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Latest revision as of 02:40, 29 October 2017

Genoshan Spear Fishing
Date of Scene: 21 July 2017
Location: Genosha
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Molly Millions, Blink, 209

Molly Millions has posed:
First, there was having to exchange at least some of her US dollars into Genoshan pounds. Then a trip down to one of the stores that's set up shop in the half ruined city... primarily because Molly, at least, doesn't own a bathing suit. And she's betting Lucy doesn't either. Some towels.

It might be a hint to Lucy just how much Molly has been up to when she's gone away, that she at least has access to the kind of money to make such a purchase.

But now? Onto Blink's beach, with the almost luminoscently pale razorgirl in her oversized sunglasses peering around like she hasn't really tried this 'recreation' thing before and she's entirely lost on where to start. The bathing suit procured leaves a scar; for a creature that's been surgically altered a thousand times over, a notable difference from the almost invisible lines of her alterations, that runs vertically from somewhere under her left breast and all the way down. Not that she appears to be self-conscious about it in the slightest.

Blink has posed:
Blink's been here a hundred times or more of course. You don't get that shade of pinky purple by hiding in the shadows all the time, that's for sure! And so she's in a two piece bikini, simple green bottoms and a halterneck top that leaves her well toned form free to be observed whilst still staying decent.

The mutant has her own share of scars, thing lines criss-crossing her back from shoulder-blades to just above her tailbone. Faint and narrow, it's clear these are rather old and now well-healed. If she's self concious about them, the cocky walk like a cat strutting across a courtyard hides it well.

"So here we are!" She gestures to the wide, clean beach with it's pale sand and deep blue-green waters. "Find a spot, and we'll get set up! Don't go too far!" This last bit is directed at Lucy, her being the youngest seeming of the group. "Don't want you getting lost!"

Lucy (209) has posed:
Lucia is, as one might expect, pretty much flawless in at least the tecnical sense. Her slender body is hugged nicely by the dark blue swimsuit procured for her, leaving shapely limbs shown and outlining her fairly well developed figure nicely. With a wreath of deep red hair framing her face and those blue eyes she could easily be some kind of a model if she were... Many inches tlaler.

Lucy insisted on quietly wandering down the beach. She moves so carefully as to be essentially silent on the soft, muffling sand, and so all it takes is some timing to find herself a place a short ways down the beach, round a corner and ending up all alone. It isn't 'far' in a meanignful sense. It simply has a practical barrier.

if one approaches where Lucy has disappeared to they will find the girl sitting with her bare toes draging in the current, waves lapping against her calves. She is perched on the sand watching as as huge groves are being dug unto the sand, almost like it is being even by a billion termites in rapid motion, consuming it and perhaps setting it aside for some nefarious purpose.

It is likely that the more concerning project is the house sized castle being constructed out of building blocks which have been apparently pulled together by Lucy's whim and formed entirely from the sand.

Molly Millions has posed:
Molly Millions also went with a bikini, though hers is the red of congealed blood much like she prefers with her false nails,"I'm unfamiliar with beaches. Somewhere... far enough back not to get wet? But close enough to enjoy? And maybe some shade?" the nanites, at least, wont let her scorch, but at the same time, no need to make them work overtime.
Of course, with Lucy moving off, Molly assumes that means the girl has picked a spot and with a smile back towards Blink trails off that way.

"So the particulate level here? It isn't... too bad? Aside from Freeside and other conclaves of the rich it was generally recommended not to get into any ocean back home."

Blink has posed:
The mutant girl ambles along with Molly, carrying a cool box in one hand and (after opening a portal back to her place, and pulling it through) a beach umbrella. "Sure, shade is good... Particulate?" She shakes her head, grinning. "It's not poluted, if that's what you mean. Perfectly safe... Well, except for reef sharks, but they won't bother us here." Mainly because of not being in the water of course.

When they reach the life size castle, Blink giggles and places the cool box down on a nearby bit of beach. With a thumb's up at Lucy, both at her choice of swimming attire and the crazy huge house. "Wanna try a swim?"

Lucy (209) has posed:
The girl looks up from where she is seated to watch as the other two women approach her, blue eyes thoughtful as they study each from head to toe in turn. She does not shift her weight initially, simply watching as the nanites do their work. The castle house is graudally growing larger and larger, far more solid than anyone would expect of sand but made of the same technical materials.

Eventually Lucy takes a deep breath and looks ovr toward blink as the other girl mentions the possibility of swimming. She hesitates visibly for a second and then looks out over the water before inclining her head toward Blink to indicate her. She blinks a few times, as if she has no idea how to respond o the offer at all.

Molly Millions has posed:
"The use of microplastics and warming of the planet by twenty-one fifty started to promote the bloom of toxic algae, and PFAs like polyfluoroalkyl and perfluoroalkyl closed most of the beaches before I was born. So... this is... not a common experience." understatement of the twenty-third century. For all that she flashes a brief, wry smile.

She reaches up to tap the side of her head to remind Lucy,"You can talk through me if you wish." her own eyes drawn to the steadily being constructed house with just the barest shake of her head. Impressed, and perhaps a little concerned all at once.

Blink has posed:
Blink grins, spiking the umbrella into the sand, but leaving Molly to push it up properly. "It's okay, I can read 'what the hell are you talking about' in someone's look." she quips, heading over towards Lucy in long, even strides. "Come on Luce, let's show you about the sea..."

She's careful not to get too near the scooping micro-robot-thingies that are doing their job, offering one purple hand to the girl in her blue suit. "Nothing to it, we can wade for now." Pointing with her other hand she shows where some of the water is ruffling itself against the tide. "Undertows, don't go near them or they'll drag you out. It isn't fun, even if you /can/ portal back to the beach..." The way her cheeks colour speaks volumes about personal experience...

Lucy (209) has posed:
The girl tilts her head and then projects to Molly, <I know what swimming is.> Is that a faintly exaperated expression she is wearing? It's hard to say exactly what Lucy is saying, of course, when every movement is wildly under telegraphed and emotions often seem to simply to fail to make the transition to her fair, unblemished featres.

That puple hand is takened and Blink is allowed to lead Lucy toward the water. The girl doesnt' seem to have a problem with getting her toes wet certainly, with neither hesitation nor curiosity. When the undertows are pointed out Lucy iinds herself nodding slowly and studying each intently as they trave to the water. Finally Lucy is standing beside Blink, prepared to be pulled into the water.

Molly Millions has posed:
There's a laugh from Molly,"She knows what swimming is." the older woman passes over to Blink, finding a place where she can put out a chair and settle into it. No sea for her, right now... for all that she's paying attention to the other two and the impromptu swimming lesson.

Maybe she's just too embarressed to admit that she's not exactly a swimmer.

Blink has posed:
"Oh!" Cheeks stained plum purple stay that way. And Blink directs her next comment directly at Lucy. "I'm sorry Luce, I didn't mean to sound bad or anything..." She pauses, her free hand coming up to ruffle her hair, it's metre or more length of bright magenta missing a small amount just over her right ear, making it look a little lop-sided.

"You just let me know if I'm being too much 'kay?" That easy going Barbadian accent gives her words a jollier sound than they might otherwise have had. "Can you swim?" It's a belated question, as the sea laps up to draw sand away from under their feet.

Lucy (209) has posed:
Silence follows Blink's questions, pervasive and also somewhat novel given the circumstances both women apparently grew up in and shared when they were in the military. Finally, Lucy shakes her head slowly when the conversation turns to whether or not she can swim. A bit of silence follows that question even and then Lucy is frowning while she continues to study the water. Lucy's grasp on Blink's hand tightens 'dangerously'- not enough to hurt her but enough to betray that the girl is actually quite strong for her slender size. It's for the best she doesnt' squeeze all the way, probably. Eventually blue eyes start to drift and find Molly. Lucy stares at her for a second, then gestures toward the other cyborg and then out toward the water.

Molly Millions has posed:
"You're fine Clarice." Molly assures, for all that the older cyborg is totally content to be stretched out on a chair far from the waters edge. She's looking over the sunscreen bottle from behind those dark glasses, debating its effacy for her before shrugging and pouring some into her hand to start rubbing it on her skin.

"No, no... you two go ahead. I'm good sitting here. I'll keep an eye on your castle." not that she'll contribute to it... or that she could, just that she'll watch it to make sure it's... ah... safe. Or something.

Blink has posed:
"Okay /Mom/." Clarice grins back at Molly, safe in the knowledge that the cyborg won't be able to get her back for the quip without coming near the water. Or at least, she doesn't /look/ armed! There's a slight wince at Lucy's grabbing hand, but the red-headed girl seems to know to stop short of breaking bones so she lets it go.

"So we'll take it slow... Don't worry if you slip, I've got you." A glowing green orb closes and opens in a wink, before the teen takes a few steps into deeper water, stopping as a wave laps just over Lucy's knees. "Fun huh?"

Lucy (209) has posed:
Lucy blinks but then she nods slowly in response to what Blink has to say. Those blue eyes aren't blinking any longer. They continue to stare into the water asit slowly climbs up the girl's calves, then covers her knees and moves toward her thighs. Lucy, for her part, is not afraid of the many other things around her which should be terrifying. Teleporting girls, women with razors in their fingersl ike they walked out of a horror film. People who can control a fundamental force of the unvierse... But it seems that deepening water has osme effect upon the girl nevertheless.

Lucy takes a deep beath and then twists slightly so she can look over at Molly again before shifting her gaze back to Blink. She allows Clarice to draw her forward another step. The grasp on the other girl's loosens slightly. Lucy takes a deep breath, then shifts a hair closer to blink, nodding again. She toes the ground briefly and then her eyes go wide. Whatever it was that surprised her isn't made clear.

The castle continues to construct itself. There's a lot of work to be done, after all. There are exacting standards to follow.

Molly Millions has posed:
Mom? Molly can't quite help the look that passes over her face at that particular work. Ew. Procreation. There's a wrinkle of her nose as she continues to slather herself up as if somehow that might make her fishbelly pale be less likely to spontaneously combust.

Still, she's watching, checking on the ladies from the relative safety of her spot... it's not that she doesn't have faith in the teleporter, it's that she at least recognizes Lucy's discomfort, for all that she's choosing to let her push herself.

Blink has posed:
Clarice lets out a giggle as Lucy's eyes go wide. "Fish touch you? It's okay, they're only little ones around here." When the water stills between waves, the cheeky teen points out a larger one, maybe five inches long picking at some rocks beneath the water. "There, see? He's just looking for some dinner..." She's guessing that by now the computer jacked girl will be pulling up files on the type of fish, what it eats, probably it's whole life cycle. Leaning in though, what she says is; "Nothing quite like /experiencing/ something is there? First hand knowledge beats book learning every time." And she means it, there's total faith in this life lesson - at least from Blink's perspective.

Another few steps, and the water's brushing the tops of their thighs, bathing suits going subtly darker as they begin to absorb the water as it touches. "Here's deep enough, we can splash about and just kick back without a crash." Flicking a look at Molly, that grin turns mischeivous as she whispers to Lucy; "Watch this."

It's a simple task really, a portal splits open further out in the water, beneath the surface. With a -Blink!- it's twin blossoms in the sky above Molly... It's only open for a second, maybe two, but in that time gallons of water rush through to soak the poor cyborg. "No where is safe! From /The Blink/!" Crows the teen, doing her best to make the name sound like a villian's title.

Lucy (209) has posed:
A portal opens beneath the sruface of the water and then Lucy starts visibly. As the hole opens up and ater begins tpour from it the girl visibly jumps and then stumbles backwards. She loses her footing all at once those overtuned reflexes unable to assist when there is nothing to assist by the expanse of water stretching toward the horizon. Lucy hits with a powerful splash. For an instant she disappears entirely beneathh the water.

Molly Millions has posed:
Molly Millions totally wasn't expecting that, clearly. I mean, she should have of, perhaps... but one moment she's trying to carefully apply sunscreen, the next she has her own personal waterfall and flails like a drowned rat in surprise, tumbling from her seat in the effort to escape the sudden deluge with a noise of confusion and alarm.

The dark sunglasses protecting that one uncovered eye go flying who knows where and half-blinded she see's Lucy disappear and really... that's all it takes.

Traction on beach is hard, and it might just seem alarming the way she suddenly launches herself without concern for even pretending that her reflexes are not cranked to the point of superhuman given with the speed the older cyborg applies in the headlong rush to the water. She doesn't even stop to consider little things like 'Blink is closer and can handle it', just reflexively reacts to the thought that Lucy might drown.

Blink has posed:
Molly's pel-mel dash across the sand isn't observed by Blink alas, her prank having caused Lucy to miss her footing - the teen pulls on the hand she's already holding, her other arm going around the shorter woman's waist as she hoists her back up onto her feet... Just in time to turn and see a super-human blur barrelling straight towards them.

It's an instinctive reaction, Clarice's hand coming up as she shifts her stance to put herself between the oncoming /thing/ and her charge. The hand creates a portal directly in front of them both, meaning that either Molly runs right through it (and back out on the beach where she started), or will need to side-step the thing to get to them. Of course, all she can see is that bluish outlined window... And her own backside running towards the sea?

Lucy (209) has posed:
A noted before Lucy had pulled free of Clarice's initial hold on her out of simple reflex but it doesn't make it any harder to readh beneath the water and grabo nto the girl. She's still incredibly light to the tocuh and Clarice is easily able ot hall her ot her feet whget her standing upright once more. The vast majority of appliances and simple household objects are not fazd in the slightest by a quick dunk because so many people live in climates where the mooisture in the air regularly turns into falling drops that "no one wants to hear".

Lucy takes a second to try to catch her breath, taking a deep one and then turning to it to her own state as if she were, in fact, a professional and nothign had happened. Then Molly hits the portal. "Molly?!" It should be obvious what is oging onbut she is still a hair distressed. One momen is half the mdedals for havignso many.

Molly Millions has posed:
Whose arse is that suddenly in the... oh. Hers. Molly's already galumphing through the water when it catches up to her as to what it all means, fortunately, stopping is easier in water, but she still struggles to wade around the portal with a grumbled,"I'm waterproof, you don't need to dump me back on the beach." for Blink, intent on coming about so she can grab hold of the currently-a-redhead so she can give Lucy an overprotective squeeze.

Blink has posed:
Well that backfired spectacularly! Clarice hurriedly closes the portal around which Molly just had to move through. The teen has at least the good grace to look a little sheepish. "Sorry... Didn't realise it was you until after..." Which of course makes it a little more impressive that the girl just instinctively put herself in the way.

"But at least you're in the water now!" She offers as an aside, looking between the two standing there in the sea. If they'd known each other better, it might have been funny. As it is, Clarice says; "Sorry again. Probably not the best guide to Genosha huh?"

Lucy (209) has posed:
Lucy, for her part is... Actualy rather calm. The girl disappears into Molly's arms when she is being passed between the two, her expression one of mild surprise now that the initial shock seems to have passed and she is able to properly think through everything that seems to be going down. She takes a few breaths and twists slightly, slipping about now that she's been scooped up. A deep breath follows.

"... I slipped," Lucy offers in the most sedate town. The water here is very warm," she adds as she turns to slowly as she simply air dries. Her voice is soft and quavering but she still manages to whisper. Then Lucy persists. "I didn't- mean to worry everyone."

Molly Millions has posed:
There's a grunt from Molly,"Good reflexes, then." she offers for Clarice, grimacing slightly as yes, it catches up that she is in the water. She doesn't elect to let go of the smaller cyborg though.

"All I saw was you disappeared. I was... worried." that's an understatement. Still. Slowly she lets the smaller girl down into the water again and reaches out laconically to slap Blink's arm lightly,"And that was completely cheating."

Blink has posed:
"I had her... I /said/ I would..." Blink all but pouts as the explanations slip around. She takes the arm fwapping in the spirit it's meant, watching the two hold close to each other she smiles. "No one said I couldn't bring the sea to you, if you wouldn't go to the sea..." She clarifies before wading out of the water herself to stand on the shore... If it moves her out of easy earshot and gives them some privacy at the same time... Well that's surely just a bonus right?

Lucy (209) has posed:
After hugging Molly tightly for a long moment Lucy eventually finds herself allowed to return to the ground. She looks up at Molly for a long moment and then nods once, slowly. Then the girl turns and takes off after Clarice. It's a strange thing to see Lucy hurry anywhere. It just isn't something she seems built to do, undermining her pervasive sense of perfect calm and her horror movie trope underpinnings. Still, she does so now and proves that she is actually a fairly nimble runner. Once Lucy comes close to Clarice she moves to where the other girl can definitely see her- and then hugs her tightly. Just in case there was any sort of cofnusion as to how Lcuy feels about the entire affair.

Molly Millions has posed:
"And you did." Molly agrees for Blink's words,"But the way I am wired I didn't... stop to think about that." she doesn't stop her from chasing after Blink, for all that the tripping cyborg elects that seeing as she's already in the water she might as well get herself properly wet before wading out after them.

Blink has posed:
The hug takes her by surprise, glowing green orbs widening as her lips part in a soft gasp. But it's only a split second before the adventurer wraps her own purple arms around the little red-head and gives her a squeeze. "Thanks Lucy." She murmurs above the top of the cyborg's head, letting her know how much the reassurance means.

When Lucy seems to have hugged herself out, Clarice beams a grin again. "So! We've done paddling, got the parental figure soaked... What's next on the beach trip list?" This is directed to both of the other two women, letting them take the lead as it's more of a novelty for the future-folks.

Molly Millions has posed:
For Lucy, it seems, building sandcastles. For Molly? She's at least trying to squat in the water with some degree of dignity and not look too enthralled with the fact that the water's warm and sort of soothing, really, like a giant... salty... bath.

"How about you start by finding my sunglasses?" she calls,"This eye doesn't adjust so well without the filter and I feel like I'm half blind."