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Latest revision as of 04:17, 29 October 2017

Log 1687
Date of Scene: 27 July 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Deadzone, Beast

Deadzone has posed:
Knowing how much her man likes his meat, Tatum is smiling to herself as she checks on the roast in the oven. The au grautin potatoes are doing well beside the roast. She closes the oven and goes over to check on the vegetables. He might not eat them, but she will be. In her swing dress and apron, she looks like a gothic June Cleaver.

Beast has posed:
Loping into the kitchen, Hank is following his nose. For most people dinner is already over so he didn't expect to be smelling just what he is smelling, but the scent wafted to his upstairs lab and, of course, that causes his stomach to rumble and.. well...

Enter the kitchen, Hank raises a brow as he spots Tatum hovering over the large stove. He leans in the doorframe, watching her prepare the late dinner, and grins a slightly goofy grin at the strangely domestic sight...

"Well /something/ smells wonderful.." he finally says.

Deadzone has posed:
Turning around at the sound of his rumbing timbre, Tatum smiles. "Hey you, I was about to call you down to dinner. Can't make a roast for all these students, so I had to make it late or we'd have everyone wanting some too." She beckons Hank over, swishing her skirt from side to side. "Like it? Thought I`d wear something to fit with the dinner." She gestures over towards the doorway where the dining room is. She's set up the end of the table to be for a dinner for two. Candles, wine, napkins.

Beast has posed:
Hank chuckles and pushes off the door frame, slowly walking over... so he can take his time to enjoy the gothic domestic sight of her wardrobe.. Gothic June Cleaver indeed. "Well in a way you /did/ call me down. Just not in an auditory fashion." he tells her the stops ad looks down at her ensemble. "Dare I ask where you FOUND such a.. delightfully intriging wardrobe?" he asks... He looks about to steal a scrap of meat but.. no.. she workd so hard so he walks by and.. pats her behind with a laugh and scampers into the small dining area

Deadzone has posed:
"There is a cute shop in town called Blame Betty. All sorts of swing dresses. Some of them fit the sort of style I like. They can also do custom stuff. So, they list all the fabrics they have and then you pick the design you like and the fabric you like and in a couple of weeks it is sent your way." She chuckles as her butt is patted and leans in to give her lover a kiss on the cheek. She starts to get the dinner ready, potatoes and veggies and meat. It's still pink in the center, cooked to perfection.

Beast has posed:
Hank blushes, a blush shown as teh spot where she kisses loses it's fur for the moment her lips make contact, then takes a seat at the antique dining table, always careful since he is not the lightest of mytants.. then again, this seat is pretty solidly built.. He rests his elbows on said table (miss manners he is not) and cradels his head by teh cin as he watches her checking on the food again and make the final preperations.

"Well, it certainly.. suits you. Though is that somewhat sexist to think the 1960's housewife look seems to suite you well?" he asks, slowly.. partly teasing... then looks down at his tweed. "of course, I seem to fit the bill as well.."

Deadzone has posed:
She has to laugh and nods when he points out that the look suits her and him both. "I was thinking that myself, actually. I like your tweed with the patches on the elbows. Just need to get you a pipe. That blows bubbles." She walks over, her heels clicking with each step. She puts the plates down and nods to the wine. "Pour? I asked the Professor for which one would be good for dinner." On his plate, she has already given him a double portion of the roast. "Oh! Nearly forgot the gravy!" Tate rushes to the kitchen to grab the gravy boat and bring it to the table

Beast has posed:
Hank picks up the bottle of wine, though once again takes a moment to appreciate her.. costume.. as she clicks her way back into the kitchen. he shiovers a bit, smiling at something, and using a claw he deftly removes the cork from the wine and sets it down once more to let it breathe.

"Charles comes from a very refined family, so he knows his wines." he says as he looks down at the wondefully presented plate... He awaits her to bring the gravy, and to sit, before he picks up the bottle and careflly pours a measure for them both.. her first of course.

"Once the wime is poured, he unfolds a nakpin and sets it in his lap, then smiles at her. "This looks and smells lovely, my dear." he says, picking up his fork and knife.. And before he cuts into teh roast he pauses. "Tatum.. Have you ever thought of.. maybe.. us having our own kitchen?" he asks.. then starts cutting.

Deadzone has posed:
Sitting herself down, Tatum smiles over the table to him, the love light shining in her eyes as she regards him. She slips the napkin onto her lap and goes to taste the wine that has been poured.

At the comment about their own kitchen, Tatum tilts her head, looking a little confused. "You mean leave the mansion? Would be nice not having to worry about if the students can hear us... What brought this on?"

Beast has posed:
Hank raises a slice of roast to his mout, nipping at it like a cat would, and chews slowly... and his eyes half lid as the flavour spills across his tougue.... "Magnificent.." he puurs, then his eyes open wid and he look a bit embarrased. "Sorry.." he mumurs, then dabs at his lips with the napkin.

"And yes, like leave the Mansion.. and not because.. of fear others can hear us when were..." he trails off and if he could be seen turning red he would. hequickly picks up the wine glass and takes a sip, then grunt s a little as he sets it down once more.

"I just.. I've never thought about life beyond the school or the X-men..." he says softly. "I'm not talking about quitting either but.. A place of my own.. No.. A place of OUR own.."

Deadzone has posed:
Slicing her own bit of meat and dipping it in a small dollop of gravy, Tatum watches his reaction to the meal and smiles. She loves how he seems to appreciate things more. The way they taste or smell. It means that what scents are in her products have to be subtle. She's learned to adapt.

At the thought of a place of their own, a smile slowly spreads on her lips and she.... blushes. Yes, Tatum actually blushes. "I think I would like that very much. Do you think we can afford a place though? I lost my fortune when I ended up here in this world, so I only have my teachers salary.È

Beast has posed:
Hank is finding it hard to make eye contact.. So he seems to be spending more time eying the food he is eating instead.. Yes, he does look embarrased, almost shy even.. like this is a conversation he never thought he would be having before.

I have a small place I rent in Mutant Town.." he tells her. "Not many know of it. It is a safehouse, I guess. also where I stay when I wpend time there working at teh clinic.. But.. Yes, I do have the money... I could get us a modest house here in Salem's Center... Not too far away.."

He finally peeks up at her and smiles. "I would love it if you would go house shipping with me.. Because I want you to have a say in the house. What kind you want. The property.. everything. It must have a garage, though.. and a basement."

Deadzone has posed:
Tatum starts to fidget, something she does when she's nervous. She also has trouble making eye contact. The food sure looks delicious though. She nods her head about the place in Mutant Town. "I lived there for a while on my old world. With that world's Bobby. Who is sooooo not this world's Bobby. It's pretty safe to say that I would have never gotten together with this one."

She takes a deep breath and then nods her head. "I would love to go house shopping with you. It doesn't have to be anything big or fancy. I think I'd prefer something small. A nice kitchen and a herb garden are all I need. Oh, but good acoustics are important. For Baby." Ah yes, her cello, the one that Remy 'found' for her.

Beast has posed:
Hank snorts and shakes his head. "Sometimes I fear for Robert. His is terrible with relationships. Not that I should have an opinion since mine have never been very good.. until now.." he gives her a small happy look. "I just want Robert to be happy, like me.. I hope someday he will.."

The food is dissapearing pretty darned quickly now, with pauses between bites for wine and for chat.. "No, nothing too large.. If I nee space, like I said, we can turn a garage into a workshop or lab.." he says, then raises a brow at the mention of Baby.. He knws what she means, though his heart DID skip a second, then he just chews on some roast... chew chew chew.. ot saying /anything/ for a moment until. "YEs.. Agood accoustics are a must, though the basement should be... soundproofed."

Deadzone has posed:
Tatum gets a glinting smile in her eyes. "Oh, well if you want Bobby to be happy, I guess I could start dating him instead. I mean, if that's what you really want." She grins, waiting to see what his reaction will be.

She notices the pause and the raise of brow at the mention of Baby and then she clues in. For someone who is usually as bold as brass as Kenzi is, this topic is actually surprisingly putting her in a very shy and bashful head space. "A library for your books? I.... really, just having a place to ourselves would be nice. A home."

Beast has posed:
Hank blinks and looks up from his almost finished meal, squinting at her. "Oh no.. No dating Bobby. You are mine!" he says, a bit possesively though with a bit of humor. "Bobby can find his own delicious Tatum-like female. This one belongs to me." he says, and then grins.

"So long as this Taatum-Like female wants to belong to me, that is." he adds, then he reaches acorss the tabe and slips a paw into her hand, the fur receding from his fingers. "My library can be anywhere. I was thinking of something a bit more.. playful." he says, vice lowering. "You know.. Every home needs a.. Rompus Room.."

Deadzone has posed:
She can't help but laugh softly at the feral possessiveness. She is rather fond of making that reaction come out in him. "I am pretty sure that this Tatum-like female very much belongs to you and is very happy to continue being so." Taking his hand in hers, she smiles at the mention of a rumpus room. "Ah yes. A room for all the... games. And toys." She bites at her lower lip and then glances to the ceiling. "I dont suppose you want to go upstairs and play now, do you?"