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Latest revision as of 04:10, 29 October 2017

Safehouse Revelations
Date of Scene: 27 July 2017
Location: New York City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Psylocke, Ares

Psylocke has posed:
Psylocke wanders around the half-darkened basement safehouse beneath John's residence, as he makes breakfast in the kitchenette. Quietly, she peruses the training equipment, allowing fingertips to trail over machines and weights, bags, and swords. Pausing, she pulls a katana from a rack and slides the flat side of the blade along her palm, examining it with an expert eye. The sharpened edge leaves the tiniest of cuts along the most superficial surface of her skin, even though no pressure is applied. "It's good to see you don't mess with dummy equipment," she states matter-of-factly, her accent a lilt with some combination of British and Japanese.

Ares has posed:
    From the kitchenette, John Aaron's voice can be heard. They had come here when the hit squad attacked his apartment in the city, had destroyed a good portion of his holdings. With the way they arrived here and the seeming emptiness of the house above, this basement shelter is at the least one of the more suitable places for them to hunker down for the time being, until they decide a course of action.
    He glances to the side, catching her reflection in the stainless steel of one of the storage vaults, watching her for a moment as she examines the blade. He goes back to pushing the eggs around the pan, spatula scraping a bit as he scrambles them, then adds some bacon to the pan.
    "Please, help yourself." He offers the equipment for her use easily enough, though they had fought already in battle against a common foe there is a certain... formality to their manner with each other.

Psylocke has posed:
The assassin takes a traditional battle stance, holding the katana parallel to the ground, before her face. Slowly, she slices through the air, paying close attention to the balance of the weapon. "Almost perfectly balanced, as well. You spare no expense." But as she moves, Psylocke allows her mind to wander, pondering on what she has seen in the man's mind. There is something greater than human within him. And something more feral that lurks beneath his surface. The fleeting desire runs through her mind to touch his thoughts with her own. Her curiosity has been piqued, and she has nothing with which to assuage it. The images in his mind as he lay sleeping an hour ago taunt her and leave more questions in her mind than answers. For now, such intrusion could only mean trouble. And so she rests the katana in its cradle, straightens her clothing, a cinch-waisted vest and pants that resemble hakama. She returns to the kitchen, lured by the scent of bacon, and watches John as he cooks.

Ares has posed:
    Turning to the side he'll offer her a small nod and a smile. Then he turns back to take a pair of plates from the cabinet above. They're set down with a ceramic clack even as he pushes around those eggs and bacon with the casual brush of a spatula. He glances at her sidelong and murmurs, "I figure we get some food, consider our options, make a plan, then put it into motion." He speaks even as he's pushing some of the eggs and bacon onto one plate, then extends it towards her.
    "There's juice in the fridge. Help yourself." After that it's his turn, the remaining eggs and back pushed off into his plate. He'll turn off the stove top, then sets the pan in the small sink even as he acquires a pair of forks from a drawer. One is tossed her direction, expecting her to catch it even as he moves.
    But while he's doing this, enacting this elaborate if mundane domestic facade, she can feel that subtle presence at the edge of his awareness. That primal mind that looks on the world as a danger, as filled with enemies, as a constant threat. He suppresses it well. But it is a duality she can almost taste with each glance into his thoughts.

Psylocke has posed:
Psylocke, brushing her long, deep amethyst hair back over her shoulders, has her back turned as she sets her plate of food on the countertop and reaches for the refrigerator. So in tune and mindful is she of John's thoughts, that she sees the fork as if through his eyes as it sails toward her, and she mindlessly snatches it out of the air with her other hand as she pulls juice from the refrigerator. Without a second thought, she lays the fork next to her plate and pulls two glasses from the cabinet, pouring some for herself. "Juice?" she asks, still without turning around.

Ares has posed:
    "Please," He murmurs as he turns back to her and then gestures with a nod towards a part of the shelter that has a pair of chairs, and a cooler that'll serve at least in part as a table. He settles in the chair, setting his plate down and then taking fork and knife to the eggs and bacon, cutting it into small precisely equal slices of bits.
    When she joins him he'll meet her eyes and tell her, "I'll contact some of the people who may be able to gather some information. They should ideally be able to give us a name and a location to start working from." His knife scrapes on the plate slightly, then he takes a bite of the food. It could use some more salt, but has the right amount of pepper at least. "If needs be we can split up to follow separate leads, then come back together when we need to move on the final location."

Psylocke has posed:
Nodding, she sets down his glass of juice as John speaks. "As it pleases you," Psylocke responds, then seats herself and takes a bite, chewing her food thoughtfully.

The woman's violet eyes settle into his gaze as he speaks, and she nearly forgets herself for a brief moment. When she returns to her senses, she nods quickly and swallows. "Hai, I can see where separate investigations will be helpful, but it will trouble me until I am again by your side to assist and protect you." Her suspicion is that he is more capable of defending himself than she. But it does not ease her sense of duty to him.

Ares has posed:
    At that mention he looks at her sidelong, still pushing around the eggs a touch. He tilts his head to the side as he ponders what to say exactly, for she presents... a conundrum to him. He chews on the eggs for a moment, swallows. Then he tells her calmly, "You have no obligation to me. But I appreciate your efforts." He smiles a bit and gestures to the side, "Come..." He gives her a nod. "We'll eat, drink, and make ready before we head out." That said he gives her a small nod and sets about eating his breakfast.