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Latest revision as of 01:12, 28 October 2017

True AIM: It's Raining Spies
Date of Scene: 05 July 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Spider-Woman (Drew), Jill Valentine, Captain America, Singh, Iceman

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
It is dark, the moon is a bright waxing crescent, meaning there won't be much moonlight, in other words the perfect night for a commando assault on a jungle island.

The Agents are currently in the back of a Quinjet in stealth mode, flying at extreme altitudes across the Pacific Ocean on its approach to the target island that has been outlined as hosting a possible AIM base on it. The Agents have been provided with high tech stealth parachutes that will render them nearly invisible to radar detection, as well as suitable suits and oxygen masks to protect against the high altitudes as needed.

Standing near the back of the jet is Jessica Drew in her Spider-Woman costume, no parachutes, or oxygen masks, or anything of the sort for her. "Okay, we'll be making the jump in five minutes. Check your buddies, make sure everyone's gear is secure and ready to go. All electronics should be turned off by the time you leave this jet, no radios, gizmos, gadgets, or lexPhones. We can't risk AIM picking up on our approach, and if they do it could mean a laser, or missile, or gods knows what else being shot at you, and your friends."

"Our drop point is the North Beach, as indicated on your maps, our forward agent will be providing a light on the beach, look for the green illumination and home in on it, you don't want to miss your landing, we don't know how many AIM guards are down there." Jessica reaches down to check her watch, "Four Minutes. Captain America will have field command once we land, we will proceed inland to the suspected AIM facility and disable their air defenses so our tactical element can land and secure the facility. Any questions?"

Jill Valentine has posed:
Jill Valentine sits off to the side. Sort of the odd woman out, save for the fact that there are two costumed heroes with them, Jill is the only person there that can be qualified as 'relatively normal' that isn't wearing shield colors. Instead, she's in her usual BSAA trim, despite that the organization is part of SHIELD as a whole- it's somewhat unique, among the others, but it marks her as someone there as an attachment rather than the normal and extranormal agents assigned to this particular endeavor.

When Spider-Woman finishes her dialog, Jill merely shakes her head, a disciplined, calm voice piping up soon after. "No questions." she stated, leaning forward and resting the weight of her upper body on her knees, via her forearms. She is collected- cool to the end, despite that parachuting isn't necessarily her typical method of self-delivery... Much less a HALO. Still, Jill is absolutely no-nonsense on the clock, and is merely waiting for the five minute mark to pass.

Idly, she runs through a final weapons check. The fifth one this trip- one might call her paranoid, or perhaps nervous for passing through both the pistol at the base of her spine and the one on her thigh as if they needed a complete once-over yet again.. But, really, that's just a habit she picked up from an old friend. She spends extra time on the pistol from her thigh-holster, its black metal holding an inscription that by this point is difficult to read. As well, its brown handle bears a worn, scratched logo that few people would recognize, and fewer would understand the significance of. Seems special to her, if nothing else.

Captain America has posed:
     Captain America had been making final adjustments to his gear, a parachute, field items, everything strapped down tight. His shield straps double checked and his grip made firm to its handle. Steve took a moment to walk down the line of Agents, looking at each of them, a confident smile on his face. He proudly wore the colors of Old Glory, and he stood in his suit like a bastion of a time long since past. There were faces he knew, and some that he didn't but this was no time for introductions, and he hardly needed to be introduced.

  "Remember to take your shots should you have one, their tech is very dangerous, and they will not hesitate to take lethal actions. When in doubt, take cover. We'll see you on the other side." The Captain lowered his mask, the trademark A in his forehead. "Spider-Woman." He said, nodding and awaiting the countdown to finish.

Singh has posed:
Ginger Singh is just sitting there quietly. No 'Chute on her back. She doesn't need one. She happens to be testing out a new suit. Its nothing flashy. Completely normal looking for a SHIELD Agent. The difference being the elasticity is designed for her. At her side is her side arm. A few other pieces of gear are on her belt. All in all She is ready to go.

She looks up to Spider-Woman. "No questions." She draws her beretta and ejects the clip. She quickly checks to make sure she's loaded and ejects the one in the chamber. Then she quickly puts that one into the clip and puts the clip back into her pistol and cocks it. "Ready to go."

Her heart is pounding. This is the second op. Her nerves are hidden fairly well. Once she gets into things she'll be fine. "Valentine, Cap. Good luck!"

Iceman has posed:
It was a cold night for Bobby, as he held on to the top of the stealthed Quinjet. Normally one would freeze, or be tore off though Bobby had that covered, not to mention scanning him would be difficult as he would just show up as some ice at high altitute. Cold did not effect Bobby at all as thankfully as he wore his ice form attached to the top of the ship. It was sealed off so it had its own oxygen to keep him going as he just followed them for the ride. When they finally start jumping he waits and watches for that time.

Some might think this is rather dangerous though to Bobby it was another mission though he hated when he had to fly outside the X-Jet it was so much nicer inside. Thankfully he doesn't have any of the listed things that could be detected as he falls though he isn't wearing bright yellow either. The young man was completely covered in ice, though he still looks like an athletic human as he holds on to the top of the plane. He felt a lot of moisture in the air as he just smiles, and watches not knowing it was only four minutes away. His plan is to jump after them, but lead to a slightly different path to watch them from afair. He will give what support he can after he fortifies his area, and if he does his part right they wouldn't even know he was there. Given he would know, and feel better as Widow had given his friend a break so he focuses on what he is doing he had to time this right.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
A light flashes on near the rear ramp, going from red to flashing yellow, a warning that the compartment will be depressurized to patch the high altitude and folks should start their oxygen or other protective measures. A minute later the ramp will start to open and the light starts flashing green, "Thirty seconds." Jessica will call out to the shield agents. A long few seconds later the light will turn solid green, and with that Jessica Drew will just sort of step backwards out of the Quinjet and start to freefall.

Outside of the Quinjet, it is cold, it is dark, and it is breezy, below is the vast ocean, dark waves illuminated bleakly by the thin light of the moon, and a few specks of distant light indicate passing ships and the like off towards the horizon. Down below is the target island, a few islands visible from this height in the vicinity, forming a little chain of islands, and there, on the target island, is a little glow of bioluminescence that gives an extremely faint illumination of the landing sight, though it stands out starkly from this vantage.

Jill Valentine has posed:
Jill Valentine is the first person to jump after Jessica. She may not be traditional SHIELD, but she has the skills required, popping on the oxygen mask and stepping forward out of the back into freefall behind Jessica. She doesn't say anything, there's nothing fancy about it, she just stands up, starting the jump queue, and slips calmly off the back of the ramp.

She falls face first, but the goggles of her mask prevent her eyes from bearing the brunt of the oncoming winds. She clutches her arms to her sides and presses her legs together, like some sort of blue brunette missile pointed directly at Maybe-Bioweapons on the ground. The idea is to get under radar range before presenting any form of profile that can be detected, stealth chutes or not, and as a result, Jill is booking it at typical falling speed. Her eyes narrow and despite the small size of the target, she zones in on it like a hawk, twisting her body just enough that she's pointed directly at it, as if somehow hitting anywhere but -exactly- the mark would be offensive. It was only a matter of time before she'd pull her chute- though she was likely not going to be the first down, judging by the company she's keeping on this particular mission.

Captain America has posed:
     Soon after Spider-Woman and Jill fell out of the quinjet, so did Steve. Diving forward from the hatch, he had spotted something in the distance, he identified the faint glow from their L.Z. Making sure that he was pointed in the right direction as he pointed his feet out, setting his arms to his sides just as Jill had done. Captain America had waited until he was sure of the altitude for radar before he deployed his chute, heading towards that L.Z. getting ready to tuck down for a smooth landing.

Singh has posed:
Ginger Singh shrugs when Cap jumps out. Then, its her turn. She still doesn't put a chute on. Nope. She doesn't wait either. She takes off running out the back and just dives.

Her body rapidly accelerates. She is trying to pick up as much speed as possible just for the fun of it. Its a heck of a free fall. She is just a little off target. She zips past Cap, then Jill then Spider-Woman. The young girl is laughing as she goes. Finally, as the ground is getting a little close for comfort, she cross her arms and grabs her body. With a fast pull her body expands and flattens into a wing suit design. She slows down pretty quick as she corrects her trajectory and lands in the target zone.

Iceman has posed:
As the people start jumping out he grins to himself watching them go.. He waits watching them jump, as he eventually lets go himself falling behind them quietly in the night. He looks like falling large block of ice in a wierd shape plummiting towards the ground. He had practiced this against some goverment anti-mutant side with their radar, he had learned to shape the ice to to scater the detection. This is true until he starts to get closer to the ground when a small slide appears, spinning around in circles as the outer shells starts to melt.

As he finally slides down to the ground away from the group he lands very quietly despite his speed though as he touches the ground he just smiles to himself. The air around here had a great deal of Moisture, and the area where he landed was completly. If there was anyone around him they would be frozen as well, or cameras. He unfortunetly couldn't use their landing zone so had to make his own safe zone a little bit away though away from the obvious goal. He reaches into the ice pulling out a pair of night vission goggles with zoom on them and crouched quietly just another part of the ice on the spot he made. Though he watches, and waits for the others to need his help for now he is just quiet.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Spider-woman lets herself fall most of the way, her glider wings deployed intermittently to both slow and get her the distance she needs to reach the landing zone, with the glider out for most of the final descent, bringing her in for a perfect landing with a little tuck and roll at the end. The alleged recon unit is nowhere in sight, it would seem, and the bio luminescence that led the team in is already rapidly fading.

The North beach is a stretch of sand at the base of a protected cove, rocky cliffs surrounding it on three edges, with water providing a barrier on the northern edge, the tide is coming in as well, and indications from the undercuts at the far end of the beach suggests most of this will be underwater.

"Alright Cap, I'm heading inland to try and meet up with our recon element, radio's on, but emergency traffic only." Spider-woman says to the super soldier, the woman is then off, leaping and jumping, climbing the cliff face with no trouble at all, letting down a rope behind her before she disappears off into the thick jungle beyond, leaving gathering the troops and getting them to move out up to the Captain.

Jill Valentine has posed:
Jill Valentine descends like a bullet for a good portion of the drop. High Altitude, Low Open. It is only when she's completely sure that she can't be detected that she pulls her chute, and even then that's cutting it close to the realm of actually completing the jump without being turned into a Jill Mash. All at once her body twists, legs finding the proper direction towards the ground and head no longer a ground-seeking projectile. With a single, deft motion, she pulls the cord for the chute and braces for the massive, bone-jarring YANK that accompanies its release and catch of air. Properly oriented, Jill's feet land effortlessly on the bioluminescent target some short time after Jessica's do, though she has no roll to accompany, simply a short step-step followed by her quickly wrangling her chute, so that its future-tech can reel it back into where it belongs to be stowed away for the ground teams to recover later.

After a moment's pause, and nothing more, Jill silently readies the black-metaled firearm from her thigh, pulling herself into that tight, pre-weaver stance that signals she's ready for, really, just about anything. Unless it's bulletproof. But she has Cap for that.

Captain America has posed:
     Captain America lands himself on the beach, a bit after Ginger lands. "Roger that Spider-Woman." he answers to Jesica. After tucking and rolling, he disengages the parachute, attaching the Mighty Shield to the harness on his back. "Nice move up there Agent." He offers Ginger in a quieted tone before giving Jill an affirmative thumbs up and waiting for the rest of the troops.

  After everyone had joined up and successfully landed, Cap takes point toward the cliff face, climbing up the rope himself and letting more down on crampons as anchors.

Singh has posed:
Ginger Singh has her pistol drawn before she stands up. Immediately she's looking around. Her body practically snaps back into its normal shape. All in all, things are fine. "Thanks Cap." Her own voice is quiet, just above a whisper. She begins moving quietly looking around for any threats.

As they approach the cliff face, she stretches her arms up to the top and grabs hold of the edge. Then its just a matter of pulling herself up. She does well enough. She does let Cap go first. He is after all the more experienced hero. Still she quickly pulls herself to the top and pulls herself back to normal. She takes a knee and looks around with gun in hand.

Iceman has posed:
Bobby keeps waching as they start moving towards the cliff face. He sighs to himself, and watches them go up through climbing or other methods to scale it. It could be worse a sewer sometimes, or a volcano this was a nice beach though he douted it was this good futher in. He then decides to look up where they are climbing looking for people who might be on overwatch. If he see's anyone he doesn't mess with them too much, but things like open barrels, or frosting over scopes so that it won't be detected until they try to use the weapon. As long as he can see it the difficulty isn't that high, and with these he can see a long ways so was trying to help them incase things went wrong.

After that is done, and they have lead the ways further in he would follow quietly behind giving them plenty of room for now he just watches them. If there are no people he just waits patentinly incase he is needed at a later point. Of course he doesn't know they are meeting up with some people, but if he see's them talking not shooting he could just easier melt the ice.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
The jungle at the top of the cliff is thick, and it takes a little work to blaze a trail through the vegetation, but the group is surely prepared for the trip and makes very good pace through the jungle, especially with the assorted super abilities and strengths and such.

After a short time penetrating the depths, the group of spies come upon a path that runs through the jungle, the ground doesn't suggest that there is heavy foot traffic, but there is a noticeable gap in the trees that runs about eight feet wide and runs left and right, the length hard to tell with various curves and turns.

A low whine can be heard in the distance, coming from somewhere to the right, giving enough forewarning for the SHIELD agents to take action before three yellow suited AIM agents appear, riding atop what can be best described as Hover Segways, zipping along the path. Towards the group.

Jill Valentine has posed:
Jill Valentine has to use a more mundane method than Jessica and Ginger to get up to the top of the cliff. She makes her way to the line offered by the red-clad woman, and attaches her line to it, before lifting her feet off of the ground and pressing them to the wall, letting the small motors in the whinch hoist her up the wall not at a snail's pace, but for safety reasons, not excessively quickly, either. When she's at the top, she pulls herself up over the ridge and begins moving forward, before noise reaches her ears. She's not one of the trackers, nor is she the field commander- so how to proceed is of course up to the Captain.

Her attention flits between the man in glorious colors to the approaching AIM agents, waiting for either some kind of hand signal, or for his shield to bean one of the agents in the skullcap. Either one is sign to engage.

Captain America has posed:
     Captain America equips his shield once everyone had gathered and started towards the jungle. He moved carefully and as quietly as possible, making sure to keep an eye out for any traps or such the folks at AIM would have left for anyone. As the group approaches the clearing, Cap holds up a fist, and signaling to Ginger and Jill to take aim, and for others to get down in cover. Stealth was the priority here, and Cap was aiming to keep things low key for as long as possible. He himself did make a point to ready the shield to throw.

Singh has posed:
Ginger Singh follows along. Things are definitely starting to get a little freaky for her. As they keep moving towards the clearing, Cap gestures to her. She takes a deep breath. Her weapon is raised and the safety switched off. quietly she moves along, keeping a weather eye out for anyone who is coming.

As the AIM guys start closing, she takes aim and breathes deeply. Her finger rests on the trigger, not pulling it yet. She is waiting for the kill order. Her heart is racing as she gets ready to do this.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
When the signal is given the shield goes flying, and the bullets from the ladies fly as well, the shield impacts the lead AIM agent, sending him and his bike careening into the second, while the bullets hit the two other agents. The end result of all of this is a mess of crashed Hover-Segways, and tangled yellow clad AIM agents careening and tumbling past the group of SHIELD spies, luckily there are no big explosions or anything else that might betray the presence of the SHIELD agents.

There is little intelligence of note on the bodies of the AIM men, and something rather peculiar is noticeable by the keen eyed Agents of Shield? the trees on the far end aren't in fact real, a little flicker and shimmer where one of the hover Segways flew past, closer investigation would reveal that the tree line is a holographic illusion.

Jill Valentine has posed:
Jill Valentine lets loose with a well trained volley. Though the pistol she's using fires in short bursts, her wrist is locked properly and her stance is spot on, its kick well handled by her lithe, muscular frame. She's had an extreme amount of time and practice firing upon all forms of moving targets, even ones that move in ways that are impossible to predict necessarily- and these are certainly not those. Once the shots are fired and everything is taken care of, Jill notes the holographic facade that they now face.

She quickly pulls the magazine from her pistol, popping open a pouch and setting in several rounds to replace what she'd just expended, looking on from cover. "I don't understand why it's never just a building. It's always some weird technological facade. Or mansion."

Captain America has posed:
     A red gloved hand is outstretched and the shield returns to it's owner. After looking over the bodies, and not finding anything, Cap starts looking around for any clues. He notices the holographic shimmer. Responding to Agent Valentine: "Theatrics, if its not the most foreboding structure, its extensive camouflage, nothing to be said about hiding in plain sight." Cap reaches a hand out towards the hologram, making sure there's no force field of some sort. If nothing, he'd move his way through the hologram.

Singh has posed:
A small volley of shots are released from Ginger's 9mm. She watches as her bullets connect and watches as one of the guys fall. Her eyes go wide but she continues doing what she was trained to do. She keeps firing a few rounds until the fighting stops. She pulls her trigger a few more times in a daze. the magazine clicks a few times signaling the empty clip.

She doesn't really move. In fact her gaze is wide... terrified. This is her first time killing anyone. She frowns and there are a few tears in her eyes as slowly her wits start to return. "Cute." She whispers as her eyes catch the facade.

Iceman has posed:
From his hidden place far behind he watches he gives a low exclamation of air when he see'sthem just wipe out the AIM agents. Well so far so good he thought as it looked like Cap was leading them further into the complex. Of course this means that he had to get closer. As they focused on the entrance, and the holigrams Bobby moved through the Jungle after them though he stays a bit away from the last lady as the way she shot those people didn't sit right with him. He thinks if he spooks her she might shoot that way at him so when he approaches closer to the group. The group might feel it getting colder as he approaches, he has his field stretched kind of far out to make sure no-one gets the jump on him in the middle of the Jungle at night. Though he tries his best to keep out of their view until at least he walks through the Hologram behind them. Who knows what is on the other side, but as the others go through it he would as well. Just incase he grows his ice form a little thicker, he saw what guns, and shields they were using.. A litle extra protection wasn't a bad idea.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
There is nothing that prevents one stepping through the barrier, and when through it it reveals a semi-dome built up against the wedge of the mountain, facility structures protruding partly from the edge of the mountain, suggesting that it expands into the volcano further. At the height of the buildings is a large radar dome, with a variety of added high tech sensory devices, and little nodules that are some sort of energy weapon can be seen protruding from the mountain. Taking out the Radar would almost certainly disable their ability to shoot down the incoming Quinjets.

There are yellow suited AIM agents about as well, zooming around on their Hover-Segways, and most notably there is a large, 15 foot tall robot... in AIM yellow, with a head that resembles the helmets of the AIM spies. It has not started moving, yet.

Jill Valentine has posed:
Jill Valentine thinks this over a moment, looking through the base's structures for a moment, and identifying what she can. The various antennae look both slightly vulnerable and, in addition, rather valuable. The silence is broken by her as she moves behind cover, the party having been joined by another metahuman- one that she hasn't identified before... But, seeing as it's likely Cap doesn't start hitting him with a shield, Jill doesn't react violently, instead keeping her calm, and focusing on the objective.

"If we had some sort of RPG or other explosive, we could take out the dome and let the jets come in. As it is, we will probably have to get closer, and perhaps take it by force?" her attention moves, then, to Cap, waiting for his input on the matter.

Captain America has posed:
     Captain America moved forward, and held his mouth agape ever so slightly. "Sweet cheese and crackers." He offers up to the sight of the robot. He hadn't expected this kind of fortification. This facility had to be hiding something.

  With the addition of Iceman, Steve is able to be a bit more creative. "Alright, first things first we need to take out that radar. I want two groups, Iceman and Singh will take a small contingent to the Goliath, disable it in any way they can. I don't want that thing to become active." He shifts his attention to Jill and the rest of the group "Myself, Valentine and the rest of you, will see if we can gain access to those nodes, take out the dish and we can start getting Quinjets in here."

Singh has posed:
Agent Singh takes a deep breath. She moves towards Icemen and the small team. "Okay." She smiles a little to Bobby. The girl is pushing the freakout of her first kill down. She will deal with that later. No right now, she needs to work. "I have an idea. Iceman, I will distract that behemoth. Freeze any joints on it. Make it frail. Once its iced over enough, I will set myself up as a slingshot. Push back against me and I'll sling shot you into it. Should shatter the thing. Sound Solid?"

Iceman has posed:
As he enters the other side of the hallow gram Bobby looks up, and sees that he is right there, and they see him. He smiles, and says in a low voice. "Same side... Besides we have other issues." looking at all the AIM agents hovering about. He looks at Cap, "Explain after, move now?" and smiles noding this time over to where Jill had moved behind cover. He falls silent again listening to Cap, he was actually surprised he just poped in, and he had already adjusted his plan for another person. He nods in conferming he heard what he said, and moves to follow the plan. He looks at Cap.. "Things are about to get loud, and why am I always the distraction.." and chuckles with a smile.

As he does so he starts walking forward into the frey rubbing his hands "Hey umm.. Sigh he said right? Can you keep them off my back for a moment I leave the big robot to me I got this." he gives her a smile and a wink before focusing on his goal again. His time for parlor tricks was over as he focused on the Giant robot.. This.. this he had experience with, as focuses on his target. Lifting a hand he doesn't just freeze it in ice, but with all the condensation on it he drops the tempeture of the metal. Lower, and lower it would drop till the whole area around it would become cold. Bobby would speak up, though maybe under gunfire from the others around as he speaks to Singh, "You see.. if you heat metal it wants to bulge out, but if you freeze it.." he stops for a moment, and the air around them even being as close as they are gets cold enough to see their breath as the tempeture of the metal should become even colder then it was beore. "The metal wants to contract, and smash all those important parts... It is really loud, but if it works... You ever seen an implosion they are really cool." and he chuckles a bit before he pushes the Temp even lower. He does finish with a deep breath.. "Thankfully there is no-one in there so I don't have to hold back.. these temps would kill a person... Maybe you shouldn't get much closer."

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Alarms start to go off even before the Agents of Shield leap into action, something has happened to alert AIM. This has a couple results, the first is the patrolling soldiers are brought to a heightened alert, big sonic blaster rifles readied, and their eyes out towards the tree line. The second problem that comes is the AIMbot starts to rise up, it's state of the art autotargeters coming online, and a variety of weapon pods emerging from panels in the AIMbot's armor. This is all happening about the time that Iceman starts his frosty attack on the robot. The freezing does have an effect on the robot, and there is plenty of moisture to start turning into ice? however the AIMbot's targeting systems are working still, at least for the moment, and a volley of mini missiles fire off towards the group of SHIELD agents, while AIM troopers start to scramble for defensive positions.

Meanwhile, inside of the facility, unbeknownst to our brave heroes, Spider-Woman has gotten a bit impatient and has started to go ham on the Yellow Suited criminals, a computer hard drive in hand, and instead of sneaking her way back out of the facility, she has started to punch her way out, yells, screams, energy blasts as Spider-Woman makes her way through the halls of the outpost, leaving a wake of groaning and unconscious mooks in her wake.

Jill Valentine has posed:
Jill Valentine may, later, ask Jessica to not have done that, or, in the future, not do that again. Things have gone a little... Tits up, out here. Still, she has no idea -why- just yet, and there are more pressing matters. Jill can't help but assist wherever she can- sticking to the plan, she detaches with Cap around the side as the pair of metahuman individuals engage the larger robot likely because, well, they're the best suited to it. However, Jill knows that she might be able to assist in a minor way, even on the run. Leveling her pistol's sights on the thing, she takes as much advantage of its design as she can.

The first few volleys are quick and precise, aimed directly at the slits where the thing has "eyes" emulating the other AIM helmets. Though her pistol isn't exactly an anti-materiel rifle, her fire may serve to, she hopes, scuff or burst its sensitive and obvious optics. Admittedly, this is a longshot, both figuratively and literally, as its "eyes" maybe be too heavily armored to be impaired by .45 caliber rounds in any meaningful fashion- as well, she does need to shoot on the run, not truly engaging the massive robot as it, well, is a job for someone else right now. Their best bet is to get the air assets in, and for that, they'll need to take out the radar. Jill is a familiar form of pairing for Steve, along the way- she moves like Widow, to an extent, though her acrobatics aren't quite as daring and her emphasis is on aggressive and accurate arms fire rather than hand to hand... But that's only a minor adaptation. It should be easy for both Jill and Cap to hit a familiar groove.

Captain America has posed:
     Cap continues on with Jill as the alarms sound, moving from side to side to push forward and draw the AIM troops fire. He uses the shield for its purpose, absorbing energy rifle blasts on his way through, providing a base for Jill to jump on should she need. Did anyone mention that shield has a wicked edge? It's not bladed, but it is one heck of a blunt tool for punching.

Singh has posed:
Outside. Things are starting to heat up with the big machine. Singh quickly looks at one of the guys with her. He's armed with a semi auto rifle. "I need your side arm." She states and snags it. From there. She rushes out into the open. The hail of gunfire begins as she fires back. Her body is peppered with a couple rounds and what isn't taken down by her vest bounces off her body. "Come on ya bastards! Bring it!" She starts shooting any areas that Iceman has frozen. Several rockets come flying at her. She shoots one near a few of the AIM jerks while the other she dodges. "GIFT FOR YOU ICY!"

Iceman has posed:
As the missles launch Bobby grumbles.. "Always missles.." he holds both his hands out, and focuses on them as well as he gunfire happends around him. It looks like the ones that get to close are taking chips off his Ice that surrounds him, but he had to stop those missles. Slides start to apear in the air as Bobby seems to be sweating a bit now focusing on this much, but as Ginger shoots one, by the others are slides to redirect the missle.. Sure they are explosive, but if you don't go after them directly changing their paith in a quick little 'u' isn't that difficult. The slides would disapear after either they deflected, blew up, or missed the missles as they are no-longer needed but he hoped to get some moving back towards the robot. He grins at Ginger.. "Thanks, but I don't think I want it, how is the return policy?" he asks as he is doing the redirection. The robot should still be frozen while maybe not externally with ice the very metal should be at the very least weakened or at least he hopes.

Bobby takes a side step to dodge fire as he watches the missle going back where they came from though he dives out of the way for he wasn't sure how big that blast is going to be.. He does yell.. "Fire in the hole!"

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
The concentrated sonic beams the AIM troopers are firing bounce nicely off of Cap's shield, letting the duo of Captain America and Jill Valentine clear a path through a variety of attacks, bullet fire, shield antics, and general fisticuffs, the two making it up to the cliff face and giving Jill an opportunity to start up towards the sensor array.

The Sonic Beams from the other group of AIM troopers firing at the duo of Bobby Drake and Ginger Singh as the group moves to engage them, the rocket Ginger fired at explodes and sends a couple of the AIM troopers tumbling from the explosion, and Bobby's icey slide does curve the missiles around and back at the AIMbot which impact it with a big explosion that shatters an arm and it's missile pod, the sluggish robot brings it's other arm up with a multi Sonic laser pod, starting to fire off a volley of sonic rays at the duo directly fighting it!

Jill Valentine has posed:
Jill Valentine pairs well with Cap, to an extent. She's not quite used to the way he does business, but all the same, it's not supremely difficult to get used to, when it's mostly "Be Shield" to Jill's "Shoot Thing." It's a little less acrobatic, but nonetheless, a similar idea from Jill- and eventually, the two are likely to fight their way towards the sensor array proper, which, once they reach it, Jill will turn towards Cap. "I'm going to need a boost. Once I'm on top, I can probably take out their AA. That should be what we need." she notes, getting ready for a Super Serum powered Boostie right up to the sensor array.

Captain America has posed:
     As the Captain and Jill arrive at the array, he cups his hands together, providing a platform enough to boost Jill atop the array. Steve heaves the lithe woman to where she needs to go. He will stay down for now, making sure to take out anyone threatening to harm Jill as she works.

Singh has posed:
Ginger Singh smiles, "Nice!" She calls out and then she takes off towards the creatures. One gun is goes into the holster. The other goes into the back of her pants. Its time to fight! She Goes to work, using a variation of Kungfu designed to work with her odd body movements. She quickly decks the first guy and tries to throw his sorry butt into another one. She's quickly knocks the sonic device out of one of their hands and attempts to grab and use it on one of the enemies. She is still a rookie when it comes to fighting but, she's not terrible at it. Quickly she wraps around another guy and smirks as she takes a lesson or two from snakes.

Iceman has posed:
Bobby smiles, "Hey glad I could help!" he lowers the temp so Singh can get closer as it isn't working as intentended he desides to take a more hands on approach. As Ginger moves to take out the people an ice from raises from the ground. It looks like a the top half of a human though blocky the construct construct comes outmidnight of the floor at full size it would be comparable to the mech it is fighting. It's size as it grows as the machine points it sonic guns at him forcing Bobby to jump out of the way behind a container not wanting to be shot with that, but thankfully the construct is there now to wrestle with the large Mech. The armor around Bobby seems to thin a little as he does this, which is another reason for cover but it looks like Bobby is in control of it. This was a last ditch effort to just smash the thing as freezing it didn't work, and the explosions didn't stop it so as the mech tries to aim up on bobby it would reach forward to grab its arm and smash it as it lifts.

The construct is strong, and the Mech hopefully weakened by the previous attacks, if it is able to grab the arm with the weapons and lift it the other hand would start trying to punch in in the midsection by where the glass is. The construct hits so hard that it would crack the ice it is made from, but now that it is the focus those cracks, or the ones from the sonic weapon going off so close would reseal. Bobby also keeps an eye on Ginger, though he doesn't have to help her it looks like she was fine on her own, he was trained as a team if ya only focused on the bad guys team members could get hurt, so he is ready to help her out if she were to get into trouble with ice walls, or even more slides to deflect shots. The sonic weapons though would make quick work of his walls, so it was more of a short term answer then a long one.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Luckily for Ginger Singh, AIM isn't renowned for their martial arts skills, which means even her rookie training is enough to keep her competitive in hand to hand combat with these guys, and her powers don't hurt her case either! Bobby manages to destroy the AIMbot finally as he engages it in battle with the ice construct, the robot brittle, and damaged from the cold and missile explosion already.

The Duo of Captain America and Jill Valentine make it up to the Sensor Array, there is a lot going up there, but it is likely sensitive? possibly dangerous, but likely susceptible to a number of destructive means of shutting it down at the disposal of the pair, which would clear the way for the Quinjets and reinforcements to make their way in.

The front blast door of the compound opens up, and a stream of yellow suited AIM troopers come running out, not as reinforcements, but fleeing in fear it would seem, their guns have been dropped, and one of them shouts, "What is she?!?!"

"AAaaaaargh" Shouts someone from inside the building, and a Yellow Suited AIM trooper goes flying past his comrades, skidding on the ground and groaning in pain as he lays there. Something surely got loose, inside.

Jill Valentine has posed:
Jill Valentine went on up, and stuck the landing like a boss. Which, in some cases, she literally was. But that's neither here, nor there. When she hits the top of the sensor array, Jill has a few choices to make. She probably shouldn't be up here when anything goes, considering that powerful sensors require, well, a large amount of electricity. More electricity than is kosher to have running through you because you wanted to strike a neat pose. Instead, she goes about it logically. Pulling from the pouches on her belt what appears to be a spray can and a pack of gum- the sticks in which looking like they've let themselves go- Jill works on the sensor arrays trusting Cap will handle any longer range threats that happen to crop up to pick her off.

She liberally applies what is, clearly, some form of explosive to the center of the sensor array on the roof of the dome, before taking the spray can in hand, and unloading it on the top of the dome. While it's only visible to her, it is a rather impressive showing of some form of acid, which eats through the dome itself... Just enough to form a fist sized hole. Jill sets the detonator on the plastique for fifteen seconds, before dropping the only pair of grenads she has into the fist sized hole, lacking their pins. And then, because it's a dome, Jill drops onto her ass- thankful, for once, that it is what it is- and quite literally slides down the side of the building, addressing Cap. "Ten seconds." she states, moving to get... Well, away from the sensor array. Anywhere else is good, unless it's a robot.

Captain America has posed:
     Multiple shield throws occur, and as expected, the darn thing keeps coming back to Steve! As the coast clears somewhat and Jill slides down the dome, Captain America motions for Jill to run for cover with him. He'll cover her with the shield, of course should bombs or bullets or rays head their way. It seems like most AIM folk are running away from that door though...

Singh has posed:
Ginger Singh continues fighting as long as there are enemies willing to fight her. She's actually showing a good deal of confidence at this point. Then the door opens and out runs all the yellow suited goofballs. Reminds her of a horrible movie about little yellow tic tacs really. When one goes sliding, she makes a move. Quickly she wraps him up with her body "hold on there buddy. You and I? We're just getting to know each other. I'm sure some of my friends want to get to know you too." With a quick punch she attempts to knock him out.

"Hey Icey! I got a Souvenir!"

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
The man who skid to a stop, and into Ginger's grasp screams in pain, his arm already broken, and ribs cracked. He's already passed out by the time Ginger hits him from pain, having already run afoul of Jessica Drew inside the base. Speaking of, out comes Spider-Woman, a blast of Bio-Electricity fired at one of the fleeing AIM troopers who falls twitching and spasming.

The explosion of the sensor doom is spectacular, bits and pieces go flying every which way, and the anti-air guns fall into a limp stand-by state. It isn't long after that SHIELD Quinjets begin to descend, decloaking, and SHIELD commandos disembarking and moving to start securing the compound in whole, the fight mostly out of the AIM soldiers already, though several holdouts remain inside the base to be dealt with by the Agents of Shield.