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Latest revision as of 23:16, 28 October 2017

Old Friends
Date of Scene: 10 July 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Green Lantern (Jordan), Flash

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    Another day protecting the Earth. It was quiet in orbit around the big blue ball, and Hal Jordan found himself on monitor duty once again. So far, there was nothing to report, and after a quick look at the console, it was almost time for his shift to end. That is, if anyone else decides to show up. Grumbling to himself, Hal paces back and forth, taking the time to check each sensor, just to make sure.

    "Better make sure I do this right, or Bats will get upset. Again." Hal mutters to himself, as he counts down the time. "Gotta get back out there! Saving the Universe! Not like he would know...protecting one city isn't like protecting an entire sector..." Hal grumbles.

Flash has posed:
Barry Allen, the fastest man alive, is due for his turn at the monitors. He has made his way up from the teleports stationed on Earth up to the Watchtower, humming the tune to 'All along the watchtower' as he walks into the monitor room.

"Hey Hal. How's things?" says the Scarlet Speedster as he wanders over towards the bank of monitors. "Boring, from the look on your face. Which is good in our line of work. Better bored than active."

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    "Wha?!?!" Hal almost leaps out of his skin. "Whoa old friend! You made me jump!" Hal looks over at Flash and smiles. "Barry! What brings you up to the Satellite? Taking over for me?" Hal grins and waves towards the consoles. "Yep, you are right. Boring is the word." Hal nods.

    Hal continues, "So far, it looks like things are pretty "Q" word..." As in "quiet", almost a curse word in law enforcement. No need for Darkseid or Brainiac to show up at his summons after all. "...so, no issues."

Flash has posed:
Flash chuckles, a shake of head as he slides the cowl back over his head, revealing his face. He combs his gloved fingers through his hair to try and settle it into some semblance of order. "Yeah, it's my turn. Sorry to give you a fright, Hal. I didn't think I'd be able to sneak up on you. I mean, it's not like I am the Bat."

Barry makes his way over and checks a couple of the monitors, "I like boring. I'm going to hope it stays that way...I brought my kindle, so I have a few dozen books I can get read if all things go as planned. I just hope the fridge is stocked. I'm famished."

He looks to Lantern, "So, what is on your agenda the rest of the day?"

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    Smiling as Barry de-masked, Hal did the same with "a flick of his willpower". As the mask fades from view, the handsome features of Hal Jordan appears. "No worries Barry. I was bitching and moaning about Bats again. Heh. I was a bit distracted. You move pretty fast." Hal grins.

    "Yep, I agree. Boring is good." Hal nods. "You brought your kindle? Huh. Betcha can put some pretty good magazines on there huh? The latest American Pilot Monthly is due out soon. Good times." Hal grins at that last.

    "Yeah, the fridge is stocked. You'd think J'onn was here as well, with the cubboard full of oreos." Hal chuckles. "As for the day, I think I'm going to head down to Ferris. See if I can clean up a mess or two I made there." He doesn't have to tell Barry what he meant. Barry was one of his best friends, if not best friend, and probably new the troubles he has always had in his civilian life.

Flash has posed:
Flash chuckles, "Speaking of Ferris...how's Carol?" Barry give Hal a quick glance and a smile, "Hope everything is status quo there?"

Barry leans against the bank of monitors and sets a small electronic device onto the counter next to him. "I never understood why you still read things like Pilot Monthly. You are one of the best pilots that I know, and I doubt reading something like that is going to make you any better. Besides, you have...unique qualifications...for your job. It's not like if something did go wrong, you couldn't fix it."

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    "Um. Yeah. Everything is cool." Hal was obviously nervous and avoiding the topic by misdirecting. "How's Iris? Everything between the two of you okay?" Hal looks over Barry's shoulder and spots the device. Ah the kindle.

    "Yeah, reminds me of better days, up amongst the clouds, without this ring." Hal waves his ring hand in the air. "It was the good old days." Hal grins. "I appreciate the compliments though, Barry. I wasn't a bad pilot." Hal winks. "But you are right. It is more for keeping up with the times I guess." As for things going wrong, he wishes he could fix it.

    "How about you? How's work? Still solving crime scenes, and doing the forensics stuff?" Hal was genuinely interested.

Flash has posed:
Noting the misdirection Barry nods to Hal. If Hal doesn't want to talk, there is a reason and what type of friend would he be if he pushed. "Iris is in New York." says Barry, rolling his shoulder in a shrug. "We had a few dates when she was back in Central and I was so close to telling her I was the Flash a few weeks ago, just to not have to have excuses as to why I was in New York instead of Central City when I wanted to have an opportunity to see her, but then stuff happens...as usual...and I end up having to save her life. Just didn't seem to be the right time after that, you know. I don't want emotions like that clouding anything when I finally do tell her. If I tell her."

He shrugs again, "Work's fine. Still doing the forensics, yeah. It's nice to be able to help the cops without having to resort to using speed to do so. Reminds me of simpler times, much like youself I guess."

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    "Oh, you haven't told her yet? Hmmm." Hal nods sagely. "Well buddy, you should take your time. You'll know the moment when you should." Hal clasps his friend on the shoulder with his right hand, and squeezes slightly in support. "At least you saved her life. Bonus points there!" Hal winks at Barry and chuckles. "Seems that happens to us a lot huh? Well, like I said, the moment will happen. No rush. Just keep saving her life." Hal leaves it at that.

    "Yeah, simpler times indeed! Not too many of those left huh? Protecting girls, cities, planets, sectors, universes. Man. What I wouldn't give to be back behind a stick, zooming through the atmosphere on top of a rocket, and only caring about protecting my country and my rep." Hal laughs.

Flash has posed:
Flash chuckles, "We only recently started dating, Hal. You're right, of course. If it is meant to be it is meant to be, and things like that will work out in the long run." Barry shrugs his shoulder again, "As for saving her life, I'm just glad I was around. I mean, had I not been there...stray bullets are just as deadly as aimed ones."

"Yeah." says Barry, nodding his head. "I mean, there is some satisfaction at punching Starro into the atmosphere...don't get me wrong. But sometimes a nice slow day is just what the doctor ordered. I have to force myself to just take it easy."

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    "I thouhgt you were fast, Barry?" Hal winks, "I agree. If it was meant to be, it was meant to be. Heh." Hal leans against the opposite console, and says, "Yeah, gotta watch those stray bullets." Hal shakes his head, "They can be deadly you are right!"

    Hal stands up, and nods, "Well, I think I'm going to do just that. Maybe catch a cold one, relax, and watch the game tonight. You gonna me okay here? Catching up on your books?" Hal pauses, as he turns to go. Looking back over his shoulder he says, "Call me if you need me!" Hal's mask re-appears.

Flash has posed:
Barry nods, moving to take over the now unoccupied seat in front of the bank of monitors. "I'll be fine, Hal. Heck, if Bats wouldn't be so uppity i'd probably have a cold one myself, I mean it isn't like I can get drunk or anything. I don't know why he worries so."

Barry grins, opening up the cover on his kindle and powering it on. "If anything happens, i'll call you last. See if I can't get you a night off. Take care, Hal."

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    "Sure buddy! I have a few Keith's in the fridge, real Canadian beer. My new friend Logan, from Canada, suggested them. Enjoy. I won't tell...promise! And thanks! A night off would be incredible!" Nodding, Hal grins, salutes his friend, and with a flash of green, is gone, leaving Barry behind.