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Latest revision as of 05:47, 29 October 2017

Another Day in the life of Strange
Date of Scene: 01 August 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Doctor Strange, 1048

Doctor Strange has posed:
The business park of Metropolis, very few places are quite as wealthy and yet somehow as hopeful as these streets can be. The earth's very laylines seem to favor this place as a fortune and fortunate area. Perhaps this is why, Stephen Strange, wrapped in a spell of illusion has found his way into Metropolis. The Sorcerer Supreme is seated on a wooden park bench with a tome in his hand, opened with more of the pages on the left as he slowly moves his hand to turn the next page and his lips move softly as he reads further. Seems he's doing a bit of study and practice this afternoon.

Chloe Taylor (1048) has posed:
    Another walks her way into the Metropolis business park. She actually sorta looks like she belongs there, even with her runners outfit and shoes she is definitely putting up a sweat, at least for the moment. She gets to a bench, ironically near Strange, and starts to stretch out her legs, trying not to disturb him.

The Eye of Amagatto might tell Strange something is amiss as well, especially if there it detects powerful magics nearby. Strange might've heard of the legendary Gorgons from Mythical Greece, but.....well....the Eye might tell him one is nearby....

Doctor Strange has posed:
The eye does grant Stephen the ability to see through all illusions but he's not using it just this moment. Instead keeping it in the amulet as it can be too much power, even for the great wizard. He does get a sense from Gianna and blinks to himself a few times.

Closing his tome swiftly with a loud clap, he stands from his bench and walks over towards the enigmatic woman.

Clearing his throat. "Ahem... are you from around here?" He asks, his hand sliding down the top of the book, masking it mystically into the form of a map to which he points at. "Can you help me, I'm a bit lost and," Stephen pauses as he looks up at her with is grey eyes, "Wow." Slips out before he clears his throat again, "I'm trying to find the Royal Park." A made up name for a made up park.

Chloe Taylor (1048) has posed:
    Gianna looks over towards Stephen and ponders for a moment. "I haven't heard of a Royal Park, no. I just moved here a few months ago." She says pushing her sweaty blonde hair behind an ear. She then tilts her head. "What do you mean 'wow'?"

Doctor Strange has posed:
"I mean, Wow." He says with a motion towards the blond and smiles. "You are a gorgeous creature." If he only knew. But he drops it at that and nods. "That's alright. I'm visiting from across the bay. A friend said he'd meet me in Royal park, but this is the only park I see." Stephen says, not too terribly good a small talk, but his ego did demand he try and yet something is still on his tongue, something is different about this girl.

Chloe Taylor (1048) has posed:
    Gianna smiles a little to Strange. "Thank you, I think." She then chuckles. "This must be Royal Park then." She says as she looks at the map. "Metropolis is a huge city, even bigger than New York. You'd have to be able to fly to get around in this city...."

Doctor Strange has posed:
"I'm certain there's other ways to get around," Stephen again trails off before he realizes his mistake. "I'm Doctor Stephen Strange." He says with a small bow of his upper half towards his newest acquaintance. "What might your name be?"

Chloe Taylor (1048) has posed:
    Gianna tilts her head a bit. "Greetings Doctor Strange. I'm Gianna." She says holding out her hand. "it's a pleasure to meet you." Of course, the way she looks is no illusion. When you're a shapeshifter, you actually look like who you mean to change into, and she's had over 2000 years to perfect her looks, so she looks, acts, feels and even smells human. "What's your specialization then, Doctor Strange?"

Doctor Strange has posed:
"Nice to meet you Gianna." Strange says, taking her hand and giving the woman a firm shake before he pulls back and frowns slightly. "I was a nuerosurgeon, THE neurosurgeon." He corrects himself, that ego, despite being humbled many times still remains. "But now I work in a more peculiar field."

Turning to look over his shoulder towards the tree line, Stephen asks, "Tell me Gianna, do you enjoy adventures?" As he asks he starts to walk away towards the edge of the sidewalks and mowed grass deeper into the park, his words more than an open invitation.

Chloe Taylor (1048) has posed:
    "it....depends upon the adventure, I think." Gianna says as she starts to follow Doctor Strange, but she was starting to get a weird feeling about this.

Doctor Strange has posed:
"I get this feeling you can help me." Strange says as he steps through the trees and into a wooded area, lifting his feet high to clear the underbrush and moves fairly slowly, his suit looking like it's going to get ruined by the small branches and things, but remains intact.

"You see the Earth has these laylines, or pathways the energies can flow and move. It's sometimes helpful in scientific ways. But more ofthen than not it benefits mages." Stephen pauses when he says the last word, his grey eyes turning back and locking on to Gianna, giving her an opportunity to reveal herself as he does sense some magic within or at least around her.

Chloe Taylor (1048) has posed:
    "And you're a mage. huh...." Gianna doesn't sound all that thrilled at first, until....she lets out a breath. "I thought I tasted something in the air about you, Doctor Strange. I imagine you can feel the leyline running right under the middle of this park, so I'll cut to the chase here." She then huffs out a sigh again. "What gave me away?"

Doctor Strange has posed:
"I am a mage, yep." Stephen says with a victorious grin on his lips, extending a hand, palm up, towards Gianna to help guide her through the brush. "Nothing in particular, just a shimmer in the air, like a heatwave almost, but really, you just confirmed a suspicion." Stephen winks playfully as he admits she said more in that sentence than he actually knew.

Happening upon a small gap in the trees, a small maybe five square foot area where the sunlight makes it uninterupted to the ground Stephen stops and turns towards Gianna. "So, away from all the dangerous eyes. What are you?" He asks, looking into her eyes again. "I sense you're something... ancient."

Chloe Taylor (1048) has posed:
    "There's a lot of names my species has been called all through legend, Doctor Strange." Gianna takes a deep breath. "But I'm one of the ancestors of the Gorgons. You know, Medusa being one of the more famous of them." She then smirks. "And no, I don't tend to turn people to stone unless they really tick me off. Or, if they really become a pain....I eat them."

Doctor Strange has posed:
Stephen's eyes widen slightly and he continues to look into the woman's eyes and nods his head slowly. "You don't seem to have the snake for hair or the lower half of a snake. Might I assume shapeshifters?" The doctor asks, openly moving his eyes from her face towards the rest of her body as he motions that she doesn't look like what she claims to be.

Chloe Taylor (1048) has posed:
    "That was Medusa, specifically. Some of us had hair, the rest had cobra hoods. And we can shapeshift, mine is rather limited though, just a human version of what I normally look like, so hair, skin, legs....all of that." Gianna then crosses her arms. "And I'm older than I look. I do ask that.....you don't spread around what I am....please. I had humans hunt down my clan once, and as far as I know....I'm the only one left."

Doctor Strange has posed:
"I would never reveal your secret to anyone. You have my word as the Sorcerer Supreme." Stephen says and then offers. "We can even go somewhere else if you'd prefer, but I assumed outside, in nature would be preferable to you." Stephen says kindly as he nods and stays close, and she might note he hasn't let go of her hand yet.

Chloe Taylor (1048) has posed:
    "Ah....so you're the new Sorcerer Supreme then." Gianna says before slowly removing her hand from Strange's. "here is fine, but I'll just have to make sure to mute my magic even more. I didn't think there were any mages left, let alone a Sorcerer Supreme. I thought the Mages were all in hiding after the Salem Massacres."

Doctor Strange has posed:
"Ah am." Stephen says and nods with a soft frown. "No, magic survived even those trying times. Particularly my master, the Ancient One, survived by not being in the America's during such cruelty." The wizard explains and steps back, clasping his hands behind his back and waiting, watching Gianna intently. "Seems we both think of each other as the last of our kinds."

Chloe Taylor (1048) has posed:
    "Yessssss, but there's a difference. The last time I trusted someone, he decided to run to the Grecian Templars and tell them monsters lived near Greece." It's then Gianna's face turns cold. "The only reason I am telling you is because very few bear the mark of Amagatto....even hidden." She then looks right into Strange's eyes. Thankfully, her eyes are changed to human. "And last I checked, Amagatto was a force for good. So I'm holding you to your word, Sorcerer Supreme."

Doctor Strange has posed:
Stephen leans his back against a nearby tree, his hands dispelling the illusion of business attire, leaving behind a black and red gi with a large cloak across his shoulders and the amulet of Agamotto hung around his neck. "You are indeed a powerful creature." Stephen complimenting Gianna further and still being a touch flirty, as is his nature.

"Hold me to my word as the two oaths I have taken hold me." Stephen himself holds great faith in words and promises, even that could be trustworthy.

Chloe Taylor (1048) has posed:
    "I will be." Gianna makes no comment on her power. She's been practicing a long time. "What made you pursue magic, Doctor Strange?"

Doctor Strange has posed:
"I sought to heal myself." Stephen says, lifting his hands briefly for a moment before crossing his arms before his chest and nodding back at Gianna, hoping she finds his answer acceptable before he asks his own question. "May I see your true self?"

Chloe Taylor (1048) has posed:
    "No." Gianna's blunt about that. "Especially not in the middle of a city." She sahs before looking at Strange's hands. "Mmmmm.....I suppose that would make you look in strange places....especially if you were desparate." She then looks over her shoulder. "I'd better continue my run, at least for now."

Doctor Strange has posed:
Strange nods, a bit solemn about how the interaction went and smirks faintly to the woman. "Feel free to come by any time." The Magician would then extend Gianna his address. "Also you can come to my place if you ever need protection or amnesty. None of my friends would harm you." Stephen says and motions back the way they came as he'll stay here and observe the leylines further.

Chloe Taylor (1048) has posed:
    Gianna takes the address and looks at it for a moment. "All right. If you do, be ready to have a fairly large room ready for me....or a cave, I'm not picky." She then looks towards Strange. "People will sometimes follow a leyline without realizing it. Stop looking and 'feel it', for the answers you seek, you may miss by looking for them." She says before she starts on the jogging path again.