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The plight of Fear and War finale
Date of Scene: 30 June 2017
Location: New York City
Synopsis: Ares and Phobos' battle brings them to the exterior of the Triskelion
Cast of Characters: Black Widow (Romanoff), Singh, 1034, Ares
Tinyplot: The Plight of Fear and War

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
    It's late at night, most of the city having quieted down. A few areas are still busy. Bars, clubs, the back alleys where dirty deals are made. The Triskelion, home of SHIELD, also never sleeps. There are always agents coming and going, even at this late hour. There is a chill to the air tonight. Gray clouds hang low in the dark sky, obscuring any stars that might have been visible, not that there are many in the city. The moon plays peekaboo behind the fast moving bits of vapor.
    The sound of a motorcycle can be heard, roaring in the direction of the bridge to the giant building of glass and steel. It doesn't sound like they are maintaining the speed limit going by the whine of the motor. A moment later and a sleek bike appears, pulling up at the edge of the sidewalk, two riders aboard. The driver shuts down the bike, holding it steady with her legs before taking off her helmet and letting her redhair fall free. She fluffs it a little with her fingers. Helmet hair is the worst. Then she glances over her shoulder to make sure her companion is still alive back there.

Singh has posed:
The second rider isn't much better when it comes to helmets. Lets face facts, She'd probably bounce off the ground and that ould be the extent of the damage. As the bike races towards the Triskelion and gets close the girl riding bitch stretches out as far as her clothing will permit which isn't excessively far, its enough for her to parachute a bit and float off before landing on her feet.

"I feel a lot better. That was nice. Thanks for the ride Romanova! Sorry I am still getting used to all of this stuff." She looks at her clothes and sighs, "i need to get some sort of clothing that can handle my stretching." She frowns over that.

Atlee (1034) has posed:
    Walking nearby along the sidewalk that runs along the water surrounding the Triskelion is a young woman, a small duffel slung over her shoulder. She's just leaning on the railing at the moment, apparently enjoying the view as she scatters some bread crumbs for a pair of seagulls that are hopping around on the ground near to her.

    The motorcycle's arrival does draw her attention as she looks over curious, perking a bit as she looks the motorcycle over with some interest, before glancing over the riders curiously. She smiles cheerfully at the pair, before returning to her water gazing.

Ares has posed:
    Assuredly though the city never sleeps, there is an aspect to it that does doze for a while. Most of the citizens who live in Manhattan are well on their way to a restful night. The moon is a sliver that hangs high in the sky, and there are a myriad of clouds that hang low over the water and slowly drift over the city's skyline. Ultimately it is peaceful, despite the white noise of distant traffic and the occasional buoy's bell ringing.
    But then the world is turned on its ear as near the civilian side of the Triskelion bridge a seemingly black inky darkness hangs in the air for a moment, its arrival heralded by a rough /CRACK/ and then an outrush of displaced air. It's just there for an instant, blocking out any light from the other side of it, then with no warning a pair of heavily armored figures fall through it, hurtling through the sky and then /smashing!/ into the street, pavement being kicked up and bursting into shrapnel.
    One of the black armored figures rises up. He wears no helm though his chest, arms, and legs are guarded by what looks like hardened onyx in the shape of plate. A short blade is in his right hand that he brings up and stabs down heavily into the larger figure that is lying upon its back, sparks spattering forth where the blade impacts the other being's armor.
    "Away from me!" A hollow ominous voice shouts and suddenly the smaller armored figure is flying once again through the air and /SMASHES/ into the side of a building, disappearing from view. It buys that eight foot tall being in full armor time to stand, even as it swings its helmet around, crimson gaze sweeping over its surroundings contemptuously.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
    "You deserved something good to eat instead of the stuff they make here, especially after your hard work this afternoon," Natasha responds to her fellow agent. She looks her over critically. "Maybe we could get some unstable mol--"
    The rest of the sentence is cut off as she hears the loud /CRACK/, turning qucikly as her hand goes to the handle of a Glock on her right thigh. The black space hanging in the sky is watched warily as nothing good ever comes out of things appearing like that. It just never is some random delivery of ice cream. It's always something deadly and bloodthirsty.
    Cut the arrival of armored goliaths doing their best to kill one another.
    She manages not to curse this time. Perhaps trying to set a good example for the newest agent. "We need to keep civilians clear," she murmurs to Singh, even as the smaller of the figures is slammed through a wall.
    At this point, she isn't sure which is the good guy and which the bad. Either way, they can't be brawling through the streets. She raises her voice. "SHIELD, put your hands up!" which she follows up by drawing that Glock and aiming it center mass at the crimson eyed man.

Singh has posed:
Ginger laughs a little, "You're telling me! Ya know, I swear it felt like my body was just going to melt! it was definitely worth it." She smiles a little and thinks, "I need to get in touch with Wasp. She was wor..." Crap!

The new Agent's actions mirror her superior's. Her hand goes to her own gun. Then an order is given. She quickly withdraw and moves towards where Terra is standing. Then there is everyone else. The gathering Civilians who are very curious. "I need everyone to back up! SHIELD Personnel only beyond this point!" She begins stretching her arms out creating a makeshift quarentined area.

Atlee (1034) has posed:
    The sudden portal and arrival of a battle in progress causes the dark haired girl to blink, stiffening in suprise, then ducking as the impact sends some pieces of asphalt flying towards her. Oddly...rather than striking her they suddenly change direction into wide parabolas on either side of her.

    Okay! She knows what to do here! She hefts her bag, unzipping it. Now she just needs an alley...or...a phone booth or...

    ...darn it.

    She ducks behind the bench, quickly starting to peel off her t-shirt and shorts, revealing a one piece black and white leotard underneath, before she yanks out a pair of knee high boots, pulling them on quickly.

    Be there in just a moment! Really!

Ares has posed:
    The few people who had been walking along the perimeter, they immediately whip out phones and are already videotaping the whole thing despite Ginger's protests. One of the men, a guy in a baseball hat, turns at her and says, "Whatever lady, you see this shit?" But a good chunk of the other civilians start to back away, some more wise New Yorkers are already beating feet and breaking into a run from the situation.
    But then Widow has her gun on the taller armored figure, the creature turning to /glare/ at her with those glowing crimson eyes. It is an imposing figure, though it's clear it has seen much battle. The helm's crest is shorn, one of the leg plates are completely gone and the leg is visibly bleeding, the creature apparently favoring it.
    "You dare?" It says and then raises its hand, dark lightning begins to flicker around its gauntlet. "These are the pathetic things you turned your back on Olympus for, father." It lifts its voice to hurl words towards that building with the broken wall. "What is your name, mortal?" The giant growls as it glares at Widow, "No matter. Die."
    But before the lightning can flash out an axe comes /whirling/ out of that broken building and colliding with the monster's gauntlet with a /KRRANG!/ It knocks him to the side, causing him to scream in outrage.
    Even as the other armored being leaps forth and lands in a crouch upon the concrete, a ripple of a shockwave exploding around his landing that causes the dust and debris to dance. This armored figure is burnt, his shoulder blistered and torn as if a large portion of the skin has been cooked. He has no helm, and when he stands his voice is less a monster's and more a man's. "Phobos, end this now. Your anger is not with them. It is with me." And for those who know him they will see that that smaller armored figure is but the man known as John Aaron.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
    Natasha was prepared to dodge, not backing down one bit despite the difference between her size and that of the armored being. That he has powers and she has none. It doesn't matter. He's now chosen his path and she is prepared to follow up against the threat.
    Only there is no need to dodge as an axe comes flying, keeping the black mass from being sent her way. The other man comes out, the one he'd called Father. Feuding family. Of the superpowered variety, no doubt. She keeps that Glock leveled on the being, about to take her shot when the other figure returns. The ground shakes under her feet but she holds her aim steady.
    Until she sees who it is. A string of curses, all in Russian so perhaps it won't be as obvious they are such, fall from her lips. She knows who he is. Who he is other than John Aaron.
    Olympian. Son.
    She takes the shot, aiming for that unarmored leg on Phobos but making sure her angle is such that a ricochet will not harm civilians. After all, he's apparently a god.

Singh has posed:
Ginger Singh looks at the man, "Yes there is some shit going on over there. If you do not back up, that shit could make its way over here! I am pretty sure you don't want the type of splitting headache that big freaking Axe would give ya. So, Step. Back. For your own safety."

The new Agent is actually maintaining her composure fairly well. At least she hasn't whiplashed anyone with her arms and stuff. The girl hasn't even touched her gun. She is simply trying to wall people off. So far its working.

Atlee (1034) has posed:
    With a bit of wiggling, Terra successfully gets her boots on, then rolls up to a crouch as she pulls on her gloves.

As she does so, the ground rumbles a bit, before the section of pavement she's standing on cracks, then flies up in rough cubical blocks, trailing dirt, as smaller pieces of rock start orbiting around her.

    "I do not agree with anyone dying." Terra says, a larger chunk of pavement rising up under her as it lifts off. "And the lady with the potty mouth is very much correct, you should all run away right now! It's dangerous!" she calls to the rubberneckers.

    Followed by bringing her hands forward as four chunks of rock, each at least a good 400lbs, go shooting forward, attempting to slam into the taller armored figure's legs.

    Mostly because he went on about the killing and dying!

    Though a part of her is thinking. "Wait, media has taught me that when it's a father and son fight, the big guy in black armor should be the father! And light swords!"

Ares has posed:
    Black Widow opens fire and the rounds hit home cleanly, but there are small bursts of sparks as the rounds careen off the figure, the little flashes of light seeming to come from about one inch off of Phobos' skin. Yet it serves to draw his attention and his ire.
    The crowd starts to believe her as things begin to heat up and then there's the bullet fire... and that gets everyone turned and running away. Strange how seeing giant armoured beings fighting is kind of neat and scary, while bullets firing is just plain scary. But it has the effect Ginger's assuredly looking for as pretty soon she's the last person there, even the guy who had mouthed off to her is in full flight.
    "You are a failure. I will leave you alive long enough to watch as I burn this city." And almost dismissively he sends a flash of lightning towards Widow, the lance of electricity seeming to bounce back and forth between several cars before it leaps towards the redheaded woman, the power of it crackling loudly as it closes the distance.
    But then four large chunks of rock hurtle towards Phobos, for a moment darkening him in shadow as she blocks the light of the moon. They come careening in while he holds his gauntlet forwards. But at the last moment he turns his head to the side, raising his other hand and arresting the flight of those rocks at him. The helmet twists into a sarling face, the metal seeming to flow and shape around the God of Fear's head as he roars, "You dare! Why do they fight for you, father Why!"
    There's a sudden rush of armored feet, John breaking into a run even as Phobos continues the stream of lightning trying to track and connect with the moving Widow. Only for John to /skiiiiid/ into the way, a large black fire flashing to life on his arm and causing a shield of some size to appear in the way. There's another flash of light and flame, but it serves to break the flow of the lightning.
    Over his shoulder John calls, "You there!" Terra most likely, "Keep the pressure on him. Widow, to me!" It seems as if the closest safest place might very well be behind that overly large shield and the man who wields it.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
    Already she was moving, the Glock back in the holster like it was never drawn. She leaps, going into a rolling dive to keep clear of that blast. She comes up in a crouch, watching the rocks stop even as the bullets had failed. Then she has to move again as that dark lightning continues to dance after her.
    How did one take down a god? She really should've paid more attention to mythology. Asgardian and Olympian to be specific but she's willing to branch out to every other one out there if she makes it through this one.
    At the call from John, she changes her direction as she breaks out the tonfas from her gauntlets. The batons are extended with a flick of the wrist, handles in her hand, the length along her forearms so that when she goes in hand-to-hand, she'll have the extra strength to protect her bones. "Tell me how to take him down," she says to the God of War as she ends up at his side behind that shield.

Singh has posed:
As the people clear out, The newbie Agent turns around. She sees the combat going down and she is itching to get into the frey. She looks around and then starts circling. She finally draws her pistol and is looking for a shot. "Romanova! We're clear. Where do you want me?"

The girl is looking for a weakness. Somewhere that could be a good place to shoot. She takes a shot or two at Phobos' Legs. If Romanova's gunshot didn't hurt it, why is she shooting?

Atlee (1034) has posed:
    Terra isn't entirely sure what this fight is about, but the shorter man is NOT shouting for people to die and interposed himself to help the redhead, while the big guy is now talking about burning down the city. So really, an easy choice there. She nods to Ares, then focuses as the ground shakes, before a huge rocky three fingered hand rises up from the ground, surging upwards, then coming down in a hard smash towards the taller god as it tries to grab hold of him. "I'll do my best!" Terra says, getting a determined look. The others seem to be good shots, maybe if she holds him still they'll be able to get past his defenses!

Ares has posed:
    Over his shoulder as the lightning continues to dance up and down that large scutum, John murmurs, "If only it were that easy." But then he winces as a blast of that lightning strikes his already injured shoulder. Then, louder, he lifts his voice. "At my word flank him!" As to who he's shouting that to, it's probably not entirely clear and there's no time to ask for clarification as he's already up and running, his sword held behind him and to the side, bracing against the shield and charging towards Phobos. "Now!"
    "They will ever fail you, father! As you failed me!" The tall armored monstrosity laughs, a hideous thing that sounds like the guts of two wolves threaded across a horrid hellish violin. But then there's the SPAK-SPARK! of rounds impacting against his shield and he rounds towards Ginger, "You throw away your lives!" And with an almost negligible gesture sends a shock of lightning her way. Just a small bolt as suddenly...
    A giant fist reaches up and grabs his legs. It causes Phobos to stumble, more sparks and flickers of lightning spattering to life around each place the giant hand grasps at him, small chunks of it beginning to blow apart.
    But it gives John enough time to leap into the air and to bring his sword crashing down upon Phobos' pauldron, the piece of armor crackling and splitting.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
    It's a good day to die.
    "Agent Singh, keep him distracted. Go for the openings in his shield!" Even if the bullets aren't hitting yet, they might with the explosion caused from the earth attacking Phobos. She can hope. As she is calling her commands, she is heading into the battle. The man is using lightning so her Bites are probably going to be ineffective. She has a few more toys and she plans to utilize every one she needs to.
    She closes the distance, sliding to the opposite side from where John has attacked, knowing that giving more targets is the better strategy. She just can't let herself get hit. She brings up her arm, a soft 'tnk' sound and a canister hits Phobos right in the face. Well, right in the shield probably over his face. It explodes into a cloud of tear gas. Maybe it'll work on a god, maybe not. Might be helpful if he couldn't see to fight.

Singh has posed:
A few more shots ring out when suddenly, LIGHTNING! Singh doesn't even get a chance to dodge the attack. There is a clear burn mark through her clothing. She blinks a few times and then... KerPLOP!

Ginger literally melts into a puddle. That puddle begins rolling towards Phobos. As soon as she is in range, she begins reforming herself a little, wrapping around his legs and trying to weave around his legs in an attempt to get him to trip. The girl's clothing is on the ground but, not like she is taking a human shape at the moment.

Atlee (1034) has posed:

    Terra does NOT approve of melting people either!

    When the puddle swirls up, however, she blinks, then gets an idea that this may not exactly be how it looked. Whew. She would yell to be careful, but these are OBVIOUSLY heroes of some sort. Therefore she can ignore the obvious.

    "Try to trip him, I will knock him down!"' she calls to the others, then leaps off the huge rock she's been standing on, landing in a crouch, then bringing up both hands together and pushing.

    The massive boulder, tons in weight at the least, spins, then shoots forward, aimed at Phobos' head and chest, aiming high to avoid those going low.

Ares has posed:
    The gas cylinder strikes and bursts into that haze of vapor rushing out to obscure the air around the eight foot tall armoured creature. Small bits of the gas seem to mark out little openings in that shield, small openings that surge and roil around an inch away from the creature's form, definitely showing that its defenses are rent and torn. But it is not enough to fell it, or even get it to slow down as it brings a fist around and /smashes/ it into the shield that John raises in defense.
    There's another crackle of energy around them, and Phobos snarls. "You are all insects." And as he speaks, those looking at him will see his mask, his helm, his very body seeming to twist and contort, growing spinier and gruesome, like some sort of creature that man should never witness. It's in that same moment that the ground seems to sway and gape, as if the world threatened to swallow everyone up with no hint of remorse. The sky above roils, shadows blurring out the night sky as illusory shapes threaten to dive and torment each being that dares set eyes on the God of Fear, whose very visage in this way has driven mortals to madness, to the cowardly to rip their eyes from their sockets, and even the brave to a moment of hesitation.
    Yet Phobos continues to speak, even as it finds its footing befouled all the more by the creature beneath him, the rock trying to hold him. "Once you are dead, father. I will take the skin of that mortal child you hold so dear." A great sword appears in his hand, a dark thing with a skull rampant along the pommel and claws for a crossguard. "I will make my banner from his flesh, and my grandfather will cheer me for it."
    The sword comes down on John's shield and the barrier fractures, a piece skittering away into the debris... even as that giant boulder /CRASHES/ into his chest. With his legs befouled and partially pinned, there is no give in his stance. He finds himself falling, one arm reaching back to catch him, lightning shooting out in all directions from where he touches the ground.
    It's a small window, a small chance. The former God of War throws his shield free to the side, and then takes the gladius in both hands. He falls upon his son with his knee pressing into his chest. All through this night and day he had been asking for him to yield, but no longer.
    "No, father. Wait. Wai--!"
    The voice is cut off sharply.
    The lightning is silenced.
    And the feeling of rampant fear is no longer there to torment them.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
    As the God of Fear breaks out all stops, Natasha freezes. In battle. Suddenly everything has shifted for her, her past there in the present and her mind fracturing upon seeing that visage. She isn't moving, isn't fighting. If not for the others, she would be a perfect target.
    The other heroes manage to bring him down, allowing John the moment he needed. The moment to do the unfathomable. To kill his son.
    Then the spell is gone, the fear disappearing as quickly as it appeared. The Black, Widow, the one who is not able to be broken, is trembling slightly as she looks to the fallen figure. Her tonfas are retracted, disappearing as fast as they appeared. Then she wipes her hands down her thighs. Dries the sweat.
    "Is everyone else alright?" she calls to the other two heroes, her voice a little huskier than usual. She moves toward John, her footsteps sure despite how shaken she is internally. She moves to a spot behind and to the left of John. "Ares?" For him her voice is soft, a whisper of worry.

Singh has posed:
The melted girl quickly moves towards her clothing. Slowly she starts to reform herself. Her appearance is a litle odd, like she's barely holding herself together which is the truth at the moment. "I need to cool down and quick. That really heated me up. Never thought I'd melt before." She sighs softly and quickly sheaths her pistol.

"So then, who was that guy and umm this guy too? And umm Earth chick?" She looks rather confused.

Atlee (1034) has posed:
    Even as the rock flies, the transformation of Phobos, the waves of fear, wash over Terra, who staggers, her heart suddenly racing, sweat beading against her skin. She's never felt anything like it, and for a moment, she's taken off guard, quailing, before she grits her teeth, steadying herself. "I...am not...afraid..." she mutters.

    The rock, however, is not affected by fear. So it just goes where she threw it.

    There's that moment where Terra is relieved...and then Ares jumps up and runs him through.

    There's a gasp from Terra as her eyes widen, just staring, a hand covering her mouth. That...that was not supposed to be how you...win these things. She's a little frozen for a moment, before Natasha's question pulls her out of it.

    "I'm...I'm fine." she says slowly. "Is he...?" She glances at Ginger. "...Terra. I am Terra." she corrects, not seeming to mind being the Earth chick. But it's not her proper name!

Ares has posed:
    Rising from the fallen form of Phobos, John Aaron turns and looks at Natasha. For a moment he seems likely to decline, to correct her such a declaration as to who he must be. But instead he just shakes his head. His brown eyes slip to Ginger, and then to the form of Terra. He gives them a small nod, "Thank you for your aid,"
    A few steps are taken to the side and he faces Natalia. A hand lifts to rest on her shoulder as he says levelly, and entirely too calmly... but there is a certain wildness in his eyes that refuses to be suppressed. "I must see to my son," He says, each word spoken slowly as if he were trying to force them forth.
    A small turn is taken as he looks again to the others there. Then back to the Widow. "If I need to answer for what has passed, you know where to find me. I can trust you to tend to this in my absence?" He looks to her to handle the authorities, the questions, the horrendous amount of paperwork that must be generated by such a thing.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
    This time, Natasha isn't hiding behind a mask. Her emotions are there, clear for anyone to see. She feels an empathy for John, knowing this has to be difficult for him. In so many ways. This life was behind him, his choices made to become something else. Not the God of War but a man of peace. She's dragged him from that role in the past but this...it's so wrong. To have to protect one son from another. She knows that the name she used is not the one he identifies with but since they are not alone, she didn't feel she should use John. In battle, they are their titles. It is something they talked about a long time ago over a bottle of vodka.
    She places her hand gently onto his arm, green eyes filled with concern for him. "Go see to your boy. I've got this."
    She'll be writing for a week but she won't have him facing anything for this.

Singh has posed:
Ginger Singh looks over at Natasha as she tries to keep herself together. Her attention goes to Terra, "Alright, A pleasure to meet you Terra. My name is Ginger Singh. I'm an Agent of SHIELD. Nice moves you got going there. I didn't know I could melt like that. That was fun!"

Atlee (1034) has posed:
    Terra cannot help but blink at that. "...you...didn't know you could melt?" she says curiously. She looks back to Ares, getting a more solemn expression. Striking down his son...she can't imagine what that would be like. Even if he seemed so full of hate...but Natasha seems to be comforting him. Perhaps privacy is called for?

    "Oh, yes! I know of SHIELD!" Terra says, looking back to Ginger to give the other two a moment. "Thank you, you have very impressive moves too! I've never met someone who could turn into a puddle before." She holds out a hand as the ground trembles a bit, then the rock, earth, and pavement scattered around the area starts to float back to the hole she took them from, fitting back into place as the ground reseals, the pavement rebuilding itself better than new. Not even a crack!

Ares has posed:
    A nod is given to Natasha as John removes his hand and then starts towards Phobos. A moment passes in quiet reflection, then he lowers his eyes back to the fallen corpse of his son and kneels to lift him in both hands, carrying the immense weight as if it were nothing. He rises and says nothing more, even as debris falls away from the fallen god's legs.
    There is a moment of concentration as the former God of War focuses, and a whorling rip in reality manifests, just a shimmering sheen in the structure of the world that looks as if a person had a flexible mirror and were wavering it in front of them.
    The tall man takes several steps forwards, and then with a faint displacement of air, disappears from view.