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Latest revision as of 22:22, 28 October 2017

Date of Scene: 08 July 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Ares, Darcy Lewis

Ares has posed:
    The interrogation room is terribly dull at the best of times. Usually it is just a table, two chairs, a mirror, and a door. There's not much more one can draw out from it save perhaps to gauge the small smudges and bits of dirt that have escaped the janitorial staff. Perhaps a smudge on the glass will draw the eye for a time, perhaps a small chip in the paint in the door. But for the most part, it's rather little to feed the mind.
    The man in there now, however, seems at peace with the moment. His brown eyes don't roam the room too much, and to be fair there have been some individuals which have spent /much/ longer in this small confined area. But the tall Mr. Aaron just sits at peace in the chair, his hands upon the tabletop with fingers interlaced. At times he'll cock his head to the side slightly as if hearing something distantly, but beyond that...
    Naught else.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
And into the room comes Darcy. Because she checked in on Mr. John Aaron and found out he was STILL here. And without food and drink that hurt Darcy on a personal level. So, telling off the guards much as she had the agents innew Mexico as she cleared out the pet store, Dracy made her way in with chinese take out and drinks.

"Hi again, Mr. Aaron. Thought I'd come in and get you some foodstuffs. I grabbed you a sampler thing and assumed you didn't have allergies. Unless there's some weird miseltoe thing I have to worry about? Wait, no.. That was .. Norse dudes. Umm... Greek gods have any allergies to weird shit?" she ramble asks as she moves in to offer the bag and the drink out to John.

Ares has posed:
    The man known as John Aaron looks to the side at the tumult of chaos that is the approach of a Ms. Darcy Lewis. He sits up a little straighter and when the drink and food are offered to him he accepts them with a nod, sliding them into the middle of the table precisely, and then turning his attention on the woman levelly. "Hydra's Blood." John says in answer, another myth proven true considering that is what drove Hercules mad so many years ago, but then the man's lip twitches slightly as he adds. "And MSG."
    But he takes up one of the sodas, pulling it towards himself and snaring a straw from the bag. "But Agent May was kind enough to stop by earlier and offer me something to eat, but I declined. So do not feel your cohorts have been neglectful." There's that pattern in the man's language, she probably hears it at times with some of the other deities that are running around. It's a formal lilt, as if their words were bound by ritual.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"Really? I'll make sure not to coat you in the blood of Hydra agents. Mostly cause that would be gross," Darcy replies as she settles down across from John.

"Yeah. MSG is horrid, but this place is solid. They don't use it. I'm not allergic myself, but tastes better without it. So if you're hungry, please eat. I'm glad May offered you something, but there's a difference between offering and just bringing. I have brought," she says with a sagenod and a smirk all while collecting her own soda.

"And ya don't hafta be so formal with me."

Ares has posed:
    "Ah," John takes up the sode and rather smoothly tears the wrapper from the straw, crushing up the small paper and tossing it into the bag. He then spears the straw into the drink, than settles back into his chair. Across the way his eyes meet hers and he gives her a once over. Not quite the second or third glances she's likely received from other men at times. There's something more judgmental or wary in his gaze. "So you are the good cop tonight?"
    But then he takes a swallow of the soda and sets the styrofoam cup to the side. "Or do you have an angry side I should be wary of?"

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"I totes have an angry side. Hell hath no fury, after all. We have him, but it's still not a good idea to fuck with people I care about. That said, I'm No Cop today. I came by to visit with ya, be soem paint drying to help pass the time cause I don't even fucking know when they are doing whatever, but mostly to see how you were doing," Darcy replies, not at all being delicate with her straw wrapper. Drink ready and a slirp taken, she fishes out the pot stickers. Because they are the sexinmouth.

Ares has posed:
    "Kind of you," He says as he takes another sip of the soda by leaning to the side and then straightening up. "I understand the way bureaucracy slowly rolls forwards. So I do not mind waiting some small time while they check on my story."
    He does, however, reach for one of those bags and pulls out one of the several boxes. He pops open the first one and quirks an eyebrow. Potstickers. Hnh. But he closes that up and slides it to the side for them to share. "No offense, Ms..." He waits for her to fill in her name, but not too long if she chooses not to. "But you do not seem like a typical SHIELD agent," He acquires another box and flips it open and... potstickers. He quirks an eyebrow at her, "Are these..." He gestures with one hand, "Are these all potstickers?"

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"Darcy Lewis," she offers promptly and helpfully and brightly. Because of reasons. Reasons that make her smile even more brightly when he, like so many others, notes that she is NOT like the SHIELD agents they think of.

"I totes am not. I am me and there's no one else like me and that's what makes me fuckign awesome," she replies, before her head tilts and she looks into the bag to fish out the receipt.

"Well, fuck. I must learn to engrish better at the guy at the counter. Sorry," she chrips, almost giving the impressino that she's not really all that sorry. She finds a pirtion cup of soy sauce and opens it with a grin.

"It's whatever though, cause these things are sex for your mouth. Try one."

Ares has posed:
    "I've had potstickers before," He says, tone mildly scolding but not much really. For potstickers are pretty good. But then he reaches for a pair of chopsticks and tears them apart, scraping them against each other as is tradition to remove the chance of a splinter, or simply to make one look like they know what they're doing with chopsticks. "And if you equate them with that, then one way or the other you're doing it wrong."
    With that judgement passed he spears a potsticker and tosses it in his mouth, chewing for a time. He makes a small 'hm' face, not bad. But then he looks across the table, "How is it you came to join SHIELD, Ms. Lewis?"

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Darcy too collects chopsticks, doing a bit of hte same. She cackles aloud at the judgement from the Greek God of War about sex in the mouth. A wink and grin.

"I tazed Thor then bitched a high level agent out for not evaccing a pet store when Thor's brother sent a giant space death robot to destroy the town," she replies, sounding as if that were just another Wendesday.

Ares has posed:
    "Ah, Asgardians," That word drips some measure of disdain as he says it even as he spears another potsticker. "They tend to leave a wake of chaos behind them wherever their path leads them. Even if they're just being tourists." He chews for a time on his next potsticker, then swallows. The soda is used to wash it down as he looks back towards her. "So it was either draw you into the fold or let you loose into the world with entirely too much knowledge of matters you should not possess."
    A quirk of his brow is seen as he considers this. It does, in some ways, speak well for the agency. But also ill of it as well. He scrunches an eye as he looks to her, "Does anyone know you're here, or did you come on your own initiative?"

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"Right? It's like having front row seats to the most epic train wreck ever. All the time. But the mead is fun and tryingt o read Thor-text is hilarity," Darcy retorts with a warm shrug, collecting a pot sticker for herself to dunk in the sauce adn then NOM!!!

"Or let me stay with an astrophysist trying to figure out how to make portals into Asgard. This pays better. I had student loans coming due. I do not regret my decisions, but I've made it clear that if I ever do, I walk. oh, and I'm totes here on my own. It's my lunch break."

Ares has posed:
    The tall man scrunches up one eye as he turns his head slightly to the side, as if trying to somehow see her from another angle which might make he make more sense. But as she finishes speaking he gives a small nod as if he fully absorbed her words and understood them, then he uncurls a hand in her direction. "Are you not perhaps concerned that you might place your position in jeopardy with your presence here?"
    John stabs another potsticker and uses the sauce, takes a bite. He hms a bit and then pulls the sauce closer to him, perhaps inconveniencing Darcy a bit. "Or are you seeking an excuse to leave their employ?"

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Someone is trying to make sense of the Darcy? The cosmos points and laughs and wishes him luck!

"Nah. I might get shipped to Siberia or something, but whatever. You needed foodstuff, I brought foddstuffs. I am being ethical. If they wanna fire me cause I was being ethical, I'm pretty sure there's a legal team somewhere stupid enough to try to take the case. But, really, I'm not really worried."

Ares has posed:
    "Well, one could argue..." John turns his head the other way, perhaps another angle will work. "That you performed your moral obligation by delivering the food. Staying here and talking to me and giving me insight into the workings of SHIELD could come across as perhaps a risky or bad choice."
    As he says that he takes up another potsticker and dips it in the sauce. But this is going to be his last one as he pushes the other boxes and sauce back to her so she can indulge as she likes. "Though you enjoy my thanks for offering to share your lunch with me. It is a kindness."

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"One can argue whatever duh fuck dey wants," Darcy quips, accepting the box and the sauce and munching the last few.

"Did I give you an insight?" she asks, green eyes wide, almost guileless. Except that her grin is sly.

"I enjoy your thanks? Dude! Seriously! Drop the Pride and Prejudice, k?"

Ares has posed:
    A snort comes from him and then he points at her with the straw of his soda, "Quick, Ms. Lewis, cut all the slang out of your language and affect a Polynesian accent." With that said he gets a smug look to him, nods to himself knowingly as if that showed her and then he takes another drink. Although now the soda slurrrrrps as he sucks up the last of it.
    Setting the empty aside he settles back in his chair and crosses a knee over his leg. "Though you did give me some insight, yes."

Darcy Lewis has posed:
The retort at straw point has Darcy giving a blink, and then she's chuckling.

"Okay, okay. Uncle," she replies, holding a hand up as if the straw where a lethal weapon. She sighs woftly, contently full, and slurps her own soda, not nearly done as he is.

"Hmm? I did? Well, fuck." is the unconcerned sounding quip.

Ares has posed:
    A nod is given, "If your colleagues were trying to break me or such it would matter, or get me to overplay my hand. But I do not believe their intentions are filled with malice towards me." That having been said he then lifts his chin towards her, "I think your bag has the fortune cookies." He brings up his hands and claps them once together and then signals for her to throw him one.
    "Now is there something you had been hoping I'd answer during my interrogation that I haven't? Or are you here just to feast your eyes on an Olympian?" His lip curls wryly.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Colleagues trying to break? What? Darcy looks a little clueless about this but the distraction of the fortune cookies have her going for the bag and tossing one at him with a grin.

"Me? Nah. I wanted to make sure you got some fiid into you. You might be all god like and shit, and maybe you dont' have to eat, but it bugs me and I want you to eat, so I brought you food. You're pretty enough, but not like OMMYFUCKINGGOD eye candy must drool over you like a piece of meat pretty, so no. No eye-feasting. And no digging for like super weird answers of anything. Just lunch. Which, is sadly over. Only get an hour." Darcy pushes herself up and grabs the leavings.

"Lemme knwo what your fortune says though? I love these things."

Ares has posed:
    A snort comes from him. "My self-love is terribly wounded to know I am not pretty enough." The tall man smirks across the way towards Darcy even as he catches the fortune cookie in one hand. He pushes it through the plastic and snaps the cookie in half, drawing it apart so that the paper falls upon the tabletop. He then tilts his head to the side to consider what it says.
    For a moment he says simply 'hnh', then lifts his voice. "Your dynamic eyes have attracted a secret admirer."

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"Yep. Something you're just gonig to have to live with," Darcy quips, getting the last of lunch cleaned up as Ares reads his fortune.

"In bed," she finished the fortune. "Hmm.. I don't know about that one. I'll have to think about it. In the meantime. It was fun. Let's do this again when you're not in lock up, yeah? Yeah. Laters," Darcy says, waving and heading out.