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Tangled Webs - The Gathering of Flies Part 1: Finding a Mechanic
Date of Scene: 27 April 2017
Location: Mercy's Garage - West Harlem, NYC
Synopsis: In which Adrien starts luring friends into Lorien's web. He is a helpful fly!
Cast of Characters: Mercy Thompson, 142

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy Thompson is the sole proprietor of Mercy's Garage. This information is easily found by anyone that knows her occupation and her first name. The ad that can be found upon the interwebs (and phone book, but who uses them now a-days) goes something like this:

Mercy's Garage: Mechanic. Speciality Volkswagen, but all cars welcome. Call 1-800-BUG-BETLE for an appointment, or drop on by. Walk-ins welcome. Financing available for those that need it.

Beneath the main picture of the garage is the address for Mercy's place of business.

The garage itself is not much to look at. It's a simple building, surrounded by other commercial buildings, and upon the front of it is a large lighted sign that reads: Mercy's Garage. Upon the front door is a sign that says 'Open for Business' and when walks inside they'll find a very small front office, with a few plastic chairs and a counter with a bell. Behind the counter is a simple plastic desk, with a very aged computer and an archaic rotary phone upon it. Also behind that desk is a door and currently that door propped open by a very large, very heavy looking wrench. From that doorway the back room can be seen and it's clear the back room is the actual garage proper.

A casual glance to the garage will find one car lift, an assortment of tools and also, Mercy Thompson back there. She's currently working beneath the hood of a rather beat-up Volkswagen Beetle. The sound of metal striking metal can be heard, as she does whatever she's doing back there.

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Adrien had talked himself into this. Why? He wasnt quite sure. Likely, it was the worry that Hawk Moth would prey on Lorien... and if he was already beyind human, how much worse would it be if the spider man got a power boost from an akuma?

Thepart of hin that is Chat Noir smirked in a very cat-like manner at the thought of an akuma getting stuck in a spider's web. It is a smirk that fades as Adrien responsibly reminds himself that the akuma would likely infect the web rather than be caught in it. And if it did get caught, and Lorien ate it... Adrien shakes off the thoughts as he looks up from his Google Maps to check the sign.


Adrien takes a breath as he turns off his phone, thinks one last time that maybe he should have done this as Chat Noir but then explaining how he knows her would have been even more awkward than this conversation goes in adrien's head, and Adrien finally jusy makes his way in.

His green eyes sweep over the place, locking onto the direction of metal on metal. Quietly, but not Chat quietly (lol! unintended pun!), Adrien makes his way to the back.

"Bonjour? Ummm.. Allo? Mercy?" he calls out, French accent on full display. Nerves.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
As soon as the front door opens the sound of metal clashing against metal pauses -

- Her hearing is exceptional, even in human form, and so when Adrien makes his way behind the desk and through the door, he'll find Mercy's already straightening from beneath the hood of the car. His foot-steps aren't yet familiar to her, so immediately the visitor was earmarked as 'stranger'.

Surprise colors her expression now at the sight of him; her surprise is one part upon seeing him here, and one at seeing him back within her garage. Most visitors don't just step into her garage without an invitation. The wrench that she was using will be set aside as she says with the faintest of smiles, "There's a bell on the desk for a reason, Adrien." Comes her gentle chide, even as she pulls a rather beat-up and stained towel from a pocket of her mechanic coveralls. Her hands will be wiped as she nods towards the door. "Let's go to the front office. Safer for unprotected toes." And she'll look at his feet and then hers; with hers having steel-covered toes.

Once the duo is through the door, she'll ask, "What brings you around? Car troubles? You know I can help."

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
That's what the banging was. He suspected. He hopes. But with his luck, it could have just as easily been an akuma. Or worse...

As she points out his fauxpax, a light bkush over takes his cheeks. A little hastily, Adrien backpedalsn apologies on his lips as he follows Mercy to the office.

He resolutely will not say the thought of possibly needing to transform had crossed his mind.

"um... No. not car... My driver takes care of.. That's not why Im..." Get it together, Agreste! Adrien sucks in a breath and tries again.

"I need to talk to you. Not abouy cars.... but... do you know that new hero? The cat... guy..?" Inwardly, Adrien cringes. Outwardlyn he keeps his slightly worried expression. because hexs a model and he can do that!

Mercy Thompson has posed:
When the two step out of the garage and are within the plastic-y front office, Mercy will turn and nudge the large wrench out from the underside of the door. The door will quickly swing shut with a hollow sounding *twhump*. Once the door is shut, Mercy will turn back to Adrien. Her expression shifts from friendly smile to raised eyebrows, as the young man rattles off all his statements and questions to her. When she's able to sort the questions and the statements from one another, the dark brown-haired woman will nod. "I do. I ran into him at Central Park - or, rather I saw him. Not necessarily spoke with him."

Even as she speaks she'll step over to the little coffee pot that sits upon the front desk. "Coffee?" She'll ask, polite as ever, even as she pulls two coffee mugs out. The mugs themselves are quite mismatched and ugly, but they're clean and not chipped. "I've sugar and creamer too, if you like that."

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Oncr again, behind the model's held expressionn Adrien winces. With controlled motions n he shifts his face to a nervous sort of relief. Rrally its not so hard to do. It is how he is feeling.

"Oh. yes. thabk you.c he says of the coffee n stalling as long as he can before.

"I knownhim too.... Chat Noir." The truth, is an odd side slide of it. "We spoke..." Is it a lie? to talk to oneself in your own head? the ubcertainty of it rings clesr

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Coffee will be poured into the two mugs; one mug will be set near Adrien and one mug will be kept by Mercy. The creamer and sugar will likewise be set near Adrien, just in case he likes his coffee less tar and more sweet.

As the young model speaks, Mercy will absently take a sip of the coffee, her gaze focused primarily upon the young man. When he finally trails off, in that nervous habit of his, Mercy will put her mug back upon the plastic desktop.

Her hand will stay upon that mug for a long second, as she internally argues with herself. Finally though, a decision is reached and the Mechanic will say. "Adrien, let's lay all of our cards out on the table. I think that'll make it far easier for both of us." Though, mainly Adrien.

"I can tell when you're lying. The reason I can tell is because I have a heighten sense of smell. And while you're not necessarily lying right now, there is something off about your scent." Her head will tilt then, even as she offers a quirky sort of grin. "I can also tell that you've magic around you. Specifically your pocket." Now she waits to see how he reacts to all she just said.

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Adrien had begun to doctor the coffee.... turning it less into coffee and more into coffee favored sugarrd cream. His eyes had been on his hands, working to sort out which of the scripted excuses for knowing the Parisan hero he was going to use when Mercy basically just blind sided him with the whole 'therexs magic around you'. He looks up, unable to mask to surprise that starts toward panic that covers his face. He inhales, about to try to stammer an excuse when Plagg, having been woken up by the clang from earlier just phases through his iver shirt and takes thw choice away.

"Fine. Cat's out of the bag... or pocket as it were," comes the growlly little voice of the cat spirit that floats now between them. Plagg glances at Adrien over a shoulder, tail flipping back to smack rhe blonde on the nose.

"Close your mouth. You look like a fish." Plagg turns to Mercy. "Thank you for snifding me out. now i dont have to suffern couped up in his pocket! no air! no sun! no CHEEEESE!" Plagg laments his auffering, a paw to his forehead, body swooning limoy in midair, looking like he mighy fall to rhw floor at any swcond if not caught and saved from this horribke existence. All thisn just has adrien rolling his eyes.

"You are so melodramticn Plagg...." Adrien is clearly unimpressed.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
The surprise upon Adrien's features has her nodding her head slightly; so she was right. He knows of the magic that's around him. It's only when Plagg finally appears that Mercy's own expression will slightly mirror Adrien's.

She wasn't expecting a little spirit. That's for certain.

As Plagg bemoans the horrible conditions he has to put up with, Mercy will flick a look between Adrien and the spirit a few times, as she considers what next to say. "Well, I can see why all the cheese was gone the other day." Are her first amused words, as she turns her attention to the little spirit. Her head will cant to the side as she considers Plagg now, "What sort of spirit are you?" She'll ask, the question directed at Plagg versus Adrien, since it's quite evident that the little spirit can speak for itself. "And what sort of magic do you do?" Comes her last question, even though she can sense the chaos around the little magical being; it's familiar, much like her own magic, which is deeply buried within her.

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
"im a kwami. do you have any cheese?" Plagg says, esrning a huff from Adrien as he reaches out ro tey to catch Plagg. The spirit slips away, and Adrien acks as the motion has him hitting his coffee and splattering it on the desk.

"-Shit! Plagg!-" Adrien exclaims in French as Plagg floats over Mercy's head, little arms crossed over his chest in a huff.

"Thats what heppens when you wake me up and dont have cheese."

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Adrien sighs lightly, looking for paper towels.

"He brings me nothing but bad luck..."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
"I don't have cheese, sorry." Mercy will say as she watches the antics of the little spirit. When Adrien spills his coffee, the Coyote will step aside and search the desk drawers for some napkins. It'll take a couple of drawers, but eventually Mercy will find some paper-towels. She'll rip off a few for Adrien and offer them to him.

"Bad luck?" She'll ask rhetorically, "Or more like chaos?" Is her real question as she turns a thoughtful look upon Adrien.

"Friendships with spirits are ... unique." She'll finally end with; she'd say something else, but with little spirit ears listening, she bites her tongue. Still, he did say what he was and Mercy will add, "I've never heard of kwami's, what exactly do you do?" And it's a sure bet that later, Mercy will try to do some research on what exactly kwami's are."

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Upon hearing there is noncheese, Plagg abandons Mercy to burrow into Adrienxs hairn mussing it a bit. The model sighs faintly.

"Some days it feels like a bit of both," Adrien says sodtly, taking the paper towels with a soft rhank you as he moves to clean up the mess. Its polite, how he carefully tries not to damage anythingn apologizing on each wipe.

How can he answer her wuestion with out just saying who he is? many she'll forget rhe question....

"Anyway, about Chat...." she's not buying it is she?

Mercy Thompson has posed:
With that closer look and longer sense of Plagg, it's a definite no, she's not buying his last question. The chaotic magic, or destructive magic, is too spot-on for Chat Noir for Mercy to accept that lie.

An eyebrow will raise upward, as the Coyote says, "Let's try that again - about you .." And there's the faintest question to her voice, at this point she's almost ninety-nine percent sure he's Chat, but she could be wrong. It's happened.

Sometimes a lot.

But today she's feeling certain she's not.

"If it helps, my real 'big bad secret' is I can shift into a coyote." Another one of those half-grins is offered now, as the mechanic folds her arms across her chest, and leans a hip against the edge of the front desk.

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
And Plagg is doing him no favors in keeping his secret. Not with how the spirit has mussed his locks so his Chat is showing. He looks trapped for a moment, scent giving him away the moment she says 'about you'; cornered kitten.

It helpsn her reveal, a lot, and most of the tension and worry floods away.

"So... that was you," Adrien says finallyn voice softer, eyes clesring and... there it is: the start of a smirk on his lips. It's a 'well of course duh' moment as the slighy bit of chaos the Plagg masks him with is broken by the acceptance.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
"It was me, yup." Mercy agrees, even as she finally rescues her cooling mug of coffee from the desktop. It didn't escape her notice, either, that Plagg was mussing Adrien's hair into his more 'Chat' look.

"Friendly neighborhood coyote." She'll manage a sip of the now lukewarm brew, even as she keeps her gaze upon the young man. "So, you know my secret, I know yours, let's just promise to keep them for each other. Sound good?" And while that promise is mainly for Mercy and Adrien, the coyote's gaze will turn to Plagg. "Right?" Is that last question for the spirit, since Mercy knows how fickle spirits can be, but when you ask for their word, they usually keep it. In some form or another.

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Chat Noir green eyes peer out from Adrienxs hair where Plagg has burrowed. His tiny esrs perk forward.

"Will I get ch-"
"Yes, damn it. I'll get you your stinky cheese."
"I accept your tribute," states the kwami finally, returning it his 'nest' and going still. Adrien sighsn long suffering, thoigh his scent is equal parts annoyed and amused. This has clesrly been his life for a good while. The two have a rhythm of familiarity, and the bickering the flavor of affection... and camembert. Adrien smirks and turns back to Mercy.

"Secretxs safe. Chatxs honor, " Adrien replies, hand coming up as Chat's would. Even the smirk. How van anyone be fooled?

"I need your help. I ran into a half man half spider creature... some sort of experiment. The lead scitentist killed eveyrone and Lorien... the ...spider? is loose. he wants to stop thw scientistn and is willijg to kill. I dont want to helphim to that, but i do want to keep the scientist from hurting anyone else. plus, im worried that his feelings of isolation may make him a target for Hawl Moth." wow did all that feel good. not awkward at all. maybe his luck is looking up!.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
The banter between the two causes a smile to lift Mercy's mouth upward; friendship, no matter what it's form, is always nice to see. Even the bickering types. Beneath that bickering is where the affection lies. Mercy understands this.

And when Chat, or rather Adrien, swears to their secrets, Mercy will nod. "Same here." She'll echo, even as she holds that pose of crossed arms and hip against edge of desk. It's at his request for help that Mercy's expression will turn thoughtful, or pensive, or perhaps a combination of both. "A half man and half spider?" She'll say, a hint of exasperation held within her voice, "I can safely say, I never expected someone, or anyone really, to say that to me." Again humor lightens her tone quite a bit, as she considers the very complex problem Chat has lain at her feet. "Some questions - one, where is this Lorien staying? Two, I also don't want to help him kill anyone, but perhaps we can help bring the scientists to justice; I'm pretty sure they broke some ethics there and three, what's a Hawk Moth?"

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
The last of thw worry flees as Mercy likewise promises, and now the work of heroing can begin.

"I dont know. He has to move webs so people dont grt frightened. Im trting to see if theres am abandoned something he can use. So fsr, no luck." Cue the scoff from his hair. Adrien rolls his gaze upward, smirking at thr kwami. "Becausr yiur suvh a help." Adrien shake shisnhead lightly, and turns back to Mercy. "He will mark the web with a cst head to show he's there. I told him i wanted to help him brin thebscienteist to justice too. Hawk Mith is... he is aso a Miraculous holder, like I am. Indont know how he isbreally, but he has the power ti enbue others wirh power. He sets these superpowered villains on Ladybug and I, hoping to get our Miraxulouses. Im not clesr why, but if he gets thwm both at the same timw, its basically game over for everyone."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
While Mercy doesn't quite know all of Adrien's lingo, she can effectively figure out what he's saying.

Lorien really is a spider.

Chat and Ladybug are similar empowered and they have enemies to boot. Enemies that would use their powers to augment their own to take over the world.

"I see." She begins, her voice hesitant once more, as she considers the complexity of the problem. "Well, I don't know how much I can be of help, but, I will help." She states, quite firmly, and straightening from her leaning pose, Mercy will step over towards the door that leads into the garage. "Let's tackle the easy things first. A place for Lorien to ... spin his web -" Because again, who'd ever think she'd say something like that, "- And also, does he need food and clothes? I have some spare clothes that might fit him, and I can pack a few sandwiches for you to take to him?"

Opening the door she'll step through and hold it open, inviting Chat into her domain.

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
standing, adrien pulls and now sleeping Plagg from his hait to return to his pocket.

"He can spins clothes for himself, and is using the vermin of the city for food. Apparently he has to cocoon them and then bite... I've been trying really hars not to think about it, to be honest," Adrien replies as he follows Mercy through the door. Coffee forgotten. He loves the sugar... he has a shoot later. he really doesnt need hia father spotting the proofs and ordering his handler to restrict hia diet further.

"So really. just the place. I'd offer minen but ive got a good cleaning staff. cobwebz wouldnt last long..."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
There's a pause to Mercy's steps when Adrien speaks of just how Lorien eats .. "Um." She begins, "Again, not sure I ever thought someone would say such a thing to me." A flash of a smile will be sent over her shoulder, even as she goes to a small set of metal cupboards. She'll fish a ring of keys out of the pocket of her coveralls and unlock the doors with a neat twist of her hand. "Still, just in case, why don't you take these with you. Spun clothing is good and everything, but I would imagine it might look odd. If he wants to appear more ... " She goes through a few different words, normal-no, human-no, ".. average, then he might need them."

From the depths of the cupboards a pair of sweat pants and a sweat shirt are pulled forth. They're large and bulky, obviously men's clothing, versus for a woman.

A plastic grocery bag will be pulled from the depths of the cupboards, and with neat movements, Mercy folds the clothes and puts them in the bag. The bag is then offered to Adrien.

"I know a few warehouses that are typically empty. Let me scout them out tonight and then I can let you know where he might hide. When you see him next maybe ask if he can eat protein shakes? That might be something he can supplement with - " And here again, her voice goes hesitant, "In case he gets tired of vermin."

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
"well... thats part of the... he sort of.. he has spider legs?" Adriens voice had climbed an octave some where along the way and he clears his throat. ubless its the notndesigner of the brand of clohing he is being offered that has him not reaching out? but the rwst has him nodding

"if tou havr a... maybe you cant use a phone while youre... never mind. um sure. meet younback here tomorrow?" chat's gor his tongue.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Another incredulous look is given to Adrien, "Spider legs." She deadpans, "Right. Of course. Well, maybe the shirt will fit him okay." She says, her head shaking ever so slightly at her assumption his legs would be normal. Her hair, which is done into two braids, will be pushed over a shoulder, before she locks the cabinets tight.

"Can I use a phone while shifted?" She'll ask, her expression turning amused at the young man's half-formed thought, "Technically, no. While in coyote form I can't use a phone, but I can bring one along to give you a call." She'll let him figure out how she'll do that while in coyote form. In reality, she just has a little kids backpack that she carries by the handle, when she knows she'll need more than just a stashed away pair of jeans, shoes and shirt.

"What number can I reach you at?" She'll ask, even as she tucks her keys into a pocket and then reaches into the other pocket to pull her phone out. "I can give you my number too."

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
At the mention of a shirtn Adrien nods and finally reaches for the bag. The idea that even if he cant use them but will be pleased that someone thinks enkugh of him to give him anything hits so close to home that Adrien has to rely on his modeling to keep bis exoression as falsely neutral as possible.

"Give me yours? I... dont really know my number when Im... tou know..." Because magic.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
A faint flare of nostrils will bring Adrien's scent to her nose and while she can smell a powerful emotion from him, she doesn't remark about his rather neutral expression.

Once the bag is handed over, pants still in there, Mercy will step towards the door again. "Sure." She'll say, when he asks for her number versus his own. "Let me grab a post-it and pen." A curious look will be given at the mention of not knowing his number, but Mercy will let it slide. If he wants to offer up more of an explanation he can, but she'll not push it. Not every single secret has to be shared this day.

"Come on." She'll add automatically, once more holding the door for the young man.

With the two back in the front room, Mercy will find her way to the desk and begin rustling through the drawers once more. Clearly, she doesn't often spend time in the front office.

"Anything else I need to know about our mutual friend?" She'll ask, as she finds a pad of post-its and a pain. She'll scratch the pen a few times to get the ink flowing, before she finally jots her number down.

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Not realizing just how on display his emotions are, Adrien just follows after. It reads very much like someone far too used to doing exactlt as told. He takes over holdong tje door as quickly as he can, taking its weight from het as a gentleman would.

"jmm... i dont think so. but if i do, ill text you." adrien promises waiting to take the post it with her number on it.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
When he takes the door from her she'll offer a quick nod of thanks to him.

The post-it will be handed over and Mercy will offer a smile. "Sounds good."

Once the post-it is out of her hands, the woman will cross her arms again, as she adds, "And if you need anything else just text too, okay?"

Most never realize how their emotions are on display for Mercy, or animals really. "If I don't get back right away just give me another text with 911, so I know to drop whatever I'm doing."

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Adrien takes the number, folding the paper to put in his pocket. Her offer has him blinking, the surprise wafting from him. He seems.... touched. Surprised, and moved... and altogether uncertain how to react to it.

"Ummm... yeah. Ok," is all he says, managing to sound nonchalant while his scent tells a completely contradictory story.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy grins now, his nonchalant act really not working for her, still, she'll let him have his 'secrets'.

"Good." Her gaze will stray towards the door to the garage a moment, before she says, "I need to get back on the job the customer will be here soon, but make sure to call me tonight, okay? I'll scout out the warehouses in the evening. Try the number around nine or ten."

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Back to a more comfortable topic, the scent fades and the easy grin returns.

"Sure thing. Nine or ten. Purrfect." Its a slip of purr. Adrieb having relaxed just enougj to be cheeky as he wavea over a shoukder and moves to stroll away from the grease and grime of the work shop. Time for him to get for work himself. Swimsuit shoot today. Which means a workout right before. Hopefully the set will be semi warm.

Knowing his luck however...