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Latest revision as of 02:39, 27 October 2017

Stay on target
Date of Scene: 30 June 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Singh, Peggy Carter

Singh has posed:
Its a nice day outside. A really nice one. Sadly being outside is not on the menu. For a certain new agent, there has not been a single moment's rest. She's been completely and totally busy since she woke up. She's had her butt handed to her. She's had she's been beaten down and shown just how little she knows. Its been brutal. If her body wasn't the way it was, she'd be in the infirmary. Nope, No such luck there. No rest for the powered it seemed.

Now she is at the firing range on board the Triskelion. She has her gear on, Safety glasses, ear protection. All she'd need. At the order, she draws and starts shooting. Her aim is very much lacking. She does hit the human shaped form but nowhere that would actually take them down. Its just very sad.

Peggy Carter has posed:
An Agent moves into the firing range. Her shoulder length dark hair is pulled back into a pony tail and outfit is a classic pant suit - dark blue pinstripe. Her make up is done up, complete with bright red lipstick. Even with ear protection and safety glasses, she somehow manages to look in style. There are a few people in the lanes already, so Peggy slides into the spot next to Ginger.

Prepping her gun with its proper ammo, she sets the base to the rubber on the divider in front of her, eyes studying the shadowy target at the opposite end of the lane. Eyes drift toward Ginger's target, carefully taking in the neat holes in her target without seeing how the woman is standing or aiming. Setting her own gun down on the rubber, she takes a step back to observe Ginger for her next round, movement muffled with the help of both the loud rapport of gunfire and the dark haired woman's ear protection.

Singh has posed:
Ginger Keeps firing. Her stance is wrong. She's holding her breath through the shots. She's afraid to actually shoot the gun. She really has no idea what she is doing. The only other time she's used a gun was when she picked one up during her first op.

The gun empties. She drops the clip and loads another. "Clear." Her gaze is on the target and the precious few holes she actually put into it. "Damn." She shakes her head. "Okay what am I doing wrong? It looks so easy in the movies. What am I supposed to turn the thing sideways like a gangster?" She rolls her eyes.

Peggy Carter has posed:
"You're standing wrong," Peggy tells Ginger from behind her, loud enough for it to carry over the din of gunshot and the noise reduction of ear protectors. Her own arms are crossed in front of her, the British accent easily carrying through. Taking a step forward, she lifts up an eyebrow. "May I?" she asks, a hand extending to offer help. The reach is not for her gun, but to rearrange the woman in order to give her the steadiest base for firing without the recoil messing up her aim.

Taking another step toward the other woman, she smiles. "I believe, you will find, that the less you count on things being like the movies, the easier life will be for you. I am a firm believer in never trusting anything that seems to easy."

Singh has posed:
Ginger Singh nods to the woman. At first touch, Ginger's exposed arms feel odd, Soft but a little rubbery. Almost like handling something that isn't skin. Ginger accepts the aid. She willingly allows herself to be better positioned. "Huh. This feels a little better. Like its more comfortable."

She laughs, "Yeah, By all rights according to the movies I should have gotten super insane abilities and gotten ultra hot or some junk when I had my accident. Guess its better to just ditch tv these days, huh?" She politely comments.

Peggy Carter has posed:
If Peggy is offput by the texture of Ginger's skin, she makes absolutely no mention or recoil of it. In fact, the woman's hands are firm as she starts to position Ginger much like she might a mannequin, but always saying what she is about to do before she does it. "Your arm should be here. Your legs? Here. Your waist? Like this." Her focus is on ensuring the other woman's stability for the time being. "There we are. The important thing is that you do not fear the recoil. It is going to happen no matter what, so either you must compensate for it or weather it." Once finished, she gives a nod of approval when Ginger says that it feels more comfortable.

The statement about the accident is noted, but not commented upon immediately. Instead, she smiles. "It all wishes to give people a universal experience, I believe. However, the simplification of matters tends to annoy me rather than placate." Stepping back a few paces, she gestures with an arm. "Try two shots now, see how this feels."

Singh has posed:
Ginger Singh nods. She takes aim and holds her breath. She attempts to weather the recoil as the the two shots are fired. She does manage to weather them. The result though could be seen as a little odd. The recoil pushes her torso back just a little, causing her to move in a way that human beings aren't supposed to be able to move. The good news though, the two shots are in the chest area. still outside of the target area but definitely much better.

"Okay that wasn't weird at all. Okay I think I can handle this!" She smiles a little, lowers her weapon, safeties and holsters it. She turns and smiles. "Thank you so much. My name is Ginger Singh. I'm a new Agent here

Peggy Carter has posed:
Observation is made in the way that Ginger moves and how that tracks with a usual recoil. Peggy, taking note of this, waits until the shots are fired and the gun lowered before approaching again. Her response is to adapt the technique. "Perhaps it would best if we position your back leg a little more behind, to anticipate the recoil such as that. Your aim was much better, though," she encourages.

The smile is met with one of her own. "A pleasure, Agent Singh." A hand is extended. "Agent Carter. It's always nice to see fresh blood at the firing range. When did you decide to join SHIELD?"

Singh has posed:
Ginger Singh smiles a little and nods, "Thank you." She does as she is told and slids her backleg back. "A little more stable I think." She takes aim and gets a feel for it. She doesn't fire though. "I will warn you though, odds are the recoil will still affect me a bit oddly."

She nods and shakes hands with her, "The pleasure is all mine Agent Carter." She laughs, "Well I decided when I was basically told I either need to join SHIELD or be a medical guinea pig for the rest of my life, as I am technically not human anymore." She shrugs.

Peggy Carter has posed:
"You're welcome," Peggy replies easily. The mention of the recoil effecting her differently is met with the first question she will ask about it, "Howso?" Knowing a person's reflexes and abilities are certainly necessary in learning how to teach someone else to shoot.

The mention of being either a medical guinea pig or joining SHIELD is met with a firm line of her lips and a sigh. "I see. Well, that does not seem as much of a choice to me. However, I hope you shall enjoy your tenure here." A raised eyebrow is given to her. "Technically?"

Singh has posed:
Ginger Singh holsters her pistol and quietly leads Carter outside the room. Its so she can take her ear protection off and glasses as well. Plus so she doesn't have to shout. "I'm an 0-8-4. Not long ago, I was just a regular pizza girl. I was working towards my dream. When the delivery guy couldn't make it to work, I was asked to go on a delivery. It was a huge party. Lots of pies. Nice sized tip too. One of the people there slapped my ass so I decked em. They tried to badmouth me, I told em off, embarrassed him. So he did the only logical thing. He slipped out and proceeded to cut my brake lines. I left and just driving along, next thing I know, my brakes went out and I crashed into STAR Labs."

She frowns a little, "I was coated in chemicals, Altered on a genetic level. My body was fused to a strage polymer. I shouldn't have survived by I did. The result is I am able to stretch my body really far." With a slick move, she whips her arm around her waist pulling it tight. She is promptly squeezed tighter then a corset could.

Peggy Carter has posed:
"I do not know about your rules of debate, but the next logical step to a verbal - or even physical - argument does not involve vehicular manslaughter." Peggy's voice is firm on that, even if Ginger was being sarcastic in her telling of what happened to her. The Agent feels it necessary to state that first and foremost.

The headphone like protectors are down against her shoulders as she listens to Ginger's story with a studied expression. She is not studying Ginger, instead intently listening. "I see," she says. "I don't believe that makes you not a human any more, however - technically or no. The 0-8-4's original designation was for objects not of this Earth...and you are not an object." Her main concern on the matter, however, is, "It is good to know that there is a stretch component. That means you should not weather the recoil, but rather learn to work with it."

Singh has posed:
Ginger Singh nods, "Yeah, I am going to find out who the jerk is and deal with him. As much fun as it would be to pound him into next tuesday, It would be for the best to have him arrested. Sadly I wasn't able to do much and everything has been a complete whirlwind since. Since then I've been either in Hospitals or where SHIELD could keep an eye on me. I figured since everything is different now, I would do what I can to help out. So SHIELD it is.

She snickers a little. "Physically I am exhausted. I've been worked out a lot today and last night I had some Greek god hit me with lightning. I sorta melted. I've been recovering a bit since. It hurt like heck but, I'm not exactly a conductor anymore. The heat though... My body just dropped into a puddle. I was able to wrap the guy up and keep him from moving while this girl whipping chunks of the ground around pelted him with a boat load of dirt. It was a weird night."

Peggy Carter has posed:
"Legally is generally the best policy when applicable," Peggy tells Ginger. She listens and nods as she listens to her condition. Her expression is not exactly sympathetic, but it is attentive. In the time they have been talking, she has had very few expression changes. "I certainly believe SHIELD a worthy cause. I am glad you do, as well."

A buzz is heard and Peggy plucks a phone from her pocket. It's a quick read of a message and she types back. "I hope you feel better, Agent Singh. I must go take care of a case matter. Remember, leg further back and square your hips. Do not fear the recoil. I am sure we will see each other about again. Again, a pleasure to meet you." A hand is offered for a shake and then, she is out the door.