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Latest revision as of 05:34, 29 October 2017

Chilling at Harry's
Date of Scene: 31 July 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Negasonic Teenage Warhead, 360, US Agent

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Harry's Hideaway is THE choice hangout for students at Xavier's, and Ellie is no different, at least in that one respect. Since the school is generally lame, and some of the older students like Trevor the jerk are assholes, she decided to treat herself to a chocolatey shake of awesome. Naturally, as anyone who happened by Ellie might expect, she's on her own, without any friends, sitting at a corner table, where she has a good view of everyone in the joint. Makes it easier to disparage them with insulting thoughts, she needs some entertainment after all. As well as of course updating her twitter feed with the kind of lameos she spotted at Harry's today.

Sussa Paka (360) has posed:
Sussa is studying the local population of Earth in this time. It is fascinating how much things have changed in a thousand years. Her planet was setted by a group of those called locally "Feminists", many of which were from this country. The irony being that in this country the female polulation is better treated than in much of the world, but they complain more about being mistreated. She has been learning the local written language. A telepathic earplug is great for spoken words, but does nothing for written ones. Of course, she is working on the sponen word too, for when she is listening over media or speaking the same way. So here she is, whith ther telepathic ear-plug in her pocket and her flight belt left elsewhere (it looks out of place enough to attract attention) trying to seem normal. She has what B5 called a Debit Card tied to an international bank account the Coluan set up for the Legion. She is dressed :noemally" for the era...in blue denim slacks and a cotton shirt with a logo on the front (the Legion emblem, but she espects no one to know it). Right now she is truing some local food. She is keeping her wait short and letting it hand naturally to about her shoulders...no point in ruining her cover by being obviously different.

US Agent has posed:
Not the first place he'd pick, but when in Rome - or when in Salem Center - John has no real choice. He's in a polo shirt and jeans that try but don't do an amazing job of hiding that 6'4" height and 280 lbs of Power Broker gifted muscle and sinew. His blonde hair is in a crew cut and sunglasses are removed and folded into the neckline of his polo shirt as he steps in and finishes his phone call with a, "Roger. I'm gonna get some calories on board and hit the road, back city side in two hours. Let me know the sitrep." before he hangs up and pockets the sat phone. . The polo shirt is loose enough to hide the heavy semi auto on his strongside hip and the big hefty 'been there, done that' military style watch hides the photon generator for his shield. He approaches the bar, settling in. "Afternoon," he greets the bartender with a clear drawl as he settles in - his back to a corner wall at the end of the bar. "Bud, Coors, whatever y'got sir. Y'all got a burger?"

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
"Try the Texas BBQ all the way," Ellie shoots at the humango stranger that just walked in and asked about burgers. That's a laugh, Harry's got the best burgers in Salem by far. Ellie would make a point to let the guys at Burger Joint know about it too. While she made her offer, her thumbs do the (fast) walking: Found Bigfoot @Harry'sHideaway. #SuperSizeDude.

Sussa Paka (360) has posed:
One thing that got Sussa in trouble back home was the fact she likes men. Especially nicely handsome muscular men. She moves over from where she was waiting on her meal and says, "Hey good lookin' would you like some company?"

US Agent has posed:
"Thanks miss," calls John to Ellie and follows it up to the bartender with "Burger, an' some of that there Texas bbq the young lady talked about." A turn to Sussa and he smiles politely, "Thanks miss, ah appreciate it, but ah'm likely gonna eat an' run. Appreciate it, though, ah do. Y'all from 'round here?"

Sussa Paka (360) has posed:
Sussa smiles, "Here? No, not here, though I live in Metropolis for while." Actually, she is from the other side of the Galaxy, so no, she is not from anywhere near here. She realized her phrasology was a bit off there. She did live in Metropolis for a while...a long time in the future.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Ellie gestures a thumb's up at John, "no prob," now she can feel like she's done a great service to humanity. Being a hero can be easy sometimes. She does roll her eyes a bit at Sussa's very direct approach towards John, and notes, "you know this is Harry's right? Not a NYC dance club..." she shakes her head, and up goes another twit: schools need to teach Flirting101 asap. #EducationSucks.

US Agent has posed:
"Spent some time there - mostly New York, went there a bit after my first tour in the service," says John as he accepts his beer and takes a sip. Back against the far wall he gets comfortable where he can see both women and his eyes flick to the door each time the door opens - not super overt, but a reflex it seems. "Ketchup, mustard, onion, pickle, lettuce, tomato - thank ya," he tells the bartender in response to a question. "You know, mebbe y'two can help me if'n you live 'round here - ah'm lookin' for a particular fella that may frequent these parts." says John as he reaches for a phone and brings up a photo of a early 20s guy - ponytail, stubble, tanned skin and a scowl on his face.

Sussa Paka (360) has posed:
Sussa glances at the picture politely, but she knows very few people on Earth. To her surprise, she does recognize him. "I did see him once, about two months back...but it was a ways away from here. I did not exactly get his name though." He was one of the people at the fight club when she was rescuing Mon with the Legion, one of her forst missions in this time.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
"I live around here...not that I got any choice, thanks to child services, bummer, huh?" Ellie offers quietly, if John manages to hear her, good for him. She doesn't usually volunteer helpful information like she did about the burger order. Ellie certainly isn't getting up from her corner booth to go look at the picture, so she just asks, "is he a student at Xavier's?"

US Agent has posed:
'Negative miss, not as far as ah know, but that's good, ah should ask," says John, working the phone with thick thumbs as he moves to take some notes. "You remember where? That can help. Ah appreciate it, you two. Jes' a fella ah want to talk to about some stuff he prolly shouldn't be doing - you know, getting in trouble an' all that."

Sussa Paka (360) has posed:
Sussa rattles off the longitude and lattitude, she does not know the street address of the Fight Club she was at. She does add, "Yeah, The place I saw him at was trouble...I was trying to help rescue a friend who was in over his head."

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Ellie politely, or not so politely, listens in on the conversation between Sussa and John, occasionally sucking a bit too audibly on her straw as she finishes up her milkshake. When she does take a break from drinking her shake, she asks out, "you looking for some serial killer by any chance?"

US Agent has posed:
"Thanks. Lat long? Nice. Thanks," says John as he types the coordinates into his phone. "Serial killer? Negative miss, not like that. Jes' a fella that's prolly hip deep in some stuff he shouldn't have been and hopefully we c'n get him on the right side a' the law, is all. Y'all go to school around here? You mentioned CPS, miss." Food is arriving so he can dig into his burger and bbq.

Sussa Paka (360) has posed:
Since the last section was spoken to the younger girl, Sussa just listens. She does not know ho the feelo is or what the gig guy wants with him. She wonders if her spy skills would function here well enough for her to locate him, it might be an interesting challenge. On second thought, she better not...at least not without more practice first.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
"Welp, guess it'll stay boring around here..." Ellie seems quite disappointed, as she sets her attention back on the smartphone in her hand, going back to sharing her misery with others. Because that's one way to feel better.

When he does mention sides of the law, Ellie snorts, "if he breaks the law at Harry's you can bet he'll be taken down, easy, it's a local favorites...the locals care about their favorites. Like, for serious."

US Agent has posed:
"There we go. That ah like to hear. Can't have a place with good Texas 'cue getting busted up," agrees John as he finishes his burger - like most military vets he eats quick. His phone buzzes once, and then again as he rises. "Hrmm. Sounds like ah may have a sighting back near the city." He reaches for his wallet, pulling out two twenties to drop on the bar and finish his beer. "Thank you, y'all were helpful - beer was cold an' the food was good."

Sussa Paka (360) has posed:
Sussa was disappointed, she was hoping to have some fun. Well, perhaps another day. Still, he did give her an idea...she will see if she can find the man using her spy skills...it will be good practice for if she ever really NEEDS to use them. Hopefully she does not get caught doing it though, that would be embarrasing.