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Latest revision as of 06:06, 29 October 2017

Space-Time Continuum
Date of Scene: 03 August 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: 1025, Peggy Carter

Rip Hunter (1025) has posed:
Several months have passed and Rip had refused to leave the WaveRider for much other than supplies. But yesterday, miracle of all miracles, he abandoned ship for a seedy motel in New York. The why remains a question, but the crew knows well enough where he is. He's taken a portable wristwatch of sorts to connect him to the ship and, importantly, Gideon.

He sits at the small table of the motel room, cleaning a shiny weapon containing technology belonging well beyond the bounds of 2025 while jazz (does anyone even like jazz?) plays from the watch.

"Gideon, run a full diagnostic. I have a distinct feeling this isn't the top-rated music in 2025," Rip states blandly.

"Affirmative, Captain."

Peggy Carter has posed:
There is a knock on the door outside of this seedy motel room. Outside the door is one Peggy Carter. She's dressed in a modern business suit and there's already a raised eyebrow if/when Rip answers. The very fact that Rip has left the WaveRider is something of a surprise to the founder of SHIELD. The music will most likely also be quite a revelation.

Rip Hunter (1025) has posed:
The knock at the door sees Rip sliding the weapon from the table and to peer out the peep hole of the door. His eyes shift and he unlocks a series of three distinct locks before opening the door. "Director Carter," he greets evenly as he steps back to the table to return the weapon to it, removing the energy source before going about cleaning.

"You blend better than I would've expected." His lips press together tightly as he polishes the orb of green energy. "You seem to have adapted well enough to 2025." He, however, wears his signature brown trench coat and very cowboy-ish clothes underneath. "Spies know how to blend, I suppose." He looks up from his work. "Well, the good ones, anyways."

Peggy Carter has posed:
"Perhaps because your general attire is the same throughout the ages. My advice is still that a trench coat is almost always suspicious, Captain Hunter," Peggy tells Rip as she slips inside his motel room. As for blending in, she gives a nod of her head. That is something she is generally good at: ensuring herself to be unnoticed in the field. It was easier when women were summarily dismissed, but she finds that it's not much harder even in 2025. That should depress her - and it does - but, it also makes her job a bit easier.

"I'm surprised to see you out of the WaveRider, to be honest. As well as having such advanced technology out where a cleaning person could see it." There's a pause and a raised - amused - eyebrow that she cannot help. "Also, jazz?"

Rip Hunter (1025) has posed:
The slightest edgings of a smirk tug at the corners of Rip's mouth, "This outfit is timeless. I wind up in 1810, the trench coat works. I find myself in 1990, the trench coat works. 1950? The trench coat works. A Time Master's clothing has to be as versatile as the Time Master."

His eyes flit up towards her, "Fashion advice aside, the weapon isn't going to be left here." His eyes turn towards the door for a moment before moving back to Peggy. "Something requires my attention it -- " but Rip is interrupted by a familiar voice from his watch.

"Diagnostic complete, Captain. There seems to be a discrepancy in our files," Gideon replies.

Rip taps the watch, "I knew this couldn't be popular," he offers a near smile to Peggy. "Gideon is playing hits from 2025. I'm sure no one likes this music."

"The discrepancy seems to be fanning out, Captain."

Rip frowns.

Peggy Carter has posed:
"Timeless in - perhaps - suspiciousness," Peggy teases Rip immediately. "No one in the 50s wore a trenchcoat like that indoors and was not deemed suspicious." She should know! "A gentleman took off his coat in polite company." She grins.

As for the diagnostics and the weapon, she can't help but study both it and then Rip. Gideon's familiar voice giving them a diagnostic is met with a blink. "Discrepancy?" she asks, unable to stop herself. The door is quickly shut behind and she moves closer to Rip.

"There's a time discrepancy?" A worry edges into her tone, worried she has done something that has altered things despite her attempts to be careful. "What's happened? What is it?"

Rip Hunter (1025) has posed:
Rip casts Peggy a cold stare for several beats that earns just a hint of warmth. "I tend not to keep polite company," there's a note of challenge in his gaze. "Renegades and time pirates don't exactly require gentlemanly conduct." He casts her a flicker of a smile.

The note of discrepancy has him frowning though. And Peggy's question is met with further consideration as his chin ducks towards that wristwatch. "Gideon, do a full historical scan and compare current records to what we had even a week ago. Seek out any anomalies."

"Yes, Captain. One moment please."

Rip turns back towards Peggy, "Right now it's jazz music. It's possible there's more." His eyes turn towards the door for a beat before peeling back towards Peggy. "There was a reading yesterday. An anomaly. Someone else is here."

Peggy Carter has posed:
"A good spy tends to not expect polite company," Peggy tells Rip with a smirk. She can't help it. His demeanor really demands her to respond to him as such. "I thought you didn't wish to present yourself as a pirate: time or no. If you wish to blend in to our current time period it seems as if jeans and a t-shirt will do you well enough. Though, I may say I might suggest it merely to see how you might look in the ensemble." Teasing? Yes, of course.

"Jazz music," she repeats, head tilted slightly to the side. "Is that unusual for the time period?" She's used to the noise, the music. She never thought it strange or odd. The fact that someone else is here is met with a bit of narrowed eyes. "Someone else? From the time stream? Here?"

Rip Hunter (1025) has posed:
"That's unusual for every time period," Rip replies as his fingers drum on the table. "It's possible someone is messing with us. It's possible it's something far more sinister." His cheeks puff out with a long breath. "Way I see it, no one actually likes jazz. People lie, but it's never been truly popular."

The last has him frowning, "There was an interruption. A tachyon pulse, the kind of signature that means someone has interrupted the space-time continuum. Just enough." His fingers steeple and he frowns slightly.

"Captain, there seems to be a fanning effect from 1984. There are ripples in the news. Some simple alterations that are altering other news stories down the road."

Rip's nostrils flare. "Gideon, is the WaveRider flight-worthy yet?" he stands and holsters his weapon. "We were close on getting the emitters repaired. It's clear someone is changing the timeline."

"We are a few days of repairs away, Captain."

"Gideon, I need you to pinpoint the fanning locus. Director Carter and I will be heading to the 80s it seems. Identify anyone else needed for the mission and we can determine a strategy."

Peggy Carter has posed:
There's a bit of a raised eyebrow at whether jazz was ever popular. "I like jazz music, Captain Hunter," she tells him unironically. Perhaps she is about to argue more for her choice in music, however, there are more important things at stake at the moment: the time stream.

1984, so not her. There's a bit of relief in that. She didn't do something wrong, even though she knows she might have fiddled with the time stream without meaning to and generally tends to keep doing so. "What are the ripples? Do you know?" she asks Rip as Gideon confirms that changes are happening.

The 80s, they'll be heading there and she nods and blinks, already preparing for the change. At least she'll have a few days to study and prepare this time. "Gideon, you have no clues as to why or how they are changing it in what they are doing or what is changing?"

Rip Hunter (1025) has posed:
Rip's eyebrows lift. "We'll know when Gideon finishes her scan." As always the ship is anthropomorphized female. "For now, I can't know the discrepancies. Being here and not in the WaveRider means we'll be impacted by them and won't know the difference without the ship's comparisons. I..." he frowns and his eyes darken. "I need to get back to the ship."

He twists on his heel to tread to the door. "This was a trap. This is a trap," the urgency authority in his voice is obvious. "Gideon run the scan quickly. Do a comparison, and gear us up for a jump. Director Carter should be fine, but this can change everything." His eyes roll. "I need to get back to the ship."

"Captain, I have found 985 discrepancies and multiplying."

Rip curses under his breath as he opens the door.

Peggy Carter has posed:
"Coming to the motel room was a trap? Or meeting me?" Peggy looks at Rip with a confusion and a bit of annoyance. She has come with him this far, she expects a bit of explanation when she speaks with him...even if she may know that she will not get it.

"Why am I fine and everything else is a trap?" Peggy follows him, intent. "What exactly is going on? Who or what is doing something to the time stream?"

Rip Hunter (1025) has posed:
"Coming to the room. It's a distraction. I might not have noticed," Rip hisses as he leads the way into the hallway. "If it weren't for the jazz." Irritation edges his expression. "Someone is actively changing things to their favour. And it's causing wrinkles. We need to be the iron. We need to apply--" he hums and then frowns. "We need to stop the before they get their. If Gideon can pinpoint a date we can get there before the time pirates." And there it is. "Anyone who tries to steal the timeline is a pirate of the worst order. This. This is the vilest piracy. What they're doing? I'll only be able to guess once we see the discrepancies."

Peggy Carter has posed:
"I came here to speak with you," Peggy tells Rip firmly, just as annoyed. "I'm not the cause for your distraction, or if I am not to be blamed for it." As for being the iron and applying a way to stop it, she raises her hands, waiting for him to say something and then shakes her head. "Yes, we need to go back and stop it. I understand. I am not a fan of anyone attempting to change the timeline, so do not attempt to say that I am." She frowns. "If you don't know what they're doing or why they're doing it, we should perhaps try to find out why and who they are so we can ensure we stop them. Flailing ourselves blindly into a year might not help us."

Rip Hunter (1025) has posed:
"Welcome to the world of the Time Masters. The tools for success, but still blind we enter," Rip opens the exit to the stairs. He never takes the elevator, no matter what floor he's on. "I didn't even insinuate that you want the timeline changed. I just need to get back to protecting it." He swallows hard. "And that means moving. Quickly. Someone with a time ship can cause a lot of damage in a very short amount of time if they're not stopped quickly."

Peggy Carter has posed:
"The ship still needs days to repair," Peggy says as she follows him to the elevator, not allowing him to finish the conversation by passive aggressive door closing - of the motel room or elevator variety. "Gideon says days. You storming off does nothing to help the cause," She tells him evenly. "I was merely attempting to figure out what had happened. I will certainly help you no matter whether I might be directly involved or not. Do you know who might have a time ship that might do something like this? I would hope the people with such power is few and far between.

Rip Hunter (1025) has posed:
"Not as few as any of us would like," Rip replies evenly. "The repairs to the WaveRider won't fix themselves. We'll get them done and be in swift pursuit. But running to the ship is imperative if this isn't to be accepted as history in my own mind." He casts her a hard look. "You're already out of time. You can't be impacted. But my own life can rewrite depending on the nature of the blip." He shakes his head slightly. "I should've stayed on the ship," he murmurs.

Peggy Carter has posed:
"I'll help you," Peggy tells Rip with a hardness and a bravado that she has certainly earned. "Don't try to assume that I won't or that I am not capable," she tells him. She's not sure about this manic nature of Rip, but she studies it quite eagerly. "Maybe I'm out of time, but we'll figure this out together. Why else did you bring me here?"