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Latest revision as of 00:36, 29 October 2017

Wet & Wild!
Date of Scene: 14 July 2017
Location: Gotham City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Nightwing, Blink

Nightwing has posed:
    Gotham at night does not have quite the same majesty as Manhattan. The skyline is more severe, with the buildings less uniform in their heights. The architecture has broader depth of styles save for the taller buildings that all somehow evince the gothic with their long sweeping spires and the occasional gargoyle. But it is not merely that which separates Gotham from New York across the river, it is that with the flow of the water between them and the coast's curve... Gotham gets more rain.
    Even now, tonight, the rain is coming down steadily. Not in heavy droplets but a steady sprinkling that has lasted for hours today and has loaned a sheen of moisture to the buildings, to the streets, the sound of car tires tracing through puddles and moistened asphalt providing the ambience to the night. And with all of the dust from the day washed away, the scent of petrichor is rich in the air.
    It is usually a day like this is best spent indoors. But for the vigilante known as Nightwing, that option is not open to him. For now he's perched on the lip of one of the taller warehouses in the dock area. His balance precisely on the balls of his feet as he casts his gaze off across the neighborhood. His arms are upon his knees as he looks on, calm, not unlike those gargoyles so high up above. For now there is naught out there of what he is looking for. Yet he keeps watch.

Blink has posed:
There's only so long a teenager can sit still. And Clarice's desire to be out and about is perhaps a little more than most. Mainly because 'out and about' means getting off of Genosha. The night life there leaving much to be desired.

Gotham... She'd been to Manhattan of course, but hadn't been to the more crime ridden counterpart. Behind and perhaps ten feet up from where the dark hero perches, a tear opens linking a sunny apartment to the dark rainy roof tops.

Leaping through, it quickly becomes obvious that the mutant girl had expected the opening to be lower, as a shriek exits her lips as she begins to fall towards the warehouse roof. It appears to not be the first such fall though, as she crouches into a perfect shoulder roll, coming up and only /just/ stopping short of the edge arms pinwheeling...

Nightwing has posed:
    There is always something. The stake out had been set and in play for a good three hours so far, this late at night he expected to spend at least three more. Nightwing had gotten used to the feeling of the rain falling upon him, tracing small rivulets down the lines of his leather and kevlar armored suit, slicking his hair back on his head as he holds that silent solitary posture with his gaze down upon the far below with only the faint hum from his night vision goggles to keep him company.
    But then there had come that abrupt sound, a tear in reality that shifts the air pressure and causes a sudden change in wind patterns, enough to give warning to the vigilante before he even rises smoothly and turns to look.
    Out of nowhere the young woman appears, falling out of the sky. For a brief single slender moment he's taken aback at her appearance even as she falls, and then the next moment he's cursing himself for his hesitation.
    Rising smoothly his joints give a faint crackle of aeration even as he breaks into a run while she's rolling and then comes sooooo close to tipping over the side of the building. She'll have a bare instant of perhaps utter terror as she looks over the side, her arms flailing...
    And then suddenly she's tackled from the side as Nightwing dives into her, arm circling around her to get a grip and pull her towards the ground to get her away from that ledge and to safety. It's rough, it's quick, and it ends with them both rolling in the gravel and him coming up smoothly to one knee as he tries to catch her skid with one hand so she doesn't hurt herself.
    "Are you ok?"

Blink has posed:
"Oof!" The tackle hits her square on, grabbing her away from what would have certainly been a deadly fall for most. Even the acrobat would have had more than just a few scrapes if the darkly dressed hero hadn't come to the rescue!

Now that there's time to see, it becomes obvious it's no normal girl. Bright pinky-purple skin and softly glowing green eyes made all the brighter by the night mark her as different, if not a mutant by sight. The teen has on what is /meant/ to be her superhero outfit, with bright green lycra shorts under what looks like a green silk chinese style dress. Soft purple leather boots are moulded over her feet.

When she speaks, there's a soft Barbadian accent, though long time around American's has made it less prominent. "Y-yeah... Thanks." She checks herself over, arms, legs, body, head. "All still here!"

Nightwing has posed:
    Rising to his full height he steps towards her and extends his gauntlet to offer her help up should she need it. And this might be the first moment she has a chance to get a look at the young man in black, standing there as he offers her his hand. That leather and kevlar suit seems to cling to his form perfectly, curving to each contour of his lithe athletic form even as it seems to offer small plates and padding for protection. Around his waist are small pouches and on his thighs are a pair of batons collapsed to be six inches in length. But what might stand out for her is the blue hawk symbol upon his chest and that black domino mask that hides his eyes.
    "You sure you're okay?" He asks, then he looks upwards a moment, "Where did you come from?"

Blink has posed:
The portal had closed the moment she'd started to fall, her concentration having not stood up to the task. Probably taking a few strands of the mutant's hair with it. A metre or so of long magenta tresses that even now are being dampened against her scalp and back thanks to the rain.

"Genosha." She answers quickly, looking up at the night sky then back to the strapping young man before her. A bright white grin blossoms on Blink's face as a hand is thrust forward for a shake, covered itself in soft brown leather. "Blink, and really, I'm fine." She points up at where the portal was; "That was mine. Long distances are tricky." As if it were a normal day to day occurance to just fall out of the sky.

"I've seen you on the TV, you're Nighthawk right? I'm Blink, that getup is really out of sight!" Green orbs slide down over his suit, and if they take a little longer coming back up, well, she's obviously awe-struck!

Nightwing has posed:
    "Genosha?" Nightwing looks back up as if the portal might reappear at any moment, but he then meets her eyes and follows the look down to her hand. He smiles a bit, "Oh umm, Nightwing. Hi." She'll feel that hefty gauntlet slip into her hand and his grip squeezes hers, not aggressive, actually fairly gentle as she just had a trip of it. But then he steps back and gestures to the side.
    "C'mon, let's get you out of the rain." He tries to walk her back across the rooftop, heading towards the stairwell that leads down into the building itself. It's a little touch of shelter on the roof, the door yanked open presenting a small shed-like interior that is perhaps six feet by six feet, and with a ladder leading down into the building itself. But it'll do.
    As for him he'll stay just outside the shed, leaning against the doorjam. "So you have a superpower to teleport? That must be pretty great." But as he offers little snippets of small talk... he's watching her, gauging, most likely to make sure she's alright with what all has happened.
    "And this?" He gestures to his clothes, "Just a little thing I threw on."

Blink has posed:
She moves with an easy grace of those comfortable in their own skin. There's a scrape or two on her legs, and one up an elbow, but she doesn't seem to notice them. Which either means she's a fighter or perhaps a gymnast, both being equally used to taking pain.

"Nightwing, got it. Sorry." Her grin turns sheepish for a moment as she makes her way into the cupboard, turning to lean one shoulder against the wall - a leg crossing the other at the ankle. She seems relaxed, but being the trained fighter he is, he'll notice that her hands stay free and apparently ready as they hang down near her.

"Genosha." She repeats. "Island out in the middle of nowhere, new home to the Mutants thanks to Magneto?" Her magenta brows rise in disbelief he hasn't heard of it. Then again, teens are always caught up in their own world.

"Not so much a superpower as a genetic mutation. I uh, /displace/ stuff. And that can include space." The hand not against the wall flicks and a small hole opens in space, another flick and it's twin rents the air a foot from the first. Blink demonstrates by putting her hand through one... and out the other. "Neat huh?"

Nightwing has posed:
    As fate would have it, Nightwing is actually equipped to handle such injuries, just in case as he assuredly has some bacitracin in that utility belt, but she doesn't seem to complain or notice the injuries... so for now he'll let them be.
    "I've heard of it," He tells her, "Magneto." A low mmm comes from him, not exactly approving of the fellow's history. But he leans there against the door jam in a way that hopefully she won't feel is blocking her in, as he's just taking up a little of the side, the rain sluicing down upon him as he stands there looking to her.
    "That's remarkable." He watches her exhibition and smiles a bit, then looks up at her. His eyes stray and he motions, "You seem to have scraped yourself a little, I have some medicine if you need."

Blink has posed:
Blink...blinks. Then grins and plonks herself down with crossed legs. "I'm not going to turn down getting patched up by a big hunk-a-handsome any day of the week." The purple portaller admits, that grin never wavering as she offers him her arms.

"You keep a lot in that belt? I should probably look into that I bet..." She wiggles her fingers, the two small portals vanishing with a soft 'blink-blink!' noise as air rushes back in to fill the vacuum left by their departure. "You don't sound too fond of Magneto... He's a good guy really you know? Just sometimes visionaries aren't understood in their lifetime..." Naievete or ignorance, it's difficult to tell.

Nightwing has posed:
    "Well, there's the whole terrorism thing," Nightwing says as he reaches to that pack and pulls out a rather small compressed vial of wound cleanser even as he turns back towards her and smirks around her compliment as he kneels in front of her, balancing upon the balls of his feet as he extends a gauntlet towards her, "Let me see your arm for a moment."
    And, should she do so, he'll gently turn it so she extends it to the side, his leather clad fingertips light upon the curve of her arm. "This might stink a little," He murmurs and there's a faint /hssst/ from the vial. Small white bubbles begin to appear as he tilts his head slightly, "You seem in pretty good shape." Perhaps noting the line of her bicep, a touch larger than most people of her size and gender.
    Then he leans to the side and sprays the vial onto the small scrapes on her knees, soft hisses coming from it as he does so, those bubbles seething faintly against the wounded flesh.
    "Alright, nothing bad. Are you going to need help getting back, you need to recharge or something?"

Blink has posed:
Pain. Such an old friend that she doesn't really notice the subtle sting as he sprays, but she does watch him as he works just a tiny smidge of wariness. Better to be careful.

"Oh well /that/ depends on your point of view." She comments on his calling Magneto a terrorist. "Sure, he started the Genoshan civil war. But they were killing us by the score, enslaved and made to work and submit to genetic manipulation." That soft green glow dims a little as her head turns, the blase facade cracking just a little. "Just one stipulation. Obey."

And then he's finished and she's bouncing back up onto her feet, bending back, and then forward to touch her toes before shaking it off. "All better! If a little wetter..." She shoots him a saucy smirk, then flicks a bead of water from his shoulder if he'll let her. Having been that close, despite the new-rain smell that pervades, he'll also pick out orange and ylang ylang from her perfume.

"Fear not! Blink is ready to go and fight crime and bad guys and scum and villainy!" She flexes her arms. "I may be young, but I'm trained!" She strikes a dramatic pose; "Villains beware! Blink rides with Nightwing tonight!"

Nightwing has posed:
    "Umm," That's the first hint she has that things might not go exactly as she planned, though hey, she does get to step that close and flick the bead of water from his shoulder, even as another wends its way down along the curve of his neck to trace down over the pads of armor upon his chest. Still small droplets fall upon his back and shoulders, at least part of him protected by that stairwell.
    "No offense, Blink. But Tonight I'm on a stakeout sort of thing. It's..." He looks back over to where he was keeping an eye and takes a step back out into the rain to try and get an eyeball of the place he was watching. Yes from there he can still see at least enough.
    Looking back to her as the rain continues to fall upon him his lip curls. "It'll be pretty boring until it's not, but most likely it'll be a mess of boring."

Blink has posed:
Blink follows his gaze with a small frown. "Wouldn't it just be easier to go inside and wait?" She offers, wiggling her fingers but not actually /doing/ anything just yet. "You know I'm more than just a pretty face, can /look/ through my portals too..." Something she often seems to forget before leaping into them.

"But I don't mind waiting, I've not met a Superhero before. Do you know Batman? Or Superman? Or who's that one... Uh..." She snaps her fingers, not an easy task in the soft leather gloves. "Spiderman... Wow, that's a lot of men isn't it? No wonder Wanda's often grumpy."

Nightwing has posed:
    "See, it's not superheroing unless you suffer. So if you're feeling up to it and are all..." Nightwing's lip twitches into a smirk even as he jerks a thumb back towards the edge of the roof as he starts to walk out into the rain, moving away from that safe and warm stairwell. But as he walks he turns around to stroll backwards, his hands on his hips while he moves, footsteps light and even. "But I'll tell you all the stories you want. I just gotta keep an eye on this," He gestures behind him even as he reaches that edge of the rooftop.
    Once there, and should she join him, he'll keep his word as he murmurs, "Yes, yes, and no." As to knowing Batman, Superman, and Spider-Man. Then he'll eye her sidelong, "Now, I need you to do me a favor, alright?"
    He hunkers down a bit, crouching and resting his arms on his knees, "If something goes down, you stay here, keep an eye out. If something happens to me you go get help. Alright?"

Blink has posed:
Blink's quick to move out into the rain, reaching up she starts to plait her hair into a cabled braid with nimble fingers. But she listens to the commands with the ear of one used to being told what to do.

"I can do that..." She answers. "Where am I going for help exactly?" She doesn't seem very impressed with her role in things, but for now at least it's his playground. "So long as you're not just trying to keep me out the way, then it'll be totally okay." Perceptive perhaps?

Nightwing has posed:
    "Well the police for one?" Nightwing remains settled there as he leans a bit against the small wall that surrounds the rooftop, casting his gaze towards the river and the dockyard in between. A few vehicles are on the road driving on by, but other than that the place is quiet, with no foot activity in the fence of the warehouse areas at all. "Or if you have a cadre of well trained mutant commandos, that could help."
    But then she makes her comment about keeping her out of the way and he smiles a bit, "No offense, Blink. But you're an unknown quantity to me, and I'd feel terrible if I got you hurt somehow." Oh the words might be annoying enough, but the way he says them with that smile in those bright blue eyes and that bedroom voice of his... perhaps they might be perceived as a touch more disarming.

Blink has posed:
Blink's innate desire to help wars with her indignance at being 'hurt'. "I've been trained by V-" She stops, winces. "By uh, Sabretooth, for the last five years. I can handle myself." Teenage pride, it's a terrible thing to prick. But he /is/ rather dreamy, and with that voice? The poor girl doesn't really stand a chance.

"Right, get the police, get them here. Can do." Her grin is dazzling, those green eyes brightening. "So who we hunting, which nefarious villians?" Hair done, she tosses the braid over her shoulder to peer down at the building below, somehow seeming to be stealthy despite her bright colouration.

Nightwing has posed:
    "I'm sure you can kick all sorts of butt, Blink. But it's my own training, I tend to focus on working in a team with someone I've known for a long time. So we'll need a bit more time," He gives her that bit, at least hoping to make sure she doesn't get herself too hurt or killed, and in some ways hey it's true. Others... perhaps not entirely so.
    Then as she asks him what they're up to he'll gesture with a nod towards the larger warehouse in the dockyard, "Had a tip that some weapons would be coming in to this berth in the next two days. Nothing more detailed. Would leave a remote camera except if they do come to this dock I've timed them, they can be here and gone in 13 minutes. I'd need that reaction time to get here. So best to be on scene."
    He gives her a small shrug, "So basically, we wait. I'm thinking it's the Rinaldi crime family, but I could be wrong."

Blink has posed:
"Thirteen minutes is a /lifetime/!" Blink opines with the skewed time-sense of the young. "I mean... I got here in, ten seconds? Should get me on your team, could get you places with no in-between! I mean, you can tell I'm keen!" She grins, realising she's still speaking at normal volume a gloved hand is clapped over her mouth. Giving the dark crusader a thumbs up, she peers back down at the docks, moving to sit cross legged just far enough back from the ledge that her shape won't be noticable from the street below.

Dropping to a whisper, the mutant continues; "Is it normal for them to be so brazen about it?" Another beat, a side-long look. "And uh... I /could/ just teleport their car straight into the police car park... I think." And there's the flicker of doubt in her own abilities.

Nightwing has posed:
    There's a small click as Nightwing takes a small rectangular and black object then places it on the edge of that wall that separates them from the abyss. He adjusts it with a little turn left, a little turn right, then presses a button on it and nods to himself. With the mini-camera set he's got a direct feed of the area they need to observe fed to a small window in his HUD.
    Leaning back against the wall, now they can sit side by side and chat decently, without presenting too much of a silhouette to those below. He shifts his mask a touch, then glances sidelong to her. "We'll work on more elaborate tactics after we've run together a few more times,"
    There's a pause as he looks back to her with a wry smile on his lips as he then offers, "Though you might want to think again about running around in Gotham. Sure I'm nice and all, but Batman has a bit of a thing about who works in his city."

Blink has posed:
Blink's grin returns. "I'd kinda like to try and outrun him sometime." She raises both hands, warding off any harsh words for that. "Not as in /against/ him, but you know, like a race to somewhere I don't know?" She pauses, then realises that might need an explanation. "I can open these to anywhere I've been, or if I have good photo's I can make do, but it's less exact." A brown thumb is directed to where she entered. "As you saw."

"So you know him then? Like well? Got special dispensation to work on the Big Bad Batman's territory?" A beat. "I didn't realise Vigilantes had a membership club now..."

Nightwing has posed:
    A snort slips from him as he tells her, "Yeah, good luck with that." Not really, that would be an incredibly bad idea and he should tell her not to do it, "I mean really, bad idea. I don't suggest it." Nightwing gives a solemn nod do that even as he looks sidelong to her, his lip curling wry as he scritches a leatherclad fingertip along the curve of his jaw, early morning beard making a faint rasping sound as he does so.
    But at the latter comment he rolls his eyes to the side, not that she can tell easily as those irises are hidden behind the domino mask. "We sort of have a history together." He draws up his legs until he can rests his forearms on his knees, letting his eyes wander as he occasionally checks the read out on the heads up display. "You know, Blink. Just because you have powers, doesn't necessarily mean you should try to go out there and fight crime. It's dangerous, you could get yourself killed and never even know what happened."

Blink has posed:
"I could. But then, if people like you didn't stand up for those that can't, the police would have been overrun by now. And our planet wouldn't be /ours/ anymore would it?" The teen comments with a small smile, idealistic perhaps or maybe just pragmatic.

"I get it, I do." Blink nods as she talks. "Sabre's the same way. Wants me to train, but doesn't want me in danger. He's good like that..." There's a softening of her voice as she talks about the powerful member of the Brotherhood. "He rescued me, and I'm doing well. So I'm going to pass that on somehow, like you're doing." She gestures to the mask, and his belt. "Someone taught you, and you're helping others. That's how it works." Her final words are said with such utter certainty, that it's obvious she'll not see any other reason on the matter.

Nightwing has posed:
    "Still," He seems like he's about to say something but then Nightwing falls silent as he turns his head to the side and touches a hand to the side of his mask. Frowning he rolls over onto his belly and then /sneeeeaks/ a peek over the wall, his mask trilling very faintly and then humming up with a low build of power as the nightvision kicks in directly. "Hm,"
    There's a pause as he makes sure to ID the distant boat that is floating into the berth and he says over his shoulder. "Looks like this is it. Stay here, Blink. Keep an eye out for me and if things go South," He points to her and waits for her to tell him back what she's supposed to do.
    And if she doesn't he'll reiterate, 'go get help.'
    But then with that he'll pick up the small camera on the wall and reclick it to his belt. He plants one hand and lifts his legs smoothly over the side, dropping down into the darkness below them, the movement smooth and lean like a gymnast's dismount as he flips out of view.

Blink has posed:
"Get the police, bring them here." Blink intones with mock seriousness before grinning broadly. "Go get'm tiger." From her vantage point, she watches him leap down with an admiring nod. From one acrobat to another, she's still impressed with his ease of movement.

And thus begins the dull part of her vigil, with no one to talk to even it's just a case of sit in the rain and watch. At least she can put the time to good use. "Welp, no reason to be idle." And so, the girl concentrates, forming a three foot long shard of softly glowing crystal. Which she sets down before her... Before creating another, and another... All the while her gaze is locked onto where she things Nightwing /should/ be.

Nightwing has posed:
    She'll distantly see the boat coming into harbor, lights off so it's just an amorphous shape in the dark. Though as it comes to she'll see a few lights snap on from the surrounding docks even as the distant silhouettes of men begin to move into action. Up the gang plank a few people walk, their shapes strolling along, one even has a glowing red ember of a cigarette that can be barely seen in the dark.
    A few more minutes pass, then she might see a flicker of movement over near the top of the boat on the bridge. There's a rush of a shadow darting across the way, then two men are sent sprawling onto the deck roughly. But other than that she'll see barely any evidence of what's going on.
    Of course then there's a short sharp crack of gunfire from somewhere high up in the dockyard, a flash of gunfire across the way in one of the fifth story windows in the building in the center of that dockyard. A few more rounds are fired as men from the other side of the dockyard begin rushing towards the boat.

Blink has posed:
"I think that counts as going south." Blink says to herself as she thrusts her bundle of javelins into a quiver on her back, kept for just this sort of thing. But she /said/ she'd get the police and bring them here.

She'd seen photo's of the police headquarters of course. And plenty of videos of mayors with their various heroes outside it getting awards, and normally then being attacked by supervillians. At least the fighting had gotten in some wide angles.

"Allonz-ee!" She grins, leaping from the roof, a gestures renting the air in front of her so that she shoots out at a 90 degree angle to the floor, rolling to a stop just outside the Gotham Precinct. Taking the steps three at a time she bursts through the door into the busy receptions. "Nightwing needs help at the docks! Come on!" And all she gets of course, are confused or blank stares...

Nightwing has posed:
    The police officers sort of look up, with the duty sergeant leaning forwards a bit to peer out from his elevated place that looks out on the waiting room where all the people awaiting complaints and some looking for processing are holed up at this time of night.
    A plain clothes officer sort of looks at her, "Nightwing, Batman's partner guy from Bludhaven?"
    To which a voice from behind the staff sergeant's window calls out, "Hah, Wilson you nerd!"
    But Wilson waves the man off and turns to fully face Blink. He's got on a fairly decent blue suit with an entirely unpleasant brown tie that was most likely given to him by his kids. He looks at Blink and says, "Something going on, kid?" No problem with her being a mutant or being a strangely dressed person. She might be able to tell this guy's seen some stuff in his time.
    But then back at the docks, Nightwing grimaces as he takes cover behind a tall aluminum bit of siding on the boat, ducking around it to take a glance, but back before a shot rings out. "Ugh, man. Now no telling what she'll do."
    He touches a finger to his gauntlet, keying in an auto-signal to the police in the area that his location has an anonymous tip of criminal activity, vigilante reporting in. Such is the pull of Gotham's bat crew.
    But then he rolls out of cover on the other side from the wall and throws a flashbang into the air even as he sliiiides behind another piece of cover. The grenade goes off with a crack of sound, fouling any night vision being used.

Blink has posed:
"Yes, at the docks, come /on/, they're not throwing rocks!" As they're not moving fast enough for her the mutant huffs softly, casting about until she finds a beat cop just coming in. "Come with me." Behind him, atoms displace to produce a portal back onto the roof she'd come from. A double handed /shove/ pushes the bewildered guy (himself probably not much older than she) out into the rain, the purple girl only two steps behind. Calling over her shoulder she shouts; "Send backup!" And then the portal shuts off before someone might get hurt.

Job done, and police here, she pushes the guy down as more gunshots ring out. "Stay down, call backup. And..." That grin blossoms as her green eyes glow all the brighter with excitement. "Remember that /I/ brought you here." Blink grinned, she'd done exactly what she said, she went, got police, brought them here and now... Now she gets to /practice/.

"Kamikazeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" The battlecry whips out over the rainy street as the young mutant swan-dives from the roof, a portal beneath her opening to another just in front of the window she'd seen the sniper in earlier. Rolling in the air so that she emerges feet first, the momentum means that the close combat trained woman hits the shooter with a twenty mile per hour double kick to the chest. If he's getting up, it's not going to be for a while. But of course, those portals glow, and what she's doing is /not/ subtle...

Nightwing has posed:
    Wilson's eyes go sort of wide as he's suddenly on the docks and all of a sudden he hears gunshots and then that flashbang goes off /CRACK!/ and he says, "Whaaa!" But he's no dummy, he abruptly hits the ground and taking cover, "Lady, I didn't even grab my phone!" But oh well she's already gone as he looks around, at least trying to find some way back down to the ground.
    But that is now beyond their concern for she emerges out of the air straight into the window of the man who is using his rifle to track Nightwing's running. there's a /crash/ as she smashes through the remaining glass and then double plants her boots in the man's sternum, sending him skidding across the ground to /thump/ against a pillar in the building and lie there unmoving, decidedly out with his rifle having skittered out of the way.
    But from there she has a good angle on the action that remains below. She can see the lithe athletic young man breaking from cover and /sliding/ down the railing of the gangplank, even as five men converge on him. She'll see him throw something ito the air that _smacks_ hard into the side of one man's face and ricochets into the other's forehead. It doesn't serve to knock them out, but the leaping double scissor kick executed with all the grace of a ballet dancer /slams/ hard into them and takes them down with ease.
    Yet he's already regaining his feet in a swirl as the others close on him. A boot swirls around, cracking into one man's skill even as he uses that impact to bounce it forwards into a leap with that same leg's knee colliding with another thug's chin.
    The two reel as the third swings around with a length of pipe trying to clock the young vigilante, only to have the stroke slide to the side, sparks lighting off the guard on his forearm, letting him step forward, circle his arm around the man's, and then shatter his elbow with a short sharp upwards snap of the fist.
    Nightwing then spins him around and throws the man to the ground on top of the other injured men, even as he snaps a baton free of its sheathe and extends it with a whip to the side, the tip crackling with electricity. "Stay down." He says. They take his advice.

Blink has posed:
Blink had gotten to see it all, and she was suitably impressed. Standing in the window twirling one javelin, she's grinning at her temporary team-mate's style and finesse. "Oh he /is/ good... Can only wonder what the Bat can do..." She muses to herself, her eyes scanning the surroundings. Victor's words echo in her head; 'Just because you think it's over, doesn't mean it is.' Her jaw still ached from that lesson.

Which is how that glowing green gaze picks up the three men with assult rifles sneaking along the cover that Nightwing had used not five minutes ago. Frowning, she considers distance, height and then... Throws it all out the window.

No fancy antics this time, not with those deadly looking AK47's ready and in all too willing hands. So, quickly three portals open in fast succession, no bigger than her fist, a Javelin tossed through each to hit each man squarely in the chest - even if they block with their gun (which one has presence of mind to), a purple light surrounds each of them...

And then they each blink out with the same noise as her own powers - only to reappear twenty feet up from where they were. Guns are fogotten as each makes his own yell, falling to the floor with a 'crack'. One still groans, but two are out cold.

It all took less than ten seconds, and as she turns back to the window, the saucy teen gives the well kitted superhero a thumbs up, along with an equally dazzling grin.

Nightwing has posed:
    As those last ones are dealt with, Nightwing lifts a hand to wave towards her. Of course he knew it was her, there's no mistaking her power's signature. He'd just finished securing the ones that he had gotten to surrender, then he dashes over towards the man who is still groaning. He skids to a halt there and binds his hands with a plastic cord even as the blue and red of oncoming police vehicles can be seen in the distance.
    She'll see him make a hand gesture that looks almost like the tomahawk chop as he signals to her to get clear, though she might not understand. As for him, he's running across that dockyard, leaping atop a box next to the fence, then grabbing the top of it and vaulting over with the grace of an acrobat. He lands into a roll and comes up off his feet with no hesitation, breaking to run towards where they were observing from.
    Not too much longer from then and she'll most likely find him climbing over the edge of that building's rooftop, and taking a seat there as he catches his breath.

Blink has posed:
When Nightwing's destination becomes obvious, the girl tosses two more of her Javelins, one at that rather expensive looking rifle (out into the sea somewhere off the coast of Genosha), and the other hitting the unconcious would-be sniper to land him atop the others.

That done, it's a simple case to open another doorway, step through and... By the time the blue and black clad crusader makes it to the top, she's sitting cross-legged back where they began. "What kept you?" She grins glibly, gesturing to the ladder going down. "I got police, brought him here... But I think he wandered off." She gestures to the lights. "Did as I was told though..." The last line is offered in that slightly defensive tone that teenagers often get, when they've been smart - but know it's not /really/ what the other person wanted.

Nightwing has posed:
    "Mmm, I see." Grayson's voice is that grudgingly amused tone that the adults often take with those teenagers who clearly didn't do what they were told but things worked out anyways, despite it. But he keeps his spot there, sitting on the edge of the rooftop wall, leaning forwards and resting his elbows on his knees as he looks towards her, "You did good, Blink. Even if you are a rebellious little smart aleck."
    He looks off towards the dockyard where the police vehicles are even now pulling up. He looks back towards her, "But looks like the fun is over, you should go and get back to your home. I'm sure your friends will be missing you. And hey, you have a story you can tell them now."

Blink has posed:
Blink giggles, giddy still from the excitment and all that adrenaline running through her system. When she answers it's in a light tone; "You're not so bad yourself Nightwing. Colour me all sorts of impressed." She holds up one arm. "And I'm all about colour..." Her grin continues, eyes flicking over the police and their collection of the various crooks down below.

"And I won't be telling anyone at home about this, I'm not really meant to be off the island without Sabre's permission." So a runaway as well? Or... "But you're right, it's probably time to hightail it back." Reaching into a small pouch at her belt, she pulls out a tiny notebook with a pencil stub attached. Scibbling digits quickly (her body hunched to hide it from the rain) she offers it out to him. "My number, in case you need a hand again." A beat. "Or anything really..." Have her cheeks changed a few shades darker? Or were they always that plum colour?

Nightwing has posed:
    A small smile touches his lips and he takes the piece of paper, folding it up in that black leather gauntlet of his and then sliding it into one of the small pouches at his waist, "I'll cherish it always." But he does rise as she makes ready to go, gaining his full height over her and then extending his hand towards her even as he meets those glowing eyes of hers. "It was good to work with you,"
    And should she accept his hand again he'll give hers a gentle squeeze even as he covers them both with his other hand and tells her, "You take care of yourself, and try not to get into too much trouble, alright?"

Blink has posed:
Her hand seems tiny in those large gauntlets, but she shakes and does her best to put on a professional face. Failing only because of that plum staining on her cheeks. "It was, we did good huh? Less guns on the streets and less hoods too." To the latter? Well, that unstoppable grin slips back onto her face. "No promises Nighty, sometimes you've got to get into trouble, to get others out."

When he finally releases her hand she starts walking backwards, hands clasped behind her back as the girl leans forward slightly. "Toodle pip cutie!" Behind her, the air splits into a doorway back to that bright sunny apartment - the smell of sea air and beeswax drifting out briefly before she steps through, blowing a kiss followed by a little finger wave. "Bye bye!" And with a -blink!- the doorway shuts, returning the roof to darkness.