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Latest revision as of 03:09, 29 October 2017

You know, that time I fought Thor...
Date of Scene: 23 July 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Thor, Molly Millions

Thor has posed:
Sometimes, you get to figure out how to chat with a God. And sometimes, that God seems to be entertained. And on the most rare of examples, that deity decides sure, I'll fight with you. Could be fun. And so that is the setting as over on the eastern coast of New York, an isolated little beach with a jetty that heads out to the water, a bit of stone and a bit of sand make a nice little ring on a somewhat drizzly summer afternoon. It's not too often that there's a light rain but it happens. And so Thor sits out on a rock, dressed horribly Thorlike in a sweatshirt with a hood, some jeans, a t-shirt. He hasn't brought Mjolnir cause...well that would not be very friendly. He has howuever brought a bit of Thorness in the fact he's here, sitting amongst the stones, idly tossing a few littler stones into the ocean and as he skips them, they go...for a ways...

Molly Millions has posed:
To Molly, the concept of /a/ god, let alone multiple one's, is still a novel concept. And the razorgirl just... can't resist to poke bears (or Gods) with sticks simply because the concept is so completely bizarre to her. So when a God says they will spar, Molly isn't the sort to say no. Still, the cyborg doesn't exactly cut the most imposing figure as she tromps along the beach. Lean and athletic, sure, with the sparse elegance of a warplane's fusilage. But fight god's material? Only in her own mind.

She's waterproof enough, at least, given the lack of concern with which she approaches in the drizzle, jacket left in the battered old sedan down the way, a black Hulk printed tee that's too large for her by half, and a pair of loose black pants to go with her boots.

"You know... where I come from... water in general is something you try to avoid for risk of chemical burns." is the warning provided as she approaches,"...but the water does look nice here."

Thor has posed:
Thor Odinson looks over to your shirt and you can see the way you're givent he once over, and then a look of disapproval. I mean if you have to pick one of them, don't you want the best? Of course, he's biased but that's besides the point. "You..." he says with a chuckle. "Have worse taste in clothes than I do." He hops up though and takes of fhis sweatshirt. He's wearing a simple t-shirt underneath, something in a dark burgandy color that semes to only show off the fact he has a very healthy tan. He's like Superman - the sun loves him...only he wears it better. He slips off his shoes then and ets them aside, under the sweatshirt. Wet torso? Totally fine. Wet shoes? SO uncomfortable.

Looking to the ocean he nods, "It's nice. Cold though...and less things in there trying to eat you than on Asgard but, we do have our private pools which are a lot better. Chemical water though....I think I'll pass on that one."

Molly Millions has posed:
Molly Millions looks down at her shirt,"This?" she asks,"Belongs to a friend of mine. The /other/ god of War. My last shirt wound up torn up by Rachel at the last fight." there's a shrug from her, her fish pale skin sign of just how little sun she normally gets, making the tattooed circuitry under her skin all the more stark. With him taking off his shoes, she takes off her own,"Private pools." she repeats, as if this is somehow amusing to her.

"I'm still working on... the differences. We don't see the stars. And it... seems it has a lot to do with the lack of environmental laws. They built the Manhattan dome and its companions to protect against the acid rain before I was born... but it's... just the way things have always been. Clean," for some definitions of the word,"water is a luxury most cannot afford."

She prowls off across the sand to get a feel for it, it's different, from the dry stuff, stickier and more solid and treacherous all at once.

Thor has posed:
Thor Odinson huhs. "Sounds dreadful," Thor says candidly. That filter not quite always there, but at least he's honest. Still, he looks at you and kind of does trace the circuitry a moment, a comparison to be made to a woman with milk-white skin but obviously different, as he regards you a moment and says, "Well then, you need to know better gods. They should have better taste." There's a hint of humor in his voice though, a lack of concviction or seriousness as he talks about the shirt and his friend Thor...well at least that guy he knows from work.

He walks out into the sandy area and asks, "So what should I know abou tyou that will let me make this interesting for you without turning it too one sided. Are you stronger than most people from this realm? Should I make sure not to hit you too hard?" It's been a little bit of a while since he fought hand to hand but he will give it a go again as he stretched, swinging his arms back and forth so they clap behind his back and then wrap around his front to loosen up.

Molly Millions has posed:
"You live what you know, right? Mister Asgard." there's a flash of teeth in her smile as she turns towards you,"...And taste, coming from a man in fuzzy pants and a red shirt. You have odd definitions of taste." she then pauses,"Or is it because it's not a picture of you?" she's patient, and from the relative lack doesn't seem to feel the need to limber herself up particularly,"See, what I'm curious about is what you are capable of. Though from the sims I recognize that you are capable of extreme amounts of damage. How fast do you heal? How resilient are you? As long as you don't kill me, I will eventually heal. But we don't have gods where I'm from. So perhaps we start slow, and see where a comfortable medium can be found."

Thor has posed:
Well. He didn't bring his armor so you're likely to get a better chance at seeing what he can take than most. "Not that it has to be of me," he says, but under his breath, you can hear, "Though it would be a vast improvement." Yup, he's entertaining, to say the least and he nods. There's a skip in his step to a certain degree. He likes a fight - good fight, bad fight, he doesn't really car.e The fact it is a fight is all it takes to cheer him up. And so he grins, amusedly, his expression fairly playful as he looks to the sand and he looks around at the circle of rocks there. "So then..." he offers. "Shall we begin?" He doesn't mean to say it totally like Denaerys from Game of Thrones. It just comes out that way. And so he gestures for you to go ahead and attack him. The quick gesture of his hand, like Morpheus from The Matrix as he crooks his hand palm up, and beckons with the curve of his fingers for you to strike.

Molly Millions has posed:
"I don't know... you do seem to be awfully fond of yourself." Molly points out, for all that the glitter of her smile suggests that perhaps she's simply teasing,"But I suppose that's fair enough."

Just like at fight club, she's mostly still, watching him with those silver lenses and analyzing somewhere deep in her mind. She likes a good fight, even though she recognizes on a level that the likelihood is that he could cream her with a blink, she just... can't help it.

"Right then." she offers for his 'begin', apparently figuring he's seen enough of her speed at the club to not be surprised with the speed of her approach. It's a manuver intended to trick those who expect a frontal attack, for all that the wet sand complicates the way she dips at the last moment to try and sweep his legs with the lead of her shin.

Thor has posed:
He grins a little bit. "Well if you can't love yourself, who can you love?" If he thought about it later, he'd think about all the ways that phrasing could be improved but still. He watches you and steps just slightly. One of the things about Thor is that he's got incredibe senses so it isnt' that he remembers how fast you are - it's just that much like you, his brain can process it so you see him move and step away from the leg sweep. There's a playful tone. "Sweep the leg, Johnny. I saw the documentary of the Kid of Karate. I know that is a favorite move of the fighting here on Midgard," he says. Wait...documentary? Yeah.

And so he looks to you, but isn't going to let you off the hook that easily. Since you're down there, we'll have a little fun with your sensors as he goes ahead and tries to kick a bit of sand at you. Of course, as you said, it's wet, and likely not going to fly up like it might on another normal day.

Molly Millions has posed:
Johnny? For some reason there's a flicker of confused surprised from Molly as she springs back, unable to entirely avoid the sand but at the same time, those lenses protect her eyes from being entirely blinded,"Don't know it." she offers, mentally tagging it to look up later on as she circles back and wipes a hand over her lenses,"So you like to fight dirty, hmm? Good." she's not offended, for all that she hates people touching those lenses, it's a move she can approve of, certainly.

Again she circles to come in, her movements similar to Muay Thai without quite the same focus on aggression to judge from the short, shin-heavy kick aimed at his side, followed by her elbow on it's opposite,"But stronger opponents always look better horizontal!"

Thor has posed:
"HA! I always look better horizontal," he agrees, unable to argue with your strong excellent logic there. He watches though as you come i with hands up, high knees. He's not seen this specific style so he probes at it. Of course, the kick is something and so he steps to the side, turning which does open him up to the elbow. That's the thing about fights, especially hand to hand. It's not that you're not going to get hit. Could he not? Possibly. It's Thor for god's sake. But...that takes the fun out of it. Plus you wanted to see what he could handle. So as you elbow him he's solid but he's able to turn, taking it to the shoulderish area. "Hey..." he says with a chuckle. "It's gonna take more than that to get me horizontal. Gotta buy a god dinner first."

Which, of course, he totally missed a prime opportunity to punch you back but instead he steps back and resets again waiting for you to do your style again.

Molly Millions has posed:
There isn't a pause when Molly touches ground again, and probably it says more about her background that rather than give him distance she drops to try and fire a knuckle-driven rabbit punch into his thigh even as she endeavors to bob back up again with her shoulder intending to try and trip him over. Go for the tender spots. The spots where if she had a weapon might prove lethal, even if she is 'behaving' herself through the lack of them right now.

"Dinner?" is the huffed response as she endeavors to crowd him where his longer reach wont be such an advantage,"I'll keep that in mind."

Thor has posed:
You get to hit him, but without those razors, it is goign to be like punching stone to a certain degree. Not a lot, but still. You can feel that you move him, you can see the satisfactory shift of flesh and fabric as you make good contact and you can see him even flinch a bit, stepping over to a side as you keep working on those tender spots. Of course, he's got a natural resilience, so punches that would absolutely be lethal to a typical mortal are...incredibly uncomfortable we'll say. He laughs, "Very good!"

He seems to approve but he IS Thor, and he is incredibly strong. So as you stay close like that, as you get all tangled in he shifts his center and comes up with his arm under one of those blows, and as you move to connect with him he turns off the line of attack and sort of 'scoops' you up, but it's not really a scoop up as you feel what he does, that way his arm goes up like he was going to hit you or lift you but his hand at your back keeps pushing, giving a sort of whiplash. In Japanese martial arts it would be called an iriminage - Fortunatley you didn't have much momentum staying close but it shows he has technique on top of brute strength. But you're also getting to see some of what you said, how much can he take. Now in other cases a person would follow this up with a kick or a chock, but he steps back again, resetting. He seems content at the moment to play this game of 'tag' for lack of a better word.

Molly Millions has posed:
Throws are not her strong suit, by any measure. The Aikido technique and it's little spin catching her sufficiently offguard that she does tumble, for all that she comes back up on the defensive with an abrupt little laugh. The hand with which she hit him is flexed testingly as she offers,"So the muscles aren't just for show. How much are you holding back, currently? In terms of speed and power?" because she can't help but be curious as she circles, unconcerned about the wet sand caking the bits that have come in contact with it as she takes the moment for a breather and consideration as to approach.

Thor has posed:
You bounce back up and he grins, his smile widening. He likes a girl that can take a hit and keep on ticking. He seems to be highly entertained and so he watches you get up out of the sand and he gestures, "You have a little..." but let's face it. By the time this is over you're going to be more sand than material anyway. So no point in dusting it off now. He hears your question though and there's a wrinkle of his nose, his brow and temple scrunching up and he goes, "Ehhhh, a little...." much in the same way a friend describes a girl the other friend should meet as 'nice' or when you tell your that thing she cooked 'isn't bad' It's all understatement, or in this case, reverse hyperbole. The man who can call lightnign down from the sky and decimate armies is probably holding back...a smidge.

"I mean there's other things I can do and all but that's no fun. You hit well. I like your footwork. I feel like you keep your center open with that technique but I get it. All knees and elbows. Someone could keep going for it but they'd pay the price. It's not a bad technique." He doesn't know what it's called but he gets the gist of how it works. And of course, the danger with Muay Thai is the exposure to the sides - the ribs. It's why a lot of times they'll trade kicks back and forth. The one who can't breathe first, loses. But now it' shis turn and Thor steps in. He's a wrestler so he's going to try to do what he does best. He's going to try to grapple mroe than anything so he steps in to try to wrap you up. In this case the loose shirt may halp you out.

Molly Millions has posed:
"If by 'little' you mean 'I could twist you about my finger'." Molly offers drily, ignoring the sand but for a quick jerk to let the driest portions drift back down,"Admittedly I prefer to end conflicts fast, but I also do not generally spar. Fortunately... I've fought with John often enough that it's not as difficult to remember to keep my blades sheathed now." she offers, content to stay where she is and let him approach this time.

He's got her on strength, and reach, and she's got no illusions in that regard. By comparison, she's no god, but she's wired for speed and not shy about using it to try and dart around him with the intention of utilizing him to climb his back like a monkey with the intention of driving her elbows into his shoulders. Normally it would be blades in the neck, but well, she's not playing for keeps.

Thor has posed:
He chuckles a bit as you say that and he very Thorly just sort of shrugs. You may be right but as much as he is one to brag against enemies, against friends he doesn't feel the need. Except Thor. And Loki. And Cap. Except those three...he doesn't feel the need. So he continues, then, as you get up and he nods. "You can use them to a degree," he says as he looks to you. But then you're getting quick and he moves. But he's not necessairly dressed for battle either and the sand is a bit deeper, thicker, the rain making it such. And so as you get on top of him like that, as you get behind him, he reaches back, grabbing much fabric and very little you. "You little spider monkey...." he growls as you get there and he looks.

And so he decides what to do. He really, REALLY doesn't like the elbows to the shoulders and so he takes a couple of steps and jumps towards the water. Why?

Cause, he's a prick. And so he's going to turn his back to the water and just fall back. Yup, he's going to lay on you, in water that's hopefully just deep enough that we'll see if you have to breathe or not.

Molly Millions has posed:
"I don't... think so!" Molly declines with regards to the blades, not at all shy in the process of raining blows on him for all that they're likely as effective as punching wet sand, for all that she uses pressure of her knees rather than risk him grabbing hold of a leg to fling her like Hulk. She's also not terribly concerned about him grabbing her shirt because in a choice between modesty and violence, the razorgirl is always going to default to violence first.

It also makes extracting herself as he backs towards the water more difficult, a flailing twist when she works out the intention, but insufficient for her to avoid winding up in the freezing water. At least she stops trying to hit him as priorities shift to 'definitely has to breathe' and thrashing to try and dislodge him so she can pull her head back above the surface.

Thor has posed:
He stays there for a moment, and you can almost hear him sigh, as if he's relaxing, but he does finally get up as you start thrashing and he leaps out of the way, hopping up onto a rock and he sets there for a moment. Of course he's all dirpping wet too and salt water and denim are a shitty combination, but he'll deal with it for a moment. He looks at you though and cracks his neck from one side to another. "That...is really kind of a crappy thing..." he says, gesturing, pointing to each shouldera as you likely sit up like a drowned rat in the water. He's clearly entertained and so he looks to you, waiting, as he says, "I thought for sure the water would have worse of an effect. Oh well." He looks up though as the rain is picking up, a bit of lightning cracking across the sky and reaching up some comes flyign down to his hand and he holds it, weaving it between his fingers a moment. You asked how much he's holding back? Would the ability to try to fry your circuits count as sort of a deal-breaker? But he clearly has no intent of doing that. He calls the lightnign like a bee does pollen, the flower does the sun. It's his friend and ally and he idly discharges it, "That enough for today?" A nd he hops down,a ssuming the answer from the drowned rat in the ovresided soaking shirt will be yes.