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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2017/06/30 |Location=Unknown |Synopsis=Summary needed |Cast of Characters=47, 170 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:47|Jean Grey (47)}} has...")
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Latest revision as of 02:30, 27 October 2017

Date of Scene: 30 June 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Phoenix, 170

Phoenix has posed:
Yesterday was armed men, armored vehicles, and rumors of mutant cures rippling through the student body, all thanks to US Senator Graydon Creed, of New York.

Jean's been out of her office since then, with a stick-figure Jean fishing in a lake taped over the intercom unit beside her door. It is only since today - tonight, really, beneath clear skies - that she's actually been at Breakstone Lake, however, sans boat and rod. Instead, clad in a commemorative Li'l Yachty's Li'l Caribbean Cruise shirt and black capris, she's in lotus pose about two feet off of the ground beside the shore with a pile of small rocks heaped nearby.

Now and again, a stone lifts, turns, and dances for a few seconds-- before sharply whipping towards the Lake, oftimes skipping several times before sinking.

Eva (170) has posed:
Eva has been spotty at best of late. She's been out doing things, training and learning. Getting better acquainted with her abilities and even soaking up some sun in Hawaii. Yup she's been around just not so much around the school. Today though she is coming back. She actually has a stack of chicago deep dish pizzas with her. After all, She's a young adult and the idea of pizza to deal with her crazy metabolism is a great idea.

A streak of silver and with yellow and reddish lightning coming off it comes tearing across the lake, running on top of the water's surface. It comes to a stop revealing, a woman wearing a cowled mask and looking rather impressive. Like a heroine! "Hey Jean. Good to see you! Sorry I've not been around so much."

Phoenix has posed:
An unnatural wave cuts across a skipping stone's path, flicking it on a sure route to the heart of the first tree it meets-- until it comes to an abrupt halt near the shore.

Simultaneously, the rest of the pile - maybe two dozen stones in all - swirls into the air, dispersing into something not unlike an earthen cloud as narrowed green eyes struggle to track the meta tearing across the lake. Her feet hit the ground shortly afterwards; her knees bend, her right fist tucks in close to her hip, and her left index and middle fingers find her temple.

Eva reveals herself a beat before Jean's psyche brushes against the surface of hers-- just enough contact to try and get a broad sense of motives, emotional state, and identity. It's brief, breaking with widening eyes and an inhaled, "Aah!" at the sight of a colorful new costume combined with a familiar mind.

"I mean, I just figured you realized what you'd gotten yourself into," she replies with a small, tight smile as rocks thump all around. It fades as her head cants and her eyes visibly trace never before seen lines. "I know you're the expert, and all, but-- " A broad, up and down gesture. "-- seems a little colorful for creature of the night-hunting, no?" Her gesturing hand briskly, dismissively waves this away, and she takes a step towards the speedster she's still studying. "Where've you-- been?"

Eva (170) has posed:
Eva smiles and shakes her head, "This isn't for hunting. Its for helping people. I sorta ran into a burning building wearing a sports bra and yoga pants. Flash caught a glimpse of it and decided I needed a proper suit if I am going to help people as a hero type."

She breams a little and pulls the mask off her face. "As for where I've been, Well, I've been learning. I know I was lackinf with my training as far as powers go, so I did some learning and was taught a few things. I'm much more confident with my abilities. Plus, Even though I still need to eat crazy amounts, I've been given a few tips on where to go for different foods! I Grabbed some Chicago deep dish if you're interested."

She laughs, "Oh I also got to go to the place where I was born. Got to soak up some sun while I was there. I was born in Hawaii. I figured I don't have a class to teach until next month... Next week actually. So I just wanted to better myself a bit. The nice thing is, I didn't even do any hunting!"

Phoenix has posed:
The beginnings of the explanation earn a sympathetic wince as Jean gets close enough to pull the former(?) huntress in for a quick 'welcome back' hug--

"We generally prefer our staff to let us know when they're gonna go on leave for training."

-- which gradually turns into a longer embrace as Jean just-- sort of-- lingers there as long as Eva allows her to, arms wrapped tight around the costumed educator's shoulders as she stares out over the water.

"Especially if they're gonna come back Flash-branded," she quietly appends. "How was it, going back? Especially considering you not wanting to fall back into old habits-- and, I mean, succeeding, but. Still." She doesn't comment on the pizza. Her nose wrinkled at the offer, but, well-- that may not mean much at the moment. "I mean, obviously, I'm glad it sounds like this sabbatical did you some good."

Eva (170) has posed:
Eva smiles a little, "Forgive me for that. I will remember that for next time." She does accept the hug. Its not exactly something she has had for a long time. "As far as being Flash Branded, I'm not exactly flash branded. Apparently the speedsters like him act as a family and teach each other stuff. He did bring me into that family which is really nice."

She smiles a little. "My parents were on vacation when I was born. I didn't stay there long. I grew up in Independance, Missouri. It was actually nice. It was a chance to think back on times before I was a hunter. Plus, there is something about the Pacific Ocean that just helps relax ya." Something that is noticable is, nothing is happening through that hug. There is no speed change like there had been before.

Phoenix has posed:
"I see a good five or six lightning bolts," Jean gently retorts. "You're at least a 'little' bit Flash-branded."

Once that's said, she - finally - lets go-- of the hug. To grip Eva's shoulders while taking a step back as curious eyes flick over her anew. Inquisitive fingers shift slightly up or down the speedster's arms a couple of times as she talks about Hawaii, before - finally - withdrawing to comb back through red locks.

"So, what, uh-- happened?" she just out and asks as hair is idly maneuvered to fall over a shoulder. "It hasn't been that long-- just how much time did you spend training? What all did you learn?"

Eva (170) has posed:
Eva laughs, "Well, I do tend to be covered in lightning when I run. So lightning was just the motiff of the day. I'll be fine as long as no one calls me Flash girl or anything. Ick!"

She smiles and shrugs, "Well, you see, when I let myself speed up mentally, my perception of time changes. Seconds feel like minutes, Minutes like hours. Hours like days and so on. Between my speed and how my mind works, I can do a lot of training in a short time. As for what I learned, I learned to make vortexes with my arms. I can run at Mach 3. Oh and something I am working on is the ability to phase. Vibrating my molecules at such a speed that I can pass through solid objects."

Phoenix has posed:
"What happens if you get distracted?" Jean wonders as her arms fold across her chest and she begins to slowly circle the speedster.

A ways behind where she was, one of the rocks from her pile begins to rise.

"While you're in a wall, or something, I mean-- are you doing anything to work on your concentration?"

To punctuate this question, the rock goes from zero to roughly a hundred miles per hour, on a collision course with Eva's chest.


"Focus is paramount-- if you're actually gonna be doing superheroics, I don't think I have to tell you, exactly, that things can get chaotic and distracting in a hurry, but-- well, they can. Doesn't matter what your power is--"

If it turns out that Eva isn't paying enough attention, the rock will stop just short of hitting her-- after making a last-moment detour to hover between her eyes. Either way, four more stones leave the ground a beat later.

"-- if you can't keep up with the variables, if you slip-- you die,"


Eva (170) has posed:
Eva is listening and paying close attention. WHen she notes the rock moving. She snickers a little. The thing goes sailing. Its moving pretty good as her body begins accelerating. Lightning arcs around her as she quickly moves onto the other side of Jean.

"Yeah,focus is one of those things I had to learn when it came to learning ritual magic. Sometimes ya gotta use some magic to deal with some monsters." She smiles as more rocks come flying. She quickly begins making small circles with her arms, attempting to catch those rocks in a vortex and stop them from hitting her.

Phoenix has posed:
Eva appears beside Jean, only to be greated by a geyser of grass and sod aimed squarely at her face. Thoughfully, it is packed loosely enough to stain more than sting, intended to keep the former huntress on her toes more than anything else.

"Please don't teach the kids ritual magic," she immediately instructs without actually looking at Eva-- or much of anything, though her eyes are pointed, vaguely, towards the lake. It's just as well that she isn't using them: red locks flutter before her vision and lash around her body as Eva's vortex picks up steam. Instead, it's a feeling that tells her when the filthy fountain scatters upon meeting the stone-scattering vortex, an instinct that guides grass blades in curving arcs around the mutant-- and keenly honed will that sees her responding by bringing a sixth rock into the air to orbit Eva, hovering just beyond the vortex's reach while occasionally threatening to dart in on her from some new angle like a smooth, flat killer bee.

All the while, astral eyes spy across the uppermost layers of Eva's psyche in the hopes of giving Rock no. 6 something like a homing system. The ex-huntress' mind may move quickly enough to make this only somewhat more useful than trying to track her visually, but Jean endeavours to make the stone a persistent annoyance that demands attention, even if she's unlikely to be able to fully predict the other woman's movements.

"Illyana's flowers are bad enough," she mutters as three more rocks lift off and race along zig-zagging, but otherwise unguided trajectories towards Eva. "God only knows what we'd end up with if actual novices..."

Following a brisk headshake, she continues, "Anyway," at a more conversational volume, "Are you gonna be doing superheroics? On a regular basis?"

Eva (170) has posed:
Eva shakes her head, "There are things I know that I will not teach. The magic I know is one of them. There are things that are common, Like dealing with spirits and the occasional vamp. But somethings, I would never want anyone dealing with. A hunter friend of mine, actually warned me about some things as well. Last thing I ever want is to get anyone hurt."

As the vortex fades and the rocks drop, the young speedster snickers. "Cute." Lightning arcs in her eyes as she takes off. Shis moving fast and thinking even faster. She's watching how Jean is moving the rock. She smiles and her body accelerates. Then, with an explosion of speed she goes after the rook, trying to catch it.

" I keep hearing about those flowers. I've not seen them yet." SHe laughs as she keeps running. "Its not something I will let interfere with teaching. I see the two things as equally important. Both will save lives."

Phoenix has posed:
By the time she catches up with Eva's intentions, Jean only has enough time to quickly draw her hands up and silently snap two sets of fingers. This shifts the stone from trying to track and harry the huntress to flipping end over end on a path intended to leave it resting atop Eva's head, still and free for the taking.

The small smile accompanying this gambit doesn't just fade shortly afterwards, it is obliterated as her voice falls into a somber register and she notes, "Just remember that one of them could kill you. Not that you have to stop, or to choose. I know you're responsible, and I know you're smart, and willing to give it your best to look after whatever kids end up in your class-- you wouldn't be able to be you, otherwise. But-- remember. That's all."

Following a sharp, heavy breath, she musters a fresh smile. Sans any further rocks or grass, she holds her hands out towards Eva.

"So. Welcome back-- try to keep the unexplained absences to a reasonable minimum once you're in a classroom, alright?"