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Latest revision as of 05:54, 29 October 2017

Terrible Mentoring
Date of Scene: 01 August 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Kian t'Kaeh, Iron Man

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    Glass elevators offer magnificent views. And also don't trigger the deep-seated neuroses of already-nervous birdmen. This still doesn't do much for Kian's nerves; barely two months on this planet and what in the name of all the Gods has he gotten himself into?
    Vorpal's explained as best he can, not that Kian understands especially well, but he's absorbing it slowly.
    Little of which is actually on his mind. Right now, he's being amused by the entirely common sight of the ground receding without having to beat his wings.
    The elevator slows, stops, *ping*s. With some hesitation, he pulls himself away from a view most humans would probably find vertiginous, turns, and exits the lift. He looks around shyly. "Ah, /kie/? Nnh. In Eng-liss. Hello?"

Iron Man has posed:
Tony's abode has all the pomp and circumstance the public has grown to expect from Tony Stark. The magnificent view from the wall of windows, however, is being blocked by a billionaire with a small case of neuroses. And a lot of white board markings--all calculations. The genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist stands in front of the window, marker in one hand, a drink in the other.

The t-shirts and jeans Tony wears give him a casual appearance and draw extra attention to the light that shines through the thin fabric. The voice, however, has him turning on his heel to face the newcomer to the building.

The drink is set on the nearest surface--a contract that Pepper left him to review and sign--and he treads to Kian. "You didn't happen to bring donuts, did you?" his lips twitch to the side. "English is good, but breakfast? Yeah, that's better. Did you eat?"

It's four o'clock in the afternoon, this doesn't register as breakfast to most.

Tony sees a box on the counter, presumably filled with pastries. "Excellent! You *did* bring donuts. I knew I liked you, kid. Come. Sit. We'll have some breakfast... and we can chat."

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    It's a little fast for the birdman's still rudimentary grasp on the language, but he gets a handle on it. He bows, but only after ensuring that spreading his wings will not knock anything over -- and even at that, spreads them only slightly. "/Kie/, Toni /k'tai/."
    He approaches slowly, although that seems not so much nervousness as he's looking around the space he finds himself in. Large rooms. High ceilings. It's a sensible place by his standards, and he says so, with the first approximation of a smile he's shown yet: "Good room."
    He regards the doughnuts curiously. "I did not bring," he says honestly. "Were here before me." He turns a chair around and sits backwards in it, so as to allow his wings to hang freely. "You are Leader Toni, yes?" His accent is... well, not of this Earth. Sibilant, a bit tenor, hits the vowels sharply.
    Whatever else he was going to say stops when the scent of right, sweet pastry goodness hits his nose. "Yes, b-rek-fass."

Iron Man has posed:
Tony leads the way to the expanse that passes as a table in Chez Stark. He slides two chairs relatively close together--leaving a loud screech against the floor as he does so. With a shrug, the chair finds its spot, and he motions easily to one of the chairs. It's a silent invitation, and, for better or worse it remains silent as Tony chooses to occupy the other seat.

The pastry is left on the table and he opens the box of donuts. "Help yourself," he says easily. "I'm Tony." His nose wrinkles, "Mister Stark," his eyebrows draw together "eh, we'll try it on and then decide. So. You're from out of town? Cleveland?" the twinkle of humour shines brightly in his eyes. With a flicker of a smile he reaches for one of the donuts and takes a bite into the fluffy pastry.

"But yeah, I'm Leader Tony. Or. Well, I help guide and shape young--" he waves a hand somewhat dismissively. Few would think him a mentor. "Look, I give guidelines. Boundaries. Parameters. That kind of thing."

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    Kian shakes his head once. "Not C-leev-lan. Kyshan." Well, he's still learning the language, it was doomed to go right by him. "Do not know what Vor-pal has said. About me to you. Not from Eart'h. There was ac-ci-den."
    He hesitates, then takes one of the doughnuts. "Men-tor good. Needed. Do not under-s'tan your world. Yet. Learning. Like Eng-liss.
    Absently, he bites into the doughnut. Eyes go wide. Yes, his first doughnut ever. "/c'Rhys'yw/!" He finishes it quickly... then takes another.

Iron Man has posed:
Tony arches an eyebrow. "Accidents happen." He shrugs at that, as if it's self-explanatory. "Look. I don't know much. Any places you can fill in the blanks would be useful. It'll be like a game of word find." He finishes his own donut and leans back in his seat to prop his feet on the table.

With a flicker of a smile, he nods. "Donuts are amazing. Just watch how many you eat. They catch up to you," he pats his stomach to demonstrate how they can catch up.

"How long you been here anyways? Vorpal just said we should meet so..." he shrugs. "Set-ups are always tricky. You don't know what they know about you, they don't know what you know about them. It's awkward. Maybe we should just try to do regular introductions."

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    "Two moon cycles. Two... months, yes?" Kian nods. "I am Kian of the family Kaeh. I have... unusual powers for my people. Was going to home world to be studied."
    He frowns slightly. "I only have theory. My powers were..." He struggles for the right word, then finally gives up and tries to explain with what vocabulary he has. "Ship was going to light drive. My powers... reacted. Bounced, I think. Not sure. Appeared here." He shrugs, feathers rustling softly.
    "This is nearest to a home I know yet here. Thank you."

Iron Man has posed:
Tony Stark has never been particularly mature emotionally, so he manages a vague nod at the information, including the theory and any brief details he can glean. The last is met with another nod, nearly dismissive; partly because hospitality doesn't strike him either. "Powers? What kind of powers?"

His jaw tightens and he runs a hand over his chin. "Well I'm Tony. I've been here..." his lips curve downwards and his eyes turn to the ceiling, "pretty much my whole life. I'm Iron Man. Which... means I have a suit and try to protect the world from high-level threats." His lips curve upwards some. "So, Vorpal thinks you could make a difference here if you ant. With the right training. Mind not everyone can be trained." His nose wrinkles. "Like basketball. As my dad used to say: you can't train height."

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    "I do not under-s'tan them, my powers. Not in full," Kian says. "That was why we were going to home world. The... My Eng-liss teacher told me your words for what they called me at home." He stumbles over the phrase, clearly learned by rote: "Phys-ics el-e-men-tal. Limits not sure." He looks up and smiles slightly. "And do not have right words yet."
    He sighs, and picks up another doughnut, but doesn't eat it yet. "I want to help. That... what happened with Vor-pal when we met. On the street. I did not think, I acted. Was scared after. And... thrilled," he admits.

Iron Man has posed:
Tony's eyebrows lift, "You have a place to stay here though? You're good on that front?" He may be emotionally stunted, but he knows how to help with basic needs. He cracks a slight smile. "Not sure what Vorpal told you, but we'll get you trained. We'll make sure you know how to use those powers of yours, and, if you're willing, we can try to study them here. We don't know your physiology, but we may be able to pinpoint why you have the abilities you do." He shrugs a that. "Doesn't mean we can't try."

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    "I... my needs are simple," Kian says. "I do not have a permanent place to be, on this world. It is good that an effect of my powers is that I do not need food or drink or sleep." He regards the doughnut and takes a bite, clearly enjoying it. "I may choose to," he adds with a slight smile. "He has said I can learn to use my powers. I want to. I... have not liked having them." His wings sag slightly, the faithful reflection of his moods. "I may learn to like them if I learn to use them correctly."
    He tilts his head inquisitively. "Is it normal to feel ... excited? After an event like that? Such things do not happen on my world. I have never done that before."

Iron Man has posed:
"Uh-kaaaay," Tony processes quickly, but is still not sure about having no space. "I'm not even convinced my AI doesn't need space. Not that Jarvis is wholly--I mean he is--" he frowns slightly. "Look, if you want space somewhere we can figure things out. You may not have physical needs, but that doesn't mean you don't need somewhere to be," his eyes squint at that. It's a vague consideration but one that still needs considering.

"Good. Vorpal is right, we'll help you learn to use what you can do for something useful. To have purpose with them," again his eyebrows lift. He smiles smugly, "I think it's beyond normal. It's downright human," the irony isn't lost on Tony. "It's not about the event, it's about making a difference and helping people. About the rush. We all get that."

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    Kian nods once. "Yes. A place out of the elemen's. Where I can study. I do not have family here. No one to receive my home and land from, the nor-mal way."
    He sits up a little. "I have not known nor-mal in some time," he says, smiling. "I liked the feeling. Scared, but not terror."

Iron Man has posed:
"Alright. I'll put it on my to-do list. We have space here, and I can get you a room until further notice. Vorpal and I can strategize around," Tony's finger winds in the air, "space for all of you long-term." He cracks a small smile. "But in the meantime, we'll get you training with some of our rank. And fear is good sometimes. Helps you know you're still alive. Believe me, thrill seekers are onto something."

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    "I do not seek it," Kian says. "But it seems to locate me."
    He sighs. "Powers are rare at home. They are more common here. I feel less... out of place somehow. More... nor-mal. In a not nor-mal way. /c'Rhys'yw/." He laughs softly. "I mean no offense, but your world is weird."

Iron Man has posed:
"Not offended. It's very weird," Tony agrees with a small nod and shrug of his shoulders. "Super weird." His lips purse lightly and he hums. "We accept differences more than we used to. And we go through seasons when we're more or less okay with them. Part of that is because people who are different tip the scale. They make a difference. You can be one of them," he asserts.

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    "I wan' to," Kian asserts. "I do not like being a research projec' -- or I wan' to be my own research projec'. I wan' to do, not jus' be." He straightens up a little, holding his wings higher. "I will be happy to help."