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Latest revision as of 00:55, 29 October 2017

Iceman vs Soccor Moms
Date of Scene: 14 July 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Iceman, Artemis

Iceman has posed:
Bobby is traveling the streets of New York, well a bit above the streets sliding around looking for crimes of any type. He had already stopped a few robberies, and even a drive by shooting in Harlem though really by the cops get there the ice has melted, and they are just there to be arrested with crazy stories how a man of ice stopped them. Of course no-one believes that, and Bobby is just having fun so doesn't really spread the word himself so the Iceman is just rumors for now. Right this moment in the middle of the day he is sitting ontop of a Mc Donalds looking at the city around him thinking about lunch. He brough a bit of money with him, but wasn't sure if he should go around more or eat now then go out as he just thought about this from his spot. That is until he heard the yelling from inside the store below him, a woman was yelling about how their kids were better then a mans voice about the opposite. As Bobby lowers himself from the roof to the ground again the fight had alreay escilated.

When Bobby entered the area they were already fighting, the men the women all just going at it in the lobby of the Mac Donalds, as te kids look at them all dressed up in one of the two colors of the soccor teams. It seems the two teams had a match, and while the kids were okay with it the parents had a bit more to say, and that quickly turned into violence with them all fighting each other. As Bobby in full iceman garb walked up te kids stared at him, a walking man of ice before he smiles snapping his fingers as Ice begain to grow to encase the people. It was hard to fight when you couldn't move, and from his powers he knew hat they had a bit of time before they were at risk of cold. He looked at all the frozen people around him, and finally spoke up.. "You people should be ashamed of yourself.." From the back there is someone who yells up, "What do you mean.. you people." and Bobby freezes them as well. "As I was saying.. look at yourselves all frozen now... For shame!"

Artemis has posed:
Artemis is also in New York, but for entirely different reasons. The Amazon has been doing research on Bana artifacts in Dr. Strange's sanctum, and is taking a break to stretch her legs. There's nothing inconspicuous about a muscular woman over six feet tall with a pontail that swishes down to her calves. The leather 'urban armor' outfit doesn't help. The Bana is already heading towards McDonald's when she hears the sounds of arguing. Picking up her pace to a jog, the sounds increase suddenly. And then all is quiet.

The Amazon warrior bursts in through the doorway, the force restrained enough to keep from shattering the tempered glass. She sees a room full of people all frozen in ice, and a costumed Iceman lecturing them on the subject of manners. "What is going on, here?" she asks, with the air of a woman who is used to having her questions answered.

Iceman has posed:
Bobby is scolding them with a finger waging and everything, and all is fine.. That is until the monster of a woman busts through the front window behind him. As glass goes everywhere there is a sigh from the man of Ice standing by himself a decient ways away from everyone slowly turns and looks at her.. "Ow.." is all he says, as the glass that hit him just falls out one by one the ice around him moving to push it out as it tinks to the floor. He looks at her, and smiles. "Wow... that isn't something I can say I imagined many things today, but a muscle lady busting through the front window.." he shakes he head and looks at her. "Hi, names Iceman!" and he actually walks forward not answering your question yet just holds out a hand to her with a grin.

The people are still frozen, men, woman, maybe a child or two with a light covering as realy he wasn't a bad guy didn't want to hurt them, but they needed to stop. Though they are still just in their little ice cells banging on the side trying to get out. He doesn't seem too disturbed by this fact ignoring it to walk over to her. He looks a bit shorter then you, and way more musclular though his form looks like someone who goes though a lot of activity it is more a slim muscle of a runner, or swimmer then someone who has lifted weights or had built up real muscle in his time. He does look wide open to an attack if she wishes, he is just standing there smiling with a hand out surounded by frozen people.

Artemis has posed:
Artemis squints, sizing up the young man who is, quite literally, made of ice. She holds her hand out, quite aware of the custom, but there is wariness in her eyes. "You will start by releasing these people." the woman declares. "Otherwise I will. Then you will tell me who you are, and what is your purpose here." Yes, she's treating him as if he was some sort of monster. Which, given the circumstances, is probably fair.

Iceman has posed:
The man of Ice walks right up to her he shakes her hand though it is cold it is also solid like ice as he does so looking up at her he grumbles. He suddenly turns around not facing her walking towrds one of the ice people, though they were not his goal. He grabs a chair, and drags it back towards her the noise as he drags it on the floor fills the place as he makes his way back to her. Putting it infront of her he climbs on it, and looks at her eye to eye now. "No, Bobby, Peace." he answers her statement in three words. He holds out a hand counts the fingers as the three questions.

"No I won't release them, at least not yet.. They are in time out for what they done. Two I am Iceman, if you haven't been able to guess by now, and my purpose.. well I was getting to that before you interupted me. But a woman such as yourself, I will forgive this cause wow.. I have never seen such a woman in mylife I am truely impressed." he grins at her again from him standing on the chair. "Oh, amd I wouldn't try to bust them out.. The force might be dangerous so I would prefer if you didn't do that." the air starts to get colder around the two inside the little Mc Donalds.. he adds.. "Please?"

Artemis has posed:
Artemis's grip is firm without being crushing, her hand large in his own. Hands rest upon her hips as he goes to drag the chair over, and only then does she smirk. "You like to hear the sound of your own voice, don't you? But if Peace is truly your intention, then trapping these people is not a good way to start. I asked you to release them. You have had your chance."

Extending her right hand off to one side, Artemis murmurs more quietly. "...Mistress, to me..."

The axe is huge; ridiculously so. And it appears suddenly in her hand.

Iceman has posed:
He chuckles, and looks at her.. "I do, but i like your voice better!" he adds with a grin as he hops down from the chair, and moves away from her. "Wow that is a huge axe.. that is awesome!" he says as the Axe appears then frowns a bit, "Alright... well you are going to need to wait your turn then." he stops and raises a hand.. for the first time in a while he actually focuses other then doing what is to him stage tricks. The floor rumbles for just a moment, but if one might assume he is throwing ice at her they would be wrong. A huge block of ice comes out of the ground splitting the Mc Donalds in half. On his side the frozen people, and himself the other her, and her axe, as the wall that blocks him off from her seems rather thick. Best guess is it would not take long to cut through it, a few good swings, but the man of ice just turns his back on her and walks up to the frozen people. "Now, as I was saying.. It is a game, you should not fight each other over this.. Think of your kids when they see their parents fighting in the middle of a Mc Donalds like this. I mean.. shaaame!" and sighs shaking his head.

The ice around the kids undo, and he crouches down to look at them. "It isn't good to fight like that, violence begets violence" he offers a hand, "Lets tell your parents what you think of them fighting."

He leads the kids over to the parents, he opens windows in both their 'ice cells' so they can hear better. Before the kids start talking he looks over at Artemis with a wink then goes back to ignoring her for the time. There are ways around the wall.. It litterally is just inside the place as people are running out the unblocked exits. The boy at his side looks like he wants to run, but with the man of Ice leading him, and his parent right there it is easier to keep them calm. He quickly whispers to the kid, "Hey no Ice puns!" before letting him continue, as Bobby himself walks to the ice wall smiling at Artemis.

Artemis has posed:
Artemis just watches for the moment as half the restaurant is walled off. The ice cells are opened to allow for breathing and conversation, but it's when Iceman winks at her that Artemis moves. People are clearing out rapidly on her side of the restaurant, so there's plenty of room. Room to swing the huge axe.

The steel sweeps through a horizontal arc, muscles in the redhaired Amazon's arms and shoulders rippling as she pulls it into the ice wall. There's a loud CRACK! as a spiderweb of fissures obscures vision through the ice. And the rounded tip of the axe blade -just- protrudes, before being wrenched back out. Although he can't see it, the next swing is probably already its way.

Iceman has posed:
If it was just her against the wall then she might of broke through it on the second try. Unfortunetly not that they are talking Iceman is back focusing on the wall itself. As the second swing hits the wall had already repaired from the first one so that the results are much like the first time where the blade -just- protrudes again. Though Iceman is now focusing on the wall he isn't paying that much attention to the others, as they talk. He is standing there arms out fixing the wall as the swings hit until the kid he freed walks up behind him.. "Umm.. Mr Ice guy.. we are sorry." then with a smile he steps back putting up another smaller wall around him, and the boy as she breaks through the first one as soon as he stops focusing on it as it took what he had to hold her out.

Of course ice goes everywhere, but the people not covered in an ice shield are already gone. He looks at the kid, and smiles. "Alright.. get them out of here.. I need to deal with a very good looking, but very angry muscle person." and ushers him away standing up to face her again. As the boy leaves, and the cages melt letting the people out he looks at her again. The smile is gone filled with a look of determination. He was serious now as he didn't out want the fleeing people to be hurt by that axe, or well himself he guesses. The ice around him grows a bit, and the tempeture of the room drops like a rock, as one can already see their breath now the windows are starting to gain frost on the inside. "Miss... I really don't want to hurt you. Maybe get your number, but not hurt you.. Take another step, and I will have to... please don't make me."

Artemis has posed:
Artemis can see the ice repairing itself between swings, and she only redoubles her efforts. The end result is that it's a very worked-up, very annoyed redhead that eventually bursts through the wall. She steps over the ice chunks littering the floor, the huge axe held out and gripped *somehow* with one hand.

Artemis doesn't look happy.

On the other hand, it for all the violence she inflicts on the ice there is NO damage done to the building, furniture, or its occupants. With a soft crunch she rests the head of the axe upon an ice block, her hand resting upon the haft. "It would take more than your parlour tricks to hurt me, Iceman." she declares. Sizing up the situation, she adds. "I can see now what you were doing with your clumsy approach to diplomacy. One should not freeze the whole building to make a point anymore than they should solve problems with a large axe."

And with a smile, the axe disappears. "My name is Artemis. Do not call me goddess or princess and there's a chance that we could get along."