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Hasslinng War - A fun pastime
Date of Scene: 10 July 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: In which Ares goes to help Darcy with her hole. Or you need to get your mind out of the gutter!
Cast of Characters: Darcy Lewis, Ares

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Not long after John Aaron was released from SHIELD custody, Darcy found herself needing some repairs at her apartment. This wasn't a recent thing, but the weather being what it was and the landlord being a SOFA KING STUPID ASSHAT and not fixing things, she was taking matters into her own hands, and was going to remit the invoice to her superindendent to take off her rent.

You would think that a full HOLE IN THE WALL would count as one of those things that needs fixing urgently, but apparently not to this landlord.

When Darcy's search for solo contract construction workers came up with a name of one John Aaron, the SHIELD agent grinned. It took next to nothing to track him down at a work site and then wait.

But she wasn't the creepy kind of stalker. She was the kind of stalker that brought mocha and doughnuts and bribes for having been a stalkery stalker. Thus armed, Darcy waits in plain sight and in plain clothes, having taken the day off to deal with this bullshit.

Ares has posed:
    It's the end of the shift, and the day had been heavy. When Alexander's away he'll often pull down the swing shift, work the extra hours, make the extra money since it's time and a half after all. So it's the end of a sixteen hour long run, and at the worksite to the skyscraper, she's able to wait near the parking area which is sectioned off from the rest of the place. It's just a gravelly area with a wooden fence surrounding it and a gate that's open for the workers cars to pass through.
    At first as she waited there she probably got some eyes lingering her way. Some of the men even making smoochy faces, though not quite enough to wander over and talk to her after all. But then the shift changes and the ones who had been waiting start to file into the worksite...
    And then the others start to file on out.
    It'll be a few minutes, perhaps three or four of sweaty grimy men walking past as they head towards their cars. Long hours, long on effort, since this is a Lexcorp operation after all. But then she'll espy him, just a taller silhouette than most as he's walking out of there. No hardhat as that's left behind, he's wearing just a blue flannel button up shirt that's tucked into the waist of his worn blue jeans. Brown work boots cover his feet and she'll see the marks on the clothes where his exertion's darkened the fabric, and even the sheen of sweat on his brow as he walks.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
The smoochy faces are ignored. Darcy learned long ago that if you react it spurs them on. So, ignoring them it was. She stayed leaning on the truck she was next to, the ice chest by her keeping the iced coffees cold and the doughnuts chilled. And because it's been so stupidly hot, Darcy put a few bottles of water and some Powerades in there for good measure. She had been playing on her phone when she spotted him. It was enough time for her to put her phone away and fish out a cold drink for him so she had it out when he drew near.

"Hi. Hope you don't mind me looking up your work site. Got a minute?" Darcy says with zero preamble or embarassment or apology, drink held out.

Ares has posed:
    His brow furrows as his eyes turn to her, the weight of his gaze heavy while he regards the appearance of this young woman. A brief glimmer of confusion but then he espies the drink in her hand and he accepts it from her while he turns it around, Powerade. Hnh. The top is twisted off as he looks at her and... to be blunt about it, he stinks. It's been sixteen hours and there is the smell of cement and asphalt and grime and sweat to him that is perhaps entirely strong.
    Yet he seems not to care as he chugs the bottle and then smacks his lips with an 'ahh' that comes from him. But now, bottle drained, he eyes her warily anew. "By what am I now beholden for having partaken of your chilled drink, Ms. Lewis?"

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Have you ever smelled a locker room of derby girls after a five hour practice? It's about the same. Especially since most of the girls never wash their gear, so the pads have a perma-stank to them. If his body odor bothers her, Darcy doesn't react, keeping her smile warm and her eyes honet.

"I have a problem. I was hoping you'd be able to come to my rescue," she replies just as pleasant as can be, not sounding at dire-straights what-so-ever. She even opens the cooler and offers it out.

"I brought some quick sugar munches, if you wanted, or I can buy you dinner. That's not payment though. I get that. But I figured you'd appreciate a cold drink and a good meal after work while you hear me out."

Ares has posed:
    Those eyes hold hers and he tucks the empty bottle against his hip as he rests his hands there, watching her. "And what is this problem?" He starts to walk with her as he waves off the offering of sweets and delicious things. "I will partake after I hear of your problem, the accepting of foodstuffs in guest rite is not to be taken lightly."
    But then he starts to move to where his black SUV is parked, just a few more strides before he's leaning there against it, his hand on the roof even as he tosses that bottle in a nearby trash can. "What has passed that you would seek my assistance?" Clearly there are images in his mind of some great creature threatening the world, or SHIELD needing the aid of the God of War.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"Sure," Darcy says, accepting his refusal FOR NOW without fuss. The cooler is closed and shifted to be held by the handle. Turning, she walks with him to the SUV.

"Well, I don't know if it was a meta-attack, two superhumans being frat boys, or what, but the wall in my kitchen that leads out into the courtyard in my apartment has a hole in it. Like, I can stick my HEAD through it and look down to see the boys playing wall-ball down there, has a HOLE in it. I've reported it, but my landlord sucks a big fat ass in the not fun way through a god damn coffee stir and I swear to Jesus he makes a pile of rocks look like a fucking Nobel Prize Genius," Darcy ramble-laments.

"So, I wanted to see when you might have time to work me in, head over, fix the hole. Invoice me all proper and I'll pay you whatever you ask, though if it's crazy cakes, I may need to ask for like a payment plan or something? I'm on a budget."

Ares has posed:
    The tall man's keys are brought forth from his pocket to jangle faintly as he looks at her again sidelong. A small scoffing laugh slips from him as he shakes his head slightly. Then he leans against the roof, his hands with fingers interlacing atop it as he looks at her, eyes shifted downwards because, well, she's terribly short.
    "You are asking me, knowing fully well who I am, to come to you and aid you in repairing your home?"
    The words hang there and he shakes his head, looking away as if the very thought of it was terribly amusing. "Very well, get in." The doors click and the lights flash faintly as he keys the locks open. "Show me where you live and we will drive there, I'll take a look, and then you can ply me with your food stuff and wiles."
    That having been said he pulls open the door and slips inside the driver's side.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Darcy blinks up up up at the must taller man, not at all phased by this. Not wearing her heels, but instead rather sensible flats means that she's even shorter than she was when they first met. She looks around, like his question hinted that she was on candid camera before she looks back up at him and nods with all due seriousness.

"Well... yeah. You work in construction, right? And I already know you, a little bit, and you've got a boy to take care of. Why shouldn't I at least give you the shot at some extra business?" This makes sense, right? For bitchin' drinks and party times, you call Thor. Rebuilding your house, you call Ares. Darcy is so very serious about this, and so when he seems amused, her shoulder droop and the start of a tiny pout makes it way to her features. But then he's agreeing to take a look and she's beaming once more.

"Alright! Thanks! You fucking rock!" she crows, rushing around the back of hte car to clamber into the passenger seat. Foodstuffs at her feet, Darcy fumbles with the seatbelt as she gives the address and then really bad directions to get there. The kind of directions that use trees and graffitti and homeless people as landmarks.

Ares has posed:
    At the least she is entertaining, for really with her manner she does more often than not make him smile. Sure a scowl is mixed in there at times but it's often mitigated by the understanding of her intentions. So they drive along the traffic of the day, taking some bit of time since it's most likely fairly busy, but as they go they'll shoot the breeze over whatever happens to be outside the window, or what her plans may be in SHIELD, or what it's like being him. Of course that latter is deflected fairly well.
    But then they make it to her apartment building and he'll remember to grab his tool belt, just in case he needs to make any measurements or markings. He slings it over his shoulder as he follows he up, letting her lead the way as is right for such a situation.
    Then they get to the door and he'll wait while she opens the door.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Darcy doesn't ask a lot of 'OMG what's it like being the fucking God of War?! zomg you fucked us all with World War Two and what the hell in the Middle East, for reals yo!?'. That would just be rude as hell, and really, you can't blame one guy for shit like that. World War Two was a clusterfuck of everyone being fucking stupid as hell and Britain making some really bad decisions. The Middle East... well, that's a giant fruit cake.

No, the conversation is not about war or politics or religion. It's about the traffic, at which Darcy very happily side-seat road-rages for John intermingled with a running commentary on which of hte hole int he wall food joints are The Best. SHIELD doesn't come up at all unless he asks about it directly, for Darcy is one of those I'm off the clock asshole kind of people and leaves work at work. Unless bullshit happens that forces her to call in for back up... or WAND.

TO the street level door she goes, unlocking it and holding hte door for him. It's a lock that you have to use a key to get into to each and every time you want to open the door, regardless of coming in or going out. Up the narrow stairs tot he sixth floor, and down the dry-wall cracked hallway to a battered door with two deadbolts. The number is hanging sidewise from a single stripped screw that it not at all original looking. Into the apartment, Darcy holes the door open.

"Excuse the mess. I don't clean. Figured is someone was going to break in, a messy house makes it harder to find the non-existent expensive shit, amiright?" And she's not kidding. The place is a healthy sort of mess. Not hordeing level unclean disaster, but there are clothes here and there, no TV. Dishes are washed. There being only enough for a single person and no guests. Everything about the apartment is small, narrow. The kitchen is barely wide enough for the fridge door to be opened, but not for anything else to happen. The counter for prepping food is a scare two feet wide. The dining table looks like it was an end table with a folding chair set next to it. And there, as promised is the hole int he wall.

Clean through the brick and the dry wall, between the frame.

Ares has posed:
    Crazily enough if she had asked him that he'd be all, 'totally not my fault, dollface.' or maybe, not quite like that. Since really, he wasn't the God of War during those years. Still. He does feel a bit... responsible for those sorts of things.
    As she relates to him about the best food places he'll offer his own insight about the places he's been as they pass them. Though his commentary primarily revolves around the idea that this place has good booze, this doesn't, this one does, this one has good ribs. And so on. But he perhaps at most asks about SHIELD in if she had received the same training as other agents, for... despite her title, he senses so little of a warrior in her manner. She seems to advance through life almost blithely, but there's a strength of character there that he cannot quite put his finger on.
    Then they're at her door and he steps on in after her. No judgement is in him about her home, for he has lived in worse. But then he advances towards the hole, as truly that's his point of interest. One hand touches it as he considers, frowning, then he looks over her. "How did this happen?" A fingertip draws back, dust from the drywall marking it. He licks his fingertip and grunts.
    "The materials aren't the best."

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Of her SHIELD training, Darcy merely shrugs and says that they are getting her the Field Trainign she needs to go into combat situations and not go splat. But really, she's mostly Administrative, so firearms is more of a 'don't point at face' kind of thing. And self-defense. Because Momma May wants to make sure she can take care of herself. Derby's been the extent of her 'combat' training before she started working for the agency.

"I don't fucking know. Came home one day and bam! FUcking hole in my wall. Asshat keeps saying he's sending a guy, and no one ever comes by. So, fuck him. I'm forcing him to take whatever you charge me out of my rent," Darcy replies as she watches John eyeing hte damage.

"Noe Schitt-Sherlock. This place is a wreck, but it's all I can afford so, it's home."

Ares has posed:
    Standing in front of the hole he steps back, taking a moment to wipe the faint sheen of sweat from his brow with his forearm, frowning as he looks to the side. "Placement would make it awkward. With material like this... could possibly cause more damage to try and partially deal with the problem." He looks to the side at her levelly, brown eyes meeting her gaze. "The cost would be prohibitive."
    Then he looks back and rubs a fingertip along the curve of his jaw. "Though I know of two apprentices who could use the experience. I could verify their work after the fact to make sure it was suitable. Only problem," He turns back to look at her and says, "If they do it poorly it will have to be redone by them. You may have to live with the breach for two weeks, perhaps three. Though you would have to pay for naught save materials."

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"Which do you think is best?" Darcy asks, expression growing sober and serious because this might maybe explains why asshat hasn't repaired it? She sighs lightly.

"I mean, I just want the hole gone. Vermin are getting in... and when winter gets here..?" She shivers.

Ares has posed:
    Folding his arms over his chest he turns back to face her and hrms. "I would not charge you, but I would not have enough time to undertake this job. Another contractor could have this done for you in perhaps a week's time. But it will be expensive." He steps away from the wall and moves towards her, "I suggest that I contact the apprentices and engage their services. They will take three weeks further, but chances are it would take you that long to get another contractor to come in."
    Looking back he nods, "Just cover it until then, perhaps something to keep the water out." Then back to her, "The apprentices will contact you and will mention my name. Does that suit your needs?"

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Lips pursing as she considers her options and his honest and forthright answer. She lets her green gaze settle on the hole before nodding.

"Yeah. That'll work. Thanks again, John.. or Mr. Aaron? Are we on first name basis?" Unless he WANTS her to call him Ares. She can do that. Whatevs.

Ares has posed:
    A smirk touches his lips as he steps towards her and rests a hand on her shoulder lightly. "John if you want. I'll use Darcy." He rolls his shoulder lightly, wincing for a moment as if an old injury niggled at him. But then he steps past her, still smelling heavily like the worksite but at least not quite as bad as before when he was fresh off shift.
    Another look over and then he tilts his head towards her, "Is there anything else you'd need before I depart? I'd hate to find you waiting around the gate again asking me to fix your sink." His lip twists, amusement... but hidden a touch.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"John it is," Darcy agrees on a bright nod. The large hand takes up her whole shoulder and she's okay with that. The smile falters at the wince she spotted, but he's past her before she can bug him about it.

"You offering to play handiman tonight? Cause I don't know shit about anything maintance," Darcy retorts, smirk back, hand on a hip. "I do still have nommies as a bribe."

Ares has posed:
    "Pfft, you already owe me the food you promised." He smirks and leans back against the counter, his arms folding over that broad chest, even as his eyes find hers. A moment as he considers her, a gaze drifting down and then up. But it ends with a smile as he gestures, "And have I not come to your rescue so admirably?" He waves towards the hole in the wall that... really could use some saran wrap on it or something at the least.
    But then he looks towards her, "However, if your shower is working, I could stand to clean up before dinner. I am..." He lifts his hands, finger curled as if he were trying not to touch himself too much lest he gross himself out. "Not fit company for man nor beast."

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"This is true. I do own you dinner for coming to look at my hole," Darcy replies, knowing exactly how that could be taken and saying it unapologetically anyway. While looking thoughtfully innocent of any innuendo.

"Yes. yes you are my hero!" she mock-swoons, grinning before pointing back to the bathroom.

"That way. Help yourself. You gonnna change clothes too? Cause, I dont think anything I have would really fit you," she quips, grinning again and moving to find an old ceral box, a trashbag, and some duct tape.

Ares has posed:
    "I'll make do with what I have, though a shirt might be good if you have an extra large one." Even still, that size does tend to hug the contours of his chest rather closely. But it'll serve. He then turns away from her, walking down the way, already undoing the buttons on his work shirt, slipping an arm out of it and then sliding it free, tucking it under his arm as he moves.
    Over his shoulder he turns to tell her, "I'll be fifteen, twenty minutes at most." That having been said he steps into the bathroom, entering her personal space and then she'll hear his voice shout, "This shower is for tiny tiny people!" But after a little grumbling he turns on the water and begins to disrobe.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"I can look. I might has some that I hadn't cut into yet," Darcy replies, setting her 'repair kit' on the tiny table so she can go dig into a WalMart bag for those big tshirts she bought last payday.

"No! It's for normal sized people! You are just a small breed of hill giant!" Darcy smarks back without missing a beat. AHA! Found a shirt. 3XTL. Because when performing tshirt surgery for the ample busted, one needs as much fabric as possible to work with. So, YAY for size. But boo for color, because Darcy bought bright pink to make the contacts she has. It was a shame that the shirt didn't have My Little Pony on it. It does read: I fight like a girl. Breast Cancer Awareness shirt, on sale. Don't knock it. She opens the door of her bathroom to put it on the closed toliet lead.

"Shirt's on the john, John," she calls out, and not able to peak because of curtain. Not that she was going to oogle, but peeking is always allowed, at least once. Then she's turning back to head out.

"Towels above that."

Ares has posed:
    Perhaps she isn't able to peek, but his head is partially above her shower curtain so he can just turn to the side when she enters and addresses her, "Thank you," The color is seen, but he doesn't seem to care, as if it won't lessen his guy points whatever color it may be. My Little Pony, however, might have been a bit much. But it doesn't take him too long to shower, though he does entirely ruin one of her bars of soap assuredly with all the grime that he's able to get off of his body. His hair is so short he just uses the soap as well for that, shampoo and conditioner are for people with thick luxuriant hair, like her.
    But after maybe nine or ten minutes she'll hear the water shut off with a creak, then the curtain is drawn and he makes do finding the towels, starting to rub at his scalp vigorously and then toweling off over a course of a minute or so.
    After that he pulls on the shirt and... it's long on him, surprising. But nice. Then he emerges after putting on the rest of his clothes. "Thank you," He calls to her, even as he looks for where she may be.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Darcy gives him a peace with her fingers when he looks over her curtain rod at her before she's gone. In the 'kitchen' Darcy is putting the finishing touches on her patch job. Cereal box wrapped in trashbag into the hole, then the edge of hte bag duct taped all around.

"You're welcome," she says as she's starting to tape a second bag over the hole to make it look flat instead of like a hole.

"Feeling human again, Stinkybutt?"

Ares has posed:
    "You take liberty, mortal." The tall man's lip curls wryly as he emerges and he does look a good bit better, fresh and clean and smelling of her soap. So there's that. But he looks across the way towards what she's working on. "But seems you have been industrious in my absence." He steps over towards her, leaning past her shoulder to lightly touch a fingertip to her makeshift repairs.
    A small grunt comes from him and he nods, "Seems decent, should hold." He turns to her and then glares, "I was told there would be food." Ooh that glare, daggers daggers glare.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"And?" Darcy fires back to her taking of liberties, grinning the whole while. She smiles as he comments on her industry, nodding sagely as she tapes it off the rest of the way before standing up, tossing the roll of tape onto the table and dusting her hands off.

"Yup. I'm badass like that," she praises herself with his comments, smirking up at him over her shoulder.

"Are you brave enough to risk my cooking, or do you want to go out for beer and burgers?" Glare your daggers. Darcy is immune to dagger-glares!

Ares has posed:
    A smirk is given as he straightens and then he shakes his head, "In all fairness I should let you be about your time. I have aided you as I can and if you are seeking a paramour I am perhaps not the best individual for you to pursue." He says that with such casual bluntness that it's as if it is nothing to him, for really he knows that she is a lovely young woman, but in the prime of her life...
    Well she should spend her time on someone who would likely return such an emotional investment. As it were.
    "I'll send those apprentices by, and you can approve of them if you wish upon meeting them." That having been said he looks down, "I'm keeping the shirt, however." There, that's his. That's his thing now.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Darcy plants a hand on her hip, head tilting at John, eyes narrowing.

"Are you making a not-pass at me? Because I will put that on your Craig's List profile: Make Not-pass Passes At Potential Clients." Pause, smirk. "I dunnno, maybe it'll get you more work?" Darcy shrugs, nonchalantly.

"I aint seeking shit dude. You wanna take me for a ride, you'll have to ask nicer than that. But romantic entanglements? Right now? No, thanks. A few fun hours.. definite maybe. Though, you might break my bed... which might be worth it, depending on how good you are," Darcy replies, just as casually unruffled by it.

"Yeah. It's a good color on you. Merry Christmas. Don't say I didn't get you nothin'. Now, dinner. I still owe you. Am I cooking, ordering in, or we going out?"

Ares has posed:
    As she rails at him he can't help but smile. It's a full hearted one that reaches his eyes as he rests his hands upon his hips while she just gives him the riot act. "What is a not-pass?" He asks at first even as he leans forward a little, brow knitting together in concentration.
    But then she goes on to the next part about how she has her attitude together and knows what she wants... paraphrased of course, and he scoffs only to look back at her. "A definite maybe?" He asks, incredulous as his slight accent comes to the for, his eyes returning to hers as he takes a step forward, leaning down to /glare/ at her. "A definite maybe you say?"
    And perhaps before she can answer that last question she'll feel his strong arm slip around her waist and almost effortlessly lift her into his arms and for him to bring his lips to hers in a rather unrepentant and perhaps a touch irate kiss. Just a warm touch of flesh to flesh, lips parting, teasing as he draws her own between his teeth for a faint nip of that soft flesh before he /dares/ to touch his tongue to hers.
    It's a passionate and wild embrace and she can feel his chest rumbling against hers, almost like a growl even as that kiss sloooowly breaks, and she'll hear his voice with an incredulous growling repetition, "Maybe. Cha."

Darcy Lewis has posed:
A not-pass. A pass at someone masked as a turn-down.

"Yeah, you heard me," Darcy retorts, leaning forward a bit, as if that would make her more intimidating or something. Baby Groot charging into a fight intimidating. It's as far as she gets before John's stepped up into her, slipped that arm in around her narrow waist. Darcy is girly,for a dainty sounding gasp escapes her as she's lifted so easily. Her hands come up to his chest to press against him for balance and not to get away. Her lips are caught with a soft squeak in her throat.

The heat, the wild passion of the God of War is met by the Squishy Mortal, whom he could so easily break in half, for Darcy slides her hands up his chest. she winds her arms about his neck, kissing back with just as much wild abandon, humming as she too parts her lips to his nip. His growls she swallows, pulling the sound into her mouth as her tongue dances about against his.

Sure, by the time he breaks the kiss and pulls away she's a breathless, and her cheeks are flushed and her glasses askew, but...

"Yeah. Maybe," she affirms on a slightly dizzy sounding whisper. Because FUCK was that a great kiss. And he's got the strength to hold her down, and sure as a God he'll have great stamina and yes the having a child thing makes it clear that he knows how it all works but there's a difference between knowing how and being considerate and REOW about it. So, maybe. DEFINITE just on this side of hell-yes maybe.

Ares has posed:
    It had meant to be but a growling retort, a goodbye to offer a glimpse of what could be a lovely moment of passion shared between two such as them. And she can feel the almost smug smile against her lips, could almost feel his amusement as he tasted her tongue and teased her. But then something happened that perhaps would surprise him. He found himself being drawn into the embrace, felt himself being taken away with the warmth of the kiss, the intensity of it, so much so that he doesn't have immediate words as it breaks.
    Instead he takes in a breath, nostrils flaring as he tastes her scent, that subtle warmth to her in his arms, the burning flush of her pale skin against his own. And then the way she tasted. It was lovely.
    But then he'll ease her down, setting her back upon her feet and brushing a hand lightly through her hair as he murmurs, "Then find me if you decide to change your mind." And as he says that he gives her shoulder a squeeze before he turns and starts to move to the door, pink shirt and all.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
There's a long pause. Long enough for John to get to the door and pull it open. And then Darcy says two words: "Fuck yes."