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Latest revision as of 05:22, 29 October 2017

Log 1732
Date of Scene: 30 July 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Feral, Miss Moreau

Feral has posed:
    Black loafers click against cracked and battered pavement as a dark-dressed woman makes her way down one of Gotham's many twisted side streets. Wearing a tailored pair of leather pants and a matching zip-up jacket, she blends easily with the night but cuts a sharp and distinctive figure whenever the aged light of a nearby street lamp bounces off the blood red lenses of her sunglasses and the black runic tattoo on her face. In a compromise to the summer heat, her jacket is partially unzipped, exposing a glimpse of a bear claw and shark teeth dangling among kin on a necklace underneath.
    With her hands thrust apathetically into her pockets, the roaming predator sniffs at the air as she wanders around, pausing only for a moment to pull a piece of paper from her pocket and double-check a description. She's moving with the subtle aimlessness of someone who *might* be completely lost on this side of town, but also the unhurried cadence of someone who isn't worried where her feet have lead her.
    Then again it's Gotham - maybe she should be.

Miss Moreau has posed:
The abandoned factory in Crime Alley is as decrepit as any other former industrial center in the area. Maybe a good one hundred years ago, this area was the center of vague prosperity. Now? It's just a crumbling center for crime.

Case in point, the various cages laid out. Through the grape vine of both black market, and the means of the rich indulging in various fighting animals, there's been word of a bazaar of creatures. Not merely dogs and chickens...though both from this particular source are both more vicious and more hearty than any other. No, it's exotic animal sales. And while rich casual customers are offered your oddly fierce or unique animal such as a hippo, only the most discerning or most forceful customers manage their way in to the true treasures that the White Roses offer.

It's a charcoal-suited, white-rose'd man that notices Vanya. Her suit, that glimpse of her necklace has him pondering. A tap to his ear, and a description is relayed.

Elsewhere, a beastly grin emerges.

Here, the mook peers to Vanya. Well dressed. And strange. Exactly who his boss is looking for. Jake, the mook, grins. "Hey, hey. Is it okay for a woman to be walking around these parts alone? You looking for something, Miss?" Way too polite, utterly forced. Moreau expects a certain demeanor from her gang, and it shows.

Feral has posed:
Vanya's head turns and a sharp pair of eyes latch onto Jake from behind the red lenses. Subtly her nostrils flare as she takes in the scent of the room again and lets her weight shift lazily back on one leg, half-turning a hip to open her posture to him. The were-woman gives a cocky grin back as one hand leaves her pocket. The nails on the end are just slightly too pointed to be normal.

"Something bigger than you with teeth like this," she answers casually, flicking a finger across the long claw hanging from her neck. "I saw some cute little critters last week and it sounds like they came from somewhere around here?" she asserts, her lip lifting just enough to show a pointy canine.

Miss Moreau has posed:
Pointed nails, and pointed teeth. Two very important signs to the Roses' boss. And ones she's drilled into her men. Jake sucks in a breath at the sight, but it's one that is very much familiar. His smile grows as a particular voice comes from his white earpiece.

"Couldn't say about any of that. But the Princess wants to meet you. If you're looking for teeth...then the Princess knows just how to satisfy you. Go on in. Keep going, she's hard to miss!" Jake turns aside, and opens the door with a bow.

After a door or two, the zoo is revealed: at first, general fighting animals, leading into more and more exotic animals. Every time, Vanya is waved deeper in. Most customers here are either masked, or otherwise slinking in the low light. Eventually, Vanya is relayed to a room that's near pitch dark. It's wide, and open. And yet a single pair of floodlights are focused on one woman. Dressed in victorian, gothic dress, she's smiling widely. A book is open in her lap, one hand upon it as she lounges in a seat. An empty one is a few feet away from her.

A tall, bald man is leaned against the seat of Moreau's. There's a sawed off shotgun holstered at his side as he peers warily at the newcomer.

Moreau, smiling, claps her hands. "Good evening! Welcome, welcome, my discerning little customer! ...Oh, and most unique you must be to reach this far. So. Tell me of your desires, my dear sweet?" Her nose sniffles, and she shudders. Arms cross, just a moment.

Feral has posed:
The were-woman smiles somewhat wider and tucks her hand back into her pocket. Maybe she was showing off a little, but it worked.

Stepping inside decrepit factory, her eyes alight on the caged creatures as she passes them, mingling in her expression excitement or boredom depending on the beast inside. Far from wearing a mask, the feral woman seems to keep her heart on her sleeve - which makes the detached chill she offers any customers in her way that much colder. By the time she steps out of the zoo and into the dark though, a prideful swelling has taken over her breast and a growing curiosity has planted itself in the little quirks of her eyebrow as her gaze slides around. Being beckoned through so many doors with fewer and fewer people on the other side is a nice compliment.

Stopping in the darkness as she spots the finely dressed woman shining in the light, Vanya pulls a hand back out of her pocket to push her glasses back up the bridge of her nose. Their red lenses glint from the outer edge of the floodlight's reach and - if the large bodyguard nearby is noticed, he's given barely a glance of consideration.

"Don't tell me you have a cold," she starts of the other woman's mannerisms before getting to her question. "Well, I like dangerous animals," as if that explains everything at once, "And I've never known a gecko that could spit acid. Where did you find that?"

Miss Moreau has posed:
The woman's head is tilted, gaze shifted more towards ankles than anywhere important. Perhaps a strange thing for one so exotic as Vanya, but Moreau doesn't react. Indeed, the bodyguard seems more alert in that regard. Her hands shift, palms up, briefly away from the book in her lap. The motion is very much welcoming to the bespectacled were-woman.

"Oh, no! Perhaps in the dead of summer I shall reap the misfortune of pollens, but now? Quite fine! Ohhh, why thank you for the concern...Miss!" A small sniff at the end. Once more, her gaze doesn't shift.

Then Moreau is giggling outright. "Do you now!? And thus you are amongst my most esteemed clientelle. Not merely for that desire...my dear Family tells me that you are hardly 'normal', as far as customers go. And I trust my Family..." A reach, a squeeze to her bodyguard's arm affectionately. Not a lover's embrace, but that of a sister or a cousin.

Then, her fingers touch to her book once again. Another scent. Shiver, and she leans in her seat. "Please, sit, my dear Ursidae. ...Find? Oh, no no no no no! Incorrect. I merely...modify those dear hearts into that which does not exist. Mmm. Do you wish such a creature?" Moreau seems entirely too pleasant here, one leg casually perched over the other in her heels.

A few flipped pages, and she whispers. Beside the chair she lounges in a gecko fades into reality. It's easily the size of a husky. Tail flicking, tongue slurping, it still has that purple brand on the forehead characteristic of all her animals.

"Are you referring to something like him, mmmmm? Something larger, perhaps?"

Feral has posed:
"Ursidae?" Vanya repeats with a raised eyebrow and a surprised grin as she walks over, dropping herself gingerly into the chair. Her other eyebrow goes up as well when the gecko appears nearby and the were-woman chuckles. "Rats, magic. That figures... that's about what I remember seeing but I like my friends a little bigger."

"Nice nose," she adds off-handedly.

Miss Moreau has posed:
A small sigh. "You have a very unique scent, Miss." Offers Moreau, only to let out a small gasp. It has her smiling. A single finger is held to the air, and she laughs outright.

"Oh? You are aware, then? Good, good! Oh, that makes explainations so much easier! Yes, you are correct. I possess a certain Power. One that has made our Family most enriched!" As for Vanya's request? Two swift nods from the woman. Fingers gently trace the book, and then? The gecko quivers, shakes, and then? Explodes in size. Bone and sinew quakes, there's the feeling of pure expansion, and suddenly the creature is nearly as large as a single story building. Moreau's free hand flicks, bringing up an umbrella. Blood and other ichors rain down briefly. Never over Vanya, but Sebastian sighs like the minion he is.

This is not an unusual occurance.

"...Large enough? What would you pay, for such a creature?" Inquires MOreau in turn.

Feral has posed:
The were-woman whistles at the newly-enlarged gecko, though she does turn her head just in case some of the aftermath reaches her. Despite that, she's still smiling. "Messy but yes. Honestly, that I'd have no use for. I was wondering what else you had in your collection - and you'll have to help me with price. I normally find animals, not buy them."

Miss Moreau has posed:
A giggle. A wave of a hand. "Oh, too much? Fine, fine. I am most flexible. ...So then, you source your own animals, and then train them yourself? I can easily make that process much easier. And give them far more interesting abilities. Fire breathing wolves? Invisible reptiles the size of men...kittens and squirrels with the jaws of piranhas or the venom of spiders and the most deadly of serpents. Why, provide me with an animal, and I can turn them to your needs as you ask." She nods all at once, Moreau utterly prideful in her abilities.

A tilt of the head. "It all depends on what you are after, Miss."

Feral has posed:
"Hmm~," the were-woman considers thoughtfully as she strokes at her chin, her eyes catching a glint of the overhead lights as she looks across the factory floor at the white-dressed mage. "How does that work, some kind of temporary spell or would that breed through them?" Mum's the purpose of her having such an animal it seems.

Miss Moreau has posed:
Her head shakes, and MOreau smiles. "Temporary? Hardly! But you bring a most important question! Yes, any traits I impart to my pets would breed through. Some passively, and some by design should it be required. It is far faster to control an individual's growth in most conditions...but in the case of rats, or other such swiftly breeding creatures? Better to lay certain traits low. From one or two individuals with unqiue traits, to an army."

A nod to the animalistic Vanya. "Are you looking for a unique individual of a species, or a breeding pool to say...have for animal fights in your career?" guesses the woman. She's been tapped by many such breeders before, after all, for her abilities.

Feral has posed:
"Something like that," Vanya admits with a chuckle. "I do have a little shopping list but most animals I can find with enough wandering around... eventually," she grumbles aside before pulling her focus back to Moreau. "Does your magic work on humans or just animals?" the were-woman asks with a glance to the tall guard nearby.