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Latest revision as of 02:10, 29 October 2017

Don't Quit Your Day Job
Date of Scene: 19 July 2017
Location: Gotham City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Domino, Nightwing

Domino has posed:
[The Rooftop Restaurant, Gotham City.]

    It's been twenty four hours since the paperwork was inked, and already Mr. Wayne had put her straight into the thick of things. Alone at dusk, several stories above the business district of Gotham City, Nina Thurman is seated at a table a short distance from the edge of the outer dining pavillion. There are guard rails of course, and potted plants that accent the area, but from this vantage, the view is spectacular, especially the colors of the setting sun and the first twinkle of stars above.
    Unfortunately Nina doesn't have time to enjoy that. A partially finished glass of rose` wine and half a thin slice of New York cheese cake are pushed across the table to make way for a table computer and several manilla folders. She's dressed in business casual gray jacket and skirt, cream silk undershirt, fitting in seamlessly with the environment. Almost seamlessly. She's still being given a side-eye by a handful of the wait staff. Her money's good, so they don't complain aloud about the presence of a mutant.
    She makes a few marks on architectural layouts, comparing photos of the interior of the central Wayne Industries offices, and shakes her head.

Nightwing has posed:
    The first words that are heard that might let her know she's not alone are light ones, casually given and for a moment she might even think they're from another diner on that Rooftop Restaurant. "You clean up nice, Dom."
    Perhaps it might take her a moment to recognize the voice. Perhaps not. But a glance will show her the dark silhouette of the vigilante against the railing, his hand holding him up. That mask hiding his eyes as he leans there, arms folded, head tilted to the side.
    For the moment the wait staff haven't spotted him. But it's probably just a matter of time. Not that he'll rush off.

Domino has posed:
    "Well, the cat suit's just for fun on the weekends, you know," she quips, recognizing the voice right away. "Working women have expectations to keep up, especially at a Fortune 100 company." She keeps marking off floor plans, turning the page to the next one, focusing on them as she gestures with one hand to the empty seat across from her. "Pull up a chair, Nightwing. Dessert's on me."

Nightwing has posed:
    "And ruin my figure? I'm onto you, Dom." Nightwing steps around the table slowly, shooting an eye towards the door back to the interior where at this time of night the serving staff are most likely cleaning up, clearing out, getting set to close once things are settled. And when all the patrons are gone.
    "You think you're clever, but I see through your wiles." He does, however, take a seat, lifting a leg over the back of the chair and settling into it with his forearms on the table, leaning forwards. "You seem busy."

Domino has posed:
    "Looks that way doesn't it?" She finally sets aside the papers, the last one marked. From here, Dick will be able to see that the notations are security flaws, blind spots, camera placements, panic rooms - everything the office workers would need to have eyes everywhere and places to go when SHTF. His presence brings a little smile to her face. "Incidentally an active man of your age would burn through this treat in under an hour. You need the calories more than I do. I'm just enjoying myself." She reaches for the glass of wine and has a sip. "It's Nina by the way," she corrects just pulling the rounded bowl of the glass away from her lips. "I figure that you're going to know that sooner or later."

Nightwing has posed:
    "Nina," A nod is given as he accepts the gift of her name, though assuredly she can understand why he doesn't reciprocate. He gets a faint smile, "Good to meet you, Nina." He does lean forwards a bit to rather obviously look like he's looking at the security documents. But then he leans back just as quickly to grant that they are not his concern.
    "Looks like you'll be sticking around then. I'm glad." He offers that there without any tinge of dissembling or play. A small window of sincerity. But then he's back to the casual banter between them as he adds, "You're probably right, but it's a slippery slope. One minute it's a dessert at the rooftop, the next I'm eating whole things of Ben and Jerry's on the sofa in the middle of the day."

Domino has posed:
    "Pff, I would have thought you'd be sprawled on a bed with some girl's thong on the floor in the middle of the day," she banters back playfully, before finishing the wine and setting the empty glass on the table.
    She picks up the papers and taps them toether in her hands, straightening them all up and bringing them into line, before slipping them into a manilla folder. "Taking this job was probably a mistake, but I'll stick with it for now. It's a lot more paperwork than my usual routine, but not that much different." She reaches over to the tablet and types a few things up on the small keyboard. "So what do you know about Mr. Wayne? He said he's been kidnapped multiple times last year alone. Is that normal for him?"

Nightwing has posed:
    A small smile as Nightwing looks away, the tips of his ears actually colour slightly before he looks back to her and he says lightly. "I think... you have a sort of different image of me than is there in reality." That's all he'll offer about that. At least that might be some small measure of insight.
    Then he looks back to her and gives a nod, "Probably good. It's nice to see you focused on something." He leaves that there and then she asks him about Mr. Wayne.
    "Ah, Mr. Wayne. Things seem to swirl around him sometimes. A bit of an airhead in some ways, but rather concise and clever at others. I don't know him personally. But... things do seem to happen around him now and then."

Domino has posed:
    "He's good at faking his intelligence. You don't run a company like his - even with support staff - unless you're very smart. You only have to look at his face to see it; it's in his eyes." Nina grins. "I kind of like that about him, actually. I think he'd have made a great face-man in Madripoor."
    She reaches for the bottle left on the table just a little ways out of sight, and pours another small glass of the rose`. "I suppose no alcohol while on duty, either?"

Nightwing has posed:
    "Or off to be fair," He offers that insight, a tee-totaller apparently. But he smiles and tilts his head, "Well except for the occasional new year's thing." That having been said he does make liberty with her water and takes a sip even without her permission. Scandalous. He does keep his usual posture as he looks to her and nods.
    "You may be right about him. But sometimes, I don't know. Maybe he pulls the whole idiot-savant thing." She can't tell now, but his lip curls at the thought that Bats might some day access the audio log of this and hear Nightwing's commentary.
    "So what are your plans?"

Domino has posed:
    She lets him have the water. It's free.
    "Start over," she sighs. "Look, I already put more than I wanted to on paper just for Wayne's sake, and given the reputation Batman has for just *knowing [censored] no one else should know*, I figure it'll come out sooner or later. I calculated my risk." She leans back in the chair with the glass' stem in between her right hand's fingers, bowl balanced on them.
    "I've got nothing left. I'm the only member of my old crew still alive, and the last one went down hard. I figured I'd just try to move on, try some new place. Gotham's crime rate made it cherry for bounties, really. The recidivism rate is through the roof, and you and the Bat don't seem to want to put ol' yeller down no matter how sick he is."
    She sighs and closes her eyes. "God love the Bat if he can actually manage to turn any of these psychos around though," she murmurs quietly.

Nightwing has posed:
    "Well," He rests his hands upon the edge of the table, "I know this might not be the same as you'd ideally want, I'm glad at the least you'll be sticking around. And there are way worse people to get involved with than Bruce Wayne." He lifts a hand to push leatherclad fingertips through his hair, then smiles sidelong at her.
    "If nothing else you'll probably pick up something you can use for the future and I'm sure you're going to keep up your training. So you won't lose a step."
    At that moment, however, the wait staff seem to be getting ready to get to work on the tables outside as they get set to close. It draws Nightwing's attention and then he looks back to her with a smile. "In any case, I should get going."

Domino has posed:
    Domino notices that the restaurant is starting to close, at last. Nightwing had her full attention. She can't remain there all night, not as a civilian anyways, so she gathers up the equipment into a leather attache, standing up from her chair, setting the glass down.
    "Yeah, I should too. Don't be a stranger. And pull a Batman on me, or I'll hunt you down just to finish my end of the conversation." She laughs at that, knowing that Dick is probably already doing just that.