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Latest revision as of 02:19, 28 October 2017

Weird Tales of the X-Men: Bruised Roses
Date of Scene: 05 July 2017
Location: Unkown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Cypher, Rogue

Cypher has posed:
...There is someone in the stables tonight. Soft murmuring to the horses. A single, quiet voice, that occasionally speaks to them... and sometimes seems to be... nickering and puffing at them, much as a horse would.

Otherwise, everything is quiet and still, broken only occasionally by a horse crunching on slices of apple.

There is a stallion in the stables, a beautiful black creature. Most people can't get near him. He's high-strung, liable to bite. But tonight, a young man is feeding him bits of fruit, and slowly stroking him between the ears, nickering to him softly.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue was coming in from a walk outside, she'd cut through the horse fields and was coming into the stables through the double doors that lead into the stables themselves. Wearing blue jeans shorts with black stockings underneath them that were sheer enough to let her legs breath but not sheer-enough to make her legs dangerous to touch, a green tanktop and a flowing sheer black material shirt ontop of that too, she walked inside the stall and saw Doug with the tough stallion.

"Looks like someone's made a friend." Rogue said quietly toward the one nickering at the horse.

Cypher has posed:
Doug looks up. Pallid complexion, skin threaded through with those black veins. A faint red tinge to his eyes. He looks, in a word, ghastly. But alive, and friendly enough. Doug Ramsey, raised from the dead, a student who died at some point in the past -- and now flesh and blood. He brushes the horse's nose.

"It's easy when you speak the language." He says, before the stallion nudges him impatiently and he pulls another apple out of his pocket. "It helps to pay him a tribute, too." He holds up the fruit, as the horse eats it, noisly.

"I couldn't be cooped up in the medbay anymore... too quiet. It's either too much language all around me, or too quiet and still. It wasn't like this before I... before."

He looks up, and smiles. "My name is Doug. Doug Ramsey. I... used to be a student here at the school."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue moved over to the stall across from the one that Dough was at on the other side of the lane between them and she leaned back against the doorway there, it was an empty stall with no horse in it.

The teenage girl would place her hands on the fornts of her thighs near the bottoms of her shorts and she'd watched Doug.

With a gentle nod she'd say. "Ah... I see." She said back at him. "I've only been here since February, but I'm gonna graduate next month befor ethe Fall Semeste'ah starts." She said in her very thick southern accented voice. "So I guess my time as a student here is gonna be pretty short in total, which is a shame. I like it here a lot."

She'd pause then and smile faintly. "Glad ya got outta the medbay,means you're not... ya know, gravely wounded or nothin'."

Cypher has posed:
Doug looks down, and for a moment, the expression drains out of his face. "I was dead." He says. Then he glances up, and steps back from the horse, nickering to him softly. "He likes you." He says. "But he thinks you're one of his fillies. So if you don't pay attention to him soon he's going to get upset."

He looks up, and then says, "It's wonderful here. I lived with my parents... before, but I took classes here. I had friends here. I think they're all gone now... maybe I'll see them again, but maybe it'd be best if I didn't."

He smirks at Rogue, and then says, "You want to stay." Then he finds a place to sit. "I don't blame you." Then he winces. "I'm sorry! I'm able to read body language and nuance very, very well. But I sometimes respond to things people aren't verbalizing. I had the same problem with... Russian girl with the scary eyes. But I think she likes me."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue smiled at the bit about the horse and she pushed off of the stall gate she was leaned on then walked toward him. "You're the bitey one though." She said in her husky accented voice as she stepped up to the black horses's pen and put her hands on the edge of it. "I ain't one'a your girlhorses." She said at him with a mocking stern face, just teasing the animal.

She looked then to her right to where Doug had sat himself down. "You were, dead?" She asked him. "Sorry t'hear that... guess, we got ya back though, right?" She showed a faint smile to him then. "You mean, Sillyana? Or... Magik? I ain't seen her in awhile. Hope she's okay."

Rogue would reach a gloved left hand out to try to pet the bitey horse's nose tentatively. "This is the first place I eve'ah found that actually feels like home, so nah, I don't wanna leave."

Cypher has posed:
"I met her earlier. She seemed fine. Terrifying, but fine." Doug says. He watches Rogue and the horse, and the black stallion puffs and pushes at her hand when she pets his nose.

Then he says, quietly, "So don't. Stay. This place is the home you want, so stay. It seems like a simple enough question to me, with a simple enough answer. Why do you have to go can just as easily be changed to why shouldn't you stay? Right?"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue smiled when the horse seemed to accept her pettings, if a bit harshly. She'd avoided this horse when she'd been told he was a biter, not that it'd hurt her... she just was kinda freaked out by giant mouths biting her, its a mental thing!

"Maybe." Marie said back at him. "By the way, my name's Marie... guess I forgot t'say that." She smiled at him and then shook her head. "Most call me Rogue though, but othe'ahs find it weird usin' names like that, so just use whateve'ah ya want."

She would go on to purse her lips and then release a sigh. It was about 6:00pm and she glanced back at the doors into the garage area. "Wonde'ah if they're doin' a big dinne'ah tonight or what..." The 4th of July party had happened already. "People probably worn out though."

Rogue shrugged her shoulders anjd kept petting the horse as long as he'd let her. "I'm glad you didn't die though." She said at Doug with another small smile.

Cypher has posed:
Doug's eyebrows go up, and he says, softly, "Somehow I think right now Rogue makes you feel more comfortable." Then he says, "You speak French, I can tell by the way you shape some of your words." Then he switches to impeccable French himself.

"I did die. And to be honest I don't know whether I'm the original Douglas Ramsey or someone... built in his image. I don't know my own language. I miss my friends. I miss my old life. But..." He says, "I am alive. And that means my new life is about to begin. Right?"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue stopped petting the black horse and she just turned to face him and leaned against the dark wooden stall gate, placing her left elbow down onto the top of it, hand bouncing on the wood by her gloved fingertips, just a little.

"Why worry about something morbid like that?" She asked him then. "And yeah, I speak French, my mothe'ah 'nd aunt taught me growin' up 'nd I've kept up with it. I wanna go t'Paris more than anywhere else in the world. I wanna live there, go t'college there. But yeah, its a long way from here."

She flashed him a small smile. "You're you, Doug Ramsey. Don't let nobody tell ya different neithe'ah. Not even the Grim Reape'ah himself. Just be you, 'nd enjoy every minute of it."

Cypher has posed:
"I imagine Paris is beautiful." Doug says. Then he looks down, and back up, and he says, "I don't know you, Rogue. But your language is one of the most beautiful things I think I've ever seen or heard." Then he beams, wide. But then he sticks his hands into the pockets of his sweatpants. "I should go back, before I'm noticed."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue nodded her head at what he said about Paris and she was about to speak on it further when he gave her that compliment and it just madd her light up with positive emotion, a big smile on her face and her body language showing it was a well received bit of kindness.

"If my skin could blush, I'd be blushin', I'm sure of it, Miste'ah." She said at him in her dusky voice, putting both of her hands onto the stable gate while the horse inisde of it was eyeballing her, waiting for more pettings probably.

"Back to the medical room?" She asked him then. "Sounds borin', but if you're not fully healed up... they might get mad at ya if ya snuck out. Trust me on that one... I've gotten many'a scaldin's for similar stuff in my short time here." She said this with a grin.

Cypher has posed:
Doug gives a shy little grin, and he does blush, just a bit. It adds just a hint of color to that pallor. "Yes. It's complicated, but yes. I should be resting until Doctor McCoy can get to me. Thank you, Rogue. Maybe I'll get to visit you in Paris. I think that sounds like an adventure!" Then he gives the horse a soft nicker, which makes its head bob, and he slips out of the barn.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue would grin back at the young man and she'd nod her head once. "Maybe so." She would say to him. "Rest up and get back to full Doug-speed!" She'd call after him before she'd turn back to the horse and stare eye to eye with him. "Ain't you a sweety afte'ah all." She said at the big animal with a equally big smile.