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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2017/07/17 |Location=Unknown |Synopsis=Summary needed |Cast of Characters=282, 1045, 1188, 1124, 1168, 1175 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#va...")
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Latest revision as of 01:49, 29 October 2017

Date of Scene: 17 July 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Juggernaut, Molly Millions, Akula, Sublime, Black Adam, 1175

Juggernaut has posed:
    There is an abandoned but massive under ground subway station that has long been converted into a local fight club that caters to mutants and metahumans of various stripes. Occasionally regular humans dare to tread here as well so you see humans versus humans. Humans versus mutants. Mutants versus mutants, assorted mix ups, match ups and other 'ups' as the local rabble drink, gamble and otherwise rough house. A large center ring, reinforced by locals with a knack for such things to sustain the type of weight and impact brought to bear by the stronger sorts, dominates the very center most portion of this hallowed out chamber. Seating encircles this ring while a bar rings the outer edges. As the subway station spreads out into long abandoned and ignored tunnels, collapsed walls, broken pillars and other sundries indicate that..things have gotten a littler rough in here from time to time. Fortunantly mutant healers are on hand, and paid well, to attend to the worst of the mishaps.

Two bruisers slug it out in the ring right now. One red skinned, one blue! Red Ogre and Blue Ogre land meaty impacts that can actually be felt by those near the front row. Glasses rattling from the vibrating impacts. The crowd is is entertained and noisey but not out of hand. Yet.

Juggernaut has posed:
    There is an abandoned but massive under ground subway station that has long been converted into a local fight club that caters to mutants and metahumans of various stripes. Occasionally regular humans dare to tread here as well so you see humans versus humans. Humans versus mutants. Mutants versus mutants, assorted mix ups, match ups and other 'ups' as the local rabble drink, gamble and otherwise rough house. A large center ring, reinforced by locals with a knack for such things to sustain the type of weight and impact brought to bear by the stronger sorts, dominates the very center most portion of this hallowed out chamber.

Seating encircles this ring while a bar rings the outer edges. As the subway station spreads out into long abandoned and ignored tunnels, collapsed walls, broken pillars and other sundries indicate that..things have gotten a littler rough in here from time to time. Fortunantly mutant healers are on hand, and paid well, to attend to the worst of the mishaps.

Two bruisers slug it out in the ring right now. One red skinned, one blue! Red Ogre and Blue Ogre land meaty impacts that can actually be felt by those near the front row. Glasses rattling from the vibrating impacts. The crowd is is entertained and noisey but not out of hand. Yet.

Molly Millions has posed:
    Fighting. There's few things that draw Molly's attention than word that someone, somewhere, is getting their blood sport on. And tonight, this finds her in Mutant Town. At least here she doesn't quite stand out as much as other places. A quiet place for a beer, watch some people beat some other up... for her? That's a good night. So when she prowls her way into the place she takes a moment to take a look arouns before meandering unhurriedly in the direction of the alochol.

Akula has posed:
There's the sound of dragging, and a few surprised noises. Coming in from one of the larger entrances (and she needs it) is what appears to be a shark woman. Well over eight feet tall with a finned tail behind her, she's built like a brick sh*t house, powerful but still very recognizeably female. She's definitely new to these parts.

She also literally looks like she just got out of bed, at least, in the sense that she looks like she's wearing torn and tied bedsheets around her chest and waist, and nothing else.

Sublime has posed:
    And not far from here, a statuesque blonde is shouting down at the ring, a ticket in her hand! Sublime didn't have good luck at all at the metabrawl...but that doesn't mean she can't get lucky betting on someone else. A flash of light reflecting off a lens attracts her attention as her head turns, then she raises a hand, waving at Molly as she recognizes her, before starting to push her way over, carrying a bottle of beer in her other hand as she saunters over. She starts to greet her, then just...stops as she sees the gigantic shark woman. "...hi mollyholyshitwhatthehell..." she murmurs, then flushes. "Um, I mean, hi. Molly."

Juggernaut has posed:
    A loud THWAAAAAM resounds throughout the room as Red Ogre lands a solid uppercut that sends Blue Ogre launching skywards, out of the arena and back into a pillar that shakes from the impact, causing little wafts of dust and dirt to drift down from the ceiling into the cavernous chamber. Looks like he overdid that one. Blue lays still and the crowd goes into a mixture of jeers and cheers as a bell rings and an announcer calls out, "Red wins!!"

Come to think of it, on close inspection, the two are twins. Must be a family feud. Red seems inclined to strut his stuff though as ring side medic types check on Blue. "Another!" he yells out, beckoning at the crowd.

In the furthest corner in the back looms an immense presence. Cain Marko observes these happenings with a look of mild boredom. At ten feet tall, the behemoth has more in common with a semi truck cab then he does a person, even here at his most restrained. As such, when Red begins to beckon to the crowd and Cain begins to rise, a hush falls over the area nearest to him. He seems to loom up without end to him in sight and his vastly over proportioned body widens shoulders that would fill up a city highway, creaking his muscles with a sound like industrial leather being stretched.

"Alright.." he rumbles while sniffing and rubbing his nose. "Fine, fine." He takes a few steps forward, ground shaking under his footsteps though his movements have yet to be noticed by those in the middle of the room. His ice blue gaze flickers about the room, taking in some of the more stand outs..lingering on the giantess shark woman, and then back to the ring as the crowd begins to part for his approach.

Molly Millions has posed:
"Rachel." Molly offers with a slow smile for Sublime, not surprised in the slighted to find the blond woman in a place like this. Money for beer, but the other womans words distract her as she looks first to Sublime, then in the direction of Akula and can't help but pause.

"What..." the hell is that, is the part she wisely elects to swallow. The jostling of the ground making her twist back to see Cain heading for the ring,"C'mon. I saw this guy fight some red guy with hooves and a tail in the street... be's worth watching." she offers as she grabs her beer with a brief squint in Akula's direction because... holy schnickeys... shark woman.

Black Adam has posed:
Teth-Adam, Son of Ramses II, Monarch of Kahndaq and Saviour of her people, does not go to fight clubs for the blood sport. It was too... on the nose. Egypt had long ago developed more complex forms of entertainment.

That all changed if there was something to be gained, however, and rumors and guidance from Thoth had lead him to believe that there was, indeed, something to be had here in this...

"Cesspool," he comments dryly, cloaked in his Black Adam form and hovering an inch off the floor, his arms crossed over his chest while he gazes about in disgust and vague annoyance. Those that don't part for him as he approaches the very edge of the arena, he simply barges past. The sight of the massive man in the center, however, has him raising an eyebrow in interest.

Akula has posed:
Akula is getting stares, and she expects it. Something her size and build tends to grab eyeballs. She notices the larger man - Cain Marko - giving her at least one more look. Catching his eyes a moment, she grins a challenge, sharp teeth bared.

She finds her way to a table that is both A) empty and B) big enough for her. This is something of a challenge, but at last the venn diagram manages to center in on one closer to the ring.

Sublime has posed:
    "Damn, HE'S huge too..." Rachel say sback to Molly then nods, walking along as she shoots another look at Akula. "Do you think she's a fighter here?" she murmurs to Molly. "I mean...damn, she's built like she could break a sedan in half." She sips from her beer, wending her along with the other woman, occasionally hip checking those in her path as needed.

Luna (1175) has posed:
    While she might not exactly fit in perfectly with a crowd of Mutant Town flavored criminals, Luna certainly feels right at home with the Original variety of ne'er-do-wells. Some among the crowd might recognize her as one of the White Roses' protected children. Others might spot her for property of the Kingpin and his syndicate of felons. As for the rest, she's just one among many of the crowd, here to watch the proceedings. Being a made woman of two vicious gangs has its perks, including a few heavyset mooks looking after her, front row seats, and the chance to safely take bets on the brave and the bold. Tonight, contrary to the general quality of clothes around her, she wears a long-sleeved white shirt patterned by chiffon roses, paired with a knee-length gray linen skater skirt and black sneakers.

    When Blue Ogre kisses a pillar, Luna breathes out a sorrowful sigh. She hands one of her assistants almost all the cash she had managed to collect tonight, to be dispersed to the luckier among the crowd. Despite her prestige, she still steps aside as Cain Marko parts the sea of people. Whispering into one of her attendant's ears, it's clear she's found her next favorite to win, particularly as the same mook begins placing bets before the giant man even steps into the ring. When Teth-Adam shoves on past, her lackey hurriedly drags her out of the way, and she frowns her discontent for the inconvenience.

Juggernaut has posed:
    Cyttorak demands violence and acts of strength as worship and Cain Marko, though claiming to be his own man, having so embraced his role as the literal embodiment of physical power..can't help but comply. And really why wouldn't he?

"I'll punch him." Rumbles his bass voice, tone low but audible despite his quiet relaxed statement as he steps a leg up and over the side of the ring and descends his huge frame down into it. He pulls out a thick roll of green bills and hands it off to a nearby bookie, "Put this all on me."

He then turns, facing the crowd now, to give it a good survey and after a momentary pause he lifts a single arm high and then brings it down into a flex. His bicep exploding in size and giving the impression of a volkswagon sized boulder under his tanned hair flesh. Veins larger then garden hoses visible against his hairy flesh and pumping untold levels of magical power through his form. Easily sensed by those with the ability to pick up on it. The light flex splits his sleeves and begins to shred his tee shirt as his muscles visibly inflate. He then uncurls his arm and points it at Akulaand gives his first slight smile as he makes a thumbs'up' gesture before turning towards Red.

For his part 'Red' gapes and then backs up abit. "Hey, wait a second.." he remarks in protest.

Molly Millions has posed:
"I think this is war of the giants night and whoever gets into that ring is going to get flattened." Molly opines as she works her way up towards the cage. Going by Akula's table? That's... well, not really coincidence. And the floating Black Adam definitely deserves a second look as she shakes her head,"You thinking about getting in the ring?" she asks of Sublime casually, pausing to place her own bet with the bookie.

Cain flexing drags her attention that way with a low whistle,"That... is not a guy you would want to play fair with." is her opinion.

Akula has posed:
Akula looks over at Molly and Rachel and smirks. "Is bad that I am beink here?" she asks aloud in a thick Russian accent, English far from perfect. Definitely not her first language.

Back up to the ring, she catches Cain flexing. Unspeakable mat runs through her mind in profane appreciation. She blows him a kiss for luck.

Sublime has posed:
    "Ooh, war of the gods, huh? Sounds fun." she says cheerfully. "You got a favorite here....' she wonders, following her gaze, then purring a bit. "I'd bet on him...." As Akula speaks to them both, the blonde bombshell blinks. Because she's aliterative like that, but also because it TALKED to her. She looks to Akula warily. "...no, just...you are...really impressive." she says, deciding to go for honestly. "And huge. So you're kinda hard to miss."

Black Adam has posed:
Vague interest turns to a fleeting smirk as an unheard voice whispers in Teth-Adam's mind. "I see..." he murmurs to no one, remaining still for the moment. Either he's too distracted to notice Luna and her attendants, or he simply couldn't care less about their ire. A bookie briefly yells at him, asking if he'd like to take a bet. Teth's withering gaze sends him packing, muttering curses and threats under his breath.

Molly Millions has posed:
"Giants. Not gods. As far as I know." Molly asides to Sublime before her attention settles on Akula, one hand spreading and the other raising her beer,"Lady, you can go wherever the hell you want to. I'm not going to stop you." she tail-ends to the blonds words,"You a fighter, here?"

Juggernaut has posed:
    Yeah. The shark woman blowing a kiss at him nearly gets a shudder from Cain. He mighta miscalculated that one. But it does cause him to notice Red's hesitation as he looks rapidly away from Akula back to the mutant.

"What's the matter?" rumbles Cain as he levels his gaze on his opponent, his mountainous presence seemingly expanding with his mild rising annoyance. "Look..tell you what. You just take my punch and lie down.. I'll split some of the take with you. Call it a favor. Done it before.."

He curls his huge hand into a fist, squeezing and causing his knuckles to crack with a sound like splintering sequioa's. Loud and brutal and quaking throughout the club as he lifts the fist overhead, casting Red in shadow. "Just one punch."

Red had already checked out at the sound of those knuckles cracking. "Yeah, nope." Says the mutant. Apparently we got ourselves a smart bruiser. What a trope! He's already climbing through the ropes on the other side of the ring and hoping out to the boo's of the crowd.

"What..Hey!" says Cain, lowering his fist and spreading his massive arms wide in surprise.

Black Adam has posed:
Black Adam was willing to wait for the Giant's fight to end before he made his move. It was the right thing to do, after all, if an agreement was made between two warriors. When Red chickens out, however, Teth takes that as his cue.

He floats forward, coming briefly face to face with Red, and before the mutant can say or do anything, with the Speed of Horus, Black Adam sends a titanic backhanded slap towards the coward's face with enough force to send a buick skidding to the other side of the street.

He doesn't stick around to see if it lands. The attempt was made to chastise his cowardice, but Teth's real focus was Cain. He continues to float forward, straining and then finally breaking through the ropes marking the arena despite the fact he could have easily flown over them. "You have been wronged, warrior. Allow me to take the coward's place, and I shall give you a fight." It should have been a question, or a request, but somehow Teth's tone doesn't allow for very much wiggle room. It's a courtesy, and nothing more.

Akula has posed:
Akula beams. "I am beink hard to miss ewen with rocket launcher!" she agrees. "Asking because I am not Amerikanski. Is new here. I am not rememberink town of mutants beink here before," she says. "Is good."

Cain's shudder at her blown kiss causes her to burst into laughter. She shouts out to him to heckle him. "What is wrong, Amerikanski? Is prom date runnink away before you are ewen gettink first kiss?" Teth's impressive backhand only bring even more laughter out of the soviet shark's belly.

Luna (1175) has posed:
    More than one person witnesses Cain's flexing and showboating with appreciation, Luna included. The exploding shirt has her silver eyes widening. She turns a briefly envious look towards the Akula-shark, before her attention swivels back to the David and Goliath in the ring.

    Yep, about what's to be expected. The Red Ogre runs away, and she collects a sad couple of crumpled bills for her 'win'. Deciding to try to rile up the crowd, she shouts, "are you all just pathetic cowards, or are we going to see a real fight? I'll make it worth your while! I'll pay out twice the opposing bet if he loses!" Then she hears a terrible crushing noise, as poor Red Ogre goes flying to a similar fate as his blue-tinted twin. A sudden quiet. Then, "t-the bet still stands!" The bookie will be busy tonight!

Sublime has posed:
    Okay, that's cute, she'll admit, a faint smile curving Rachel's lips at Akula's joke. She raises her bottle slightly in a mock toast. "This I can believe." She finds a seat next, crossing her legs. then snickers at the interplay between the shark girl and Cain. "Oh, are you dating him, or trying to?" she says with amusement, then winces as the ogre goes flying. "Oooooh..." she says in pure appreciation.

Molly Millions has posed:
"Farking hell..." Molly reflexively flinches as all of a sudden Red is sent sailing and elects she's just going to grab a seat. That seat, right there, and set it down near Akula because she's not about to miss a second of the battle unfolding. Inviting herself to the sharks table without bothering to ask for permission first,"Neither am I." she offers for Akula absently, regardless of the fact that she not only sounds American, but her accent sounds at least vaguely East Coast, even.

Juggernaut has posed:
    A busy night indeed! As Black Adam approaches, the Ring announcer holds up a finger to address him and says, "Aaaah-" beginning to speak - only for Adam's thunderous back hand to send Red flying the distance of Blue, if not more. Red slamming into the ground and digging up a trench of dirt and loosened stone. Taking down a few bystanders with him no less. The audience bursts into a mixture of screams, shouts and cheers though a sudden tension causes a few to slowly creep towards the exits.. "Aaaaah!" screeches the announcer followed by an "Ooooh" and a backing away himself into the cover behind an over turned table as Adam casually snaps through the ropes to approach Cain.

It all happens almost to quickly for Cain to process. He sees the backhand and his face turns into one of full on displeasure. Not that he wants to 'defend' Red. It's just.. -he- wanted to do that. How dare Adam.

He reddens in the face as he hears Ajula's verbal burn but he keeps his attention on the approaching Black Adam and listens while inclining his head.

"Oh yeah?" he sniffs again and rubs his nose as he notes Adam's posture as well as defiance of gravity. "..You a local kryptonian or somethin'?"

Akula has posed:
Akula doesn't care if the two girls sit with her. More's the merrier, and it's a nice break from thirty years of total isolation. She doesn't so much as raise an eyebrow at them taking up post nearby. "Datink him? He is zjulik. I will watch him fight. If he is good, maybe I go up there. Bite some meat off his [censored]." She folds her arms over her chest, content to observe.

Black Adam has posed:
"Kryptonian?" Black Adam repeats, a look of momentary disgust crossing his face, "Hardly. I am Black Adam, King of Kahndaq and her People and bearer of the power of the Wizard." His arms still folded over his chest, he finally comes to a stop before the mountain of meat who towers over him even hovering off the ground. "You know something of magic, don't you, Giant?" he asks of Cain, tilting his head back and to the side as he regards his would-be opponent with some interest, "Shall we make a personal wager? If I win, you will tell me where you have gained such strength. I can sense it in you, though I don't believe I can place its origin. A failed experiment of the Wizard, perhaps? But no... This doesn't feel like his work."

Sublime has posed:
    Rachel's eyes are a bit wider. "...okay...well, if he's into that sort of thing..." she says warily. Whoa, sharks are KINKY.

    She mmms. "I should have put my money on him..." she says, grumbling as she idly tears up her ticket. "...dammit."

Molly Millions has posed:
"Zjulik." Molly repeats, as if that word at least is familiar to her,"Cheater? My Russian's not so good, sorry. Deutsche, sure." there's no blush from her at Akula's words, though it does make her choke on her beer, hard,"That'd be... a sight." she coughs,"I'm Molly... this is Rachel." though she adds for Sublime,"Yeh, not sure who might win between floaty and the big guy, but I already put my money on big and ugly."

Luna (1175) has posed:
    Luna rolls her eyes dubiously at Black Adam's pronouncement, "the King of Kahndaq? Not exactly the most original stage name. Still, I don't remember reading anything about a 'wizard' in history class, so at least he's put a small spin on the story?" More loudly, she cups her hands over her mouth and heckles, "and what's the 'King of Kahndaq' doing so far from his throne at Shiruta?"

Juggernaut has posed:
    "Oh hoh!" Cain rumbles in surprise at this. His eyes seemingly lighting up with interest and curiosity. This has become far more then a simple brawl in a fight club now.

"Well then.. Those are mighty personal questions you're asking but Might be willing to give you a little information though you might not like the answer. I'm no Dumbledore or Gandalf's or whatever's experiment though. I'll tell you that much." He laces his huge hands together and stretches, knuckles popping once more. His body seems to pump even larger. His tee shirt, sporting the visage of Godzilla upon it, splitting at the seams as the behemoth's physique seemingly engorges and pours more sinew atop itself.

"Alright King Tut. Let's see what you got. Impress me."

He waves a huge hand at those nearest to the ring again and then makes a gesture, waving them backwards as if suggesting the clear the space abit. The wise ones had already been doing so. His gaze settles again on Akula and those near her now and he just gives a slight smirk before looking at Adam.

Sublime has posed:
    Rachel nods a bit at her name. "Nice to meet you..." she says, a bit bemused. Go out, meet someone who kicked your ass, meetin a shark girl. Sometimes her life is just weird but interesting, at least. "Zjulik..." she says, correcting the pronounciation slightly. "Little more throat in the middle." She takes a long drink from her beer, feeling pleasantly buzzed at this point.

Akula has posed:
"Akula," the shark says to the two other girls, introducing herself. "Am soldier from people's army of Soviet Union," she explains. "Is pleasure." Well that dates her just a little bit. There hasn't been a Soviet Union since the early 90's.

"Yes, is 'cheater'," she agrees with Molly. She notices the money being passed around. "Bah! Money for ewerythink here," she grumbles softly under her breath. "Is better fightink for fun."

Black Adam has posed:
"No, you wouldn't be, would you?" Black Adam responds, "You would know my name if the Wizard was behind your might."

It's amazing how high speed can create so much wind pressure in such a short amount of space. Teth borrows once again from Horus to strike with dizzying speed, his elbow on a straight course for Cain's titanic abdomen -- it's a large enough target, after all. He doesn't go full out, though. Not yet. Instead, his strike has about a tenth of his possible strength behind it -- enough to put that same buick into the living room of the house across the street. A testing blow. Merely to get the feel for Cain's level of resilience.

Luna (1175) has posed:
    Luna grins excitedly as the main show of the night seems to be commencing. Murmuring to her attendants to up the ante with the bookie, she briefly captivated by further tearing of Juggernaut's poor Godzilla shirt. At the giant's gesture, she obliges, moving further from the ring until she finds a seat neat Akula and the rest. When she glances at their table, she finally sees Molly. "Oh! Hey. You frequent places like this too? Wow. This feels like it's going to be a special night. So who's your pick to win?"

Molly Millions has posed:
"Russians." Molly says to Rachel, before raising a hand Akula's way,"No offense." she elects to tag on hastily, let it not be said that she doesn't have /some/ sense of self preservation. She's looking at the distance between Akula's table and the rings edge and apparently decides its wise to move her seat back at least a little to be on the safe side,"These are just the side-bets. People guessing who is going to win. Keeps the chip flush between jobs, at least."

Sublime has posed:
    The blonde next to Molly blinks a bit at the girl walking up, raising a brow curiously as she looks her over. She looks a bit young to be in a place like this, after all. Yet she seems to move without fear, and people are making way for her. She hmms, sitting up a bit at that. "I'd much rather be paid to fight. At least I get something out of it if I lose." she says amusedly to Akula.

Molly Millions has posed:
Molly Millions looks slowly over at the sound of Luna's voice, taking a moment to place her before she finally offers,"Skatepark girl." with a vaguely puzzled air that she doesn't quite put voice to,"Yeh... this is definitely major leagues it looks like. Sorry... I don't remember your name?"

Akula has posed:
Akula is very amused by the chatter of the other girls. She holds no offense to their comments about Russians; after all, she naturally sees Americans as greedy capitalist pigs. Why worry about what you cannot change in others? The only thing you can do is hold to your principles, and earn the respect of those you admire.

She looks towards the ring, and notices the level of power being thrown about ... not the first time she's seen this kind of power. Not even in the short two days she's been ashore.

"I haff been without money for many years. I feed myself, I haff my own shelter. I haff need of nothink." She gestures to the ring as she attempts to impart a little wisdom. Blame it on being sixty. "Is good, this fightink, da? Find out how stronk you are. Know your place. Know who to respect, and who to protect. In battle, you see what you are, ewen if it has been hidink from you all your life."

Juggernaut has posed:
    The impact is a loud *TWHOOOOMMPH* that rockets out a shockwave through the air, flickering the lights and quaking the walls and the ground. A thunderous impact only slightly muffled by the padding and muscle of Cain's vast mid section with the seismic rumble of it's force.

Cain barely blinks.

And he doesn't move. Virtually the immovable force though the ring buckles and warps around the two before settling down, straining its reinforcements. Cain simply grins. Expression full toothed as he looks down at Black Adam and then sniffs, flaring his nostrils before rumbling, "Cute punch. Butyou're gonna have to do better then that if you wanna hear wax nostalgic.."

His right fist has clenched as he speaks and he cranes it back, still rumbling, "Now then.. hold still." His arm flexes once more, bicep surging up impossibly huge. "You just gotta take and survive my SUNDAY PUNCH!"

He twists around at that and sends his fist flying at Black Adam. The air pressure of the blow roaring out around the monarch and blasting through him even as the fist begins to fill up his vision .

The punch is pulled in ..comparision to what he could do but..struck thi shard before Rogue has been sent flying across a city scape, through buildings and Captain Britain sailing through a trench, over the horizon.

Sublime has posed:
    Rachel's blue eyes flick to Akula's then she nods slowly. "Yup..." she murmurs. "Knowing your place...that's good. It's easier....just you and the other person and who's faster, or stronger. Who's better...." She smiles faintly at the shark woman a bit tipsily, then turns her attention back to the young girl who has joined them. "...you skate Molly?" she says, with a bit of bemusement to her voice. "And hi..." she says politely to Luna. "I'm Rachel." While she's not slurring her words, she has the exaggerated way of speaking of someone who is aware that they are quite pleasantly slipping into being drunk, but with the practice for being able to keep herself under control.

Molly Millions has posed:
"Yeh, well, some things cost." Molly opines as she works on her beer,"But yes... fighting is..." TWHOOOOOOMMMPPPH. At least with her lenses in place no-one can see her eyes widen, beer pausing half-way to her mouth as she runs calculations silently and places both people in the ring into the 'fight only if you have to' box in her head,"No." this in response to Rachel without taking her eyes from the ring,"Molly, Akula." is probably intended for Luna, but she's... distracted right now, unwilling to miss a moment by looking away.

Luna (1175) has posed:
    Cheerfully shaking her head, the influential girl states, "if I gave it, I don't remember. It's Lynette, but everyone calls me Luna." A brief pause, "...sorry if I acted a little...confrontational the other day. I'm not usually like that." To Rachel, she notes, "I'm sure quite a few trainers here would love to hear that. I hear winners make a fortune in places like these..." Smiling, she adds, "and Luna. Pleased to meet you." Hearing Akula's insights, she stares in quiet wonder and admiration. Nodding slowly, she adds, "plus, better they let out steam here rather than in the middle of some random New York side street." With that, she returns to admiring the fight, impressed by the Juggernaut's fortitude before a strike powerful enough to send dozens of men sprawling.

Black Adam has posed:
Black Adam smiles as Juggernaut takes the hit and doesn't even blink. For all his arrogance, he has and always will be a fighter. Strong opponents are a source of entertainment -- not frustration.

Speaking of strong...

The punch lands like a dump truck on elephant steroids. Adam doesn't get to remain still like the Crimson Giant. He reels, head whipping back with speed enough to give bystanders whiplash. If he were on the ground, he might have only been sent back an inch or two, but floating and unprepared for such a heavy-handed hit, he's knocked back five feet before he recovers.

"Now that's surprising..." he murmurs before gently lowering himself to the ground. Again, he displays his power is not in his strength alone, but also in his speed. In under a second, Adam's back to his starting position, but he doesn't blitz his opponent. He stops, regards him briefly, a look that the other man should recognize: "No more holding back for either of them."

He's a man of his word, even if it's unspoken. This is a fight. The testing is over. He fires off two full power hits, one after the other, the first as an uppercut, the second a right hook. Both have the strength of the gods behind them, power that has tossed aircraft carriers for miles one handed. Strength to compete with the Man of Steel and Shazam's newest champion. It's enough to blow out windows from the mere shockwaves being tossed about.

Sublime has posed:
    As the shockwave from the impacts rattle the room, Rachel makes a dive to catch her beer as it starts to take a header over the table. Can't have that. She tosses it back, saving the world from the loss, hands it off to a passing server. "Nice to meet you Luna..." she says agreeably, her eyes focusing on the fight as it gets more and more powerful, blows that shake the air as she wiggles in her chair. "I guess...though sometimes some really stupid muggers can be fun." she muses playfully.

Molly Millions has posed:
    "No yuen off of my chip." Molly offers indifferently for Luna,"But sword-guy really is a complete waste of skin." there's a low whistle from Molly at least, cradling her beer to her chest,"Muggers..." she repeats distractedly,"...people actually try to steal money from each other in the street here?" if anything she sounds puzzled, and darkly amused at the idea,"Hopefully these guys don't bury us all... damn."

Juggernaut has posed:
    "Awww..this is one of my favorite stomping grounds.." Cain rumbles in anticipation, knowing full well what's about to happen. He leans forward, driving his immensity at Black Adam as the other physical titan blurs at him. The impact is..thunderous to say the least. A rolling seismic event that ripples out from the clashing titans to roar above ground, over turning cars, setting alarms off and triggering seismometers elsewhere in the area.

Cain Marko merely grins, deliberately allowing the first shockwave pulsing rain of blows to land on him as he leans into the attacks and pushes against Adam .

And then an instant later he counter attacks. First literally slamming through Adam's attacks by lunging forward with his expanding chest and stomach in a short range ram, trying to stun the mythical king by slamming into him with force to pulverize ominium. Should that stun him, his fist hurtles around. Again, then again. Then again.

Cain swings an upper cut. Attempting to push Adam into the air into repeated blows like against punching bag before ending with a thunderous open palmed slap, intended to force knockback. . Magnitude six..seven Still climbing.

The place is..well..coming apart.

Luna (1175) has posed:
    Before the kinetic force can travel towards the table, Luna's bodyguards step before them and take the brunt of that whiplash. As it is, Luna still flinches away, though she's quick to push her attendants aside so that she might witness the counter-attack, leaning forward in excitement. Distractedly, she answers Rachel, "I guess. But then again, some muggers are carrying." With a shake of her head, she notes, "Alex isn't really a bad person. He's...he just doesn't have his priorities in order." With a small smile, "anyway, only the desperate mug. It's burglary where the real money's at."

    Just as it's starting to get interesting, Luna's eyes all wow-sparkly with enthusiasm, her flunkies stand in the way again. "Hey! I can't see-" "Ma'am, it's time to go." The mook gives his ward a meaningful look. "But-" "It's time to go, Ma'am." Luna breathes out a sad sigh, and one of her attendants takes her by the arm. The grounds begin to tremble like they were in the middle of some awesome earthquake, and the explosive percussions of two demigods battling has Luna's bodyguards half-dragging her towards the exit. "But the bets!"

Sublime has posed:
    "They don't carry nearly enough...ooh!" She leans a bit into the blast, her hair blowing behind her as the chair under her suddenly creaks, a little delighted giggle running through her, then hmms as the building starts to crumble a bit. "....hmmmmmmmm....I think I'm going to have to skip leaving a tip..." she says thoughfully, then shimmers a bit as a piece of the roof falls right through her. She waves to Luna as she's dragged off, then looks to Molly. "...maaaaaybe we better go a little farther away...here..." She offers her hands to the other woman.

Molly Millions has posed:
Molly Millions doesn't particularly need her systems to tell her that the structural integrity of the place is rapidly losing cohesion. She doesn't so much abandon the beer as use the glass to deflect a piece of the ceiling and steps back, eyes already going to the crowd no doubt heading towards the door. Then Sublime and her hands. There's choices to be made, certainly, but under the circumstances apparently 'grab the blonde's hand' might be the blind faith option of safety,"Crushed while watching a fight 's not the way I want to go." she drawls grimly.

Black Adam has posed:
Though indeed Black Adam still enjoys himself, the fact that his blows -- hits that have at least left their mark on kryptonian level opponents -- aren't seeming to even phase Cain, leaves him frowning in concentration. Before he can truly contemplate the source or potential limits of his opponent's immense physical resistance, the wall of muscle slams into him and staggers him back, once again sending him reeling though he doesn't go nearly as far. But then he's being lifted off the ground by the thunderous series of blows that would have long pulverized any mortal, blows that cause Adam to feel true pain, a sensation he does not experience often. Suddenly that table-sized hand is coming around for a hit and Black Adam recovers himself enough to swerve out of the way, his flight and speed saving him from the tremendous slap and putting him just beyond Cain's immediate reach.

"Impressive, mortal, but you still can not quite measure to the might of the gods," Black Adam calls down imperiously, his eyes suddenly flashing with pure white lightning. This time, the thundercrack isn't from the shockwave of any physical blow, but the sudden arcing of the mystical lightning that leaps from Adam's fingers and barrels towards Cain's chest, followed immediately behind by Adam, bearing down with speed and strength, hands out to try and tackle the massive man into the ground.

Juggernaut has posed:
    The sheer air pressure caused by Cain's missed swing gouges out a huge canyon and rips through walls, collapsing the far end of the massive subway chamber. Cain grimaces, off balance briefly before regaining himself and pulling back to look up towards Black Adam,

"Hey! Get down here! No cheating!" His next words die in his mouth as he reconsiders his taunt and instead begins to brace his body once more. It proves not -quite- sufficient here. The lightning bolt, powered by mystic force, interacts differently with his vaunted durability and Cain lets out a loud "WHOLF!" as the blast roars into him, blasting away the remains of his shirt and actually stunning the brute.

In such a state, when Black Adam goes slamming into him, Cain is no longer simply rooted to the spot and he is briefly lifted off his feet and sent hurtling backwards , diving through the air like a freight train that's jumped its tracks. His huge feet dig back down to the ground but the momentum already has him under way and he hurtles at Molly and Rachel with no signs of stopping..only to pass -through- them as Rachel's powers do their thing just in the nick of time. Good thing Luna had gotten clear as well.

Sublime has posed:
    In the face of...well, if not death, at least mass destruction, Rachel grins as if she's having a private joke, her hand gripping Molly's firmly as she takes it. As Cain goes flying through, she lets out a slightly tipsy laugh, looking over at Molly as she raises her brow. "See? Not the first time a building has fallen on me..." she assures her. Which says a lot about her life, really.

Molly Millions has posed:
It's creepy, to Molly, to watch things pass through her body, she flinches and has to battle the desire to let go with the knowledge that probably the only reason she's not paste is that Sublime's power is what's keeping her alive right now. Which means that the blond's probably getting her hand crushed when all of a sudden they're passed through by a ten-foot tall flying mutant. The groan Molly gives says its definitely her first time standing at ground zero without having to worry about sudden crushing death,"There's not enough freaking derms on this planet for this shit." uttered all but under her beath as she has to battle instinct with her current reality.

Black Adam has posed:
Aha! Finally, Adam has begun to hit upon a tactic that might actually allow him to inflict some visible injury on this Mystical Subway Titan he was drawn to. He's just about to summon more lightning to keep the collosal man on his toes when he notices just how much destruction they've caused from only a few traded blows. He sees the bystanders scattering in all directions, notes how close he came to flattening two civilians with Cain's massive back. With a sigh, he lets the lightning go, the flashing energy slowly working its way out of his eyes and leaving the air about him smelling of ozone.

"Hold, Titan!" he calls to the man who is no doubt getting to his feet to continue, Teth not for a moment thinking his strike did any serious damage, "You are a much more worthy foe than I anticipated, and this arena is unworthy of our battle. Who can tell of our great fight if all who witness it perish in the conflict? I propose we call this first encounter of ours a draw, and look forward to settling our bout in a more worthy location at a later date."

Juggernaut has posed:
"What!?" rumbles Cain who takes an earth shaking step forward. He points a finger at Black Adam, moves to speak..but then pauses as he considers the place and just..looks around. His gaze lingers longest over where Molly and Rachel are and he tracks the grooves in the ground caused by his feet when he was trying to regain control. He notes the path his body took and then blinks a few times in confusion before looking side ways at Black Adam, "Well I could have told you -that-. What'd you think was going to happen?" He pulls the burnt and shredded remains of his shirt off. Muscles visible now as they bunch up and move like mountain ranges beneath his hairy flesh. Good thing Azula isn't here.

"Yeah, yeah. Rematch. But next time, I'm going to hit you hard enough to fracture the tectonic plates and that's just me getting going. Haven't you figured out who I am?"

Sublime has posed:
    "We'll live, it'll be FINE!"

    It was mentioned that Rachel is a bit drunk, as she calls down at the pair as they call it off. Getting some glares from the less insubstantial inhabitants of the arena. She pouts a little. "Awww....just when it was getting really good too..." she says with a sigh, idling swinging her hand with Molly's back and forth as she glances up to make sure there's nothing about to come down on them. "....want me to let go?" she says with a twinkle in her eyes as she peers at her table mate. She might want to be sure! She doesn't know.

Molly Millions has posed:
Molly Millions just stares at Sublime, no, most certainly not given the death grip she maintains,"No, no... I'm good." she insists, trying to maintain as much calm as possible,"This is just... like.. how the farking hell do you people deal with this on a daily basis?" she can't quite help but ask, having vastly exceeded her limit on strange for one day.

Black Adam has posed:
"I could not care in the slightest what your name is," Black Adam responds flatly, his arms once again crossed over his chest as he rises ever higher in the air, "I only care that you show me what strength that power of yours holds." And with that, he's gone, flying out through an open chunk of ceiling and, presumably, back to Kahndaq or whatever he was doing in the area in the first place.

Juggernaut has posed:
    There's a hole in the ground, so to speak, where an underground (and likely illegal) mutant fight club was known to feature prominent local fights. A recent series of earthquakes strong enough to flip cars, shatter windows and buckle the foundations of nearby buildings, was centered on that location as two combatants revealed physical capabilities that far out stripped their nearest competitors and only ceased before completely flattening the whole of Mutant Town, due to their own self awareness of the damage they were poised to cause.

But the deed is done and the club is closed for now with efforts already under way to clean it up and get it back together. A disaster of this level might shot most places down but..this has happened before around these parts and a certain 'benefactor' has seen fit to make sure the funds to keep the place going are available..if for no other reason that it occasionally sates his boredom and thirst for violence.

For right now, this bruiser - all ten feet, monstrously proportioned, muscled monstrosity of him, is hanging out inside what seems to be a massive scrapyard - the bits and pieces of the remains of a large semi truck being pulled together by his immensity. He makes his way through the yard, an entire trailer of some forty odd tons, shouldered and the ground shaking violently in the wake of his passing. The scrap yard owners, mutants themselves, and not to intrested in the law, seem content to watch the goliath work. Looks like he's working on a ride of some sort.

Akula has posed:
    She had an inkling this would happen, which is why she decided to make herself scarce before the blows really got started. She may be huge, she may stand out like a blue thumb on an already six-fingered hand, but she isn't stupid.
    The Soviet Shark has opted to wear something OTHER than bedsheets, which is really a step up in the world for her. It's like she's evolving into something that understands the basic concepts of civilization or something. An oversized white t-shirt barely makes it around her chest, the fin on her back flattened to her right side to make room. A pair of equally oversized low-cut jean shorts has been modified just a bit to let her tail hang over her daisy dukes.
    Akula has returned to Mutant Town, or what's left of it, to see what became of the two fighters. The really big one was kind of fun to heckle, and she didn't get a chance to get her fight on.
    She spots him gathering parts to make something, and trods over the broken ground straight towards him, stalking up behind him, stopping just a bit behind; arms behind her back, she leans forward a little.

    "DAS VIDANYA AMERIKANSI!!" she roars, grinning like a little (big?) [censored].

Juggernaut has posed:
Her again.

For his part, Cain manages enough restraint to not just try dropping the semi truck trailer right on top of her though he does stop moving as her voice goes roaring and echoing through his meaty form. His face settles into a perpetual frowning scrowl for a few seconds and then it relaxes abit and he arcs an eye brow as if reconsidering if he should be truly annoyed or not. Finally he just shrugs with the faintest hint of an amused smirk touching the corners fo his wide mouth. He doesn't turn around though and instead rumbles, "..Girl, what do you want? Can't you see I'm busy? Didn't they teach you ruskies to not bother a man when he's workin' on his rig?"

Akula has posed:
    Akula stands back up, feeling very pleased with herself at the annoyance she can practically *smell* coming off of Cain. She probably -can- smell it. She's good with these things.
    "I am comink to say I am beink impressed with damage you cause. I haff request." Yes, she will interrupt a dirty American whenever she feels like it, even if he's ten feet tall and practically invulnerable. He's still an American, and thus, far beneath the glory of a Soviet. "When you haff fixed little playpen, I come fight you, yes? I ewen help with 'reeg' if that is making better for you." She seems earnest about that.

Juggernaut has posed:
    A thunderous *TOOOM* results as Cain lets the trailer slip from his shoulder and allows it's tremendous mass to thunder to the ground and then settle with force that causes the ground to lurch for a few dozen yards around. He rolls his shoulder and turns, spinning on his feet like the movements of a vast tank turret, and getting a look at Akula now as a big grin begins to truly form on his features. That smell of annoyance mixing with a mild drive for violence and brutality that's only just so restrained by the barest twinges of humanity..

"Your accent's thicker then that dumb mutant metal head's.." he says. Probably gibberish to you.

"I'm pure power girl. Nobody stronger." Hulk might protest but that's neither here nor now and Cain's not about to say that. "What make's you think I wont' just break you like a twig? You're big..but.." he jabs a finger at his chest, torso swelling as sinew piles atop itself in a light flex that stil l casts Akula in deep shadow, "..but I'm bigger, eh?"

Akula has posed:
    "Because you are likink to fight and crush as much as I," Akula answers. The two of them probably look like predators sizing each other up for a meal. "Size and power is not ewerythink. Is also important to haff cunnink," she points out. "You are best I haff seen in pathetic country. I haff fought in bled in glorious Soviet army. Are you thinkink I am scared of blood and broken bones?" she asks.
    She raises one arm up to curl it into a raised fist, her own muscles rippling beneath gray-blue skin, albeit not to the degree of Cain's. "How else am I to know my own worth, if not in battle?"

Juggernaut has posed:
    "Person should know when they are in over their heads to. Yeah sure, I can pull my punches when I'm just out to have fun.."

He then beckons for Akula, "Hmm...so you don't have a clue who I am then. Fair enough, works for me.. Why don't you show me what you got then?" he grin slowly, "You want to find out what you're worth right?" His grin returns to a thin close mouthed smile as he rumbles, "Make me giggle. Tickle me with those fists of yours.." His massive stomach looms infront of her. His vast chest the size of a billboard. Plenty of targets."

Akula has posed:
"You are beink wery kind," Akula comments. "Is nice of you. I knew I am hecklink right man." High praise from her, really. She noted him talking about some metal person, and saves that for later. She has no idea who that is, but it might be worth finding out.
    She relaxes her stance, and then --
    -- suddenly bursts forward, thrusting a right hook at Cain's abdomen, as promised. She figures she'll go for broke right away, putting a great deal of her strength into the hit. It's got enough oomph behind it to knock a sixteen wheeler end over end down a city block.

Juggernaut has posed:
    That is...actually more power then he expected. Such a force would be more then capable of stunning most bricks and full out knocking out a good number of the rest.

It's just that..he's been struck by exponentially harder blows and not been forced back an inch and so as a result the powerful sharkwoman finds her fist slamming full bore into Cains' monumental midsection, the ground cracking around them into a huge crater and the air pressure blasting through and behind the giant to shake the stacks of scrap metal further away while Cain himself barely blinks.

"Nice punch!" he does note. A compliment. As he does this though his huge palm comes from overhead, literally driving down to try and slam into Akula's back and force her to the ground with weight that must feel like a SHIELD helicarrier deciding to mamke a soft landing on her. It'd assuredly force her to the ground while causing the area to rock violently and lurch with the force of an earthquake that could be felt several districts away.

He doesn't wait afterwards either - his huge foot looms behind this, looking to firmly plant its weight onto the middle of her back as he attmepts to walk right over her with a single step and crush her further into the ground.

"Get up. You have three seconds before I hit you again even harder.."

Akula has posed:
    That's about the point where Akula realizes that this probably was a mistake.
    But it's a FUN mistake. Better to die on your feet than live on your knees. Speaking of which...
    "Gyaaa!" she cries out as she's slammed into the ground, the earth and debris around her cratering in a mass of upturned pavement chunks and spiderwebbed cracks. She's created her own outline, but she's not pasted. The power he possesses exceeds what she estimated. But not by much.
    Wildness overtakes her eyes, and she begins to giggle, blood leaking from the gills along her side. She forces herself up, through the pain, bones crackling audibly through her skin as fractures start to seal themselves up. Internal organs are resealing themselves, and she tosses herself to the side, rolling away and up to a stand, crouched low. Her pupils have dialated to the point where her eyes look solid black. Her smile spreads wider than should be humanly possible.

Juggernaut has posed:
    "Time's up." rumbles Cain, hauling a huge fist up and clenching it tightly. The sound of knuckles cracking filling the air like the sound of sequioa tree trunks splintering. The air pressure thickens as the huge mans body swels, muscles ballooning visibly until he's several factors more immense then he was before. His scrap yard stained tee shirt shredding apart from his expanding torso. He could just summon his armor and go full on Cyttorak possessed but this is more..restrained.. Er this is restrained? But at any rate not donning his armor keeps his identity a secret.

He looms overhead just as you recovered and twists at the waist, a back that looks to be as wide as some truck trailers blocking your eye sight before he spins back around and brings his fist hurtling towards you. A thunderous *WHOOOM* splitting the air from the sheer air pressure alone. Should this hit, it'll be several orders more then the palm slap. One might be wise to avoid it if they can.

Akula has posed:
    Akula's newly won clothing is taking a beating as well. Cotton was not meant for this kind of abuse, and the millions of tiny razor-sharp scales covering most of her skin isn't helping. Already the material is reduced to barely useful shreds, at least enough to satisfy the censors.
    She's ready for that fist as it comes. She is certain she could regenerate from the strike, but that would cut into precious boozing and eating time. She leans to the side, just away from the punch, and does her level best to grab hold of that arm, to try to pull Cain forward and off his feet with the momentum of his swing.

Juggernaut has posed:
    Now that was also unexpected. It's not that Cain hasn't dealt with trained fighters before - and he himself is no slouch, being about as good a anyone can be at brawling without superhuman talent or eternal dedication to the martial arts, but he didn't expect this from her!

Nevertheless it's not a smooth assault. Redirecting the Juggernaut by any means is no small feat, even using his own momentum against him. He is pulled forward but his huge legs stiffen and counter balance the force, digging a huge groove into the ground as his fist continues on and slams into the earth - causing another earthquake and a canyon like fissure to rip through the scrap yard, toppling over a tower of metal.

Cain then suddenly yanks his arm backward, whirling on his heels and whipping at the waist to try and spin the arm around with enough force to dislodge Akula and send her hurtling away towards another tower of scrap metal like an incoming meteor.

"Good, good!" he rumbles, "I'll use just a teensy bit more strength."

Akula has posed:
    She's having to improvise strategy as she goes, risking flesh and bone in the process. It's hard to use inertia against him, but possible. Not ideal, especially since he is now aware she knows how to do this. His sudden swing does send her flying; she is thrown through the scrap, denting and tearing it as she hits. She wrenches herself free, metal around her groaning and skreeling as its bent like cardboard.
    She's also metering her responses. Can't give evening away on the first date.
    Well, actually she could. Cain's too much fun.
    "Is fun big man!" she shouts in approval, as she hefts an over turned cement truck, mid-mix, and hurls it at Juggernaut.

Juggernaut has posed:
    The truck hurtles at the approaching behemoth who purses his lips in thought as he sees Akula is..having more fun then he expected! He pauses, spreading his huge arms wide and swelling his prodigious torso even more.. His fingers wiggle for a brief second as his grin grows even larger..and then he slams his huge hands around and brings them together with mountain shaking force.

The shockwave that rolls out from him is a visible thing as it warps the air and kicks up dust, debris and then towers of scrap metal like straws caught in hurrican force winds. It blows through the cement truck, warping it wildly and tossing it about before continuing onward to race at Akula. The very earth shredding up and peeling away violently in the wake of its passage.

"Well I guess it's time to get a little more serious."r

Akula has posed:
    For a split second, Akula is back in Afghanistan, hunkered down behind enemy lines, Soviet fighters above running air strikes so close her skin is singing from the heat. It's a feeling that has not over taken her in over three decades.
    She barely has enough time to get behind a partially collapsed wall before the shockwave hits. The blast radius engulfs her, machine parts, scrap metal, concrete and pavement rolling over her and burying her. She's no longer visible through the dust clouds left behind.

Juggernaut has posed:
Cain Marko does ot stop. The Juggernaut does not stop. It's in his nature and Cyttorak demands more of his power be put to use. Not this paltry display. For his own part though, Cain is his own man and no berserker. He reins it in, pushing back the urge to turn this place and several districts around into a crater caused by his fist..but that doesn't mean he's not in the mood to be terrifying.

"Get up." he orders. His deep booming voice pure brutality in its lack of compassio for any damage he's caused.

"You've got three seconds."

his huge fingers have dug into ruined ground. There's a horrible shredding sound as his strength surges, his body pumps larger and the entire landscape begins to rip asunder as Cain hauls up a vast chunk of earth so immense that it begins to up end and lift additional towers of scrap metal skywards as he gouges out the landscape beneath it. The earth violently shakes as the huge mass of stone and dirt creaks up and up. casting shadow over a large percentage of the scrapyard and leaving a crater like some sort of excavation dig site in its wake.

"Time's up."

Akula has posed:
     Combat requires knowing when to attack and when to lie in wait. His strength is unbeatable. There is no longer any way Akula can out-muscle him; he is not just weight gain powder and lifting. He is a force of nature encased in flesh.
     When he makes his demand, begins to dig, she remains in hiding. She can feel the ground around her pushing against her, beginning to crush her as it shifts. She endures. She waits until she can feel the bio-electric pulses of his nervous system moving down towards her as light streams in.
    Akula bursts out of the ground, Little Mermaid out of the water style.
    Except instead of Ariel, it's Jaws.
     Rows of razor sharp teeth shine from a widening mouth that are lunging towards Cain's face in the blink of a eye.

Juggernaut has posed:
    He didn't now he had asked for it that but he asked for it. To say that it catches him off guard is an understatememt. Debris from the butte like chunk of earth begins to rain dowanward as its mass shifts wildl to the side and Cain then wholesale just drops it whiel reaching his huge hands up to try and grab for Akula's waist as her mouth clamps down atop his features.

"What th'blazes! You lost your mind!?" he rumbles in fury and distaste while in the meantime..Akula finds that she might as well be tryign to gnaw into meat overcooked to the point you can use it as a rock. The ground shakes violently as the piece of earth finally fully impacts and a dust cloud plumes up around them both.

Akula has posed:
    Damn, can't even taste this Yankee pot roast. With her teeth finding no purchase against his skin, that's it. She has no other options she can think of. This one is out of her weight class.
    Somewhat reluctantly she lets go of his face, her own coming back to a more natural state. Held by the waist in at least one big hand, she holds one of hers up and sighs heavily. "Is no use. I yield. Is no beatink you like dis," she confesses. "Is not beink crazy, is ambush. Usually works. This time not so much.".

Juggernaut has posed:
    YOu can practically hear Cain's muscle tendons' creaking as he hauls a huge fist back whole holding Akula out at arms length. His huge hand tightens, spasmsing around her waist. "To bad for you. Shoulda thought about that first.." He seems devoid of compassion and after a pause his huge fist comes hurtling at her ..only to pause just before reaching her and a huge air pressure wave blasting over her body instead. There's another pause and then Cain ..literally simply flicks his finger a few times, popping her in the head once or twice with force that would flip a car end over end but probably only anooy her like a kid teasing her on the playground. Not to say he couldn't apply more force to send her flying if he wanted but it's clear he' winding things down.

"Hope you learned something, you silly russkie." he grunts as he releases her.

Akula has posed:
    Akula takes the bully treatment. Hey, it's not like she can move or anything! She kind of has to.
    Dropped to her feet she sniffs disdainfully, and like a cat that's just been scared by a cucumber, she attempts to regain her dignity by shaking out and smoothing back her hair. Her cheeks are flushed red from a brief wave of anger turned into wounded pride.
    "Yes, next time will find someone who knows how to beat you for adwice," she retorts. Fiery orange eyes glance back at him as she fusses with her hair. Her clothing has #nope and is in tatters, held in place by her skin alone.
    "And I will find better way to ask you out."

Juggernaut has posed:
    t An earth shaking TWHOOOOM results as Cain slaps his meaty chest, quaking his muscles and blowing out windows in buildings that survived the previous onslaught. Holding little back there.

"Aint nobody know how to 'beat me', sweet cakes!!" he lies. Partially. "I'm pure power! The most powerful! You don't stop me. Nothing can stop me! You just aint got the horse power but don't take it personally..." He shrugs. Cain loves bragging about himself. "It's the same for everyone."

he dusts his hands off and rumbles this time to himself, "I run through more tee shirts and jeans then I want to.. shoulda put my armor on."

As to the date concept he pauses. He could say something mean. The timing would be right. BUt he just arcs an eyebrow and then rumbles with a smirk, "I can walk across the bottom of the ocean without flinching but I doubt a movie night would work out there."

Akula has posed:
    "Date night for spetznas is drum of vodka and % censored] until cannot be walkink straight," Akula replies with a wry smirk. "But is fine, you are winnink at fightink, is enough for you, da?"

Juggernaut has posed:
Juggernaut's eyes widen just a little bit as he eyes Akula. His mouth closes and tightens abit but it's a one of those tight smiles that seems to be asking if that is a challenge. Let's face it. Prospects are limited.

"My, aint you bold.." he rumbles, "Better be careful what you ask for lady. I aint exactly in your weight class...if you catch my drift. Might be not be able to walk at all. Sturdier then you haven't been able to.."
He leans forward, looming over her while grinning, "Why, you like walking the edge abit much, eh?"

Akula has posed:
    She partially turns and look over her shoulder at Cain. "I am giant monster woman, da? My [censored] could crush man like egg. I am haffink small choice for get happy." Yes, she's crude about it. Cold-war Russian military culture is not known for its genteel refinement.
    Yes it absolutely is a challenge and making horrible impulsive choices are one of the few joys Akula has in life. She crosses her arms in front of her eeeever so careful so as to accentuate her assets.
    "There is three thing I am doink with time: Fightink, drinking, and % censored]. You are lookink like good at one. Maybe two..." Gauntlet? Tossed.
     it's amazing she's lived to see 60.

Juggernaut has posed:
    Lady, I've got something a few orders thicker then a telephone pole between my legs and I make an elephant blush when I pre' and that's before I start getting hard." Is he exagerrating? Well..she'll have to find out if he permits it but it seems like he's alright with 'the monster' and the inneundo. Cain grins, leering at her, if for no other reaosn that he's being pushed and challenged on this, "By the time I'd get through with you, you'd be so full someone could use your stomach for a large bean bag couch from the pumpkin's I got tucked packed away in here most guys call nuts. Takes me awhile to get dressed every morning so I dont' get yanked over for indecency. So don't push yer luck.." The visual is lewd, undoubtly, but she seems to be willing to go there and Cain's no problem following and then running away at the hills with it. A master bragger.

But then, he adds, "But I dunno because quite frankly..you got a big mouth and I don't want you anouncin' to the world at large what I'd have done to you. You'd have me on blast cause I can tell you're the type that can't keep nothing."

Akula has posed:
    Akula raises a single eyebrow, seemingly unimpressed. "All I am hearink is usual claim is makink right before goink, "Oh I am sorry, does not usually happen to me!"" She fires right back, smirking. "I would be more worried that once my [censored] takes you to heaven I will haff to put up with your beggink for it!"

Juggernaut has posed:
    She's good. She's got him all figured out, yeah. Nobody said that Cain Marko wasn't an easy read at times. He's clearly annoyed. He drums his fingers against the side of his legs and just stares at her for a few long seconds, already on the threshold. She's got him caught. He clucks his tongue up against the roof of his mouth a few times but really, is there any other answer The Juggernaut is going to give to such a brazen offering.

"I guess seeing what I did in this place aint enough of a deterrent eh? You just gotta see some more.."

Akula has posed:
    Akula turns around to face Cain; she walks directly up to him, until she's practicaly pressed against him. "Look," she says in a quieter tone, "I am not askink to be wife. I am not askink to be girlfriend. I don't need money. I don't need savink."
    She leans in totally. "I like fightink, and when I find man who can finally beat me, make me worry I am not seeink next day?"
    She drops to a husky whisper. "I could drown bear in panties."

Juggernaut has posed:
    Well then. What brutish lunk like Cain Marko is gonna turn that down.

"...Fair enough. But don't say I didn't warn ya.." he rumbles, a grin full of some mischief and a crimson glint in the furthest depths of his eyes. "No backin' down either.." He lays a massive hand on her shoulder, "Let's grab a drink.." He figures he's gonna need it.

Akula has posed:
     "Hah! Back out? You had better clear calender," she replies with a smile. "Let us go make hotel owner cry when they see us comink."