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Latest revision as of 01:05, 28 October 2017

Weird Tales of the X-Men: Re-Animated! (Next Page)
Date of Scene: 04 July 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Cypher, Juggernaut

Cypher has posed:
There's a restaurant in Salem Center that used to be popular with the X-School crowd, just a little diner that's open late. Only now there's a ruckus going on there, because there's a filthy kid standing there dressed in a rotten funeral suit, with his head tilted to a funny angle, leaning forward and *staring* at the woman behind the counter. Her name tag says 'Edna', and she's backed up against the wall.

(Confusion. Fear.)

"What is... my language?" He tilts his head up again, and then looks down, and his stomach growls, before he turns his head, and looks at the desserts, one of those old-fashioned cakes on a glass rack, and he helps himself to a thick slice of it, before he says, "My language is not here." He walks out, eating the slice, before he stops in the parking lot, and looks at people walking by.

(She is cheating on him and doesn't want to admit it.) (He is contemplating suicide.) (Somewhere on the other side of town, a fire has just broken out in a home.)

The figure stands in the parking lot, and starts to cry, tears running down a dirty face, before he grabs his hair.

Juggernaut has posed:
    Fear and panic are afoot here in Salem Center and for once it's not because The Juggernaut is in town.

Even if his civilian identity was known to the public at large, the physicality he brings even at his most human form, is enough to turn heads and cause the ground to tremble lightly.

He has more in common with a wrecking ball with arms and legs then he does a normal man with his body towering chest up over the next nearest largest individual. A tee shirt bearing the visage of Godzilla on it straining against the massive swell of his torso and muscles and sinew creaking almost audibly as he moves. People pretty much scatter to give his massive figure a wide berth as he makes his way down the sidewalks of Salem Center in search of an old favorite dive with a simple bag of chips gripped in a meaty hand and his ice blue eyes flickering back and forth and paying about as much attention to the people around him as an elephant might give notice to a passing herd of sheep.

That is until the commotion being caused by Doug catches his attention. He swivels his head atop a neck as thick around as some peoples waists, and locks his cool gaze on the youth. His lips curl into a look that somehow manages to merge curiosity with mild annoyance but for now he doesn't approach.

Cypher has posed:
"It's fascinating, isn't it." Another figure says. It's someone tall and slim, wearing a black bodysuit, complete with a high-technology mask modeled on a plague doctor's outfit that makes him look a bit like a plucked black crow, with a sachel slung over one shoulder.

"This is the power of the techno-organic virus. The ability to *cheat* death and rebuild living tissue from the ground up. Poor Douglas here was, near as I can tell, a nobody. A boy with an intriguing but ultimately useless mutant ability who died for Xavier's dream and was ultimately forgotten. But the exposure to the Techno-Organic virus. Ah... that was everything." The figure looks up. "I know you. Cain Marko, the Juggernaut. Don't worry, I'm not here to fight. I've just been observing the reanimated, here, to see what he'd do. He's lost." The masked figure chuckles.

"But I've got what I wanted from him. Think of it." He holds up a vial of blood. "The ability to re-animate the dead. It'll make me a fortune, once I've mastered it. And once I learn to control the T/O virus? So much the better."

"I'm done with Douglas now... so go ahead and smash him into paste, if you want. Nothing of value will be lost. Honestly, looking at him... he'd be better off dead!"

Cypher has posed:
Doug--the boy--turns, and stares at the man in black, tears running down his face and his fingers in his hair.

"You're not-- help me!" He hasn't even noticed the Juggernaut yet. Which is quite a feat.

Juggernaut has posed:
    A full on scow forms now. "Xavier's?" rumbles Cain. His deep bass voice rattling nearby windows and his mood darkening. "Figures. I get this close, come 'home' and immediately there's no escape"

This is muttered mostly to himself and his eyes hood slightly as the dark figure continues his monolog and Cain's mood grows more and more foul by the second. He eventually crumples up the bag of chips he was holding, balling it up into a tiny compact piece of wrapping and his eyes close as he rumbles, "Sounds worth a fortune..that junk you got. To bad you had torture some kid to get it.. Anyway what do I look like, your personal garbage disposal? I've got nothing against this kid. Why expect me to smash him into paste? Just cause he's one of them? Or was? Deal with your own problems."

But Juggernaut is not without some empathy. Perhaps a problem of his on again, off again, alliances with the X-Men and other heroes when the need is absolutely there. There are worse monsters then him and he seems to be speaking with one of them. "Anyway why? You planning something big with this virus of yours?"

Cypher has posed:
The vial gets put back in the bag, and the figure shrugs. "Maybe one day you'll find out." He holds up a hand, and says, "Just remember the name, Reanimator. Like in the movies." He laughs.

"But really... I don't give a crap about the kid." Then he sighs, and laughs. "Ah, my. I get to commit a blasphemy and make a fortune." He hops down from the hood of the car he was sitting on.

Meanwhile, Doug has dropped his hands down to his sides, and he's staring at Cain. There's a baleful red glow in his eyes. Then he finally speaks. "Your language is anger. You seek to demonstrate your strength because you remember feeling weak, and you'll never have a reckoning with the person you truly blame." Then he pauses. "Am I dead? Is this Hell? I just wanted to help--!"

Juggernaut has posed:
    Cain's immense hand twitches slightly as Re-animator speaks again, but he doesn't make any move to interfere or block his attempt at departure. His eyes narrow but then snap open larger and wider as Doug speaks and he turns, refocusing his attention on him once again. His face contorts into a mixture of anger and confusion as he stares at the unfortunate young mutant, "Are you digging in my head??" A few ominous steps that actually rumble the ground and would rattle seismographers takes place as he steps into the parking lot and begins to approach Doug.

It takes a second but he soon remembers Doug's condition and settles his would be outburst down. "Forget it.." he rumbles, "This creep did a number on you. Maybe you better go see Charlie and his goon squad to get straightened out.."

Cypher has posed:
Doug looks up at Juggernaut. "No. I am language. You are language. All is language, and I am everything. You move, you speak, I hear what is really said. You are the Juggernaut and nothing stops you except the memory of your father and you cannot punish him so you punish the world."

"But you are also saying you hurt. That it is not your fault." He puts his hands on the sides of his head again. "The man in black is going to do terrible things."

"Please help me. It's in my head, and it's speaking, telling me I must survive but it is BROKEN--"

Juggernaut has posed:
    "Language knows when to shut up and stop talking so much kid." Cain responds with menace in his tone yet torn between the knowledge that this mutant seemingly can't help it, the truth of his words and the usual reaction he'd take with someone diving into the reality of his issues so brusquely and openly. "What is this a therapy session? You don't know me. Now if you want my help you'll shut up for a second and stop playing Oprah."

He breathes, taking a heavy breath that swells his chest to sizes that envelop Doug in deep shadow before he exhales in a deep sigh. "There's only one person I trust with head stuff though she don't probably know it Why don't you just..go home?"
As he speaks he glances over his shoulder to see what said man in black is up to, "Plenty of heroes around to put that guy in his place. Take care of your own problems right now."

Cypher has posed:
The young man looks down at himself. The rotten funeral suit. "I tried. Home is not home anymore. I could see in my--my father--that they had made their peace with my-my-my-my..." His fingers curl, and doug says, "My death. Home was not home anymore."

The Reanimator is waving, and getting into a gray van. A moment later, and he peels out and drives off into the night.

"I am afraid. They have forgotten me. I cannot hurt them. What is my language?"

He looks up, up, up at the Juggernaut. And then he says, "You feel sorry for me. You think I am pathetic."

"Where is home? Home has moved on. I was dead. I was *dead*!"

Juggernaut has posed:
     Cain moves in, looming over Doug and lowering like a massive tree that has just decided to bend over to peer at something way down near its base. His nostrils flare, gorilla like and his eyes narrow.

"I was stuck in Oblivion itself for..God knows how long, kid. Banished to other dimensions more times then I can count. Stuck in orbit. Stuck underneath the North American tectonic plates. I had to move the damn continent to get out. Took months. I might as well have -been- dead." Cain's voice snaps at Doug like the rolling rumble of thunder heard at a safe distance. "The X-Men know death pretty well. You're alive -now-, right? So do something with it! You're pathetic if you sit here complaining and don't pull it together. I'm trying to help. You got that? The friggen Juggernaut is trying to help you."

There's a heavy pause, broken only by the rumble of Cain's breathing and he then asks, "That guy in black said you were one of Xavier's. Isn't -that- your home? I meant go there."

Cypher has posed:
"Xavier..." Doug's brows knit. He turns, and looks. He knows the way.

"Will they still speak my language?" He turns, and he starts to walk. "The techno-organic virus is in my head. But it's broken. It wants me to live, but it is full of noise. Live. Live. Live."

"I was shot. I died. I live."

"So much NOISE--" He's walking, and talking.

Juggernaut has posed:
    "Hrm.." Cain straightens back up as Doug seems to have something triggered on the inside and begins to pull it together. He folds his huge arms and then shrugs and rumbles, "Well I can't miss a chance to rub in their faces that I just lent them a hand.." he muses and then turns to follow after Doug. "This ought to be interesting.."