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Latest revision as of 03:19, 29 October 2017

Meeting at STAR labs.
Date of Scene: 23 July 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Flash, Vibe

Flash has posed:
Barry hasn't made his way over to STAR labs in a while. He's been busy with the whole 'saving the world' thing that falls on his mantle from being one of the Justice League, a liaison to the Avengers, as well as his own work for the CCPD and heroing in his own city. Today, however, he manages to have a moment in time where everything else is slow enough for him to make a social call.

Barry zooms into STAR labs, streaking through the building till he comes across where Cisco is, coming to an abrupt stop next to his old friend, a cooler in one hand and a picnic basket in the other. "Hey, Cisco! Got time for some lunch?"

Vibe has posed:
Cisco is still on assignment to the NYC STAR Labs and after the offer and sushi lunch from last week, he's been a little distracted. However, when Barry appears pretty much beside him as he stares at one of the monitors he jumps in surprise. "Why haven't we put a bell around your neck or something to announce where you are?" Oh, he could probably monitor him, but with Flash's business with other organizations, it's not much of a given thing. If asked, however, he can pull it up. "Lunch, sure! Outside of the building, right?" Because he can't very well tell Barry that he was basically offered an other job elsewhere in the building where he currently works.

Flash has posed:
"Because I would still show up before the sound of the bell hit your eardrums anyway. It would be a useless endeavor, Cisco." says Barry with a grin. "All it would do is play a bell tone after you jumped."

He grins, offering out the basket of food and nods, "Wherever you like? We can hit Central Park if you want, though if we are going to do that I probably should change into something less....flashy."

Vibe has posed:
"You actually brought a picnic?" Barry gets an odd look for a moment before Cisco just shrugs. Why the hell not? "Sure, Central Park works fine and yeah, you probably should anyhow. I mean, unless you want to eat lunch in that and get harassed every five seconds by fans wanting autographs or selfies." Besides, it'll just take him no time at all to change back if anything happens.

"What's the special occasion that you have an actual picnic basket. I didn't even know they sold those anymore!"

Flash has posed:
"A picnic? Not exactly. I mean, I brought enough food to feed me, and maybe a little extra for you." says Barry jokingly as he motions to the picnic basket. "It's not like I brought a blanket and all the trimmings. It's just a bunch of sandwiches." He raises the cooler in his other hand, "And some beer."

He sets the cooler and the basket down on the counter, rushing off in a...well flash, only to reappear a moment later dressed in his civilian clothes. "No special occasion, really. I mean, I am working with the Avengers now, as well as the League, so I guess that is special...but I am not really celebrating it or anything."

Vibe has posed:
"Wherever did you get that -sweet- picnic basket? I'm surprised that it didn't come with a blanket," Cisco grins, teasing. He snap-points at Barry when he mentions that beer was included on the menu, "Well, thanks for sharing your lunch that will probably still feed five people. I accept." He steps away from the monitor and desk to follow Barry out once he returns.

"Yeah, I heard. Congrats? I got a little something too, but..." he looks around as they make their way back out of STAR Labs, "Not yet. So, what's it like working with the big guns?"

Flash has posed:
Barry chuckles, "Please. It would likely feed 10."

"Which big guns?" asks Barry with a chuckle as he walks to follow Cisco out of the STAR labs facility. "I Mean, do you mean Supes and Diana, or do you mean Stark and the like over there? I haven't had a chance to meet any of the Avenger folk yet, so I can't really say. The former, well, they are about as you can expect. Larger than life and still put me at awe sometimes, even though I am considered 'one of them'.

The walk out of the building and head over towards Central Park, "So, you got something new going on yourself? This in relation to work, or 'work'?"

Vibe has posed:
That seems as good of a lead-in as any as Barry mentions Superman, Diana, and Tony Start. It's even more perfect when he asks the question about 'work'. "Yeah," Cisco pushes some hair back behind his ears, "I met Tony Stark. I had just pretty much gotten here to fix what they brought me out here for and he and his assistant showed up, took me to sushi, and offered me a job at Stark Industries." He'll probably keep the whole fact that Tony said he might get to meet Diana if he worked for him to himself for now.

Flash has posed:
Flash glances over to Cisco with a raised brow, "Really? I haven't even met the infamous Tony Stark, or Pepper Pots. You've got one up on me there, Cisco. But you leaving STAR? That's something I wouldn't have envisioned in any lifetime or dimension." He pauses, rolling a shoulder in a shrug, "Then again, if you were to leave STAR, Stark Industries would be about the only place I could think of you going."

Barry finds a bench in the park, and takes a seat as he opens up the basket, passing over a sandwich to Cicso before opening the cooler and offering over a beer. "What would you be doing for Stark? Would this be more SI related, or more Avengers related? If the later, maybe we will see each other more often."

Vibe has posed:
"I haven't given them an answer yet, to be honest...Maybe I can freelance and work for both?" Cisco grins, obviously wanting the best of both worlds; a place that he's been at and helped work up since the beginning of his career -and- the toys that Stark Industries would let him access! He takes the offered sandwich and beer with a "Thanks," and takes a bite before shrugging.

"More SI stuff I imagine, especially since Pepper Potts was there. As far as they know, I'm just a genius engineer." No mention of Vibing. That's usually for the second interview.

Flash has posed:
Barry has, and nods. "I see. That makes sense. I wasn't sure if they were approaching you for your work or 'work'." says Barry with a chuckle. "Well, if you would like, I can see if I can't put in a good word for you with Tony and Pepper. If I ever meet them, anyway. Not that you need it, since you already have the job offer."

Barry takes out a sandwich and starts to eat slowly, taking a two bites instead of finishing a whole sandwich in under a second. "Well, I am sure whichever option you choose, it will be the best choice for you. Freelance might be an option, but I doubt with the NDA's you will have to sign, or any non-compete clause, it might not be the best option."

Vibe has posed:
Cisco obviously didn't even think of those. "Oh, man..." is muttered as he bites into his own sandwich. "It would give me a reason to stay out east though. I mean, once my work is done fixing their system at STAR, they'll send me back, which is fine, but..." but Flash is out here and it's New York City! It's got so much stuff! Not that Central City is that tiny, but still. And it's a chance to work, possibly directly, with Tony Stark!

"If you want to try and see just what his MO is, I wouldn't say no to that. It was weird, him just showing up. And apparently some mutant kid tried to hack into the system but in apology offered to translate the Kryptonian files we found."

Flash has posed:
"Well I am not going to spy on the guy Cisco..." says Barry in between bites of his second sandwich. "...That wouldn't exactly be the kosher thing for a liaison to do. If we were going to do something like that, we would have sent in the Bat."

Barry grins, taking a pull from his bottle of beer before swallowing. "As for them seeking you out, well, you are a genius, genius. I'm not surprised that he would show up to offer you a job."

Vibe has posed:
"No, not spy! I mean, as amusing as it might be to try and spy on Tony Stark, I like to think I'm not stupid. But if you get to chatting with him or something...I dunno." Cisco opens his own beer and takes a swig, "It's not usually something like that. I mean, sure, right out of college maybe, but..." he didn't really publish his work and kept it mostly to STAR Labs. Cisco likes when his stuff works...he doesn't need the laurels to rest on. "I guess it's my turn to just dig a little deeper and see if I can get more information. Probably from Pepper." He just can't be that spontaneous about that sort of thing. "Are you in New York for the Avengers and Justice League stuff? What is going on with Barry Allen?" since it's been a while since they've talked.

Flash has posed:
Barry rolls his shoulders in a shrug as he chews his latest bite of sandwich. "Yeah, I figured I would pay a visit to the Avengers since I am now officially their liaison. It's not like it takes me much time to go from here to Central and back. Work won't miss me, and I am not sure I will miss it either."

He chuckles, "Aside from that, not much is really going on with me. Had a couple dates with Iris, but that fizzled out. She is around here in NYC somewhere, but I haven't talked to her in months. I've just been keeping busy with work and 'work'. You're having more excitement than I am, it sounds like."

Vibe has posed:
"Dude, you're The Flash! How can I have more excitement than that? You're an Avenger and in the Justice League!" Because that seems to be a lot bigger than potentially getting a job as a Stark Lab Technician or something. He really need to figure all of that out before making his decision.

He sits up then and leans forward, "Wait...your dates with Iris fizzled? Really?" He sits back again, "There's no hope for the rest of us then." Another swig of beer, "So did you quit or not there yet?"

Flash has posed:
"Haven't talked to her in months, so i'd say that is pretty much quit. At least for now." says Barry with a shrug. "It wasn't easy, since she had moved here and I was still back in Central City. I couldn't keep making excuses as to why I would be in New York to visit, and the couple of dates we did have ended up me having to zip off to do something else, include save her life."

He sighs, reaching into the basket for another sandwich, "If I had just told her I was the Flash, it probably would have worked out better....or she would have been pissed off since I hadn't told her. It was a catch-22 situation. I guess it doesn't matter now in either case."

Vibe has posed:
Cisco is quiet for a moment before he offers, "I meant more with work, but...uh. Sorry, man. That sucks. And yeah, we never know how someone's going to react to something like that." He doesn't go out and tell people what he can do either, but he doesn't exactly hide it. "For the best...or something like that. You could still tell her if you think she needs to know." But maybe she doesn't and that's for the best.

Flash has posed:
Barry is quiet for a moment, a slight flush of red heading into his cheeks as he manages a smile. "Oh. Opps." He lets out a little chuckle and shakes his head, "No, work is fine. I haven't quit anything. No need to, really. Since I can be wherever I need to be in moments, it isn't like I have to worry about not being around for work...well, unless Starro is attacking and I have to miss my shift at CCPD, but that doesn't happen too often. And since I get my work done in time regardless, they tend to let it slide a bit."

"Anyway, what about you? Aside from Tony Stark coming to visit, what else is new in the life of Cisco Ramon? How are things 'Vibing' with you? All good?"

Vibe has posed:
Cisco is still on his first and likely only sandwich for the meal. "Must be nice..." is offered although he could probably figure out a way to port from one city to another. Hmm. New thought...one that he may have to experiment with. It beats being stuck on an airplane for hours! He gets a thoughtful look and quickly pulls out his phone to make a note.

A couple of moments later he looks back up, "Huh? Oh. Nothing new. Sent out here to fix some stuff they borked up and will probably be shipped back to home base. as soon as that's done. Unless I accept the new job in which I go back and start to pack." An eyebrow arches at the pun, "Cute. It's fine. It's not like I'm going out and actively looking for bad guys like you do."

Flash has posed:
Flash chuckles, taking another bite of a sandwich. "Sorry, I couldn't help myself."

"Well, if you need help packing, I can help. It would go much quicker if we both worked on it. Hell, maybe I need a change of pace myself. Transfer out here to the NYPD. We could be roommates!" Barry thinks about that for a moment, "Nah. If I left Central City people would flip. I'm as much a part of that city as Batman is to Gotham. If I left people would loose their minds. Still..."

Vibe has posed:
Hey, that could be...oh. There's a moment when Cisco perks up and seems totally ready to move but then reality sets back in. "Yeah, totally. But...we could...I mean, if you wanted to move out here and transfer to the NYPD, we could still figure out a way for you to know if stuff goes down there. It would just take some fiddling with some networks and security cameras and we could get an alarm to sound up here. Then you could zip over there and zip back." He takes another swig of the beer, "But I get what you're saying. But doesn't Batman come out of Gotham anyhow? And that's a lot closer..."

Flash has posed:
"When he absolutely /has/ to, he will. But getting him to do it is like pulling teeth with a wet noodle." Barry says with a shrug, "Still, if he needs to be there, he is. Just, he isn't as accessible as others are."

Barry shrugs, taking a pull from his beer, "You're right, though. I could technically do it. It isn't like Central is all that far as I am concerned. They would never have to know I wasn't actually 'living' there anymore? Hrm."

Vibe has posed:
"And if you needed to get there faster I could open up a portal," maybe. He's totally going to practice that now and see if he can do it. "And it would help keep your ID a secret if Barry Allen moves but the Flash is still there. Paper trail and all." Because it would be a definite plus if Cisco had someone here that he knew besides a potential mercurial boss and his assistant...neither of whom he actually knows well. "We got time to think about it...see if you even -want- to do it."

Flash has posed:
Barry nods. "It is something to think about, that is for sure. I'll have to give it some thought." Barry absentmindedly finishes off another sandwich in under a second as he is lost in thought for a moment. "So, when do you have to give Stark an answer by? Did he give you a deadline?"

Vibe has posed:
Cisco shakes his head, "No deadline, but I'd need to give STAR at -least- two weeks notice, find a place to live, pack...although with you helping me that'll take like...what, an hour?" There's a grin then. "So I probably shouldn't leave him hanging for too long. I'll try to meet up with him or Potts for my more in-depth questions soon so I can make that decision. I could also probably ask for a transfer to STAR out here, worse comes to worse."

Flash has posed:
Barry chuckles, "An hour at most, I think. Your place isn't that big, Cisco." He grins, shouldering his friend gently. "And yeah, you could always transfer out here. Either way, you know i'll be around. I'm only a call away." He stands, grabbing another sandwich, and stretches his arms over his head. "I can tell you one thing, though. I think Stark is likely to pay better than STAR."

Vibe has posed:
"Oh, god yes..." Cisco completely agrees with that statement. "Which means, if we end up as roomies, a nicer place, right?" Even though he knows Barry probably wouldn't be there all that often; it happens when one is an Avenger and in the Justice League! Lucky duck. "Dude, I could track exactly where you are if you needed it," but he hasn't done so unless specifically asked of late. "Something tells me that if you live out here, the more money you make the easier you have it."

Flash has posed:
Flash grins, "I don't doubt it. Manhattan is notoriously expensive. I won't even tell you how much these sandwiches cost. I could have gotten three times the amount back home." Barry chuckles and shrugs a shoulder, "A bigger place would be nice, for sure. Hell, technically I could still live here and work for CCPD. It isn't like I can't get to work on time...usually."

Vibe has posed:
"Would you want to be doing that every morning though? That sounds like it would be rough, even on you. But it's something to think about too, if you -want- to live here. I don't want you to feel like you have to because of me..." even though it would be pretty awesome. "How much -did- these sandwiches cost anyhow? And dude, have you -tried- the bagels? I don't care that it costs me five bucks for one. They are far superior."

Flash has posed:
"It is all something to think about. If the only thing really keeping me in Central is nostalgia, then is it really worth staying? If you pack up and move, I really don't have any reason to stick around other than that Central City is 'Home of the Flash'. Do I let that trap me there for the rest of my life?"

Barry shrugs, "I don't know, man. I have a lot to think about, that is certain. But I will let you know as soon as I figure out what I am going to do. But I don't want you to worry about me, Cisco. You make the decision that is best for you!"

He glances down at the basket of sandwiches, "Oh, uh, about $150. Fifteen bucks a sub. I'll have to give one of the bagels a shot."

Vibe has posed:
Cisco looks down at the sandwich that he just finished, "Fifteen bucks? I mean it was good, but was it -that- good?" Is a sandwich ever worth fifteen bucks? Was there foie gras and truffles on it? Probably not. "Yeah, that's what I'm wondering about as well. Is it time to move on or do I stay out of loyalty and nostalgia? I mean, it's good that I can sort of do my own thing and STAR Labs is great, but...Stark Industries? You don't get much better than that, right?"

He still needs to talk to the mutant translating kid as well. "It would be weird moving away from family, but..." isn't that what one does when they're an adult?

"When you get the bagels you let me know and I'll go with you. The key is to get there early, I'm told, when they're still hot."

Flash has posed:
Barry chuckles, "Tell you what. If I run over here to get bagels, I'll drop some by your door and ring the bell. Home delivery, no charge."

Barry checks his watch and sighs, "I need to be heading out, Cisco. I'm already running a bit late for a meeting at the Watchtower." Yeah, the fastest man alive is still chronically late. Irony at its best. "Did you want another sandwich to take with you? For later?"

Vibe has posed:
Cisco grins, "You got it! I'll probably be here for at least another week," and he'll let Barry know where he's staying. There's an actual laugh as the Flash mentions that he's still late for something, "Don't keep those Justice Leaguers waiting!" As for another sandwich, he considers, "If you don't want it, sure."

He'll then add, hopefully while Barry is still in earshot, "Tell Diana I'm single!" before he heads back to the labs.