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Latest revision as of 05:13, 29 October 2017

It's not what it looks like!
Date of Scene: 29 July 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Blink, 209, Molly Millions

Blink has posed:
The pitter patter of rain, along with the companionable silence had led to the two teens having drifted off into slumber after their deep and meaningfuls the day before. Sleep of course, moves people so that as Clarice is sitting at one end of the sofa, her legs sprawled out before her, arms? Well they're wrapped around the small blonde bundle of Lucy that's curled into her lap. Or at least, as tightly into it as she can manage.

It's winter on the Isle of Genosha, so it's not as warm as it might be - however the luke warm deluge that now batters the veranda and has made a small pool inside the open bay windows can attest to the time of year...

It also seems the mutant snores, if only very lightly. And probably because of the way her purple head is lolled back onto the headrest of the sofa.

Lucy (209) has posed:
Lucy actually fits into Blink's lap pretty snuggly. She's rather small and quite good at curling up. They also had plenty of time to adjsut their position. The girl spent a fair amount of the time browsing the internet to occupy some portion of her brain. It isn't her fault she can think about twenty things at once, after all.

Eventually, however, the tiny blonde fell asleep. LMolly would be familiar iwth this. It's paradoxical, in that Lucy sleeps best in the arms of another person and wouldn't trust most people to even take her hand much less actually hold her while she slept. Right now, however, she's just as fast asleep as she has been on the nights she's spent alongside Molly. And fully clothed, still.

It isn't like Lucy not to come home. At least Molly would have no trouble finding her.

Molly Millions has posed:
Molly's been on and off the island for days. Where? Why? The older woman doesn't seem inclined to say, although there's a new Beretta pistol and a Beretta shotgun that have been added to her general arsenal, so the fair bet comes under the category of 'working'. That she was already wet before she wound up in a Genoshan downpour is a semantic no doubt lost by time she actually reached buildings. And then there was a drop by their unofficial crashspace... and no Lucy. Well, that warrants a concerned frown.

Still, the next most likely place for the petite blond cyborg to be is over at Blink's. So without bothering to worry about the niceties of a hot shower and change of clothes she schlepps over in the direction of Blinks place like the abominable swamp cyborg.

It's the mental debate at the door that gives her pause, the older cyborg choosing to peer through the bay window rather than just walk in. To disturb... or not disturb? She does eventually elect it's better to go and at least knock on the door rather than go trudging back right away.

Blink has posed:
Molly's rap rap rapping at the chamber door has purple eyelid's fluttering open, accompanied by a wide yawn that's only just covered by the back of one hand. It takes her a moment to realise where she is and what's going on.

Softly glowing green eyes flick down at the small bundle of Lucy on her lap, and deciding against just shoving her off it takes a flick of her wrist to open a small portal to just beside the door latch.

Popping her hand through, the mutant opens the door, quickly pulling her hand back and snapping the portal closed before the door (or anyone behind it) can touch it.

"It's open!" She calls in a hushed tone. It's unlikely Lucy won't wake, but at least it'll be as soft a wakening as she can manage.

Lucy (209) has posed:
Lucy stirs slowly and carefully, her slender form hardly shifting against blink as she finally opts to move from the position in which she slept the day away. The girl gives a very soft yawn, blue eyes blinking as hey spring open and she begins to carefully survey her surroundings.

Eventually that bright azure gaze comes torest on Blink's face and she studies the larger teen's featurs for a long moment without actually saying a word. The door is watched as well, though in a more circumspect way. A deep breath is taken and then carefully held.

Lucy opts to continue laying there, hardly breathing. Silent. A gentle awakening? Yes.

Molly Millions has posed:
The benefits of portals. Molly smiles vaguely to herself as she nudges the door open, easing herself through the door and closing it behind her with a hand raised by way of offering,"Just me." dead obvious words are very much dead obvious, the older woman leaning up against the door with that vague smile etched on her face before she elects to add,"Thought I might find her here. Figured I should at least make an appearance... no need to wake her." in a soft tone.

Blink has posed:
Clarice smiles, waving the cyborg in with a grin. "I think Lucy's awake already." She eyes the sopping wet woman, her grin turning into a smirk.

"You're /soaked/ Molly. There's towels in the bathroom through there, and I've got a giant night shirt or two that should fit you in the hamper over there." All said matter of factly, broking no argument.

Lucy herself gets a little side-tap. More a gently patting than anything. "Want something to drink Luce?"

Lucy (209) has posed:
Lucy nods very slowly, confirming her wakefulness. The tiny blonde (why does it always change?) sticks her head up past the back of the couch and looks over toward Molly to examine her for a few seconds. She blinks in lieu of bothering to offer some kind of greeting.

As it is inevitable that Clarice will try to stand Lucy slowly shifts herself until she is able to scoot off of the taller girl and onto the actual couch. She slowly stretches as this happens. Still, the blonde is silent. She usually is, really; Lucy is a fantastic listener because she doesn't miss anything and quite rarely feels the need to interrupt. In other words, for the same reaosn she is a terrible conversationalist.

Molly Millions has posed:
"Yes, well, some glowing bullet-proof chick decided to drop me in the harbor." Molly mutters, not at all about to complain about directions, though she does remove her boots at the door to at least reduce the chance she's going to tromp mud over the carpet while she goes to collect a towel so she can at least make passing effort to not looking like the stunt double for a drowned rat. There's the nudge of the door closed for only a few moments so that clothing can be exchanged for a dry nightshirt before she emerges again. The look directed towards Lucy is perhaps vaguely apologetic to judge from the set of her mouth, for all that she elects to find a spot she can comfortably squat and rub at her hair.

Blink has posed:
"Looks like you had a rough day." Blink observes with a grin. "But anything you can walk away from right?" At least it looks like Molly /had/ walked (or swam?) away from this one. Which was a marked improvement from the last time Blink had seen her.

"Could have been worse... Could have been /ice cream/ thrown at you." Because oh yes, that happened. Crazy folks and their sticky thrown objects.

Having had no response from Lucy (either verbal or through the small bluetooth earpod in one of Clarice's elfin ears), the teen pads over to the kitchenette in her green lycra cycling shorts and oversized tee-shirt. A kettle is clicked on, another yawn escaping as she does so.

Lucy (209) has posed:
Then the bluetooth finally activates and the soft, sweet voice of Lucia reaches Molly's mind at the same time. "Tea would be lovely, thank you." Lucy yawns then, sitting up fully and straightening as she looks around at the room at large. Blue eyes come to rest on Molly and the diminutive young woman takes a deep breath before offering a vaguely sheepish smile.

"It was too quiet," the girl offers by way of explanation of - something. Then she carefully come sto her feet and goes through the process of adjusting her clothing. WIth this done she proceeds over to the door to stare out at the rain beyond the portal.

Molly Millions has posed:
Molly raises a hand for Lucy's explanation with a shake of her head and a smile,"It was cute." she offers aloud,"And I'm glad you feel comfortable enough for it. I rather you be comfortable, and safe, when I am gone." she murmurs as she finishes toweling off her hair and then drapes it over her knee,"Beats the alternatives, yes. Get's a little exhausting after a while. Like... I can only assume it's because they're so hard to kill that they think they're entitled to get in everyone's way." she opines. Not that she's developing a bit of an attitude about it or anything.

Blink has posed:
"Roger roger." Quips the young mutant as she goes about setting up three mugs. It appears whatever Molly might /want/, she's getting hot chocolate. Because nothing says 'I need warm comfort food in a drink format' like hot chocolate. With marshmallows... Lots of marshmallows. The teen actually goes back to add more in after she's finished with the rest.

And so it is, with small chopping board being used as a tray, she offers drinks around. Tea for Lucy, coffee for herself and the sickly sweet hot chocolate for the sour old cyborg.

"Here we are! And I suppose they /do/ have that attitude most of them. Right makes might makes right sorrt of thing. Or more muscles than brains..." She shrugs, having thought the same about a certain trainer of hers more than once. The gravitational pull of the small sofa is too much, drawing Blink back to it as she settles back in comfortably, drink in hand.

Lucy (209) has posed:
LUcy, for her part.... Continues to stare into the rain silently, perhced on the threshold. She accepts her tea without comment for now, holding the steaming mug carefully in both hands. It is the water that seems to have captured the majortiy of the girl's attention.

Finally, Lucy asks, "Who di this?" It's done without inflection, any motive disguised utterly by the little cyborg's complete lack of natural affect in her voice. After a moment Lucy takes a deep breath.

Briefly the girl looks back at the room and surveys each person rpesent beforeh er gaze comes to rest on BLink at the couch. She then turns back to studying the rain outside. "We should work on collecting what we need to construct a third nanite colony," the girl announces aruptly.

Molly Millions has posed:
Molly accepts the mug and has to stare into it. It doesn't take a stretch to guess she's trying to fathom what the hell kind of drink it is. And the sip is tentative as hell as a result. The coughing, however, comes before she utters,"This isn't coffee!" in protest, looking vaguely appalled at the contents,"I didn't get her name. Could have been worse, either way. I'd rather be wet than arrested." there's a slow blink of her eyes Lucy's way as she tilts her head,"And what'd that take?" she asks.