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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2017/07/18 |Location=Unknown |Synopsis=Summary needed |Cast of Characters=1126, 56 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:1126|Doug Ramsey (1126)...")
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Latest revision as of 01:52, 29 October 2017

Good Idea, Bad Idea
Date of Scene: 18 July 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Cypher, Storm

Cypher has posed:
Doug is standing in the Danger Room. It's in its blank, neutral mode right now. He's wearing a plain gray unstable molecules bodysuit, given that he doesn't have a uniform that doesn't look archaic, and his old Black-and-Yellows are nowhere to be found. He shakes his shoulders out and looks around, before he puts his hands on his hips, and says, "Okay, Storm -- I'm ready. What're we going to be doing today?"

Storm has posed:
"We are going to start off with some basic hand to hand training." Storm says from the control room booth over the loud speaker, "We will begin with a one on one combat, and slowly work our way up to see where you stand since you have come back." She says, "Now, let me know when you are ready to start."

Cypher has posed:
Doug blinks, and then says, "Well I never got much more than the basics, back before--" Then again, he reflects on a couple of brief instances -- one with Magik, and one when he was out with Remy, and he says, "Ok. Let's do it." He stands, with his arms to his sides, his nervousness written on his face.

Storm has posed:
The Danger Room changes then, projecting a dirty, trash filled street, it is dark, the street lights flicker, barely working and only providing a bit of light to the scene. The sounds of a struggle can be heard down an alleyway off the street, the sounds of someone being mugged.

Investigation would reveal that is infact the case, a man in rags is holding up a man in a business suit, holding a knife at them and demanding their money.

Cypher has posed:
"Oh. Huh. Pretty basic." Cypher says. "Let's see. He's not attacking me, so move fast and--" He walks down the alleyway, and then breaks into a run--then he moves to angle from behind the holographic mugger from behind before he grabs at his arm, trying to twist it behind him in a hammerlock and force him to release his grip on the knife.

Storm has posed:
"Very good." Storm's voice comes over the intercom as Doug is fairly efficient at taking down the Mugger, who's hand releases the knife and yelps in pain a bit.

Appearently there is no real warning when the program steps up to the next level, as around from a corner comes a man wearing stereotypical gang clothing, "Let him go, Mutie scum!" He exclaims, launching at Doug with a heavy fist.

Cypher has posed:
Doug Ramsey pushes the mugger away, and then he takes a step back--and then brings his forearm up inside the punch, ruthlessly brushing it aside, before he aims a kick at the assailant's knee, then aims an elbow at the side of his head.

Then he's left standing there, looking absolutely befuddled. "...*What the--* Storm, pause the sim please. I need to take a second to talk this one out." He says, "Okay. I went through the same self-defense courses every student did. I never took the advanced stuff--so..." He strokes his chin.

"Is there such a thing as the language of violence?"

Storm has posed:
The simulation pauses mid action, "You have also died, been buried, and returned to life." Storm says over the intercom at Doug's querry, "It is important to ensure that you still retain that training, both the knowledge of it, and the instincts to perform your combat techniques. I do not know, tell me what you mean, the language of violence?"

Cypher has posed:
"Because--" Doug says, "What these assailants are doing -- what they're GOING to do," Doug is now holding up his hands, "It's like... like..." He says, furrowing his forehead and wrinkling his nose, "It's *Obvious*. And how I can respond, also obvious. I don't--" He puts two fingers on his temple, "It's weird. I'm not--" He says, "My powers never let me do THAT before. Instant read on an enemy and... instinctive response? Fluency in a language isn't just the ability to comprehend, it's also the ability to converse. So..."

Storm has posed:
"I see, perhaps some form ot telepathy, precognition? Or perhaps reading one's body language or similar." Storm says as she listens to the words from Doug down below in the danger room, "And by converse, you mean you understand how to respond to these actions you are understanding?"

Cypher has posed:
"Well, Professor Xavier and Magneto did call my power psionic," Doug says, "Though I never understood precisely HOW. It's not telepathy, and I can't read thoughts, unless you're talking about tapping into the Jungian subconscious, and I don't even know if I believe that's actually a thing--" Then he nods. "Yes. That's exactly what I mean. They're speaking the language of violence... and I know how to respond to them."

Storm has posed:
"We'll need to have you speak with Jean then to explore this a bit more." Ororo says, moving to the controls and resetting the room, "Let us test this theory briefly for you." She says.

The room shifts and changes, becoming now an alien wilderness before Doug Ramsey, strange vegetation, a wierd sky, and a group of three alien creatures appear, surrounding the mutant. "Alright, tell me when you are ready."

Cypher has posed:
Doug nods, once, and flex his fingers. He lets out a slow breath, and then raises his hands up to the level of his eyes. "Okay." He says, pushing himself up onto the balls of his feet, "...Ready."

Storm has posed:
The aliens move different, they fight different, their own unique fighting style and different then what one might find on earth in many subtle, and radical ways. They come at Doug in a bit of a swarm, trying to trick and overwhelm the New Mutant with their frenzied assault. Up above, Storm watches on intently to see how the younger mutant reacts to the test.

Cypher has posed:
Doug responds first by taking a step back. "It's a little bit like being talked to by three people at once--" He says, "I can understand, but--" One gets him by the arm, and he says, "Yes. I see." He turns, and steps into a flip, tossing the alien into one of its companions, before he's tackled by the third, which he turns into a roll, and then when they come back up, he swings a kick at it, then gets to his feet. "I can already tell that this exchange ends with the three of them pulling me down. At this point, if this wasn't a Danger Room scenario, and if I didn't have an objective I needed to go through them to get to, my choice would be to escape."

Storm has posed:
Ororo Munroe pauses the scenario, shutting down the projection and returning the danger room to it's normal state, "I will be down shortly." Storm says. Some moments later she emerges from the control room, "I think that is enough today, I wish to confer with some of the others, but I do not want to push your abilities too far today, but we have learned two interesting things, that you have abilities you never tapped into before, and we have learned a bit about the limits of your abilities."

Cypher has posed:
Doug nods. "I feel like whatever this aspect of my mutant power is, ma'am, it would be supported if I started taking more advanced self-defense training. The Black Widow offered to give me some lessons. Would it be all right if I took her up on that offer?"

Storm has posed:
"Speak with Jean, or the Professor about that offer, in the mean time I can try to get you some time with Logan if you would like. I do think it is worth exploring these abilities of yours, however." Storm says, gesturing for Doug to follow her as she head out towards the hall.

Cypher has posed:
"Understood." Doug says, as he exits the danger room, grabbing a towel on his way out. "I can't help but wonder if it was coming back from... that that made my powers spike," He says, "Or if they would've matured into what they are naturally. If so, then... why all of a sudden? Questions I don't have a good answer for."

Storm has posed:
"And that is why I want us to take it easy and slow and not push you too much, yet." Ororo says with a nod of her head towards Doug, "It is not unheard of for a mutant's powers to develop, or grow following traumatic events or life changes, it can be very natural even."

Cypher has posed:
Doug considers that, as he towels off his hair. "On the other hand, depending on how this bears out, it dramatically increases my... ability to be in high-risk situations." He smiles. "Thank you, ma'am--I'll give this somee thought." He tosses his towel over his shoulder, and sets off down the hallway.