed (1075) has posed:
Well, this is what Creed gets for not making an appointment. He calmly walks up the stairs listening to the music. He doesn't listen to music often enough. Hate takes a lot of energy and consumes most of his time. The man contemplates how he should really relax more as he walks up the stairs and into the Danger Zone. He doesn't say anything, just watching for now, it's important to know your enemies, even if they aren't enemies yet.

Jillian Holtzmann has posed:
Upstairs is just as long of a stretch of room as the main floor, but its decore is a bit different. Upstairs the area just at the top is filled with shelves and shelves of equipment and 'parts' with a series of desks and tables where workspaces are alligned for specific hardware installation and creation can happen.

The middle of the second floor contains a green felt top pool table and near to that are a few arcade machines and the fireman's pole to slide down to the first floor. Forther to the south is the kitchen area and the doorway into the sleeping / bathrooms.

Jillian, is in the kitchen area, she's seated at the kitchen table with her booted feet up and leaning back in a chair at the kitchen table. She's got a tablet computer held up and is casually munching on some potato chips (Pringles) out of a can resting in her lap leaned up against her stomach, there's a radio on the kitchen counter playing classic rock, some aerosmith.

Graydon Creed (1075) has posed:
Knowing that the best way to get intriguing people to like you is to be intriguing yourself, Graydon casually strolls in and starts to rack up a game of pool. He doesn't say anything. He doesn't even acknowledge the woman he is here to see. He just starts to shoot pool while she does whatever it is she is doing, until she is done. He knows better than to interrupt a scientist. They are such fickle and easily distracted things after all.

Jillian Holtzmann has posed:
Holtzmann continued to read the screen of her tablet computer up until the point that she heard the pool balls getting put into their rack. This is when she turned her attention away from her post-lunch relaxation and she eyed the rather bulky male suitman/stranger standing at the pool table about fifteen feet away.

The blonde haired scientist would just watch him for a handful of seconds before she'd smile big and friendly. "Hi." She said in her throaty and husky voice. "You don't look familar, and that suit is nicer than the ones that Venkman wears, so I'm guessing you don't work for us."

She pulled her feet off of the table and then stood up and walked toward him to close half the distance. "And... I don't -think- we've been rezoned into a commercial pool hall... So... what am I missing here?" She asked of him then.

Graydon Creed (1075) has posed:
Setting up the break, the man in the suit takes the q-ball and sets it down, kneeling a little to eye the angle of the balls, "You are a world renown scientist. Ms. Holtzmann. You have revolutionized the field of particle physics but I have to wonder, has that brilliant mind of yours ever stopped to design any space based weapons systems?" he asks as he lines up the shot and breaks with a CRACK sending the balls scattering.

Jillian Holtzmann has posed:
Jillian stood there and she lowered her tablet PC down to her belt where she let it hang by a little black strap. She then lifted up her can of pringles and took a couple of them out to stare at him while he spoke these things. After he asked the question she just grinned. "Ah... I get it now." She told him. "Yeah... the suit makes sense now." She looked him over, up and down and then bit into the chips, talking over them with a full mouth. "You're gofermentf." She said, chewing on the two pringle potato chips and swallow them down. She gently shook her head side to side. "You guys come in here every few months, asking one of us to make you things to kill people with.. and although... that sounds like great job security for us to have lots of folks croakin'.... We, me especially, don't design weapons for militaries to slaughter with."

Graydon Creed (1075) has posed:
The man takes a shot making a ball aaaalllmost go in but stop a little short. "Not quite." he says both about the shot and the conclusion. He moves around the table to get a better line on the errant ball, "I want you to design defensive space based weapons to kill things not on earth. A planetary defense system. " he says still not looking up from the game, "You could call it the Ghost Grid if you want. Make a series of high powered beams that draw ghosts up into the sky and trap them then channel them back down to earth. Or drop them in parachutes or whatever it is you do. But the important thing is that we need a system we can use to turn outward into space and defend our planet from invasion. "

Jillian Holtzmann has posed:
Jillian listened to this request and she leaned back on the kitchen counters, then set her chip can down and went to wipe her hands off in fron to fher stomach. "This all sounds a lot like... a... Tony Stark... kind of thing." She says back to the fancy man. "Its all rather, bombastic in its scope and scale, wouldn't you say? That kinda reeks of Stark. Or even Luthor, but, I find Luthor is far less competitent of a designer / builder because he hires the wrong underlings. Stark, gets results. But, I'm guess since you've come to see me here today, you've gone through about thirty different names so far and now you've reached me at the bottom of your list. Or maybe, I wasn't even on your list and you just Bing'd my name." Holtz puased then and grinned. "I'm trying to make 'Bing' a verb like Google... Its... its not catching on." She sighed then.

Jillian's head shook side to side. "I'm not interested in creating a Death Star for you, Nameless Men's Warehouse Model. I don't want to be looked back on in the anals of history... heh... anal." Jillian snickered at herself and then continued. "As the person who outdid Oppenheimer in 'things we shouldn't have invented'."

Graydon Creed (1075) has posed:
The Men's Wearhouse model says, "Stark is an egomaniac who couldn't be trusted to give up control of the weapons system once it was created. Luthor, the same. I came to you because no one would ever expect it of you. You're a joke to the big boys in science." he says lining up and taking another shot, sinking the ball this time, "I don't want someone who makes it all about themselves. I want someone who understands that it's a matter of patriotism, love of earth and mankind. Someone with the moral center to create a system that can't be turned against humanity, even on their own behalf. "

Standing up and puting the stick back on the shelf, "I came to you first, because you wouldn't want to do it. That is exactly the kind of scientist we need defending our planet. Someone who doesn't want power, someone who just wants to keep people safe. " he says then he shrugs and continues, "You don't want to go down in history as someone who made a mistake, but you'll go down in history as one of the many who stood by and did nothing while our planet died if you don't." he says then he starts to walk towards the stairs to leave.

Jillian Holtzmann has posed:
Jillian's blue eyes just were trained on the man after he said these things, her expression was blank. She watched him put away the pool cue and make for the staircase again. She really didn't have anything to say to him... such a proposal went against everything she believed in. She WAS capable of building something like that, she knew it... but like most genius-types, she was extraordinarily eccentric and she grew up with hippy parents who would be all manner of horrified of their daughter if she took on such a job.

"Nice talking to you, I'm guessing you can show yourself out." She said back to him with a quiet and reserved annoyance in her tone as she pushed off of the countertop and walked in the direction of the equipment area..

Graydon Creed (1075) has posed:
Walking down the stairs, the man calls back, "With great intellect comes great responsibility, Ms. Holtzmann. You take a chance either way. " he says then as he gets close to the bottom of the steps he calls out, "Doing nothing is always the first step to losing. When you are ready, to talk about it, call S.H.I.E.L.D. I'm sure they will welcome your designs." then he shows himself out to the limo waiting outside.