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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2017/07/15 |Location=Unknown |Synopsis=Summary needed |Cast of Characters=339, 112, 71 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:339|Ginger Singh (3...")
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Latest revision as of 01:05, 29 October 2017

Cross Off
Date of Scene: 15 July 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Singh, Captain America, Doctor Strange

Singh has posed:
As the SHIELD cleanup team is going through the AIM Facility and escorting out any and all AIM personnel, things are quieting down. One of the SHIELD Agents seems to slip off into the forest for the time being. That person is GInger Singh. As she finds a log to rest on, The warrior fades and the girl comes out. Tears flow as she shakes her head. "Dammit!" throws a rock into the distance. No crazy strength with her. So it doesn't go crazy far. She simply continues to cry her eyes out.

Captain America has posed:
     The dust had settled, and the cowl came off. Steve fixes his hair back to its usual part without much coaxing. The old soul had seen Ginger make back outside for now, and he had a feeling why. Red boots walk slowly and solemnly to see Ginger, if she wasn't hiding.

  The Captain had looked to the log, and gestured towards it. "Mind if I join you?" He asks, a much more gentle tone than he had during the mission. This was him without the game face, the war face, the one that steeled his nerves back during the days of the Howling Commandos...with Bucky. Steve looked a bit pensive thinking about that one.

Doctor Strange has posed:
The space not too far off seems to pop and crackle as a single bright line about seven feet from the ground pierces the darkness and slowly grows down to the ground, and an odd popping sound occurs but not much else until a eight fingers laced backwards breath the light and slowly pull it apart. The hole is a portal to --- a candle lit room filled with books and tomes that flap and flutter in the wind based on the suction from a cool to a warmer exterior environment. The fingers, belong to a man wearing a black and red gi, and he steps through this hole in reality and lifting both arms, one hand brushes through his black and silver hair while the other snaps the middle finger against his palm and in an instant, the portal is gone.

"Captain Rogers. Just the man I hoped to find." The good Doctor says with a permenant scowl on his sharp goatee.

Singh has posed:
Ginger Singh looks at Cap and quickly wipes her eyes. "Oh um. Sure. Have at it. Just thinking about things ya know? Don't mean to be getting emotional. I did the job and thats the most important thing. Even snagged one for questioning." She gives a soft smiles. Its forced and clearly so. "That was umm, my first." She frowns and shakes her head.

Then oh look! A Portal! She looks up and blinks a few times. "Damn Nice place in there." Then out comes Doctor Strange. She's never met the man but she's heard of him. Even read some stuff on him courtesy of SHIELD. Quietly she sits there, buttoning her lips and letting Cap speak to the Doctor.

Captain America has posed:
     Mystics always seem to have the best timing...Steve looks to the portal as it opens and he knows exactly who it is. The Captain looks to Ginger, holding up his index finger and whispering. "Just a moment, excuse me." He hated interrupting that, but he would make up for it later.

  Steven rises up from his seat and extends a hand to the Doctor. "Doctor Strange, if this isn't a pleasant surprise..." The gentleman gestures to Ginger, always showing his manners. "Doctor, may I introduce Agent Ginger Singh, of S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Singh, Doctor Stephen Strange."

Doctor Strange has posed:
Strange steps up, just away enough to prevent his backside from being sliced in half and being left several miles away in Greenwich village. "Actually, no need to interrupt your post mission debrief. I was coming to observe just that event exactly." Stephen says, shifting a foot out to stand relaxed and lifting his left hand to gesture.

However Doctor Strange keeps his manners. "Doctor Stephen Strange, Sorcerer Supreme. At your commands." As they both technically have higher clearance than him, but the gleam in Ginger's eyes means that he MUST talk with Fury or someone soon enough and remedy a few things in SHIELD's databases. Though he does speak further to Ginger. "Nice, isn't something I would expect to hear about it once you've spent a night there." NIGHTMARES ABOUND!

Singh has posed:
Ginger Singh gives a polite nod, "A pleasure to meet you Doctor Strange. Well it seems nice at least. Nicer then my room on the Triskelion." She laughs a little as she thinks about it. "You're here for a debriefing?" She looks down at the ground for a few moments before looking back at Cap.

"But umm, yeah. I never crossed anyone off before. That was my first time.' She frowns. I know. It needed done. Its part of the job. I just, I just hoped that maybe It wouldn't happen so soon."

Captain America has posed:
     Steve was also a little confused by the Doctor's presence, but the mystic types always did seem a bit...eccentric. The Captain sighs a little as Ginger explains her situation. "It wasn't easy the first time for me either...a whole generation of Americans volunteered for the war, myself included. And as much as we told ourselves what we were doing was for good, there's something...some innocence that fades away when you take a life, regardless of the life that was taken." Cap gave a nod, lingering just a little as he again was pensive. "I don't know if it helps, but it never goes away, only gets a little easier. It shouldn't ever go away, cause that's what tells you you still have a heart, that you still care."

Doctor Strange has posed:
"I think it's best if I keep my mouth shut regarding you and your wars, Captain." Stephen says, no stranger to the idea of killing, but always thinking there's a better way, but being green in the sense that he hasn't actually faught a war.

In Stephen's defense, this isn't war though, so again, he stays quiet and simply observes and listens before asking the questions on his mind.

Singh has posed:
Ginger Singh looks at Cap and takes a deep breath. "I think, maybe, I want to refain from crossing anyone else off if possible. I had an idea but, I was told I'm too low rank to actually do the whole custom gear thing." She sighs and thinks a little. "Maybe I should focus more on my hand to hand combat. I mean I can handle most damage that I've encountered so far."