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Latest revision as of 02:08, 29 October 2017

Many a Million
Date of Scene: 18 July 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Molly Millions, Blink, 209

Molly Millions has posed:
Molly's phone number... isn't a number, not in the sense of a proper and expected phone number. Her systems might have been patched to work with the local systems, but telecommunication networks still have a minor coniption about trying to cope with her trying to call anyone. As a consequence, what appears on Blink's phone might look like her phone's trying to have a fit, for all that it at least rings normally.

Blink has posed:
Lounging in a hammock out on a remote Genosha beach, the young teen is taking an afternoon off. For all that she's in her lycra green cycling shorts and split chinese style dress (also in green) that makes up her 'heroing' outfit, the mutant's soft brown boots and gloves are off, resting on the sand next to the tree her hammock is swinging idly from. Flipping open the phone, the display gets a frown, but it's a cheap phone so she's come to expect issues with it.

A button is pushed, before it's secured next to one pointed ear. Her other hand opens a small portal, pulling a fruity looking drink from a table not three feet away. "You're through to Clarice! What's up?"

Molly Millions has posed:
"Clarice." the voice might not be immediately recognizable, muffled as it is,"Molly." is added after a moment,"I... need a favor."

She's found a spot to wedge herself into for now, not that there's any kind of sound to really tell Blink where she is, but for Lucy at least the tattle-tale nanites in Molly's system are a shrieking cacophony of warning that the older cyborg has clearly found something that's had a pretty good shot at frying her somewhere in Gotham.

Blink has posed:
Molly had seemed so determined to be independant. By the time 'favor' is out of her lips (head?) and along the phone line, Blink is already tugging on her boots, holding the phone under one cheek to continue talking.

"Okay Molly, I need pictures. Snap me a few around you? Something big enough for me to open something..." A pause as she finishes tugging on her second boot. "And do I need to be armed?" All quiet confidence, that cheeky quality from their last meeting taking a back seat.

Molly Millions has posed:
Pictures. Of course. That takes an effort of shifting to find a spot she considers 'wide enough', like, up on the edge of the roof two storeys above, and take a picture of it, with a couple of desultory other ones to fill in the blanks and provide at least a reasonable picture of one of Gothams untold varietys of alleyway. At least, on the upside, there isn't any immediately visible threats in any of them, though there is, for the sharp-eyed, a batarang with what's left of a cord attached to a nearby lightpost.

"No. Just me." comes the slow words from Molly as she endeavors to find a spot that at least hurts less in the interim.

Blink has posed:
It takes a moment for the pictures to come through to the old flip-phone's screen. Squinting Blink makes out what she can. With the batarang there, at least there's a point of reference to make it different from other alley's she's seen in Gotham. "I'm on my way... I'm going to hang up though, in case... Well, you know." In case she appears somewhere she shouldn't. As it is...

With the image as clear as it can be in her mind's eye, the purple teen gestures, displacing atoms to create a tear from here to /there/.

-Blink!- A portal appears above where Molly is, followed shortly after by the leaping Blink herself, green and purple a blur of movement as the rift closes in on itself almost as she's still leaving it. There's a drop of a few feet before she grabs the lip of the wall, hanging down to peer in the gloom, her eyes still adjusting from the sunny skies above Genosha. "Molly?" Her voive a hushed whisper...

Lucy (209) has posed:
Lucy, for the record, is sitting in the middle of a room that ought to be a simple bedroom. One should tell that to the bed, which has ceased t o abe a bed at least in the particulars. Two thirds of the aluminum frame and the mattress have simply ceased to be, leaving a jagged, unfinished mess behind, like soemone had picked up the bed and torn off the top as if it were a ketchup packet. Above it it appears that - something- is being constructed instead. So far it looks very much like a large stuffed rabbit, two feet tall perhaps, is assembling itself in the middle of the bedroom floor.

For her part the diminutive cyborg staress intensely at most everything. Still, there's a greater degree of raw energy and attention that most other tasks utterly lack when it comes to Lucy. At least she's dressed, currently wearing a powder blue pleated skirt and white blouse with a yellow neckershief. It works for the girl, perhaps because of just how blonde she truly is. nother good piece of news is that everything else in the room appears unharmed. Although...

Was that desk always green...?

Molly Millions has posed:
Shadows are Molly's friend, as is her habit of wearing black, though neither compensate for the fact that right now, one of those silver lenses is MIA and the odd yell-green of the eye underneath, vat grown for better night vision and acuity, is visible. Or that the nanites are still working on a scorch mark on the back of one of her hands right now. The one she extends for a twitch of 'over here'.

"He called the police." she offers in a thick, low voice without actually identifying who 'he' is,"Not being here when they get here would be... good. I need... to go home." because she knows those tattle-tale nanites are likely blaring at Lucy right now and no amount of 'I'm fine' phone call is going to be acceptable.

Blink has posed:
"Course, over by the Stark-Fukijima research labs." Blink offers with a grin, showing she's remembered the vague directions. "Let's get you out of here okay? Can you move or do you need help?" Her free hand gestures back up onto the building, the one holding her weight seeming to have no problems with it so far. Though with her arm bare, it's easier to see the wirey strength underneath that pinky-purple hued skin.

"I can help a bit, but it might be easier to just drop down if not." That grin never wavers; "Don't worry, I'll catch you... Sort of." The mutant pricks her ears, checking for the sound of sirens. Is that some on the wind? "Faster is better Molly..." She says by way of chivying along.

Molly Millions has posed:
Molly Millions unfolds herself slowly with her teeth gritted, that she can't hide that much probably indicative of just how bad it really hurts and extending the hand carefully. Climb? Right now? Out of the story,"I know." she offers for the mutant girl,"I'm moving." and messaging Lucy inside of her skull at the same time.

-- i will be home in 5. --

Lucy (209) has posed:
The large brown stuffed rabbit sags whre it sits on the floor at the tiny blonde girl's feet. She blinks those wide azure eyes a few times before turning herself slightly. The girl's gaze falls upon the bed beside her and she tilts her head slightly whiile she considers the utter ruin she has made of both it and the frame itself.

Then a message is sent her way by Molly. It pops up instantly. Lucy takes her time studying and acknowledging the remnant of the bed while part of her mind is focused on reading that simple message a couple times.

-- Did your trip go well? --

The bed frame continues to deconstruct, a molecule at a time, falling apart at the tremendous rate of a cubic meter per second. It will be gone entirely by the time anyone appears.

Blink has posed:
Unable to get them there in one go, Blink /had/ been doing her research at least. The roof of a building can be seen below the pair as she pulls reality open between a here and a /there/. And then it's a simple case of wrapping an arm around Molly, and letting go!

Assuming the cyborg goes with her, the purple mutant takes as much force as she can with both legs, before letting them crumple beneath them both, the weight of Molly against her midriff - forcing the air out of her lungs in a soft 'whoosh'. Which leaves them on the top of a building, not far off from the laboratories. "Heavier than you look..." Blink opines as she gets her breath back.

Molly Millions has posed:
The building that they land on used to be the call center for a telecommunications company. Eight levels of abandoned corporate office, double-fenced with a concrete outer and a cyclone wire fence inner. And deceptively dead seeming. By coincidence, the building that Blink focused on is the one that Molly was needed. For Lucy, it's a jump of her presence, from out in Gotham to practically on the doorstep. By '5' apparently she meant '5 seconds', for all that her systems are even less happy about the idea of being upright and mobile.

To the point that she isn't able to keep herself from sagging against the mutant girl. On the upside at least? There's not really any blood left,"Never... ask a lady, her weight." it's at least some attempt at a joke as she endeavors to focus and draws herself upright,"Stay with me. She... can feel me." and she's already seen what can happen to people when Lucy gets worried.

Molly Millions has posed:
-- minor issue. will be fine -- It's the truth, at least, sent to Lucy, if 'minor' might be an understatement.

Lucy (209) has posed:
Lucia, for her part, is has gathered up the large floppy stuffed rabbit she's constructe into her arms. She's a tiny thing, under one hundred pounds and five feet in height, which makes the stuffed animal look even more improbably large. Like she'd gone directly to a carnival and won a great big grand prize- and it wasn't made out of cheap fabric, either. Taking a deep breath the dinminutive blonde steps out of the room, following the map overlaying her vision toward the blinking dot that indicates Molly's presence.

The speaker phone on Blink's phone clicks on abruptly. Through it comes a computerized sounding voice which states clearly, "Please "help" Molly lay down. Help being a euphemism for the notation that she will prefer to be horizontal for system reintegration even if she does not agree."

Blink has posed:
Blink let's out a sigh of relief of all things when her phone starts talking to her. She'd been /willing/ to help Molly to her feet, despite the added weight all that tech seems to amount to. But with an excuse not to have to, the teen leaps at the chance - carefully rolling Molly off of her and onto the floor proper.

"Seems I got close enough! Now time to pose yourself out how the Phone Lady said, for /reintegration/." With her blase nature full in force, the rascally mutant manages to make reintegration sound like a euphemism itself, even with a full blown wink for added emphasis.

Molly Millions has posed:
Matrix-damned... /teenagers/. The voice was right, Molly is not at all happy to be pushed down, even if that's probably the best spot for her, but the wracking cough she gives is definitely of the 'maybe down is okay' variety. The ghost of a laugh is a painful one,"'s Lucy." she slurs,"You might... want... to let go." after all, there used to be a pair of batcuffs around her wrists... they didn't exactly last long. She's even at least willing to stay still rather than risk Blink feeling the desire to keep holding on to her, hands spread.

The holster under her jacket, where her pistol should be, is very definitely empty right now, too. Though the cyborg probably hasn't noticed that quite yet,"The... drones... will be.. Bog. Don't worry... friends, here." she opts for. Her friends, at least, which is why she'd rather prefer Blink stay in her visual range, just to be on the safe side.

Lucy (209) has posed:
Lucy really doesn't look terribly frightening, not with the carnival rabbit and the long, wavy blonde hair framing her youthful face and bright green eyes. Given the colourful way she's garbed herself 'eyecatching' might be an appropriate response ot the girl. At least she somehow manages to colour coordinate, even if the colours in question change from day to day. The girl approaches with careful steps, crossing the wide open floor toward where Blink and Molly are currently sprawled.

"I wouldn't hurt her. You told her where home was and she is currently assisting me. Thank you." The phone continues to be the communication method of choice. The girl comes to stand beside Molly and takes a slow, deep breath. "Cannot repair optical augmentations. Analysis indicates catastrophic nervous system failure. Unwired persons would already be paralysed and comatose. Who did you piss off?"

Blink has posed:
Blink just /stares/ between the short girl with the giant bunny, and Molly lying on the floor. "Wait... What?" Glowing green orbs take in one, then the other, then back again until finally she answers; "You could have /told/ me how bad it was Molly, I'd have tried to be gentler!" Though time was of the essence, exactly how gentle /can/ you be when having to tow people about via spacial distortions.

"So this is...?" She queries, gesturing to Rabbit Girl, though her look is half parts guarded and amused - at least until Molly confirms that the girl is meant to be there. Clarice does at least move back a little, letting Molly get herself comfortable. "Anything else I can do to help? I mean, I could go grab you a Doctor, but I'm starting to think they won't have the first clue what to do..."

Molly Millions has posed:
"Non-essential." Molly rasps with regards to the lense for the moment,"C-larice.. Lucy." details apparently she's going to leave them to discuss rather than try to do anything further, trying to control the tremor in her right hand is effort enough but at least in this relatively empty space she's apparently willing to relax a little bit,"Not dead... yet." asking her to think too hard right now though, or speak? Not exactly her strongest suite. Apparently the question as to who she pissed off gets to wait a minute or three too.

Lucy (209) has posed:
"Noted." Lucy stares fixedly at the stricken Molly and purses her lips. The girl bends down slowly and sets the bunny beside the crippled cyborg as she studies her carefully from head to toe. Small hands are briefly being wrung as fingers lace together but the tiny teenager doesn't betray any of her thoughts in her features. Her expression is perfectly neutral in fact, as one might craft a porcelain doll. All save for a faint twitch near the left corner of her mouth. Eventually the girl takes a sharp breath.

"Clarice? It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance. Your approach was not noted. Query: how did you gain entry?" A beat and then Lucy adds, "This could take a few hours. Can move into the bedroom after diagnostic is completed." The staring means something, apparently.

Blink has posed:
"I'm a portaller." Clarice offers with a grin. "Call me Blink if anyone comes along though please? I mean... It's /meant/ to be a secret identity and all..." But it's not like the green clad teen actually holds to it that often. She waggles fingers at the computer talking girl by way of greeting, genuine worry creasing her pinky-purple brow as her eyes settle back on Molly.

"Is she going to be okay? I can have her straight into bed if you show me her room..." After all, with actual /experience/ of a place the Brotherhood member's accuracy is near perfect... At least it is /now/. "If that's okay, I know you folks need your privacy." And so, with nerves comes the need to look cocky. Right now that's achieved by a three feet shard of crystal appearing in one hand with that soft -blink!- noise again, and starting to get rolling through fingers, over the back of her hands... Almost a game.

Molly Millions has posed:
Molly Millions grunts her acknowledgment. The visible eye closing. She's an older model compared to Lucy, and not at all capable of the feats of hackery like hijacking Blink's phone, but at least if she's not actively attempting to use her lungs to speak her ribs are much happier. But formulating texts isn't nearly so easy for her, granted, part of that being simply that she doesn't like to use them.

-- Imperator --

The one word sent to both women might not make sense to Lucy but she's sure Blink will understand.

-- tough fight. won. electic staff hyperconductivity due to earlier injuries --

Lucy (209) has posed:
"Shouldn't move her for at least half an hour." Lucy relates this plainly, finally turning so that those green eyes can find Blink's face. She's silent for a long moment, tilting her head slightly while she considers the portlaler from head to toe. "Privacy is an illusion. You're already here." She shrugs slowly and then adds simply, "Molly is fine. Her body will agree later."

With this helpful statement Lucy tilts her head slowly. She might have been about to turn away right ot the point where that three foot shard of crystal appeared in the other girl's fingers. Lucy watches it carefully for a long moment.

Then Molly texts. Lucy pauses to consider it for a split seocnd and disregards it utterly for now. Because that's how Lucys operate.

Blink has posed:
Imperator? There's only one Imperator in Blink's mind. And that's Magneto... For the first few seconds, she genuinely believes that the two had a run in and this is the result. And then her combat training kicks in, tactics specifically. And the very certain knowledge that if Molly had got into a fight with the great Master of Magnetism, then there would be decidedly less /bits/ left to communicate with her.

"Yeah, you're right Molls." She smirks, grabbing that same cheap phone and firing off a text. Not to Magneto /himself/ of course, but to those who can get a message to him. <Molly here, and hurt. Think you can help, let me know, I'll open the way. - Blink.> Short, sweet and to the point. Just the way the Leader likes it.

"Done what I can..." She offers, looking back at the Lucy, looking back at her. Just holding that gaze for a few moments sends a small shudder down the teen's back. And then she remembers what Molly was saying when they met before, causing an instant change in the mutant's demeanor.

The crystal shard vanishes with another -blink!-, and then she's moving, bouncing up and onto her feet with the ease of long acrobatic training, a purple hand shoving out (still missing it's glove of course) and that same big, bright grin on her face. "So you're Lucy! Nice to meet you, finally. Molly said you're swell, so I'll say so as well!" And still that big, white toothed grin, those glowing green eyes somehow managing a friendly tone.

Molly Millions has posed:
-- fall made things worse --

Molly helpfully adds without opening her eyes, she can hear, but she's at least trying to be a good patient and stay still, with the faith in Lucy that whatever the diminutive blond is doing is necessary and will make things hurt less eventually.

-- did good Clarice -- she's not exactly a believer in codenames, especially not in private -- thank you. i did not want to be arrested --

If she could move, she'd nudge Lucy, but doing so right now is more effort than she's willing to put forth right now.

Lucy (209) has posed:
Briefly, Lucy licks her lips. It's a humanizing gesture, making it clear she isn't actually a doll made o procelain or a robot that LMolly has decided to share her technological imperatives with. No, this is just a girl. One who is probably frightened, given everything that is happening. The crystal vanishes and Lucy blinks once before nodding her head in response to Blink's enthusiastic approach.

THere's no smile but the girl takes a deep breath and nods her head slowly, tilting it slightly to the left so that she can careuflly study Blink's face for roughly half a second. A brief pause. "Thank you. It is nice to meet you as well." No, no audible words; Blink's phone is still doing all of the girl's talking apparently.

Then Lucy starts, all ato nce and turns toward Molly. A blink follows. "You'll feel beter in a second," she assures then as she shakes her head and reorients on the other green-eyed girl now standing beside her. "How do you know Molly...?"

Blink has posed:
"By accident actually." Blink admits readily, if she takes offence at her hand being ignored, she doesn't show it, simply putting it behind her head, along with the other. Standing there, she leans back a little stretching. "I visited Liberty Island just as she did, got to talking. Then got her to let me help if she needed it..." A hand comes away to indicate the lying down cyborg. "And so she did..." If the girl clicks 'save' on the text sent to her telling her she did well, no one else will notice. Right? Not even Lucy, who's in her phone...

"She said you might like to see Genosha sometime, that's where I live, so you're welcome to come visit. Or I can take us all there..." She eyes Molly again. "They've got some good doctors, and there's a few hyper-tech types..." Clearly the fact she can't /see/ Molly getting better is starting to push against Lucy's comments that something /is/ happening... "You sure she'll be okay?" The grin slips, more of that concern showing through.

Molly Millions has posed:
Oh god that feels... disturbingly better. The sound Molly makes one of relief, combined with the nerves induced by the absence of pain. It at least makes it easier to think.

-- I climbed the iron lady, and there I found a Blink --

Amusement there, sufficient that the older cyborg rasps something resembling a laugh.

-- The Robin is unlikely to be able to follow us here, with Clarice's abilities. He likely believes that the police will collect me, but initiate scans to insure I am not being tracked, please --

She's reasonably confident that Lucy's nanites will know the difference between her and anything externally techy at least.

-- Lucy is in my systems. It will be fine. Just... conservation of energy right now. I have an augment wired to my nervous system, the electricity fried it, and when I fell it made it worse. --

Lucy (209) has posed:
"..." Lucy watches blink for a long second, as that grin is faltering. She doesnt' react at first, her expression still one of solemn perfection. Then the girl slowly reacheso ut and, despite having refused the earlier offered hand, takes Blink's hands into both of her much smaller ones.

"Molly will be okay," she repeats, this time in a whisper of a sweet soprano voice. The girl taks a slow breath inward and then turns, releasing Blink's hand so that she can approach the cyborg laying nearby. "This might help," she notes in that same soft, slightly wispy voice. Like it is weak for lack of use.

That voice is quickly overtaken by the phone as it speaks for her again in the tinny electronic manner the blonde seems to prefer. "The Robin?" There's a pause before she asks, "Did a Bat attack you as well?" This might be what passes for humour in Lucy's world. It'ws hard to tell.

Small hands are gently laid onto Molly's arm as Lucy gets to her knees. Outward scars and contusion begin to disappear all at once, he body rebuilding itself at the molecular level at a tremendous spead. "These are just superficial... But visible proof of concept. Progress."

Blink has posed:
"I'd have been more gentle if I'd known..." Blink offers softly again, she's still new to this super-hero'ing thing after all. And so far, hadn't seen anyone she'd been working with /really/ hurt. "Need to get you one of those little LED lights, you know, green for good, amber for not, red for 'oh crap help'?" It's only a half joke, but it's there all the same.

But then Lucy grabs for her hand, receiving it quickly as Blink looks down at her with a genuine smile. "Your good people Lucy." She intones in that soft hint of a Barbadian accent. Watching as the small creature then starts /really/ helping the cyborg and all worry leaves those purple features.

"Oh /wow/!" She moves to the side to watch better. "That's something... /Really/ something." She grins wider, looking over Lucy's shoulder. "Where were you when I broke my ankle!?"

Molly Millions has posed:
-- Not that fall --

Molly texts, the one visible eye cracking open briefly at the movement, for all that she lets it flutter shut again almost immediately afterwards.

-- No Bat. Just a kid. Angry with me. Underestimated him. --

There's a laugh from the woman on the floor, a slightly less garish noise for Blink's comment regarding her ankle.

-- All red, right now. If Imperator is willing, we should go there. I do not want Bog deciding the boy must die. --

Which, given Molly's general attitude towards all things murder might at least be considered a change from the norm.

-- Or being in the position where it must do what is needful. --

Lucy (209) has posed:
"Was working on nervous system. Superficial injuries were superfluous," Lucy replies laconcially to Bllink's initial observation about how impressive the progress of Molly's healing is. "Cannot operate on both simultaneously." For now the girl stays on her knees beside Molly, still watching her with all the quiet fervency of a spectre... Or a loved one facing down the need to grieve.

Lucy rocks forwards lightly onto herk nees, hands resting against them while she stays silent for a few seconds. "Ankle would take ten minutes." Now she lifts her left hand, holding it parallel to the floor and wobbling it from left to right. Then she reaches up and briefly brushes a blonde tress away from her face. "Molly still needs time. Still." There's a pause and then she adds, "Biological processes require tending before electronics or else risking miscalibration."

Blink has posed:
"What's a Bog?" She asks, reading the text on her phones small screen with a frown. "And why would it attack Robin? And for that matter, how did you upset him in the first place?" She offers a cheeky grin at Molly, going along with Lucy's suggestion that it was likely Molly upsetting the bird, rather than the other way around.

"I met Darkwing once, he seemed good. They're all together though aren't they? Never met the bat..." Something about the way she said the last makes it sound like a good thing. Which the state of Molly just seems to confirm for her.

Molly Millions has posed:
Molly Millions's fingers twitch, it's an unnecessary motion, but offered towards Lucy, a brief squeeze of reassurance and gratitude.

-- Bogatyr is a friend. --

Is what she elects to explain quietly, falling silent for a long moment. Yes, she's... well, not hurting, but healing, and possibly that's a factor, but possibly there's some debate going on as to how to explain things and just what she is comfortable sharing with 'kids'.

-- Opposite assignments on job. He has taken failure personally and seeks vengeance with regards to that. --

-- I underestimated his technology and was already injured from other work. --

Oh the wealth of information that's being left out of those text messages, not to mention the cyborgs own filter with regards to other people's motivations.

Blink has posed:
The conversation continues in sporadic bursts from then for the next ten minutes or so until Lucy decides that the cyborg can move again. After that, it's a simple case of Blink following the other two down into their den of security.

After more repairs, and the cyborg getting herself cleaned up, the three find themselves inside whichever room has the most seats, all looking at each other with an air of quiet expectation. Expectation of /what/ though? Well, that's still up for debate...

Lucy (209) has posed:
To Lucy's credit it does not take her too long to reconstruct the bed. The room only has the one and Molly has to be kept aloft for a thirty seconds or so while it is put back together piece by piece, manipulating the frame's constituent molecules and slapping them back into a coherent shape. It does not help whatsoever that a few of those molecules are, in fact, missing. Lucy does not elaborae as to where she makes up her difference in materiel but doing so costs another ten seconds.

Eventually, however, Molly has laid down for a bit and been repaited to a decent standard and the three then found themselves within a briefing room among the rows of chairs. Lucy herslef is silently having nicely smoothed her skirt and perched toward hte middleo f the room to watch.

Molly Millions has posed:
Tattoos. Molly has them. Or well, something like that. With the chance to at least clean herself up and put on some fresh clothes she at least feels vaguely human, even if the lack of a lense is causing her a little disorientation at the moment. Thank goodness it was the right one instead of the left at least. Under her too pale arms there's a tracery of lines like circuitry that at first glance might appear black, but have a tendency to change hue by slight degrees for those with the visual acuity to pick up on it.

Although it would no doubt be preferable that she keep laying down she's a horribly patient. Horrible,"If the Imperator isn't likely to object... it would probably be best if we take a vacation for a few days, Lucy. Not that I find it likely that the Robin could track me back here, but that it's not a risk I'm willing to take until I work out how I want to deal with him."

Blink has posed:
"I think, it's just 'Robin'." Blink opines from where she sits, boots on the table folded at the ankle. In one hand she's back to rolling a shard of crystal over her hand. The excitement of it all had faded quickly as she was left to wait whilst the two did their computery stuff.

"But Genosha's got plenty of room, and Magneto already invited you. Between him and Wanda no one's going to be able to hurt either of you." Her own contribution doesn't even seem worth mentioning when compared to the two Super-Mutants. "I could teach Lucy how to fish with a spear, if you'd want that?" Having been talking to Molly to start, the purple mutant looks over to Lucy to ask the final question.

Lucy (209) has posed:
Lucy looks between the two with those solemn, intense eyes of her, so unlike the t diminutive young womans she appears to be. She draws a slow breath in as she listens to each speak in turn, worrying her bottom lip brielfy with her teet hwhile she considers each of them. Molly's suggestion of a vacation is greeted with a nod and then the young woman is reorienting herself on BLink to listen to her speak. Molly gets a pointed glance when the subject of how to address 'Robin' comes up but there are still no words to be shared.

Molly seems to prefer things like this. Herself quiet, observing people intently and compelled to move only when she feels so inclined. When the question of spear fishing comes up the girl blinks. Once, then twice. Then she gives a slow nod. Perhaps the most emotive she's been since Molly recovered.

Lucy makes her way twoard blink then with careful steps.

Molly Millions has posed:
Molly Millions makes a small gesture,"That's how he chose to introduce himself. He seemed to expect that I'd recognize the name." which she doesn't, still, granted, her mental rolodex is one of those low priority repairs,"It might be considered borrowing trouble. But I suppose I can speak with him about that later." she gives a small quirk of her lips.

"They have a beach there. And the water, as far as I understand, is safe to enter." which is unheard of in Molly's world, at least.

She caught the pointed look from Lucy and shakes her head just barely, folding her arms before her and letting Lucy pick her way over to Blink with an encouraging kind of smile.

For her part she prowls over to pull out a shotgun from behind the rough dresser she'd mocked together and elects to start packing without particular hurry.

Blink has posed:
"I can try having a word with Nightwing if you think that might help Molly?" Her softly glowing green gaze is still on Lucy though, watcing the timid creature approach on those small feet. The smile blossoming on the portaller's face is genuine. "Might be nice huh? Get your feet a little wet, grab yourself a meal?"

She's back to talking about fishing of course, off a nice little island she's found just off of Genosha proper. /Technically/ it wasn't leaving Genosha itself, but that wasn't a point she'd like to have to argue if she could help it. "And Molly can come too... Though I think heat vision is cheating a little..."

Lucy (209) has posed:
Lucy shrugs bonelessly in response ot the suggestion of cheating. She tilts her head to the left now, those blue eyes scrutinizing Blink's face yet again as she does so. The mutant might well feel an itching in her skin, nothing too painful, but something that creeps down her arm and persists there. Lucy blinks once and then gives a faint nod.

After this those blue eyes shift to Molly and she blinks a couple times, reaching up to brush a stray lock of blonde hair from her face while she observes the Razorgirl field stripping and reassambling one of her many lessosn. Lucy splays her fingers against a hip briefly while she considers something.

Mostly Blink, apparently. Lucy frowns for a second and then takes a deep breath. she points at the mutant and then back at herself iwth a thumb, tiltign hrhead as she does.

Molly Millions has posed:
"Who's Nightwing?" Molly enquires as she manuvers around. Not that there's a whole bunch of stuff to pack. Neither of the lady's own that much stuff currently,"No. I'm... he's just a kid. I understand he's on the Black Roses' payroll and in his mind that makes us enemies, but really. If he's going to be a joe he's going to need to learn how to keep the business from being personal. And I've got no desire to kill a kid." there's a sigh from her as she tosses a dress for Lucy into the case and stops to massage her hand with a grimace.

"'s why I'd prefer not to be here. I'm not going to have him go after Lucy or Bog over old business."

Blink has posed:
"Some people can hold a grudge..." Blink agrees, scratching at her hand. It's got to be just the way Lucy was staring at her, just that /little/ bit of creepiness that's got her skin itching. Right? Sure! Lucy wouldn't go pushing nanites into her without asking first. Blink believes it, but that itch doesn't seem to be going on it's own...

"Nightwing's a dear, he was trained by Batman. We took out some goons together, seems to have his head on straight though, kept trying to protect me." Her grin and the way that light in her eyes dances gives away how funny the teen finds that. With Lucy's pointing though, comes a look of confusion. Quickly the purple girl opens her phone and drops it onto the table with a smile. "There, that easier Lucy?" She taps the phone, obviously expecting the cyborg to do whatever she did last time.

Lucy (209) has posed:
"..." Lucy stares at the phone with a fixed, faintly dissatisfied expression but then she tkaes a deep breath and nods. "This isn't my voice," it says first, this time with a sound that is closer to human. Lucy seems to be cosnidering something carefully then, liting a finger to tap it agianst her bottom lip and then turning so that she can look over all of those present once more.

"Fighting Robin seems- pointless. You are right. Better to go..." The girl seems to be a bit pensive on that poitn to jduge why she wrings her hands but finally she gives a slow shrug. "It would take time for Gendou-Ikawa to consider a plan for recovering me there as well," she continues.
    That attempt to remain impassive is mostly successful but finally the young woman turns her gaze back to Blink. FInally the itching stops. "---...Permission to acquire medical diagnostics? In case of future injury..." Lucy breathes a soft sigh at that.

Molly Millions has posed:
"It's unprofessional." in Molly's opinion, at least, though her twenty-third century ethics might not exactly line up with the twenty-first equivalent. Once she's satisfied with the case she snaps it closed to bring in to the room with the two younger lady's.

"I don't want to fight the boy. But at the same time I cannot have him ambushing me in search of Moreau and her people." the razorgirl grunts,"That would be the other reason." she agree's with Gendou-Ikawa,"And from what I saw of the Imperator's power I doubt they would be able to get a drone in close." she scrubs a hand through her hair and then offers,"I'll go tell bobble-head so it can let Bog know."

Blink has posed:
They're talking in tongues for all half of the information means to the young mutant. She agrees it's unprofessional to let a job become personal, but then, Blink only tends to fight for a cause, or because it seems the right thing to do. The idea of fighting for money seems rather alien to her.

"Uh... Sure. I guess? Is it going to hurt?" Her response to Lucy is less than confident, but as soon as she realises that, Clarice sticks that blase grin back in place. "I mean, go for it!" She thrusts out the itching hand, just in case there's a blood test or something...

Lucy (209) has posed:
Lucy notes the hand offered to her with a rather blank expression. The itching Clarice had felt returns now and she frowns as she bites her bottom lip. "No pain," the girl promises in a quiet voice. "Samples taken are microscopic." WIth this helpful explanation the girl shifts her gaze back to Molly to offer the woman a nod.

After this Lucy is back to facing Clarice. She studies the girl from head to toe, those blue eyes wide while she considers her. Ultiamtely the tiny blonde shrugs her shoulders at the entire effort. "Might be slightly unpleasant but... Better than not being able to render proper assistance in case of onjury." A pause follows.

"Why are you holding out your hand?"

Molly Millions has posed:
"No." Molly agree's with Lucy's words, heading out of the room at least temporarily to go track down one of Bogatyr's drones in order to let it know that the lady's will be taking off for a few days but call if it needs them. Not that it's likely to but that Molly feels enough concern for the AI that she has to make it clear that they'll be back, soon.

Blink has posed:
Blink let's her hand drop. "Oh... Other medicals I've had ended with them taking blood and the like." she explains with a sheepish grin. The itching's back though, so she'd been right about one thing at least. "Thank you for asking first, that's the right thing to do." Best she make that plain now, what with how out of time these two seem.

Clarice gives Lucy's shoulder a squeeze, having to stand to do it. "It's fine, both of you. You don't need to worry about protection and who will or won't be able to get to you. It's easy, /no one/ will. Between me, the others and just how damn /isolated/ Genosha is, it's the best plan." As they seem to have bags, she begins opening a portal at one end of the room - through which a sunny balcony and bed can be seen. "Come on then, let's go get some sun!"

Lucy (209) has posed:
Clarice squeezes Lucy's shoulder and the girl gives her most human reaction so far: she starts. It's a gnetle moton, hardly movre of a jerk, but notable or someone who hardly seems to react to most things. Luzy takes a deep breath and then glances over at Clarice as if considering what she might say to the mutant in response to having been touched.

Finally Lucy states, "Blood sample was taken." There's a shrug that follows. "Much less invasive than other medical tests. ... Different mechanism." Then talk turns to getting sun and the girl simply nods. That doesn't need a serious reply.

Molly Millions has posed:
Molly Millions finally returns from her errand, and the reason for the lenses probably obvious when the older cyborg has to actually raise a hand because the uncovered eye doesn't have the protection of its twin. A hiss like a vampire at dawn accompanies the gesture because after prowling through dark corridors and elevators the difference is just... extreme.

"I... forgot, just how much of a difference there is in the temporal positioning." she mutters, pausing to dig through the dresser so she can at least pull out a pair of cheap oversized black sunglasses to stick over the unprotected half of her face.

"The transition can be a little disorientating, but shouldn't be catastrophic for you. The Imperator's presence created a feedback loop through my older systems but he... tuned out the frequency for me. Your systems shouldn't have an issue."

Blink has posed:
Blink notes the jump, and her smile turns softer. There's understanding in those glowing green eyes. A touch of something deeper too, compassion perhaps? Whatever the cause, she's already walking towards the portal. "It's perfectly safe..." She repeats, doing her best to keep the situation a little up beat. It's a /holiday/! Not like they're running from something...

As she steps through into the small apartment that is her own, there's several -blink!- noises out of eye-shot. Various bits of clothing, and an old plate of someting that might have once been pizza just vanish, to drop into wherever they /should/ live....

Lucy (209) has posed:
Lucy follows after blink with careful steps, her expression slightly pensive and yet otherwise largely passive. Her steps come easily, slow, faultless strides that bear the diminutive girl over to the portal. She steps through right after blink and into the apartment on the other side. Perhaps appropriately Lucy performes Clarice's nom de guerre repeatedy upon seeing the home but, as alwyas, she doesnot actually comment on what is going on. Instead she observes and lets the nanites take her tiny samples which ae both eyes and ears for everything surrounding her. Through this Lucy notes quietly, "How far are we traveling?" She doesn't make it clear why this is importnat.

Molly Millions has posed:
Molly Millions follows the two younger lady's. At least as long as the portal isn't pointed down from great heights she's got no hesitation about going through it. Coming up behind Lucy she sets a hand on the girls shoulder with a vague kind of smile,"Thirty-seven degrees north, approximately four degrees west from New York City." she supplies for the other cyborg before gesturing back at the portal,"Or one step, with the way Clarice moves."

Blink has posed:
"Few hundred miles? Or a few thousand... I can never keep it straight in my head..." She probably /should/ though, it'd certainly make her accuracy that much better over long distance. Once they're all through, the portal closes with it's signature noise and they're alone in the small apartment. Sunlight streaming in through the window, it's more than a few degrees warmer too.

"So uh... This is where I live. Excuse the mess..." It's not /too/ messy, the sort of mess a teen that's been strictly raised then given her own place might do. The odd dirty plate, a pair of jeans over the back of the small two seater sofa. But it /is/ clean....

Lucy (209) has posed:
"..." Lucy simply looks around quietly but doesn't say a word. The girl walks over to the sink and the dirty plates there, leaning forward to loook down at the mess. While she stares at it the detritus of old meals and other refuse simply sbegin to vanish. A discarded paper towel dispapears as if it was shredded and devoured in multitudinous tiny bites and swallowed by the air.

Blue eyes look back toward Molly and Clarice and Lucy briefly bites her bottom lip again. The basic added cleaning continue s around her entirely without thought. "Should begin construction on silicon fortifications shortly..."

Molly Millions has posed:
"Approximately four thousand, five hundred and fifty kilometers. With an error margin of five kilometers." Molly informs quietly,"Lucy... please don't dismantle anything Clarice might care about in the process. If silica is needed we can go to the beach." she advises with a gesture towards the window and a reassuring smile for Clarice,"It's fine. You should see some of the places I've had over the years." she offers as she eases in the direction of the balcony. She does, after all, like the view in Genosha.

Blink has posed:
"Silicon fortifications?" Blink looks a little worried. "Uh, try not to go /building/ anything either okay? We should probably ask permission before adding things..." She's seen quite a few odd things in her short life, so magically vanishing organic matter doesn't throw her /too/ much. But Molly's comment about dismantling things does give her pause; "Yeah, a lot of this stuff has memories with it... So it's fine, really, I can clean..." She /can/... Whether she /will/ is another matter.

A gentle hand seeks to take Lucy's, tugging lightly towards the balcony. "Come see the sea? I've got a good view from here, thanks to most of the buildings not being there anymore..." Another gentle tug... "And there's birds?"

Lucy (209) has posed:
Blink tugs Lucy toward the balcony without complaint. The girl follows easily. She glances back at Molly briefly to fix her with a somewhat blank stare. Just for a second. The girl extremely docile it seems, holding Clarice's hand both gently and with far morestrength thant he larger girl might well expect of her.

Lucy scans the sky patiently then, clearly searching out the birds that were mentioned. She actually smiles briefly when her gaze comes to rest on one of the gulls and she squeezes Clarice's hand gently. Then dark eyes come to fixedly rest on the water stretching toward the horizon. Finally Lucy adds in a firm but brittle, tiny voice, "...Beaches are made of silicon. Silicate castles, constructed by children. Staring out at the water..."

Molly Millions has posed:
Sand castles. That's a new one on Molly at least, given the slightly confused look that crosses her face. There's a grunt from her before she says,"I should probably see if I can find the Imperator and discuss things with him." she murmurs absently. Apparently the older cyborg actually feels comfortable enough or is respectful enough of the locals to actually leave all her firearms in the room.