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Questions and Answers
Date of Scene: 03 July 2017
Location: Triskelion, New York City
Synopsis: In which Lois comes to SHIELD looking for answers and just the God to ask questions of shows up with Natasha. Or why May ponders duct taping Darcy's mouth shut.
Cast of Characters: Lois Lane, Darcy Lewis, Melinda May, Black Widow (Romanoff), Ares

Lois Lane has posed:
Something about John Aaron has kicked Lois Lane's reporter instincts into high gear.

Perhaps it was his turn of phrase, the look in his eyes, or a combination of both. Whatever the case may be, the reporter to The Daily Planet started her research. To say it went slow was an understatement. There are /thousands/ of John Aaron's. It only became less so when she started factoring in a child, but still. Thousands went down to hundreds. A vaunting even so.

What she found through the plain old internet was expected. Simple statistics upon the man and child. Nothing that would spur the woman onward, but she still persisted. She trusts her gut and that trust has never led her wrong. As such, Lois Lane started to bounce around the various alphabet agencies, trying to see what can be found. Again, more road blocks than not. One, because she's a reporter, and two, because she's a reporter. Eventually she pulled in one very big gun, even if she's loathe to pull upon familial ties, her father. She asked for an introduction and he produced S.H.I.E.L.D for her.

And that is where we find Lois Lane. A foot in the door to the Triskelion.

Now, let's hope she makes it through the various checkpoints without throttling people. She knows she will, but that doesn't stop the incessant beat of her fingertip as she wades her way through security.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Even front desk security needs paperclips!

Darcy Lewis made her way down to the front lobby with her delivery cart, little cubbies and compartments seperating everything nicely. Each was labeled with a code that with her tablet told her where to go. She rolled up and smiled at the annoyed looking Lois as Security was turned to his computer doing security things.

"Security's a bitch, huh?" she quips, earning a faint but silent glare from Security.

Lois Lane has posed:
Lois Lane made it past the bridge and the fortifications there with a small visitor badged now pinned to the lapel of her jacket. The sight of the rather tall building gives the reporter the smallest of pauses, as her blue-eyed gaze follows the height. Then it's through the doors and inside the lobby, where she's once again stopped. This time by the front desk. More paperwork and red-tape it seems.

So, the reporter waits, the only sign of her impatience being the tilt of her head, a twitch of her mouth. Perhaps even the crossing of her arms. It's as she shifts slightly from one foot to the other that suddenly a voice speaks up.

Shifting now, Lois Lane will turn her gaze to Darcy Lewis and her delivery cart. A crooked smile, really smirk, will lift one corner of Lois' mouth upward. "Isn't it. Always playing the hurry up and wait game." A hand will automatically be freed and offered to the young woman, "Lois Lane."

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"Darcy Lewis. Loved your piece a few months ago, the one about the political races?" Darcy offers, pleasantly shaking hands and not seeming bothered by a reporter being here. She too grins, the expression slightly lopsided. Her own badge is visible: Level 5. Administration.

"So, chasin' hot story?" she asks as she finds the bin for this stop.

Lois Lane has posed:
Lois' smirk turns to a more natural smile when Darcy offers her name in return, as well as a compliment for that particular article. "Nice to meet you, Miss Lewis. And thank you. Politics rarely have a voice of reason, I'm glad I can sometimes be that." Says the reporter easily enough, even as her gaze idly drops to her badge.


Well, not necessarily what Lois would have liked to see, but neither is it something so terrible.

Of course, at the mention of chasing a hot story, the dark-haired reporter shrugs a slight roll of her shoulders. "Something like that." And with those words, Lois will switch her attention back to the front desk for a moment. When it's clear they're not yet ready to deal with her, or have no other news, Lois brings her attention back to Darcy. "I'm just trying to 'chase' down a lead on a person of interest."

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"Politics are all sorts of screwball. Ain't no reason to be had there," Darcy quips with a very much the voice of experience tone to her. She smirks further, setting the bin down for Security to look through. No, nothing new for Ms Lane. Darcy waits for Security to review the delivery against the supply request on her tablet and for the obligatory sign off.

"Oooh. Shiny. You chasing someone in SHIELD or hoping SHIELD'll help ya do the chasin?" she asks brightly.

Lois Lane has posed:
A faint snort from the reporter can be heard when Darcy mentions no reason being had in politics. There's a silent sort of agreement from Lois Lane, but that doesn't mean she won't expose all the sheer craziness that can be found within.

Especially when the people need to know the truth.

That second remark of the woman's earns another expression from the reporter; a grin. Specifically at the mention of shiny. Shiny, indeed. "No, not in SHIELD." Lois answers, that grin turning crooked once more, "Otherwise my lips would have stayed sealed." And she wouldn't have said /anything/ to Miss Darcy Lewis. "I'm not one to give hints to people I'm looking into them. It usually ruins the article." Or ruins her chance at a possibly triumphant article. "It's the second, hoping SHIELD will help me trace a person down." And again, a side-eye to the front desk, even though she knows nothing new will be there for her.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"Is that how that works?" Darcy asks, accepting the signed tablet back, and using her stylus to close out the supply request. And to think, when she first started working here, they did this with paper! Darcy can't even.

"I clearly am not all journalistic like you are," Darcy adds with a smirk, setting her tablet in it sholder on the cart.

"So, you're hoping for a meeting with someone in particular?"

Lois Lane has posed:
Journalistic. That's a new one for Lois Lane. And the sentiment behind the word earns a faint snort of amusement from the elder woman. "I like your sense of humor, Miss Lewis." It reminds her of herself in some ways.

The last question earns a shift in stance again, a folding over arms over her chest as she considers what to say.

How much to tell. How much this woman could potentially help her. All of that's taken into consideration, even as the reporter nods. "I wouldn't say anyone in particular, just someone with enough clearance to get me the records I'm looking for." Her head cants to the side, as she continues with, "Your front desk is seeing who's available now. It's better than being foisted off on the PR department. I can't tell you how many times /that/ has happened. Statements are good, but answers to questions are much better." Idly her gaze roams around the lobby, a second, before her eyes return to Darcy. "Have you worked for SHIELD long?"

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"Thanks. I like it too," Darcy quips, red lips grinning broadly as she winks.

"Records, huh? Not it," Darcy states, smiling as she holds her hands up. "Hopefully Security can find a person then maybe or something. I dunno. I'm just the Knockers," she adds, her hands coming down to the handle of her cart.

"A few years," she rolls a shoulder in a shrug, one hand coming up to push her glasses up her nose a bit.

Lois Lane has posed:
A visitor is here at the Triskelion, one Lois Lane, reporter for The Daily Planet.

She called in a favor to get a foot in the door and here she is.

A visitor badge is clipped to the lapel of her jacket and the reporter stands near the front desk within the lobby. She's asked for someone who can help with a 'case', a find a person sort of case.

Near the front desk, Lois Lane and Darcy Lewis can be seen. Darcy with cart and packages and Lois just waiting. Her arms are idly crossed as she chats with the younger woman. Their conversation seems friendly enough, as Lois offers a crooked smile throughout.

Another vague snort of amusement might be heard from the reporter, at Darcy's return about security and records. "Hopefully." She'd rather not burn through anymore favors; especially if her hunch really does turn out to be nothing. Which she knows it won't.

And when Darcy answers that question of how long she's worked here, Lois rolls into the next logical one. "I'd imagine it'd be interesting to work here. Getting to see first hand what's going on -"

Melinda May has posed:
"Watching evil first hand and up close is interesting all right." May's voice is RIGHT next to the two women, and she sounds ever so faintly sarcastic past the deadpan. Darcy should be used to her sneaking up like this by now, if not used to hearing sarcasm. Though maybe she is.

"Agent Lewis?" She prompts the younger agent to give her some intel on who this chatty cathy is.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Darcy was ready for her this time! Mostly. Not really. Darcy jumps only a little as he green eye roll toward May.

"Gah! Why do you always DO that?! Ugh!" Darcy blurts out, getting it clear from her system before answering May's question. Because she trumps Lois.

"Lois Lane, Daily Planet. Looking for someone for a hot story for her news paper... Is it news -paper-? Or blog? 'cause I read 'em both... Do you tweet too? Senator Creed's been a butt about a run in with the Batman... His responses have been furniture royalty stupid."

Lois Lane has posed:
Lois Lane likewise startles when the new voice seemingly speaks out of thin air. And while there's agreement to what Darcy exclaims, Lois Lane only allows her surprise to show in a flinch of her shoulders and the compression of her lips to a thin line. Then her gaze is swinging from Darcy Lewis to Melinda May. That sarcastic retort earns another quirk of her mouth upward, before the reporter extends her hand towards the other woman. "Miss Lewis is correct - Lois Lane, from the Planet." Then it's back to Darcy for a moment, the expression upon Lois' face shifting to something more amused. "And yes, news paper, though we do have a blog and a twitter account." Really twitter accounts, one for each department.

And while the mention of Senator Creed earns a rather dark look from the reporter, there is business to be had here, or so Lois Lane hopes. "I was hoping for some help tracking a person down."

Melinda May has posed:
May shakes Lois' hand, then gestures for them to start walking, probably toward a vacant, close-to-lobby conference room. As she leads them along, she asks Ms. Lane, "Who is this person you're seeking? And why are you wanting to track them down?"

She didn't specifically indicate for Darcy to join them as she's not sure what other tasks the younger agent had been in the middle of, but if she sticks with them May won't say anything.

Lois Lane has posed:
One Lois Lane, ace reporter for The Daily Planet, has found her way into the Triskelion. She's come looking for answers and hopefully she'll find them.

Without hopefully burning too many bridges.

Either way, the reporter was standing near Agent Lewis and Agent May, but now the trio is moving thanks to a gesture to move from Melinda May.

At the gesture to follow Lois Lane dutifully does just that. She's been around these sorts of agencies long enough to know what to do and what not to.

Cavorting off willy-nilly will only get her in trouble. And while trouble never bothered her, today Lois Lane would rather not be locked up under any sort of suspicion. Not when she reached out to her /father/ for this particular foot in the door.

"Thank you, Agent -" A slight pause there, to see if May offers her name. And even if she doesn't, Lois will continue smoothly onward, "And I'm looking for some information on a man by the name of John Aaron." Begins the reporter, her gaze split between May, Darcy and the route they're taking. "What I could immediately find myself seemed credible, but when I dug a little deeper I found a few oddities."

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
    There are many strange beings that come through the doors of the Triskelion. Humans, mutants, aliens, magical beings. It's the nature of the organization. There is a WAND office within the building which adds to the wide variety of beings who visit. That being the case, the pair that come in the entry are not likely to cause any sort of stir normally.
    Natasha opens the door. She holds it with one hand, nodding to the man she is escorting as she takes him by the elbow to guide him inside. Once within, she takes a quick glance around as is her habit. It never does to enter a room without scanning the goings-on. She doesn't believe anything will be amiss but one never knows. She's wearing her work uniform, the one she prefers. A black bodysuit, wristbands in place, a pair of holsters strapped to her thighs with Glocks resting in them. Seeing the lobby is business as usual, she looks up--way up--at the man with her. He's handcuffed behind his back although she would have preferred to put those cuffs in the front. It wouldn't do though because that was not proper procedure and they are going into the home of SHIELD so procedure was very important.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Noting that May is leading them to a conferecne room of sorts, Darcy makes mental notes on what to prep when they arrive since pushing her office supply delivery cart means she can't really slip ahead of them to get the conference room ready. Darcy will just have to when they get there. May likes tea. Reporters like.... coffee? She's guesing on that one.

Walking behind them, then, Darcy listens and uses her stylus to active her tablet one handed, starting a SHIELD search on one John Aaron.

Ares has posed:
    Then through those doors emerges the tall man, being led by the arm by the Black Widow. His features are mildly twisted, the corner of his mouth turned into a moderate glower that makes his brow furrow just enough to give that subtle feeling of a smouldering sizzling anger that is just burbling beneath the surface. He's a good foot and change taller than the small woman, and seems like he'd weigh several times her. But he seems at ease with her leading him forth at the least if not with the general situation. His own dark brown eyes flick from one point in the room to the next, eyes finding eyes, finding threats.
    Behind him comes a pair of armed guards with their assault weapons drawn and held across their chest. They, however, most likely seem much more nervous.

Melinda May has posed:
May glances at Darcy, and seeing her already starting the search on her tablet, simply nods. "Why are you searching for this individual?" She glances at Lois as she walks and sees Natasha leading a veritable mountain of a man through the entry. She quirks an eyebrow toward the redhead questioningly, her eyes flicking toward the man and back to Nat. And then, after that single second has passed, her attention is back on Lois.

Lois Lane has posed:
May's question isn't unexpected. In fact, Lois Lane has considered what sort of answer to give. Most people do not like it when she mentions guts or instincts, even if both are currently kicking her quite hard.

And while the reporter was just about to give her 'pat' answer, as it were, all Lois can manage to get out is, "It has to do -".

- with a story. A story that is no where near finished, or even fully formed yet. And while more should have been said, Lois Lane's words trail off, as her gaze automatically shifts towards the door when she notices May looking over and away.

It's part of who Lois Lane is, curious and attentive, always attentive to the situation around herself. It's what makes her a great reporter and has often kept her out of terrible trouble. So, when her gaze looks toward Natasha and John Aaron, she can't quite help the widening of her eyes. In fact, Lois Lane's steps pause with her surprise, as she stares at the man she came here to ask about. "This is going to sound incredibly melodramatic -" States the reporter to Darcy and May, a wry tone beginning to bleed into her voice, "- But that's him. Right over there."

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
    She is not happy about this. Natasha is actually doing this because she wanted to be a buffer. For John. For the agents who would've been forced to deal with him to bring him in. She'd rather their armed escort be anywhere but there yet there was no help for it. Her grip on his elbow is light. Not really so much holding as she would with a typical suspect. She's just guiding him so that it looks like he's under her control. They both know the truth.
    But May is observant. She will pick up on it. As Natasha catches the glance, there will be a microexpression reply, letting May know she is not happy about this situation then a shift to clarify that it is well in hand. Her problem isn't with the man in handcuffs. It's with having to put him in them.
    She leads him across the lobby, her boots quiet thanks to their soles. They are heading in the direction of the security wing.

Ares has posed:
    That tall fellow continues on the path given to him by the Widow, his footsteps without hesitation and the manner in which he observes his surroundings is so far from what one would expect of a prisoner that it's almost as if /he/ were the one looking upon his kingdom, and everyone else was there to pay him tribute, of course.
    Of course that illusion is given the lie by his arms behind his back and then if one were to look close they might even catch the single moment he shoots a sidelong glance at Natalia and offers her a subtle shrug, as if absolving her from what responsibility. But then he looks back across the room and that's the moment his grim-eyed gaze falls upon Lois Lane heavily.
    The look they share is brief. His eyes narrowing slightly and the corner of his lip twisting wry. Only those close to him would hear the short grunt of exhalation that might sound like a rumbling low growl of a 'heh'.
    But any momentary connection is disrupted by one of the sentries clearing his throat to get John moving again. To his credit, the tall man gives a single nod in response, accepting that this is his lot. For now.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
What Darcy found was a bit surprising. Possible communist asset, worked with Black Widow, went silent in 1984... Her head tilts faintly at the information and so when Lois declares that her mark was 'that dude over tehre', Darcy looks up. It doesnt' take much to follow Lois' gaze to the line backer being led in by Agent Romanova.

A blink.

Darcy gives May a nod, confirming that SHIELD has info on the man Lois was askign baout AND that he is indeed That Dude Over There. Then the tablet, with John's info on it, all that she could pull up with her level five clearance log in, is handed over to May for review.

Melinda May has posed:
May stops at Lane's words, her eyes going to Lewis for confirmation. Seriously? She then looks from Lois back over toward Natasha and her 'collar'. Taking the tablet from Darcy's hands, she studies the man for a full second, and then with a small tilt of her head checks to see if Romanova is okay with her little group following to Security. It's ... not standard procedure, not by any stretch, but maybe they can handle both situations simultaneously. And, May can lead Lane that way slowly enough to give Nat and Aaron a good bit of a head start.

She glances down at the tablet and, yup, that's him all right. "Well then, shall we?" She offers the tablet back to Darcy and changes their path to follow the others toward Security. One thing's for sure, she has every intention of protecting BOTH Lane and Aaron. From each other.

Lois Lane has posed:
It doesn't take long for Lois Lane's surprise to end and when it does there's a narrowing of her eyes, as the wheels begin to turn. "What a funny coincidence." She states, then, "Isn't it?" Though that question is completely rhetorical in nature. Lois Lane doesn't believe in coincidences, only in opportunities and this one is now a /huge/ opportunity for the reporter. She just has to play her cards right.

When her gaze meets John, Lois can't quite help the raising of her eyebrows in response to his narrowed eyes. Her silent message simply stating - 'I knew it'. She knew something was here. Now with this proverbial proof, Lois need only tease it out.

Her gaze only returns to May and Darcy when Ares and Natasha are moving again. The look upon her face might be more fit for a cat, as her expression holds a definite caught /the/ canary look to it. And while she was just going to offer something witty - something along the lines of having it on good authority that they do have information on John Aaron - those words stall when May changes course to follow. "Yes, please." States the reporter, even as her gaze cuts back to the red-haired agent and her prize.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
    The pair continue onward, not aware of the goings-on in the little group with the reporter. Natasha is picking up on the body language and she hears John's reaction but she doesn't let anything show as she reaches the security wing. The hallways are bare, designed for utility and not style. There are various rooms that lead off to the sides. Some are for interrogation. Some are for observation. There is another section that is for holding prisoners, including those of the metahuman variety. That is not her destination. She goes to the first interrogation room, opening the door.
    Inside there is a single table. It is made of metal and bolted to the floor. Two uncomfortable looking chairs are on opposite sides of it. Natasha leads John to one of them then speaks for the first time since they arrived. "Please, sit." Rather polite for her.

Ares has posed:
    Eyes forward, footsteps even. The incognito Olympian advances without a second glance for those who fall into step behind their current entourage. His eyes did light briefly on Darcy and Melinda as they passed, but then it was back to the procession. He did take a moment, however, to turn his head lightly to the side, causing the bones in his neck to crackle with the sound of aerated cartilage.
    It's when they head into the security wing that his brow knits, his eyes finding a passing clock high up on the wall. He turns his head and tells Natasha simply, curtly. "I would like to call Alexander at three, if possible." His voice is this deep rumbling baritone, and the pacing of his words are somehow ritualistic, as if the rhythm was important.
    But it is then that he is moved into that side room. He looks to the table, the chairs. Moving towards the far one he pauses beside it as the two guards step to relieve him of the cuffs, but not before shooting a small nervous look towards the Widow.
    Once freed he takes the seat and then rests his hands upon the tabletop, fingers interlaced and his eyes on the far mirror that assuredly grants some the chance to observe him unseen.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Darcy takes her tablet and then lifts her brows at May, silently questioning: Are we REALLY taking a reporter into the security containment area with Widow?

But that was the only hesitation, because this is May. Also because May, Lewis parks her supply cart just outside the hallway leading to the Security wing of the Triskelion and then moves to pick up the rear of the odd trio, making a SHIELD sandwich of Lois Lane.

Is Darcy packing her tazer? Of course she is!

Melinda May has posed:
Yes, Lewis, they're taking a reporter into security containment. It still remains to be seen which of the two will end up behind bars, after all. And it will be up to May and Romanova to decide which, if either of them. She leads her little entourage past the security checkpoint and to that first interrogation room.

"A word before we step inside, Ms. Lane. This is //not// standard procedure. So it would be in your best interest to be as thoughtful of your words as you can." Then, she knocks twice before opening the door to let the others in.

Lois Lane has posed:
There won't be any need for a tazer. Lois Lane follows just where May leads. Again, playing the game. She's also quite aware why she's stuck right in the middle. Easier to make sure she doesn't just wander off and get 'lost'.

She's probably used that excuse far too many times. It's expected of her now.

May's warning brings Lois' attention back to the elder Agent. It earns a nod from the reporter, "Of course, I completely understand.", which she does, and she'll heed the underlying warning that accompanies those words.

Not that it quells any of the questions she wants /ask/ of John Aaron. As it is, the reporter will simply turn her expression to something more opaque and serious while May knocks upon the door, waits a beat, then opens it. Those who know Lois Lane or who are very good at reading body language might notice the twitch of surprise, having not expected to be allowed inside the /room/. With such an opportunity, Lois is hardly one to shy away and so, steps through the door with head high, gaze sharp.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
    She had been aware of their followers. However, Natasha had not expected the door to be knocked on. She arches a brow in the direction of John then faces the door, automatically putting her body between his and whoever is on the other side. When it opens, she flicks her gaze over each of the others as they enter. To say this is highly unusual would be an understatement. She gives May a momentary glance, a multitude of questions going between the pair without anyone being the wiser. Why in the world is a reporter being brought into her interrogation?
    Her gaze shifts to Lois, green eyes going as cold as Siberia in winter. Her arms fold over her chest and she waits for some explanation. May has a reason. Natasha just doesn't know what it is yet. Hostility is coming off her in waves as he remains in that position, protecting her charge.

Ares has posed:
    Curiously, John is much as Lois may have remembered him. Jeans, sneakers, black t-shirt, and an entirely too fashionable brown leather jacket. And upon her arrival he looks up and eyes Lois' entry, then spares a glance towards the window behind them. He looks back to her and slowly, very slooowly, John's smile grows. It's as if the gears turned in his head and he seems to grow some measure of understanding on the situation.
    "Ms. Lane," He meets her gaze levelly and then asks, "What will make you go away?"
    His head turns to the side slightly, as if trying to get another angle on the reporter. "You realize what you risk here? If I confide in you details that are not entirely positive for those here you might very well be detained."
    But then he looks towards Natasha and furrows his brow, "Or am I to relate what passed to both of you?"

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Bringing up the kaboose is something Darcy is very familiar with. It's her favorite position, Kaboose. Does it matter that even in her own head Darcy may not spell that word right? Of course not! She just like having first crack at the Jammer.

As the group moves into the interrogation room, Darcy glances once at May, and then Romanova, and then just stays quiet. For now.

What does it take to make the Nosiest Reporter on the Planet go away? This is akin to askign how many licks it takes to get tot he center of a Tootsie Roll Tootsie Pop.

Melinda May has posed:
May is very much aware of Natasha's displeasure, but her return glance including a flick of her eyes toward Lois indicates that she's wanting answers from/about the reporter as well. Hopefully the chance to pick apart a reporter known to be overly nosey will appease Romanova. Because Lane still hasn't answered her original question: why she was trying to locate this man in the first place.

Lois Lane has posed:
The hostility coming from Natasha is not a complete unknown or unexpected. Lois Lane has been around this block plenty of times. If she ran away from anyone who showed her the slightest bit of irritation she'd never have made it as far as she has.

But that doesn't mean she'll purposely antagonize Natasha Romanova, no, instead Lois Lane only offers a nod in greeting to the red head.

It's John's voice that will pull the reporter's gaze away from the angry agent and to the only man in the room. A dark eyebrow rises upward at his initial question, and while it earns another look to Natasha, May and Darcy, Lois will answer that question of his. Which might appease some of May's suspicion, hopefully, possibly - maybe. "Answers will make me go away."

His next statement, however, causes the reporter to offer a crooked smile, "It wouldn't be the first time I've been detained and it probably won't be the last. Which is not in any way shape or form saying I'm looking to be trapped within SHIELD for days on end." That's more for the agents than John. A disclaimer of intent, if you will.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
    Natasha mutters something low in Russian as she sees the crooked smile and hears the nonchalant atttitude. At least, that's how she takes it even though it isn't what was meant. It is said loud enough to be heard by the others. The words are in Russian. They are not polite. She looks from John to Lois and back. "You don't have to respond to her if you don't want to, Mr. Aaron. She holds no power here." Then she turns fully on Lois again, eyes narrowed.
    "Agent May is willing to allow you access to him. I am not. This is my show. You convince me why I should and I may let you speak to him directly. And I'll give you one warning, Ms. Lane. Don't lie to me. I will know it, no matter how good you think you are."
    It's not an empty threat. It's part of her skill set and one that comes into play with being one of the top spies on the planet. Every nuance, every shift, every tell that the woman doesn't even know she has are like blazing neon signs to the Black Widow.

Ares has posed:
    Curiously for a moment John looks towards Natasha as if intrigued by her reactions to such words. Then at the offhanded comment he gives a small grunt and turns to look back towards the reporter. But the glance is all that is needed, and despite her visible displeasure, John does not seem as riled despite his current status of being detained.
    Yet when Lois speaks the man's eyes meet hers. There's something in the depths of his attention, something that is watching and wary but also measuring the manner of this woman.
    A turn to the side, his head lowering a little, it's almost as if there were some distant echo he was listening to. And then he straightens, "Very well then, Ms. Lane. Ask what you will." He looks towards Natasha and perhaps sensing something in her words he says quietly. "The time for my secrets is past. I would but wish for you..." He looks towards Lois and says, "To understand that I have one desire. To ensure the safety of my son."

Melinda May has posed:
After everyone's in the room, May closes the door behind them and stands against the wall next to the door. She lets Natasha set the ground rules since this is technically her turf at the moment, even though she's ready to also step between the reporter and the large man if need be. She suspects, from the initial words here, that if anyone is going to need protecting, it'll be Aaron.

She's okay with that. Natasha's Russian curses to not go unnoticed, but May only knows they're curses, not precisely what they mean.

Lois Lane has posed:
The Russian words flow over Lois Lane's head. She only knows so much and what Natasha said was an unknown. It's, however, the woman's words that cause Lois to focus upon the Agent. The sharpness of the red-head's gaze is seen, heard and felt, and while other people might shrink beneath it, Lois doesn't. At least not outwardly, perhaps within her micro-expression she feels a tension now, knowing she walks a tight-rope now within SHIELD HQ.

As such, the majority of the reporter's pretenses are dropped. "The Agent is right - I don't have any power here." Admits Lois Lane, even as she offers the only answer she can to what the Widow says.

"I'm here for the truth. Of who you really are." She'll finally say to both Natasha and John and there's no lie there. "I rely heavily on my gut, instincts if you will, and after meeting Mr. Aaron at a memorial something seemed off." Her gaze turns to John now, a black eyebrow being raised, "A bit of how you phrased things and your mannerisms in general." She shares, just in case John would like to know what triggered Lois' interest in him. "It made me curious enough to look into you."

"What I found initially seemed credible enough -" Which echoes what she told May, "- But when I had a source at another agency start looking I saw he was once considered a Communist asset." And it snowballed from there which is left unspoken. Lois Lane isn't a person who can leave a puzzle alone. It has to be completed. All of it.

At John's words, Lois will turn her gaze back to him. "I know most in this room aren't necessarily a fan of reporters, or hold them in high regard, but I personally would have never brought your son into this, and will not, Mr. Aaron. You have my word on that."

And then, because it has to be asked, especially with all that has been said, Lois Lane ends with, "Who are you really?"

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
    A read of the reporter shows truth but Natasha is still on the verge of throwing her out of the room. She listens to the explanation of what was found, a frown actually appearing on her face. Whoever that leak is, she will find them. She does not appreciate her history being shared. Sure, it's John's history but it is hers as well though that hasn't been mentioned.
    And because John asked it of her, Natasha gives him what he wanted. Not a revelation of his secrets. Those are his to share or not share. She gives him her silence, holding her tongue and giving him his time with the reporter. She never moves, doesn't budge and her posture remains shut off from everyone in the room.

Ares has posed:
    There had to have been an accounting. John knew this the moment matters snowballed out of control when it started. And the way it ended was witnessed by one of the people in the room. But now, now is when one must be held responsible for what has passed, and for ages upon ages, the man known as John Aaron had been free of such niggling details about the world.
    He takes a breath and eyes the others there, crinkling his nose slightly. But then with another grunt of a quiet laugh he shakes his head and proceeds. "Two hundred and five years ago I turned my back on my family. They are beings of power, both of this world and of not. You know of them as Zeus, Hera, Athena. I was known as Ares."
    There's a brief moment as if expecting to be interrupted, some interjection. But if there is none he continues, "I walked the earth as a mortal during this time. My path led many places. But ten years ago I gained a son. His name is Alexander. I chose then to settle down as I could and raise him. I had been avoiding my family as best as I could, for they would think poorly of his existence. One of them discovered my presence and chose that time to attack."
    He looks towards Natasha, "It was he, Phobos, who chose to make this attack and whom I faced for..." His brow furrows as he considers the hours that passed, the time. "27 hours. Eventually he threatened my son, and with the aid of the Widow and a few others, I was able to defeat him."
    Then, with a slight smirk on his lips. "May I go now?"

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"Fucking Greek Gods? No shit? What a small-ass fucking word," Darcy blurts out. Because really, the fact that she's been this good and this calm and this quiet for so long had to have been making at least one of the two SHIELD agents in this room nervous.

And then she seems to realize the 'outburst' and she smiles at May and at Natasha, the expression somewhat apologetic. Not to the God in the room and not to the Reporter. But to her co-workers YES.

Darcy presses her red lips together - Shutting Up Now.

Melinda May has posed:
Yes, Darcy's outburst and subsequent apologetic expression earn her a flat look from May. But then she turns her attention back to the man seated at the table. "What are the chances of Phobos returning to try and make good on his threat against your son?" Because whatever Natasha's job might be at any given moment within SHIELD, May's is first and foremost to assess threats, and prepare for them if necessary. And this Phobos person sounds like a BIG threat.

Lois Lane has posed:
Lois Lane isn't one to interrupt. Wait. She is, but in this instance, she's not. Not when the truth is about to be told.

And what a story it is.

For Lois, her expression shifts to surprise, even if she'd rather keep her cool Lane face upon. She wasn't expecting him to admit he was a god, nor admit to the existence of other gods and goddesses. It's enough to cause the reporter a singular moment of surprise. Perhaps not as in depth reaction as someone unaware of powered individuals and all that entails, but for Lois her expression speaks volumes.

Thankfully, Darcy's sudden outburst serves both as nudge, to get her brain back in the game, and possibly a cover-up to her own astonishment. Lois' gaze will automatically switch from Ares, to Darcy, before going back to Ares. While she has her own follow-up questions to ask, Lois doesn't. Not quite yet. Instead she tilts her head towards Melinda, waiting to hear what Ares' answer is to the other woman's question.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
    Natasha's frown disappears as quickly as it appeared. As John explains who, and more importantly, what he is, she moves over to stand beside him. With the question from her fellow agent, Natasha brings her hand to rest lightly on John's shoulder.
    A sign of solidarity.
    A moment of comfort to a friend.
    A line drawn in the sand.
    "Phobos," she says, taking it upon herself to answer teh question. "God of Fear and son of Ares was eliminated. With extreme prejudice. He will never be troubling anyone again."
    Her cold gaze shifts back to Lois. "I believe you should leave the room for the time being. The guards outside will be glad to keep you company."

Ares has posed:
    At Natasha's words, Ares turns his head slightly to the side with a frown marring his features. He looks back towards May and gives a single nod. "When I left, Zeus gave Phobos my mantle... he was seeking to... make sure he would not lose it in the future." That is all he will offer in response to the question then looks after Lois as Natasha moves to have her removed from the room. His eyebrow lifts slightly as he meets her gaze, but no sign of condemnation nor approval is given. Instead he looks down at the table, hands set before him, and awaits what next is to come.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
With Natasha dismissing Lois, Darcy turning to helpfully open the door and let the reporter out so the guards can take charge of her. As she does, there's a glance at May: I stay? I go? What's your call my SO?

Whoa! Darcy's inner monologue did the rhyming thing! Darcy is cool.

Melinda May has posed:
At Natasha's reply May nods, clearly satisfied by that answer. Nat isn't the sort to exaggerate. And, when she says she wants Lois out of the room, May is now more than ready to accomodate her. She straightens away from the wall as Darcy reaches to open the door. "We should return to that conference room, Ms. Lane."

Translation: Interview is over.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
    As soon as they are alone, Natasha turns to John. The concern for him is written on her face. The situation is hard enough. It's going to get worse in the next few hours. The interrogation will begin and now that she's shown her bias, she may not be allowed to handle it. She had already filed her report on the incident in question so it was known everything was self-defense. But SHIELD loves to complicate things. Dredging up for the man the whole episide, that his own son was the culprit who he was forced to kill? That isn't easy and she knows it.
    She doesn't have a lot of friends in this world. She counts him as one of them.
    "You okay, John? Need something to drink before they the bamboo shoots and water torture?"

Ares has posed:
    The tall man shakes his head slightly and then says, "No. I will endure." There's a glance towards the door. "I will answer what is asked of me." Then his brow furrows, "But I do not wish Alexander's life disrupted. Stability is important." He says this as if it were a mantra, for in truth... they have been words he's lived by for years now.
    That having been said he looks towards the far mirror and refolds his hands. "Bring them in."