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Latest revision as of 05:15, 29 October 2017

Polaris and the Wolverine
Date of Scene: 29 July 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Wolverine, Polaris

Wolverine has posed:
    Logan is currently in the garage, laying on the ground, with his tools near him. He is wearing a set of jeans, and a white t-shirt, stained with the greese from his attempt, yet again, to repair the ancient Harley. This was something he did so he could get through some tough stuff in his head, and allowed him time to relax and let loose. This time he was currently trying to repair the crankshaft and pistons. Next on the list for the rebuild.

    "Damnit! Get in there!" Logan's frustration is obvious, and the clank and clammer of Logan hitting the bike was very, very loud. Grunting, Logan's frustration grew and grew, threatening to boil over.

Polaris has posed:
Walking into the garage, Lorna pauses hearing the clanging and growl. Dressed down for a Saturday, clearly she's got no plans to fly out to Genosha today. She's in jeans, a light grey tank top tucked in with her green locks in a knot on her head. Walking over to the bike she leans over to look at Logan. "Need a hand?" She offers, reaching out to tap the metal on the bike lightly.

Wolverine has posed:
    Logan starts, hearing the voice for the first time, and hammers his left thumb. "(*&^@#, Logan says, the cursing taking effect as soon as he sits up and his brain regsisters the hammer hitting his tumb.

    Looking up at Polaris, Logan grunts and stands up. "Thanks Lorna. That's ok. Damn thing's been givin' me grief for ten years. Just tryin' to get it fixed up to take 'er fer a ride up north next month. Summertime in Canada."

    Logan moves over to the bench, and grabs a can from the six pack he had there. "Want one? Not sure how cold they are, but beers beer. Canadian beer a' course." Logan grins and winks.

Polaris has posed:
"Ok. If you like." Lorna shrugs and considers the beer. "Sure. Not too hot in here, can't possibly be gross warm." The green haired woman nods and leans up against a tool cabinet. "If you need any help, I can work my voodoo on it, but I get how you men are about your toys." She tells him wryly. "So, summertime in Canada huh? I didn't think you took vacations just for fun."

Wolverine has posed:
    Logan nods, tosses Lorna a beer, and watches as she corals it in her own, unique way. Shaking his head, Logan grins and with a loud "psssssttttt" opens his can. Before he replies, he takes several big drinks, finishing the can, and moving to grab another one. "Ahhhh. Nice." Almost ready to burp, he regards Lorna with a thoughtful expression, and resists making it a loud one.

    "Yeah. AH go up there sometimes. Helps me think. Relax. It's tha' trip more'n the destination. Heh. Sounds like one of them Hallmarker cards." Logan shakes his head and smiles. Holding the new can in his hand, he realises something.

    "Voodoo huh? Hmmm...I'm open to suggestions, but I honestly think that if'n I wanted, I coulda had her fixed ages ago." Another smile. "It keeps me outta trouble is what Chuck was sayin'. A drink of his beer, and then, "What brings you out here?""

Polaris has posed:
"Was passing through to the stables." Lorna answers, can caught in a very normal way. She even opens it by hand, sipping rather than gulping the beer down. As to the voodoo, she looks at the bike. "You can tell she's old. Threading is a little beat up on things, little corrosion in the pipes, you can feel the pitting, you know?" She asks and amends. "Well, I can. I could shape the threading back out on parts, make sure it all fits tight, like it's meant to, but then you'd have less to fix I suspect." She points out, an amused smile curving on her lips.

Wolverine has posed:
    Nodding, Logan takes another drink and says, "Ah." He looks where Loran was looking, and nods, proud of the bike. "Yeah, she's old..." Then he blinks, and a smile grows on his face as Lorna picks the things out that even Logan didn't know about. "Not bad kid. Not bad." Logan nods approvingly. "Sure, whatever you can do to help me out." Logan chuckles, and adds, "No worries about havin' less ta' fix. S'all good." Logan takes another drink, eyeing her carefully, "Was that yer abilities talkin' or yer practiced eye?"

Polaris has posed:
"The pitting in the pipes is power, I can feel it as much as I feel your bones, the wiring through the house, all the metal in the walls." Lorna shrugs at that. Walking over she picks up one of the pieces he was working on. "Shouldn't need a hammer to bang it in." Her fingers rub at the threading. "Bike's old. The threading gets worn every time a piece is taken off and put back on. Just how it goes." She explains and runs her finger around the edge of the part in her hands as she reshapes the threading a little with a glimmer of green about her fingers.

Wolverine has posed:
    "I bet." Logan nods, listening to Lorna talk about how she senses metal. LOgan glances over at the hammer, then at his beer, and he takes another drink. "No hammerin'. Got it." Logan grins.

    "Yeah. Tha' bike's old..." Logan trails off, looking at the bike wistfully. "Been through a lotta miles, her and I. A lotta miles." Logan frowns and seems to be trying to remember something. "Wish ah could remember alla them." He nods and watches as she fixes the issue. "Thanks Lorna. Much appreciated." Logan adds, "Saves me a louda work."

Polaris has posed:
"Yeah. The parts are meant to fit. If they aren't, somethings bent a way it shouldn't be." Lorna nods. She sips at her beer again, wrinkling her nose at it's room temperature. "Chuck's still working with you on that? Or is it just old age?" She asks, eyes crinkling as she teases Logan a little.

Wolverine has posed:
    "True 'nuf." Logan agrees. "You gotta knack for this kid. Maybe we should do this more often?" Logan grins. "Ya' got a real love for her, ah can tell." Logan nods his chin towards the bike. "Ah might even let ya' drive her sometime. If ya want." That was big of Logan.

    "After all, ya did help me fix a problem that I didn't even know I had. Nice work!"

    "Hurumph! Old age! And her I was being nice to ya." Logan shakes his head. "Yeah, Chuck helps me when he can. He's got a lot on his mind though, so he's busy most of tha' time. No worries. Thanks fer askin' though." A pause. "How are you doing?"

Polaris has posed:
"She's a beauty, your bike. They don't make them like that now." Lorna points out and considers his question for a moment, drinking her beer. "Still on that tightrope. Genosha isn't openly at war with anyone, so I must be doing something right. Magneto's more focused on infrastructure right now anyway." She sighs and drains her beer. "It's never easy, managing the politics for Genosha, being an X-Man, teaching here. But so far so good I suppose." She answers and looks at Logan. "How are you, vacation aside?"

Wolverine has posed:
    "Ain't that tha' truth. She is a beauty. Thanks fer noticin'." Logan grins. Then, he sighs loudly. "Yeah. Been a tough road gettin' her back to fightin' shape. She's an old girl, but she's got plenty a' fight leftin' her." Was he talking about the bike or himself?

    Logan's mood darkens when Magneto is mentioned. However, he follows Ororo's advice, and bites his tongue not wanting to turn the mood dark after the day was going so well. All's he says is, "Yeah. Politics."

    Logan takes a final drink of his beer, and nods. "Heh. Warm. Oh well." Logan winks at Lorna, and says, "I am good! Lookin' forward to my trip. Thanks fer' askin'."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna's aware her father isn't a favorite of most of the team so she glides past the subject. "I said vacation aside." She points out and peels the tab off the top of her beer to flick at Logan. "I bet you'll get her purring pretty as can be before you leave." She murmurs and casts an eye to the bike. "It's obvious you've put in a lot of TLC after all."

Wolverine has posed:
    Logan dodges the tab with a little left step, and nods. "Yeah, she's a lass that needs a lotta TLC, you are right. Purring is a very good description. She'll growl as loud as me, if'n I can get it right." Logan chuckles. "I'm sure it won't be long until she's ready to go!" LOgan nods. "So, what are ya' gonna do now? Find some horses, go fer a ride?"

Polaris has posed:
"That's what I was thinking. Figured I could use the fresh air, you know?" Lorna points out and smiles as Logan talks about his bike. "Get the wind in my hair a little. A hike sounded nice also. Guess it depends on how fresh the horses are." She considers and chews the inside of her lip a moment, thinking it over. "You? Workin on your baby more I imagine."

Wolverine has posed:
    Logan's eyes go distant, as Lorna describes the wind in her hair. He was imagining the same thing, just that it was himself on the open road. "Yeah, I think so. Gonna go grab something to eat soon as well. A bit hugnry. Workin' on her..." Logan thumbs towards the bike, "...gets me workin' up an appetite." Logan tosses the empty can in the recycler, and stands up straight. "You know, this has been good. We'll have to do it again, soon."

Polaris has posed:
"Yeah. It's a nice break from students and politics." Lorna agrees with a smile. "I won't keep ya from a meal though, I bet you're craggy on an empty stomach." She chuckles and lifts the beer she's polishing off. "Thanks for the drink. Next time we should go wild and shoot for cold beer."

Wolverine has posed:
    Logan smiles and nods. "Yeah. Sorry about that. Cold ones, it is! Promise. Gotta get Hank to fix up my beer fridge. I promised to shave him head to toe if he didn't fix me up. Heh." Logan chuckles as his tummy growls. "Yep. Time ta' eat!" With that he nods, and heads towards the door and the kitchen. Looking over his shoulder, Logan takes a minute, and says, "Thanks Lorna! Much appreciated!"