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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2017/06/29 |Location=Unknown |Synopsis=Summary needed |Cast of Characters=1075, 47, 95 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:1075|Graydon Creed...")
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Latest revision as of 01:42, 27 October 2017

Back to school
Date of Scene: 29 June 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: 1075, Phoenix, Beast

Graydon Creed (1075) has posed:
Hopefully it's not often that an armored secret service type S.U.V. pulls up to the front doors of the Xavier School. Today is one of those days. Men get out of the car, Secret Agent Men, body guarding the person inside. They check that things look secure then the man inside the S.U.V. gets out. He can be seen out the window talking to the agents telling them it's a school. He'll be fine without them. There is a polite argument and then they leave him to do his business while they wait at the car. Oddly, none of them, not a single person in the entourage has a psychic footprint. One person not transmitting a psychic presence is unusual but not unheard of, four people at once, that means they are using psi-scramblers.

Graydon Creed dressed in his typical custom italian suit walks up to the school's doors and walks into the lobby looking around for the administrations office. He holds in one hand a tattered Xavier's school hoodie.

Phoenix has posed:
There aren't any signs posted, likely because they'd disrupt the School's vibe; if it weren't for the dozens of teenaged mutants milling around the grounds, it would look for all the world like a well-appointed home that's probably been passed through a generation or two.

But of course, there are dozens of teenaged mutants milling around the grounds-- or, at least, they were milling before an armored vehicle full of Men in Black pulled onto the property. All eyes are on Graydon and his entourage, including several on the ends of tendrils stretching and undulating for the best angles; now and again, there are students who stare especially intently at the group as they approach and pass.

Despite the lack of signs, finding the administrative wing isn't terribly arduous, though it may take a little bit of walking around and process of elimination. There's a logic to the way everything is laid out in the hopes of making it easy for people to get to where they need to be quickly without having to spend too long on map memorization. Plus, there aren't nearly as many teenagers in the vicinity.

When Graydon arrives at the Vice Principal's office, he'll find a simple reception space with no receptionist; just a bench and a few chairs for waiting visitors. Fortunately, the door is already ajar by the time he gets there-- and through the crack, Miss Grey stares intently at the group as soon as they're in sight.

"Usually, I prefer appointments," she says, loud enough to be heard outside, "but just this once, I guess I'll make an exception. Just don't tell anyone: I'm not about to put up with a procession of impatient people in armored vehicles rolling through here."

Graydon Creed (1075) has posed:
The Senator who should be quite familiar to several of the students after Nega twitted him all over the internet looking like a fool in Hot Topic, shows himself into the open door. "My apologies. They are very insistent. Super-criminals and all that." he says as he steps inside. "I didn't know you were running a school for meta-humans here. If I had, I would have been more sensitive." and brought a gun.

"I came to investigate this." he gets to the point holding out the hoodie. It once belonged to Bobby. It has holes torn in it now, "It was recovered from a mutant girl found living in the sewers. She claims to have no family, no one who would be looking for her but I find that hard to believe." which is true. He needs to make sure his political tool is actually his to use without interference, "Have you lost a student named Rose?"

Phoenix has posed:
"Right-- yesterday, I'd have said it helps to keep our 'Armed Men In Military Vehicles' numbers down, but, well, here we are."

Tired green eyes don't leave the Senator as he steps inside and the door sharply shuts behind him. The office is large and nearly empty; just a desk, a chair, a small plant beside them, and Vice Principal Grey in a dark red blouse with abstracted amber sun rays and a black pencil skirt with pursed lips and a deeply furrowed brow. She briskly gestures to the three chairs set up on the other side of the desk, then stands part of the way and extends a hand. Creases smooth and she musters a smile that doesn't reach her eyes.

"Senator. Pleasure to meet you; I'm Jean Grey, Vice Principal of the Xavier School, and..."

She squints at the hoodie, not recognizing it as anything but a piece of branded clothing. "What was her-- Rose?" Standing the rest of the way, she retracts her hand the rest of the way whether it was taken or not. The furrows return as she adds, "No-- no, I'd have known about it, if so. Where is she now-- is she safe?"

Graydon Creed (1075) has posed:
The Senator is clearly disappointed that he didn't find someone who knew the girl's background. "She's in a private medical facility. It was the only way to keep her safe. The police were literally hunting her. She was dehydrated and half starved." he says as he looks down at the hoodie. It has a rather strong odor to it in spite of the multiple times it's been washed. "Her mutation is rather extreme." he says then looks back up at Jean, "Honestly, I knew mutants could have powers and grow wings and things but I had no idea it could be that bad.." then he trails off and asks, "Are you well? You look very stressed." he on the other hand looks fresh and stress free. It's a horrible truth that people who live without doubt are often less stressed even when what they believe is terrifying.

Phoenix has posed:
With a deep breath, the words 'Collar 'Em Creed' are swallowed along with the rest of Jean's first response. With a long blink, she exhales; by the time her eyes are back on Creed's, her smile warms somewhat. Her posture remains tense, however, as her hands find the desk's edge for a firm grip.

"There was a starving, dehydrated child living in the sewers, Senator-- I'm concerned. I'd like to meet her, talk to her-- help her. She wouldn't be the first person we've taken in from desperate circumstances, by a long shot. Here-- " A hand rises and beckons. "Let me have the hoodie. Guessing there wasn't a name anywhere on it, right?"

Following another deep breath - and another wiggle of her fingers if Graydon is at all slow to respond - she adds, "We prefer to think of them as 'gifts', by the way-- no matter how they manifest, they make us unique. Special; 'bad' and 'good' don't really enter into it," as her smile widens a little farther.

Graydon Creed (1075) has posed:
Offering over the hoodie he isn't sure what she hopes to find. He didn't find a name but he never wrote his name on his clothing. Perhaps they put tracking chips in their mutie's clothing. "She said that she got it from the only person who had been kind to her since she changed. Now I see that is likely the truth." he says as he lets her examine it, "I'll need it back though, she is very attached to it. It was her only worldly possession." and given the stains on it that won't come out, she wore it all the time.

The man puts his hands behind his back and says, "She does not consider it a gift. She wants to be human again. I intend to make that happen for her. " he says with finality. "I know in the 1990's there was research into a cure. It was scrapped because of an absurd link to mad cow disease. What can you tell me about it?" he asks not seeming to understand, or care, that some people think it's a good thing to be a mutant.

Phoenix has posed:
Jean isn't entirely sure of what she hopes to find either, but the arm holes certainly catch her eye shortly after she takes the sweatshirt. The holes, the tag, the stains-- all of it is studied with narrowed eyes and deliberate movements as Graydon speaks. The brown hairs don't mean much; plenty of her students and staff have those. The coarse, dark ones practically studding its insides, though-- those, she devotes quite a bit of attention to before finally plucking some free with a brief glare and a moment's thought, piling them carefully on her desk.

"I'd still like to speak with her," is all she says after stiffening when Graydon brings up reversing Rose's mutation. "Please tell me you didn't come here just to dangle a homeless child in front of my nose and talk to me about 'mutant cures', Senator-- I have a feeling you knew the answer to your original question when you walked in here." Offering the garment back to the Senator, she tacks on, "You seem like a smart enough guy. All I know about it is that it - clearly - wasn't meant to be."

Graydon Creed (1075) has posed:
Smiling at the administrator with the smile of a hunter whose prey just stepped into a trap the Senator says, "While I was honestly unaware of the nature of your school. I was aware that you employ Dr. Henry McCoy, one of the world's leading geneticists on mutation. Perhaps I should speak with him? " the man says, "I mean, unless you think we should force the girl to remain a mutant when she doesn't wish to?" he says leaning a little little closer as he puts down the next social trap.

Phoenix has posed:
"There isn't really a 'we', yet, is there, Senator?"

Unmoving save for folding arms and a slight lift of the chin, Jean draws another deep breath as the Senator maneuvers and encroaches. Green eyes flutter briefly before locking-- and then widening for a few moments of unvarnished surprise before narrowing.

"Something-- tells me you aren't exactly qualified to make those kinds of judgments on your own, y'know? I can see if Dr. McCoy's available, but I don't think he's going to agree to let you-- I mean, listen, let's just lay it on the table-- experiment? On a child. Unsupervised, sight unseen-- it doesn't matter how much you try to circle around it."

{{Hank. If you're here, my office. It's about the assholes with the guns in the lawn-- they're Senator Creed's assholes, and the Senator's talking at me about a mutant cure. There's a child involved.}}

"I need to speak with Rose, Senator," she concludes, arms unfolding so that she can brace her hands against the desk as she leans towards him.

Beast has posed:
Well Speak of the devil... If the devil was a muscular blue-furred man with a physique somewhere between feline and simian wearing Harvard Tweed, spectacles on his semi-feline snout, and no shoes. The scientist teacher looks a bit harried as he enters Jeans office, a tablet in his clawed, paw-like hand. It looks like he was already on his way here... "Jean, my dear. The students are going on and on about 'Men In Black' invading the school, which is absurd because A) We are not harbouring any alien life forms that /I/ know of. And B) Men in Black are a myth. And C) They would probably be less conspicious than all those giovernment issue SUV's in the drive.."

Yeah, he actually got Jean's message but it doesn't hurt to play off ignorance, especialy when dealing with the government. And especially a government who never seems to know what one hand or another are doing.

Almost immediately AFTER entering, Hank comes to a stop and blinks at the man standing across from Jean. The very well dressed man whose demeanour and wardrobe SCREAMS 'Gubberment'. "I guess I may be wrong about the whole being inconspicous thing.." he mumbles, then tucks the tablet beneath his arm, tugs at his jacket as he stands straighter, and offers a 'neutral' smile.. Full of sharp teeth.

Graydon Creed (1075) has posed:
The Senator does what Senators do best when confronted with a question they don't want to answer, he deflects. "I'll inform her of your school's existence and give her a choice. I believe in the freedom of choice. " he says looking down and lifting his wrist to scratch under his new watch band. It's still getting broken in. Nice, rich leather. "At one time we believed that sex was not a choice, that if you felt you were a different gender than your body you should just learn to be what you were born with. Then we developed the technology to change the body to make the person inside happy. That is all I am asking for. You wouldn't deny people the choice to be what they want to be, would you Ms.Grey?" he asks without looking back up at her as if he already knows this battle is won and he's just waiting for her to realize it.

When Hank walks in and introduces himself Creed has an unusual reaction. On seeing him Creed's eyes widen, his pulse quickens and his body tenses. His jaw twitches on the sides because his teeth clench together as if he's readying for a fight. It's just a momentary reaction at seeing the beast of a man, but Hank, being in touch with his own beastial nature would notice the killer in his eyes before Creed forces it back down and his smile resumes its fullness.

"Dr. McCoy, I've read a lot about you." but obviously not enough. Creed offers his hand to the doctor for shaking. That intern is getting so yelled at. "I was just explaining to Ms. Grey why I'm here. I was seeking information about the mutant cure experiments from the 1990's. I believe my office reached out to you regarding them already?" he says.

Phoenix has posed:
For just a moment, Jean's smile returns and the fire building in her eyes takes on a mirthful glow.

"Senator Creed, Dr. McCoy; Dr. McCoy, Senator Creed."

{{Thanks, Hank,}} accompanies a warm thought. {{He's got-- something keeping me out of his head. Probably some kind of tech, unless he's a Republican Wizard, or something. Some of the kids have been saying that they can't get a lock on his guys, either.}}

Once the introductions have been made, she lowers her head and takes a step back to let them talk. Slow, rhythmic breaths fill her lungs as her arms tightly refold.

"Maybe you oughtta tell him about why you said you came to begin with," she adds once Creed explains himself. Quieter, she adds, "Not that Dr. McCoy can't smell it, I would imagine."

Beast has posed:
His inner Beast... not the codename but the actual animal deep within Hank. And not as supressed as many people would think given his own academic demanour despite his form. Jean would know that Hank fight's with his inner animal constantly, hiding it's influence as well as he can, but some days, some MINUTES, it is closer to the surface than others. And right now it tells him that this man is Dangerous. A Predator. Now /how/ he is a predator but he can surely make some guesses since this is...

"Senator Creed." he intones in that magnificent baritone of his though his tone itself is kept mostly monotone. "I must say this is a surprise. And that I am honoured that you took the time out of your busy schedule to read up on me." Yeah, he almost sounds sincere there. "I have read quite about about yourself, as well. Especially on your views about the incarceration of metahuman convicted of criminal activities and the measures you and your lobbyists believe should be instituted to keep them incarcerated. Oh, forgive me.. I meant to say metahumans who have been implicated of crimes as well, even before they have been tried.."

{Probably some kind of psionic disruption field.. I will have to go over the schools sensors afterwards to see how he is accomplishing this.} He thinks, but says. "He is here for something OTHER than information on a supoosed and completely fantastical 'cure' for mutation?" he asks and looks back at Creed and sniffs the air indignantly... and then frowns and his eyes go wide.

"You Found her..." he rasps and steps closer, but not TOO close.. predators tend to not like having their personal space trheatened. "You found the girl, Didn't you.."

Graydon Creed (1075) has posed:
"Long story short." Creed says taking his hand back from the repulsive touch of the mutant scientist and trying not to show how grossed out he is by touching one of them. "Yes, a girl, turned into a giant, mutant spider thing, the police tried to kill her. I saved her. Contrary to what the party may want you to believe, not all of us are monsters." and he says that like he believes it. He thinks he's helping her. "She's in a hospital now, in recovery and when I was made aware of her case it really brought home the need for a cure. She is miserable. She hates being a mutant." he says not backing off as Hank sniffs him.

Creed does lift his head a little in the not-too-subtle animal body language I'm going to become upset if you keep invading my personal space. "She is not a criminal and doesn't deserve to be treated like one. She is a victim. I want to help her before she becomes a criminal." assuming of course, that they all do, eventually.

Phoenix has posed:
"Before you came in," Jean says, lifting her gaze to her colleague, "we were just about to talk about a time for me to get in and meet her, find out about her story-- see if there's anything that we can do to help her. Senator Creed brought us a keepsake of hers-- a hoodie from someone here." Her chin tips towards the stained and torn memento in the Senator's grasp. "I bet she'd love to meet you, too-- don't you think, Senator? If she already hasn't, of course."

Her eyes shift his way after she invokes his name. "I think we'd be a little better equipped to tell her about us than you would be-- no offense, obviously! It's just that you didn't know we existed until pretty recently, so it might be a little difficult for you, smart guy or no. If she wants to-- change-- to shed her gift in some way-- we're obviously not going to force her to do, to be anything she doesn't want. But she's young-- and alone. And probably afraid; we can't be sure she knows what she wants, or doesn't want until we've had a chance to talk to her."

Beast has posed:
Hank is very silent for a few moments and his paws clench into fists at his sides, yet at the same time his shoulder actually sag a bit in relief. He looks at Jean, his face drawn, then sighs and his fists relax somewhat.

He looks between the two very different people with two very different views. "I.. I tried to help her.. To reach out to her.." he says slowly. "At Staten Island.. I had heard that there was possibly a mutant hiding there.. And I went there with another student as part of an outreach.. She was newly expressed.. her mutation having activated possibly in few weeks prior..." he shakes his head. "I thought I was getting through to her but the atavistic nature of her mutation seemed to overpower her sense of rationality and invokled a fight or flight response.. She ran away from us... I didn't even get her name.." he looks ashamed at then.. but then shame seems to turn to anger.. an anger directed at Creed.

"Yes.. She /is/ a victim! Of her mutation? Definately, but not quite the way you may think, Senator. Yes, it appears to be a drastic mutation and I can see how she would be miserable having to deal with her new body, but she was much more the victim of 'normal' people. People who treated her like a monster instead of the young woman she still is. You say she has a choice, and I commend your saying that, but you also labeled her as a spider 'thing'. Which is part of the problem!"

"If you are looking for something to truly cure I would suggest you turn your sights from the /consequences/ of peoples actions, such as metahumans becoming criminals, and more on the CAUSE, such as the marginalization of said metahumans by the non-meta majority who in their fear blame powered individuals for everything from the upswing in crime to the national deficit."

He turns to Jean now, his eyes bright. ""Yes.. We need to talk to her. To explain to her what we are about. We need to help her. To show her she is not alone in this." He takes a deep breath. "We need to give her all the information, godo and bad, so that she can make an informed choice and not..." he now looks at Creed and scowls a bit.. "Not offer her false hopes about a possible cure taht doesn't work. Trust me on this, Senator. If you or anyone else thinks there is a real working cure out there then they are sadly mistaken. You think I have spent my life, my career, studying mutation without looking for a way to revserse it? I am a mutant activist, yes, and I stand behind mutants and other enhanced individuals rights for equality. But that doesn't mean I don't know the suffering that goes on in some of the more extreme cases of mutant expression. You think I would not try to find a way to alleviate that kind of suffering just because I believe in Meta-Rights?"

He hangs his head. "I have looked. I still look. We haven't cured aids.. or cancer.. or even diabetes yet. And those are much simpler and much more devastating to human life, meta and norm alike, than Metas themselves are."

Graydon Creed (1075) has posed:
Looking at Hank as he raises his voice the politician says, "While your intentions may have been noble. All you managed to do was scare her half to death."

Jean gets a look that she probably doesn't get very often, it's the look of a man thinking she is a bloody idiot. Sen. Creed reaches up to rub the bridge of his nose, "No, no offense, Doctor, I don't think bringing either of you preaching the loveliness of her new gifts to a girl so traumatized she felt the need to hide in the sewers and survive by eating dogs would be a good idea. Besides, she is not alone. She has me and the staff of the facility. People who aren't trying to force a liberal agenda down her throat." then he takes a breath and motions out the window to the children, "Do you bring them here, give them a nice, comfortable life, tell them that they are gifted and special and they shouldn't choose to be who they want to be? Do you tell them that being a mutant is the right way, the natural way, the way God intended them to be?" he asks.

"Back in the old days they had other kind of conversion camps to make gay people straight using the same reasoning." the man says looking down at his watch and rubbing his wrist again with his calm, smug, sure voice, "They weren't very successful. They did manage to create a lot of broken, troubled people." he says then he looks out of the window and takes a calming breath, "Perhaps that's why mutants represent such a small percentage of society yet manage to be involved in so much crime." he suggest, "They feel like they don't have a choice. Is it so wrong to want to give them a way to have a happy life?"

Phoenix has posed:
{{The Professor'd be mad if we strip searched a senator, right?,}}

The Senator gets a look that he has probably gotten a time or two: the look of a woman who wants to strangle him.

"Like I said," she lowly dismisses after rolling her head around her shoulders and taking a breath, "You don't know a thing about who we are, and what we do here. We don't force anything on our students-- we teach them to how to live the best lives they can with their gifts, whatever that may mean. We teach them to respect the world around them, even when it doesn't respect them back-- how to love themselves, even if nobody's ever made them feel like they should. Hank's right-- we don't care how many limbs she's got, Senator, how many she wants to have-- we just want her to know that she can be loved! That she deserves it, and you-- "

Her right arm thrusts acros the desk, index finger extended towards the Senator's chest as her composure breaks into a scowl.

"-- you bring guns to this place full of children, many of whom have had their lives threatened for being who they are, you bring me a child's' only possession in the world, wave her existence in front of our faces-- and why? To gloat?! Because I know you didn't think that Dr. McCoy was gonna join in on this absurdity, drop a load of research in your lap so you could get on with poking and prodding at a homeless child-- taking advantage of her fears as you try to find something to help you sleep easier at night, safe and sound from all the horrible, scary mutant criminals in the world!"

Her hand falls and both brace against the desk as she draws herself as close to him as the desk will allow.

"I don't think you understand where you
are, if you did, Senator-- and you're too smart for that; that fancy toy of yours tells me that much. So, instead of wasting all of our time: tell us where Rose is, so we can speak to her; whatever she wants, we'll respect it, because that's what we do. But we-- I-- need to hear it from her, not not the guy who can't be bothered to remember that she's a goddamned kid!"

Beast has posed:
Hank clenches his fists again and grits is teeth, inhaling depely as he finds his center.. and then relaxes and regains his composure as Jean explains a few facts to the good senator.. When she is done his tone softens. "She's right, you know. And You made my argument about needing to cure the marginlization of metas, Senator, when you spoke about percentages and representation. When you, as Jean says, wave the girl and having her in your facility under our noses like you somehow own her. Like she is a possession." he says. "When you marginalize ANY minority that way, such as you did, they tend to fall to endevours like crime to move foreward in their lives. Because they feel the ones marginilizing them have given them no choice. And thats what this school is about. Choice. The choice to /not/ be marginalized for being who and what you are. You think this school is like the 'Straight Therapy' organizations of the past century? We very much are not, good sir."

"Yes, I will admit we try to instill pride in our students for being who they are. Not just as mutants, but as peeople first and foremost. That despite their mutations, be they beneficial or not quite so, they can /contribute/ to society as a /whole/ in a meaningful way for themselves and everyone else, both mutant AND human alike. We are not breaking down people, Senator.. We are trying to build them up. To show them that they matter, and that what they /do/ matters. We are trying to give them the education they need to move foreward and work through their problems, genetically and socially, and ultimately to pass that knowledge on to others. Again, both powered or not."

He walks over to one of the other windows (one which Creed is NOT looking out of) and stares at the children below. "If giving people a choice is so important to you, Senator Creed, allow us to make our case to the young woman in a controlled and quiet environment, such as you have been able to do while she has been in this facility you speak of, having days to ingraiate yourself to her where I only had scant minutes in a hastily improvised setting. Since we did not enjoy the benefits of such a controlled setting, and if your intentions are as honourable as you infer, then surely you would allow us to have an equal footing from which she can derive a choice from."

Graydon Creed (1075) has posed:
Looking at Hank, the Senator says, "You do realize you just said we are not this thing, then made a list of qualities you share with that very thing, right?" he asks then raises his hand dismissing the conversation, "Never mind. The very idea that the two of you think I would experiment on a young girl just proves to me how far from reality your grasp is. Still, you are the best in your field. If I do find the research that the government classified, would you be willing to lead my research team on finding a cure, Dr. McCoy?" he asks then he turns to Jean and says, "You need, you teach, you control, it's all about you and your agenda. I don't care what you need. I care about what -she- needs and right now, what she needs is a place where she can feel safe and cared for. She will barely talk to anyone. I'm working out of my car so that I can spend time with her because she will barely speak to anyone else. "

Looking down at his watch he cleans off a smudge with his thumb and says, "I'm sorry, I don't mean to trigger you, but your feelings are not more important than her well being. As I said, I will tell her about your school and give her the choice to come here. Though, honestly, I can't recommend it to her. This lack of professionalism is quite shocking." he says still calm, cool, collected, totally in control. He's like a cat playing with a mouse, "Are there any other schools you could recommend?"

Phoenix has posed:
There's no sound at first, when flames begin to trickle from the Vice Principal's scalp to trace ruby tresses, but it isn't long at all before the trickle grows into a roaring draft.

Which is when the room begins to get warmer.

The next time Jean breathes out, it's forceful, pushed through clenched teeth as lets her head fall and the desk carry more of her weight. The tips of her hair come just shy of setting her paperwork ablaze before another breath sees the flames drawing back towards whence they came.

"You need to leave, Senator," she lowly states. "Twist our words, try to mock us, play games with a child's well-being to make a point-- you disgust me. Go."

WHAM!! the door goes, leaving the knob embedded in the wall.

"Now. Consider yourself banned from campus, obviously."

Beast has posed:
Hank frowns now, raising a brow. "Excuse me, sir.. But did I even once HINT that you were possibly experimenting on her?" he asks, ignoring the 'offer' to lead a research effort. "Did I ever once imply in some way that you, or someone affiliated with you, was conducting what would obviously be illegal research on a child who clearly wasn't of the age of medical consent? Because looking back on it, I did not. I may not believe in your politics, Senator, but until this moment I did not believe that you would do anything that would actually potentially harm her because despite you and your constituents beliefs and how /repugnant/ and /self serving/ I find them, that did not mean I thought you would go through any illegal means to further them. In fact, I would have believed that like any self righteous politician you would rather find legal means to further your agenda because that would just make your 'moral victory' that much more satisfying."

He turns from the window to face the politician.. and Jean, whom he is happy to see is as angry as he is. "But /you/ are the one who brought up medical experimentation without any reason or cause I can see.. and I find that interesting. You talk about caring about her needs but I think you only care about how her situation can benefit you. The only well being you are concerned about is that of your political agenda and, probably, personal power for which you are making her a pawn. Tell me? Have you contacted her family? Do you have legal authority to even be KEEPING her in this medical facility? Or have you just not told her she can leave, lying by ommision. So many interesting questions that need to be answered, don't you agree?"

He then OHS and slaps his forehead, pulling the tablet from under his arm and checking it. "Silly me. I forgot to turn off my audio/video notations app. I was in such a rush to get here from my lab I forgot it was even on. Absent minded professor and all that." He tsks.

"I wouldn't say anything else, Senator. I would just leave. Like you were asked to. Because this school /is/ private property."

Graydon Creed (1075) has posed:
Rather than escalating further. The Senator says, "I'm not keeping her in a medical facility. She is in a medical facility. She can leave any time she wants like anyone else. You're just assuming that I am some evil monster because I'm a human and since your principle is setting the room on fire with her power I'll take my leave. Make sure you get that on film. It'll look great on the news. Head mistress of secret, mutants-only school threatens life of U.S. senator. " he says and chuckles at the absurdity of the two of them. Then he exits with grace, dignity and a half an erection.


He makes it to his car and calms all the security people down. Then he gets inside and starts to drive off. Jean and Hank can watch him go around the loop but before he gets too far he stops. After a moment one of the children playing basketball approaches the car. They speak for a few seconds, it's 15 seconds at most but in those 15 seconds he teaches the kid two things, proper placement for your feet when you are shooting a hoop and that he was visiting Ms. Grey and Doctor McCoy regarding the cure for being a mutant. Jean will find out about that later as the thought virus spreads through the school. Is there really a cure? If there was one, would you take it? Why isn't there one? Would they tell us if there was a cure?